Oct 31, 2019

Got paid theologians, `money for flowers`.

Tens of thousands of young people are caught up in criminal activity other than violence every year. The recent upsurge in knife crime is both terrifying leading to heartbreak. 
​We are called to be light in the Dark.
Lets all pray with all Christians for young people in our towns and City's.

There seems to be an ingrained hierarchy of ministry in most churches. Ministry with adults at the top. This is the ministry to which everyone should aspire and work toward.
Under that comes youth work, 
beneath that working with children.
Bottom of the heap, under-resourced. Like the idea, YOUTH WORK even recognised as important.
but not well liked, nor is it proper thought as ministry. Simple but true fact.
Are many difficult circumstances: Resources and provision is to small with budgets that are insufficient.
HEY HO we got 'paid theologians and money for flowers'. 

This generational reiteration 
of such attitudes merely
perpetuates the issue.

AS I HAVE MENTIONED BEFORE...well not because don`t even know what that means but,  
Organisational culture consists of three levels:
assumptions, which are below the surface, values, and artifacts.

Oct 30, 2019


"Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thought you would have got back to me by now, it's good to see your doing okay: from a friend
8:15 AM
Dear Anonymous  . .how can l when do not have contact 
  kevin_wllr@yahoo.co.uk    07919231592 

I want to talk to God,

God show me the way because the Devil's tryin' to break me down

The only thing that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now

And I don't think there is nothing I can do now to right my wrongs

 but I'm afraid because we ain't spoke in so long, so long

To the victims of welfare for we living in hell here hell yeah
(Jesus walks for them)

Now hear ye hear ye want to see Thee more clearly

I know He hear me when my feet get weary
Cause we're the almost nearly extinct

But if I talk about God my record won’t get played,

Oct 29, 2019

The virtue of wrestling with and treasuring questions is not where many allow them selves to grow. But it been essential part of my later journey.

As Romans 12 encourages us, we should be “joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”.
done that, 
got T-shirt,
Now what . . 

Anything that Kevin Waller, has to say is more then likely something learned, stolen, borrowed, picked up.
Not going to shout out in `spiritual language`
nor use words that suit others.
Just humble kind of guy, but also confident in this period, about what l have discovered.
This faith thing follower of Jesus, is not exclusive,
efforts to make it less exclusive always allowed.
More then that  . .Vital.
What l discovered is "..This is how l should be living"..
Even at this present time, `Post Christian society` know l am coded by my culture, community grew up among, education have received.

But still found this relationship with God, even though others don`t like me using that.
Truth is secular forces in my profession will oppress myself for having God dynamic.
Some of the `God` gang ,don`t see me as part of that tribe because of `non God community `been placed among.
Trying to avoid the spiritual language has made me trust less in the Church, and more in own Nomadic tribe, some who having same journey as me.
There this wrestling been part internal ,that brings me to honestly question, also grow in that place.
The virtue of `wrestling with and treasuring questions`,
is not where many allow them selves to grow.
But it been essential part of my later journey.

Oct 28, 2019

How l miss the` light in your eyes`....

But I tried to run,
though I knew it wouldn't help me none
'Cause I couldn't ever love no one, or so I said
But my feelings for you
were just something I never knew
'Til I saw the light in your eyes
But I love you best
It's not something that I say in jest
'Cause you're different, girl, from all the rest
In my eyes
And I ran out before but I won't do it anymore
Can't you see the light in my eyes

This illness and this LIFE it affects me in such silly ways, Yesterday l was sleeping stood up, while l was out and about. Embarrassed yet daily have to apply for work, manage meagre income, stay cold ,go without medical support.
Have injection to supplement fact my body no longer process correctly.
what happened to growth personal goals and daily focus.
truth be told l see no light.
worse part is been on dole over a year presently that not easy thing to admit 
had around 8 interviews
applied for more then 150 positions
Faith is tested, still believe harder not to .to be honest but raise the flag of unanswered prayer.
life  goes on you know …you know ..it isn’t easy.

In the beginning, Christianity rippled through the music of Kanye West. He was the star who made his name by envisioning a world where clubs would go wild in the name of Jesus and testified that before he left his planet he would touch the sky. West was happy to present as a natural-born sinner who believed in scripture; a heathen with God in his heart.

Like many great rock stars before him, Kanye West has cranked up God's jukebox. 'Jesus Is King' lacks his trademark goofball sense of humour, but that's partly compensated for with warmth and hope for the future
Being employed  as a youth community worker, street based worker. Church worker ,even Pastor might be good for your own  soul, 
But don’t expect it be good for all  presently need , for my own survival.

Oct 27, 2019

Simple truth about fear

"Let's talks" . . simple statement yet some are frightened
Because to talk involves interaction.
Exposure to `uncomfortable`
Feelings may surface 
Growth should occur
That for all of us can be threat.
Also find from my counselling experience and understanding, 
Northern  male types worry enormously by  `Lets Talk`..
Such well being is vital.
I'm not OK your not OK
Everyone's not fine......

Oct 26, 2019

sad sad sad 39 deaths

Real sad around issue 39 people
Died in back of truck trying reach this
awful country when can others understand
This place might not be econmicly  sound or worth risking Life for.

Oct 25, 2019

"Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"

Back to conversations,exploring Better understandings.

 One big thing that could make people , like our Preacher Tuareg ,change is the sudden discovery that they can. 
This sometimes happens and is  observable effect of Transaction Analysis.

In our conversation. . .. (person 1) is actually a Safeguarding officer with special responsibilities for Children.
(Person 2 )Found in own working culture enquiring about a common assessment form,CAF.
So it is with some expertise that the debate taking place,it a quiet conversation,has been carefully cultivated both participants.
(Person 3) Is uninvited into dialogue,takes over,damns others interjecting view not required.

But despite negative attitude , however, Tuareg may begin see that there is indeed another way to live.
Wee bit more on background.Struggle gender,challenges over years complaints from around 5 female staff, suggestions untruths,made comments ethical cause further dilemmas ,temper issue witnessed,some issues based on observance.
Doe`s person want to changenegative approach.?
Well not if this `muscular brand of Christianity` ..(see Dr Arnold of Rugby).. goes pastoral unchallenged.!
Not if it is too common behaviour.!
Not if by any means it is accepted.!
Like Bible passages you have to read around context, where its taking place,observe other key factors.
To bring or prioritise understanding ,Must be change in concept ,
Commitment work towards improvement.

Most conversation will be taking place around you 
further this day or indeed tomorrow.
Hope slight understandings help when explore  . . .context
Process  . . .Whats really going on.
Background of people involved.

Oct 24, 2019

recieving message

We’ve cultivated a culture that boastfully shares every good action,advice,thought picture, also every bad picture,song,action and thought.
we feel need to share our opinion ,further angry rant so every person can see.

Facebook and Twitter,Instagram,via-pod,face-time etc...
Become now our go-to platforms, lets be clear worst examples are the pensioners.
They took over Facebook and they will show you on their phones what they been displaying,reading,responding to even though l suggest they cannot read it acutely.

One of the worst examples is outer estate community, old Lady with mental health issues. Debs not worked in decades, hence Facebook become her `idol` of the present age, `God` she will tell you given him great gift for `discernment`.Street volunteer despite fact 13 other agencies working same patch,(Lead into this area by others),
Yet cannot see that she is most boring ejeet walking the area, But Facebook is the go to moment for all truth…Google it…often is her chant…Yet Debs should be reading books and listening to podcasts..LISTENING.

Same issue with Preacher Tuareg....LISTENING...But let me add active ,active listening, where whole of our bodies listens,yes whole,we take in gestures,facial image,scene,all along with context.
Respond should be more muted.Indeed we don`t have to always respond.Be more selective and here l must improve.
Area Feel have improved in, we can especially if ACTIVELY LISTENING...is this `don`t be racing ahead in your mind with an answer`,it shows not LISTENING,cut out the `counselling mmmmss and emmms`.
Learn what the other person is saying.

Oct 23, 2019


Transmitting correctly is where need to be when communicating Recognise `Rural` people struggle with more intimate conversations.
Feel in country,coastal areas, sense of Isolation can lead to limited dialogue,then shows in areas of knowledge.
Fact that there is a sameness around issues makes me uncomfortable.
Must concentrate on how people receive your message.
Try take on board on others experiences.

I could go east, I could go west

few things sure of at present  . . . . . . . Jesus wasn't crucified for acting like  `polite vicar in a pair of socks and sandals,`                                           As if really have choice about present politics . . . . .                          I too am lost, I feel double-crossed
          I'm sick of what's wrong and                what's right

Air turned cold
Suppose we all need home
Sometimes  wander on alone
Stood alone on a mountain top
`Starin' out at the Great Divide
I could go east, I could go west
It was all up to me to decide
Just then I saw a young hawk flyin'
And my soul began to rise
And pretty soon
My heart was singing'

Oct 22, 2019

Father who teaches birds to fly
Father of all
Father, who teacheth the bird to fly
Builder of rainbows up in the sky

Who build the mountain so high,

Who shapeth the cloud up in the sky
Father of dreams
who turneth the rivers and stream

Going back to conversations....preacher Mills enters the building overhearing a chat...
person 1...`if for example a 16 year old female going alone on boat with her father for holiday. . That would perhaps fit Common assessment, here you develop framework`.
 . . Person 2  . .`but not every occasion?`
Person 1.. `Then hear that father recently stopped a young guy around 16 who was walking the girl home from school. Holding the young man by throat he threatens him saying` keep away from my daughter`...
Person 2 ..`Would that be enough..`
Here Preacher Mills jumps in...RED faced and spitting feathers says to all, but targets person 1...
"It’s because of people like you, that this society likes it is!”
Now what’s happening here is to do with context.
A Conversations in flow ,When Preacher Mills ,entered.
Is What he hearing with to do memory?
As opposed to what he hearing presently?
Because (a); not clarified issue.
                (b);The response is argumentative also rude.
                (c);But it’s unfair not just to person 1...But others.
Is the statement made for all who have to listen or is it directed to Person 1?
Alarmingly what is behind Preacher Mills’ outburst ?
 Could he be in dispute with child?
 Could he be an abuser?
 All worth considering, why? 
Due to nature of the outburst, intervention and reaction physically, RED face and anger felt by all listening...

father who takes away . . . .

Father of loneliness and pain
Father of night father of day

Oct 21, 2019

lets talk about . . .that baby...well maybe not

Respect Yourself was set up by Warwickshire County Council

Sexualisation of children

The website included a 47-page “sextionary” – a glossary of explicit sexual vocabulary.
It also condoned promiscuity, with one section telling girls about the best way to sleep with strangers.
It says: “If you are on a girls’ holiday and make the decision to sleep with someone you’ve just met – for safety’s sake, take them back to your place, where you know your friends are only in the next room”.
Following complaints, the council has pulled it down.

Oct 20, 2019

In difficult issues conversations goes like this ...becomeentrenched... Call names...remove yourself and withdraw.... Does notmean your views not VITAL

In difficult issues,when your conversations not valued
reactions sometimes go like this
...Become entrenched...
Call others names...
remove yourself and withdraw....

Does not mean your views not VITAL relevant or important
This week going to write about own experience of difficult conversations,
further understandings around conversations
Let's talk
Make that call
You know that l will actively listen to you

Oct 19, 2019

Glad really not fitting in at present

I appose Low wages...Insecure employment...underemployment...Non contract work...
want people to have choice to gain skills...Love Vinyl..
enjoy reading books...Hate ill health... Want to create community...Miss F.A because hate unfinished symphony's...
Deserve better benefit system when fall ill or without paid employment . . .Want everyone to have a decent Home . . .feel they are part of family even if they are loners...
Found Jesus teachings to be real and vital . . .Recognise others Faith journeys . . .

"Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"

somehow she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven with a picture of the ocean and the beach
 . .simple words he wrote her
Said he loves and they told her
How he'd love her if his arms would reach

Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near, I wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
 "Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here"

Oct 18, 2019

Careful which rebellion l join

"sometimes I talk before I think,
 I try to fake it but I can't
I'd rather lose for what I am 

than win for what I ain't"

REALLY love `New Country` as they call it .Eagles were perhaps most popular of country rock ,`New Country ` bands. but among newest crop is KC Musgrove,Tim McCraw,Garth Brookes...here the rub Die-hard country music fans call them impostors and not genuine.
same issue in church Ignoring God of wrath,not accepting `Eternal Damnation,Hell` and doctrine that not good gets same response.

Same with this `extinction rebellion`, Cant seam to see arguments hold common sense,popular but not truthful nor Honest.
perhaps if they concerned about poverty and creul streaks that are unmercyful in our society.well that a rebillion gonna get my juices flowing.
Not one full of `NIMBY` People, that self posturing.

Me always been a `Rebel for Life`..
.just careful which rebellion l join....

hope link works for you

Kevin W Youth Pastor 

is steward of ultimate things

Jack snipe are one of our more charismatic waders with their constant bobbing motion whilst feeding. On this day in 2010 twenty birds were seen at Haverton hole


This simple video just made me feel hopeful around issue of faith ,creator also joyous.
yesterday after episode with my health plucked up energy went for a walk along sand dunes.
It frustrating not getting so far but nevertheless .Enjoyed moment.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"