Sep 30, 2023

Some days l just feel the need to say stuff like this…todays it’s Prayer.

 We all pray

We all should talk with GOD.

We should all take time to reflect.

Dance like no one’s watching.

Wear whatever keeps you warm especially now it’s getting colder.

If don’t know what to say in Prayer the opposite image may help.

But whatever is on your heart is acceptable whoever is on your heart.

Wherever you are presently is acceptable.

However you value GOD is OK.

The great theologians are just people who practiced the presence of Praying. The most troubled individual will have in mind along with Hearts, desire to murmur the inner words.

That person humbly struggling to face the day, will know as the spirit aches he can communicate.

There are only those who are outcast on this journey.

The comfortable are doing the GOD business. Angels are communicating, longing, aching to intercede.

Open your hearts, free your mind. Pray aloud.Pray quietly. Pray in silence’s.

But have a talk with Jesus when your ready.

Sep 29, 2023

Northern guys ramblings, thoughts that escape!

 These are my stats of people viewing, this Northern guys ramblings and thoughts that escape a wild head.
often unmuted.19 410 5590 This month

Again not saying anything to informative just a humble `muthafrecker` from North east coast.

The leopard comes every night to meet the cow and the cow licks its head.

The man spoke with the previous owner of the cow and found out that the leopard's mother had died when it was only twenty days old and since then the cow had fed the leopard with her milk. Therefore, the leopard thinks that the cow is her mother and comes every night to see her.


Sep 28, 2023

Boy what would write on belonging to Tribal gathering .

Trying to find a faithful place to grow
Somewhere good further with Biblical root's.
Commitment to community.
Desire to have encounters with outsiders.
Not big favourite of modern soulless worship songs. Discussions conversation.
Yes getting my juices flowing.
Strong emphasis on delegation of tasks.
Open door leadership, Empowerment to the least in relation to top roles.
Participation methods then allow many gathering are blessed.
Loads meals times, tones of sharing.
Boy, could write on belonging to a Tribal gathering like this for weeks.
Got to be some sort of ,`Jesus people` meeting like this someplace.

Sep 27, 2023

Whatever you call it, enjoy some solidarity further reflection.

They have given us facts a storm is on the way.

The Seagulls know it, waves are aware. Battered down. But more efforts required in West of UK.

Been in country side  this day after taking car to garage.
Enjoyed the space to reflect. Not be influenced by TV voices, radio interviews , others comments.
Faith of others still evident in most rural areas.Church been serving community in last few hundred years.
Now placed there for once month gatherings.Perhaps when culture wars are over. It's previous value may be once again required.

Shriek of a kestrel, followed by its downward spiral to its unfortunate catch below, brought me back to the end of 30 minute space away.

Bus journey back to town, begin days chores. They have a name for this these days... Mindfulness...

My tride we practiced this all time call it prayer and praise.

Whatever you call it, enjoy some solidarity further reflection.

Sep 26, 2023

Detours and hazzerd make day long.

The weak but beautiful Autumn sun shone brightly, feeling blessed if somehow challenged.

Journey home brought long detours,further covaluted hazerds.
Darkness catches me out ,now late nights arrived.
Back to hospital visits tomorrow.

Sep 25, 2023

l was on wrong road.



I can recall the conversation with Stevie B, not long before he died in the spring of 77...since you became a follower of religion, you forgot about all of us.

that made me change the direction of my LIFE. I was not encountering issues, not in relationship with those should have been.
Nor was l engaging in relevant ways.
Its pretty odd that l was becoming pretty self centered and very Religious, prayer meetings, Church official decisions, outcast from my own choice, not involved with others away from directly those l had fellowship among.
It took a pleasant exchange with young friend (l was only 18), to put me on right road. But l was on wrong road, God corrected me. Didn't know how incorrect l was. Some of these words are heavy words. 

Relationships..encounters..issues..relevance..Communication. All big words. 

Sep 24, 2023

haven't learned from the past. That's a painful confession.

It wasn't better not worse but in my view.
Simply different that's all the difference we could measure.
Season's still change, money still spent, family's still vital, community still developing. 
Lord still rose again from crucifixion.
Poor still poorer further Rich still got richer.
Don't like expressions like .."Kidz today" etc..
Would you `over 40s` swop places with teenager

NOT me. Been there still got my -'Slade in Flame T-shirt'-.

Music still. OK still got Vinyl, Community vital but youthie closed.
Fashion's change economic well being affects quality's experienced.
Simply US, we haven't learned from the past. That's a painful confession.
Especially for those in Political scene.

 Autumn Sunshine with the leaves falling  is one of   nicest views of the year.

  Everything appears to be changing, not dying    just ending, for new life ahead. 
 Those in `Autumn of their life's`, are also   slowing down. But still got LIFE to be lived.

Sep 22, 2023

Abuse still being practiced by those in power.

The seasons changing, new timetables, tides deeper, ice-cream sales dropped.

Seagulls still need culling, no repeat that Seagulls need culling 

Rides are shut, warmer clothes, well extra layer now Worn. That old saying one from Stevie Wonder catalogue still very true.

Love's in need of love Today.

Your still missing, old heart still being tested. Abuse still being practiced by those in power.

Last Pirates become 'settee lover's' as season comes to close.

Last hurray still take place as few warm weekends remain.

Faith still requires prayer, reading, discussion, yes challenge.

Faith in God still needs sharing whatever Faith in Jesus means.

Relationships need working on, good old fashioned values need to be remembered.

Season brings change.

But also brings reliance to what we may have found valuable.

Sep 21, 2023

Limited capacity to contribute.

We are experiencing something new not really recorded in Social not custom.

The cancel culture and toxity coming from political groupings mainly from WOKE gathering.

When challange they attack those standing opposite with crude arguments.

Fascist, Nazi, CIS are common attacks.

Personally l think those gathered in WOKE community, not explored arguments accuracy.

Ethics and beliefs, virtues,values, are seldom explored 

Animal liberation, just stop Oil have morel commitments that believe Animals should not be tested for medical research.When we have ,'Downs syndrome' candidates, plus Disabled whose contributions are limited. Plus capacity of vulnerable to contribute to society is very limited.

That's WW2 German Party ethical choice 

Animals should be culled and vegetable diet should be followed.

Some Christian of my tribe are very committed to WOKE culture. Unsure again, if they have sourced it's ethical morels. Or discussed the dilemmas raised.

Sep 20, 2023

Endtimes theology, leave that for later.

Apparently it was stormy last evening.

Apparently the TV was rubbish.

Apparently l got some nuclear chemical in me from X-ray so sorry we can't be close to night.

Apparently they,well some are saying we are in :End times'. Apparently.

Prayed for relief to those that are suffering in Lydian tragedy, Prayed for Syrian situation.

You see my sense of God means grateful that others just are committed to cleaning up the mess.

Going Apparently where few are going.

Prayed thankfully for those from all over world who in my moment of health requirements today Nursed me.

They put needles in my arms, put me through procedure's. Made me cup of tea.

Cup of tea, that always works with me.

Apparently we should be concerned about 'Endtimes'...My theology. Never consulted to much those passages.

Never really big teach.

Kind of concentration gone into, this moment, this period,these people, them issues.

End times, leave that for later.

Sep 18, 2023


 In everything you say and do keep your eyes fixed on Jesus as your model: walking and standing, sitting and getting up, eating and drinking, speaking and keeping silence, alone or with others. In this way, you will grow to love him more, familiarity with him will increase your faith and grace, you will become more perfect in virtue.

Let this be your wisdom and your purpose: always to be thinking somehow about Jesus, so you are striving to imitate him more closely  love him more deeply.

The apps on your phone... just as the books on your bookshelf, your YouTube, Google search history... 

These are indicators of ,` who are you today,` as well as who are you becoming , further may be going to be tomorrow...

 Why? Because they show how you’re spending your time & the type of “information” 

 By changing what you read, type of “information” we all watch & consume, being more specific, those  you use on a regular basis, can begin to change, Can help you improve, maybe grow... perhaps becoming better person!

Sep 17, 2023

Autumnal Beauty.

Autumnal weather night closing in, means getting darker. Fields been cut, yellow stands out against all those shades of green.


Buzzards, sparrowhawk and kestrel all flight over same area . Flutter mid air then swope.

Again it's beautiful.

In the harbour, redshanks dive down depths, we wait watching for them to reappear.

Kittyhawk's make that shriek hover over head.

Family and friends eat takeaway fish and chips.

Been in God's Kingdom, pleased to report.

It's beautiful. So are you.

Sep 15, 2023

Bit of me development.

Synchronicity. Allows Us to carry down the same road, on that journey, until we reach a common destination, not coincidence.

But they say it's` universal principle` that makes things happen in just the right way.

Suppose what need to spend more time on at present is exploring `what l am putting most of my energy into.`?

What areas should all of us be investing?

Where is best bit of Kevin focus required ? Think get easily led by events, gatherings, lost some of the reflective practioner.

This enabled me to think through stuff, as it happen ( Just the right way).

Things can happen in the right way. This individual needs to refocus on , Less social tribal messages

Sep 14, 2023

Well anyway...

Then illness kicked in, day became struggle. Thoughts raised to days when this type of thing will not be possible.
To damm young to be feeling this damn ill, frustrated with this experience.
Then a Lady at 87 can't reach the cake in shop, l listen she no longer bakes, recently Husband passed away, family got own life's, tablets restrict her, doesn't want the Chocolate, but, "could l pass her the Victoria sponge". Informs me about her battle with Cancer.
God humbled me, Blessed her, we separated. Both to struggling, further Getting through. Plus getting ready for Hospital. OH yeah plus have Chocolate cake.......Someone has too.
We forget how lucky we are.
Me... forgot how lucky, blessed, capable l am at present, well let's sing ...
Hallelujahs anyway.

Sep 13, 2023

Now l am no expert in this field just a practioner from Faith community with around 45 years experience on frontline of inner cities and rural communities.

Is Still my preferred way of contact, as l don't answer phone to Private or withheld numbers.


I don’t have a problem with people walking dog on the beach, as long as you clean up your hstte .For those of us `dreamers romantically caught up in the sophisticated soul in out heads`...This beach in very early mornings, is part of our daily sabbatical.

Yes we are that poor economically, make sure your dog is on a leash. All the time ,make sure you clean up after them, try to remember they are aggressive with strangers. Further especially with people in Wheelchairs, plus little kids. Many who are vulnerable.


Labour view. The proposal to make it harder to be found to have LCWRA announced by the government, LABOUR PARTY criticised them Tory's failing to look after people’s health. There has been no promise to reverse any of the Conservative proposals around the WCA.

 2015 Labour leadership election, that the party had to support welfare benefits reforms or face being out of power for decades. LABOUR PARTY backed Conservative government’s benefits cap.

Tory`s view. via 

DWP’s twisted logic, it is a kindness take away the additional ESA Claimants £390 a month they receive, push them into the limited capability for work group, further subject them to the threat of sanctions.

Tory`s state` employment has changed, especially since the pandemic, with many more opportunities to work from home`. 

Now l am no expert in this field just a practioner from Faith community with around 45 years experience on frontline of inner cities and rural communities.

I can only conclude DWP this Government, are delaying decisions in excess of  years, hoping people will die, As not providing the support they need.


How are you feeling?

Perhaps you still can’t face putting the eating plates plus cups in the right place, Or you find yourself uncomfortably emotional reflecting previous events, some from that place in the past.. Maybe you've resorted looking randomly photos from the past.

In person centered approaches. The Past crops up often.

Working through this issue with you, saying goodbye never took place so lies became the LIFE you then believed you lived.

Sep 12, 2023

Queen of my soul...

If you had any connections with myself you will know of my most frequent Loves.
Music is nearly my first Queen.
This new to me, artist is sophisticated soul very much like Delfonics, Chi-lites, with lyrical genius of Bobby Womack.
Heard it and the Bullet hit.
Not getting the Tamla verve nor Martyn Gaye vide music papers claim.
But they not expert. The Feel is most capturing here Again with me it's also .How you live with what also you got to say to me.

Listened in full to last U2 Album. Songs of Experience. Very personal to the writers, a little bit Sameness.
Hell they brought out about 30 Albums been present in my life since Early 80's.

Music is my last love l expect.

Sep 11, 2023


As travel at present, two issues compound myself.
Time have to give to people would .."much rather kick in the head".
How beautiful nature is how fortunate am having health enough to get around.
I am middle aged, heard the description today so know its true.
64...that top end.
too often Seeing a sign that states callously...


The you here is me, also us. We are not supposed to be forgotten Supposed pushed out at such early age.
But feel it's worse for the youth of this time.

We are supposed to value the journeys others make, recognise the virtue values, beliefs others hold.
Come from the north east coast, sea faring people, hardy faith holders, community builders, youth engagers, ex boxers, music lovers, workers, lovers. Seekers ,Searchers, good stewards, not greedy have a moral compass, engage with others.
Not best educated, not best in economic well being, don't hurt others, reach out.
Love Like Live.
We have contributed. 
Discovered for to often. The past is glorified.

Sep 10, 2023

Rain come down,wash this dirty Town.

B-side classic song by Dire Straits..Romeo and Juliet.

Working hard,doing for others, seeking Justice , experiencing Mercy, trying to be Humble, all ways keeping Clean.

At peace, But sometimes LIFE is messy.

Relationships fail or stumble. I struggle cognitive narrative doesn't flow, spiritual Spiro is wrongly coloured.

Or Me , l am just plan awkward, lack patience. Health affects way process helping  Today pain was too difficult.

Feel like just a NHS navies.

But Rain need's to come down wash this dirty Town.

Give me space Lord, Hey Lord ,don't ask me questions. Lord Smile down wash me too.

Sep 9, 2023

Saturdays on the Beach in September.

It didn't look good at all, can't tell you how the story ends.

But we had some Drama.

Me got, this grasping cough, flaking down, chest infection.

Doing lot for others. That's my Drama.

Saturdays without football in September doesn't feel right.

Nor does the temperature of low 30's.

Sep 8, 2023

Occasionally his footstep's, pause from `playing in Heaven` .. @spiritofthestreets58

September 2023. 
"I decided now I was ready to finally know and hear the trial details of my beloved boy James' killers. The wounds must be exposed for healing to begin. Hoping this documentary, aids my 30 year quest for justice“ Denise Fergus  

Still with many l grieved.
The smell flowers outside, where James body was found. Sound of People crying. Shock this happened.
Prayers often remain for Ralph plus Denise, James parents.
Occasionally hear his footstep's pause as he waits to run to them again.

Occasionally hear his footstep's `playing in Heaven` pause as he waits to run to them again. @spiritofthestreets58

My time Liverpool working those street corners was ending. They moved me from Anfield L4. To be with 'Good shepherd' on Norris Green. That period still burns in my heart plus my mind. But when that Sad, Dramatic experience is analysed l still grieve...@spiritofthestreets58


Sep 7, 2023

The saddest, dramatic event experienced

Two 10 year old lads adducted another child in Bootle Liverpool 1993.
It still too soon,
Too evil,
Too dramatic,
Still with many l grieved.
The smell of flowers outside the place where his body was found. Sound of People crying..shock that this happened.

I had found in someone special, something special. My time in Liverpool working those street corners was ending. They moved me from Anfield L4.
To be with 'Good shepherd' on Norris Green.
Some events in life become distant.
That period still burns in my heart plus my mind.
The journey from there to now sometimes feels long 
But when that Sad, Dramatic experience is analysed ...l am back there. Oh yeah....Still.

Memories don't leave like people do.

Sep 6, 2023

`Premier Christianity` . . Sept 2023

 So l thought in my wisdom, my desire to be informed, to explore if l am just a grumpy `GIT`.
Lets see what is happening in that white, pure, woke, right wing driven faith publication .

( Followers of WHO), l don`t know.

Ain`t no one l recognise as my tribal leader.
There is an image on the cover of `white woman pastor, hill song type singer.`
Those `ultra bright white, sparkling tofu eating teeth.`
But the back covers interesting...Older couple White, cardigans, 
corduroy slacks, M, and S cookies. Hugging each other with screams of erotica, going through the image. They just got great finical advice.

Doesn't it show., again those horses teeth...`ultra bright white, sparkling tofu eating teeth.`

You know what comes few pages in...Review of the new Barbie doll film...NO I AM NOT KIDDING.

Nearly every article is by a white woman posting from a position of being rich, exclusive, and spoilt.
It shows.
Nothing about issues many will be facing, from retreat in Cornwall to Streets of Kensington. This is broken Christianity more in line with `Trumps power politics` then Jesus who claimed to be an outsider.
NOW one of  my guilty pleasure is the real house wives of orange county.

l watch it to fathom , why false relationships fail, why rich behave the way they do, plus think Doctor Jen ..
well real hot property.
l would not...NO be careful here.
But the mischief maker in me enjoys the entertainment , while l eat a meal.
Also interested in person centred counselling.
THIS MAGAZINE like series of that programme in print.
These articles do nothing to make the Faith of Following Jesus relevant.
Wanting to bring good news to the poor.
Oh yes l forgot, the poor are adverts to support Black children in Africa.

Tomorrow's fish and chips paper. Headlines

World become each day more violent troublesome place. More divide from corner shop politics, illegal immigration, false religion, bullying a...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"