Aug 31, 2023

All this added experience comes with `Me being Me`!

 Just want to be there and not here think that would enable me to cope better ,but this next month has got so much Health way happening.

l am just over my teens ...with 41 years of added experience old today.

Aug 30, 2023

Long hot summer just passed me by. That's all that's wrong with me !

There still this nervous energy as kids at coast try to spend last surpluses before school reopens.
Last chance to stumble through '2p roll the money' games, at amusement arcade's.
Paddling still possible if bit chilly.
Donkeys not been put into Autumn grazing fields yet ..'Kiss me quick'.. hats, rolling down windswept side street.
Coastguards are finishing earlier as nights draw in, Carol Kirkwood Weather forecaster tells us. "It's getting chilly"...

I am delighted, it's appeared a convulsed period, long, stifling, menacing, too long for parents.

Required too much money, unpredictable expensive, yet products cheap. 

Food in hotels and cafes been expensive.

Sameness around diet, delights, and entertainment offered.

Crowded, uncomfortable and really unspiritual.

Summer in UK , found real challenge.

Perhaps too much time on promenade not enough on windswept remote beach.

When 'Beach bady', gave me her hand.
She didn't leave me anything to remember.
Even the fortune teller
Had no good news to 
So last few days to paddle.
Last postcard to write notes to others on.
I am old and got a disease. Long hot summer just passed me by.
That's all that's wrong with me 

Aug 29, 2023



Singapore ..289..United States . .34..United Kingdom..11..France
6..Canada..1..Other..21..      (Last 24 hours Welkom my friends).


Always loved those weekend residentials,

 Always loved those weekend residentials ,further longer camp. If you use your imagination, work with me here a bit, you can probably imagine why these breaks for me, (later as leader),  more so for a bunch poverty struggling, inner city, Rural community youngsters was pretty fabulous. Reveille at 7:00, we get shower, start day prayer. After good scram, (breakfast,) as they called it, in the morning, Biblical lessons, discussion before activities. Bible study often be introduced along with comic book gospel, music video, lyric explanation, lot of chatter. 

Last thing in morning, get lunch together. Cooking, sharing, cleaning up.

Not too enforced, group time after lunch, Climb or a walk, sports, or swim, 

Rock pooling and paddling. (I’m not kidding), Some complained because nature of being away on such a break.

Jokes which don`t sound great played.

Self disclosure.

Growing up together.

Break away from that area, those families, tough conditions.

Devotions between supper and the evening Session.

Always discussing bigger stuff, Loads of cups of tea, canned drinks, late evening drinking Chocolate .

Always good food, great music daft board games. Late nights, early mornings.

Good leadership.

LIFE enhancing, learning coping skills, building trust ,developing relationships.

But discussions, sense of freedom. sessions, discussions, yes they and me as a youth were required to settle down somewhere with a Bibles, some mates, Leader and share something about ourselves for half an hour.

Then evening came and end of that residential or camp, asleep for them in mini bus, home safe, back to the provision we youth workers provided.

What great fun, equisized and memories, plus learning stored.

Addressed some issues.

We would return to them in schools, weekly stuff, plus youth Churches we developed.

Aug 28, 2023

guess at times seafret comes in....

I heard that MLK had a dream . . 

Heard always plus often about this dream.


In my way got missionary about that dream. Worked with others on vision to enable this dream.

Always believed there are people more visionary then me. Always believed belong to this tribe, who followed the dream setter.

Crazy thing is, still trying to capture more of that dream, walk on that sandy beach, one near where justice flows, oppression is ended, love wins.

You may have a map to that place, just it foggy, so guess at times seafret comes in....

Yeah that must be the reason, it's misty...


Seafrets on the coastal area.

Aug 27, 2023

It could have been a simpler time

One time we had these simple pleasures that brought us together.

The sharing around a piece of Vinyl.

We held this 7 inch round object.

Record`s they were called. Shared view, listened, looked at gatefold sleeve..

Took them round to youth club, other mates homes.

Had strange boxes held around 50 singles, under our arms we had Album's.

Average single track time was 3 minutes. Albums were for us as our intellect developed.

Record player was gathering place, sharing ,listening, observing.

Like stated." It was a simpler time "?

Shops that sold Vinyl were plenty, places we worshipped in. We had enjoyment, fun, but the years went so fast. 

But music still plays. Emotional buzz stirs, psychoanalysis returns, twist, stirs within hearts and minds. 

Aug 26, 2023

Well anyway..

Can you believe the music genre 'RAP' is 50 years old.

Being an expert plus a purist ,will suggest it's older.

Older than Rappers delight, Older than Gill Scott Heron. Going for The Naz Lord a suggestion.

You know you want too..So go ahead Google the track.

Not been able to deliver the best version of me this day.

Sorry attempted too much, became ill, frustrated. Journey was long, tasks were large, few hours sleep required.

Some days are diamonds,other days are Rust...let you fathom own self which category today fitted.

Aug 25, 2023


 You need to breathe and relax...have a cuppa, its very fresh today and summers leaving ...Hurray.

The fair rides are silent, no money for rides, hook a duck got no prizes. . The lovers are on the beach, larger going flat, no sail boats are out 

A season ending, cool  air is flowing, inflation still high, poor diets just substane....,'your letters never arrived.

No comments been made.

Aged illness stayed.

Pier development got stopped, Candy floss seller packed up. Again as before Unanswered prayer was muttered.


Did l mention the Fairs moving on.

Aug 24, 2023

 We did a lot of growth in our old youth club.

Had good role models enabling us to develop.

They gotta take some credit for how we turned out. Also lot we did in our gathering that was just part of who we were becoming.

Experimental activities. Alone time while we fell in love.

Sharing music, long walks home, passion.

But the innocence was being lost.

We grew apart, many never to meet again.

But in vaults of my mind, windmill of memories occasionally reminds me, you, others, of Yesterday once more.

Aug 23, 2023


love the Tribal community, That feel belong among,

 The faith l have means, allowed express doubts along with hallujahs.

My health check today well its as bad expected, but not worse so got body of 73 year old, but no one wants to cuddle me, ha ha! 

mind you still got mind of a youth...Cant have everything.

l love the Tribal community  belong too, do not like the absence of grace between those not always accepting minor views.

Led to understand,(but total reject), that the topic of Christ Words, Life, death, stuff, well told it so important if do not agree , we are `bound to evaporate`.
Not so ,the concept of creation not all that important so if you feel its vital, historical, The Bible records it thus, That's OK.
If ( like myself), you feel its poetic literature with clear characters traits but not scientific nor morcillas then you are a hieratic.
One who Questions.
The walls come up.
The hostility arises.
lines are drawn.
Except l don't care that much. 
Kingdom values are my bag, my thang, my rock to stand upon...
Not War footing.

Aug 22, 2023


The Epic of Gilgamesh is, perhaps, the oldest written story on Earth. It comes to us from Ancient Sumeria, and was originally written on 12 clay tablets.

From here we in Judea ,. .Christian faith gather our creation stories, we develop further the character of God and struggle with humanity beginnings.

NOT facts they are creation stories.

why such abuse destructiveness

Steve Chalke

Science, archaeology & textual research. Three disciplines that explain why we should take the Bible’s ancient creation stories (Adam & Eve etc.) seriously, as the profound & life-shaping, meaning-making myths that they always were, rather than literally as bits of history!

NOW l don`t always agree with Rev Steve, lot of the time l do-- also wish to keep debating with others around my own little examinations. Thus have aligned with my own critical thinking over the years around these stories.

Aug 21, 2023

Welcome to a new religion for the 21st Century, one which brings the masses together.

 Well would you be up for that.


 new  religion for the 21st Century, one which brings the masses together

Aug 20, 2023

Any comments from the hundreds of views today.....

                      Just asking ... you do spend lot of time looking?

Hidden gems


We Found that some skills not valuable to present society.

Virtues became different, people plus those skilled possession were lost.

Society changed.

Some got left behind, those skills are now required.

But the left behind are remaining Hidden. I don't blame them.

A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold
I wish we'd all been ready
There's no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you've been left behind.

 Once upon a time there lived three men: a doctor, a chemist, and an engineer. For some reason all three offended the king and were sentenced to die on the same day.

The day of the execution arrived, and the doctor was led up to the guillotine. As he strapped the doctor to the guillotine, the executioner asked, "Head up or head down?" "Head up," said the doctor.  So the executioner raised the blade, and z-z-z-z-ing! Down came the blade--and stopped barely an inch above the doctor's neck. Well, the law stated that if an execution didn't succeed the first time the prisoner had to be released, so the doctor was set free.

Then the chemist was led up to the guillotine. "Head up or head

down?" said the executioner. "Head up."

So the executioner raised the blade, and z-z-z-z-ing! Down came the blade--and stopped an inch above the chemist's neck as well, so the chemist was set free.

Finally the engineer was led up to the guillotine. "Head up or head down?" "Head up."

So the executioner raised the blade, but before he could cut the rope, the engineer yelled out:

"WAIT! I see what the problem is!"

Aug 17, 2023

It could be that awful person confronting today is bigger obstacle.

That Obstacle is `thesis of evil`, and you are called to confront them.

Others have retreated, been bullied into submissive behaviour.

There comes a time in the life cycle of every weird cultish style behaviour,.  when things become so insane that, one way or another, the whole project falls apart.

but it needs individuals to make a stand.

We are called to challenge wrong ideas, styles of living and impact upon others. 

But it wont be easy...the struggle will remain for quite a while, victory or some success may not be immediate.

BUT we have to make a stand sometimes even when its gang and bullies.

LIFE it not easy, there are people who are just plain Evil.

There is no other way to explain the situation at present.

Aug 16, 2023

WALLS newspapers...TV . .relationships, absence of Love, whole of this...

God wants us to know where we live,
to open our senses to this place called now
because wherever we are, that`s were God Dwells.
Divinity pours through the world
like sunlight through silk.
In this radiant splendour,
why would we go anywhere else?

All of this . . .  this LIFE that you live, even one that used to be.
This You that is presently.
Even this me in my foggy thoughts, My confused working outs. 

It’s all God –

This grass,
the bench you been sat proscrinating  on,
this unexpected heat,
morning bird call,
these old oak trees, 
the cuppa your enjoying,
awareness further consciousness.
In this consecrated moment,
we are sacred, too.
That’s also what God wants us to know.

Those wild thoughts that escaped. 
Uncaptured moments.
Missed Opportunity and confusion that follows.
cooked meal that went wrong,
wasted moment,
unfulfilled promises,
Even being stuck Here.

Aug 14, 2023

Another my published review's, Brian Zahnd..Worst day of your LIFE

I hear the ancient footsteps like the motion of the sea
Sometimes I turn, there's someone there, other time it's only me
I am hanging in the balance of a perfect finished plan
Like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand

This is a easy read. But also vital. You get 10 pointers. Guidelines to help you through what might be troublesome period.

Don't want to be a spoiler alert so keeping that for you to discover.
Based on a period historically, in time of King David's reign over the Israelites.
Led to reflect on how lessons identified may assist you in your present challenges.

Brain Zahnd, a good guy, excellent pastor and loves music's,
( bit too much rock not enough soul.) But can`t be perfect, l am not.
Anyway don't want to spoil this for you but if LIFE is again throwing up few challenges and you are struggling. This is worth having as a resource. 
Only real issue is hard to find the Biblical text if you are beginning in your faith, if not a book reader but that can be overcome. Used this as group learning.
so when that day arrives, (again) as LIFE throws up a wobble. This is worth having nearby.

In the time of my confession, in the hour of my deepest need
When the pool of tears beneath my feet flood every new-born seed
There's a dying voice within me reaching out somewhere
Toiling in the danger and in the morals of despair.

Aug 13, 2023

Day's of just enough arrived again.

Sad, sad day, for all of us the day North left Town. 

Newspaper write about' Better days ahead'. Some waited but better never arrived. 

Day's of just enough arrived again.

But many forgotten how to survive the 'Days of just enough'.

But if you had been there in that period.

Day's of just enough lessons learned...not be forgotten. Day's when cut the `mould of cheese `, ate what remained.

Day's when sat in pub, hoping no one sees...`Two of you sharing a meal`.

We got by. But make no mistakes.

I do not miss the hungry years.

My resilience is well developed.

Know how to steward well, use resources to best advantage.

Not wasteful, could be more grateful.

Overnight for myself like others, skill base we was apprenticed into was no longer viable nor wanted 

So we reimagined future, reconstruction was acquired, reset our objectives for economic well being.
Attempted to move away from poverty`s grip, but poverty a harsh mistress likes to keep sidling's close.

Took something's
From old days.
Journeyed onwards.
Rehousing in
different place.

Remained sad sad day for all of us. The day we left the Northern area. To meet up with Northern values in non northern places.
   Those that remained still waiting.

Aug 11, 2023

Here is a story that moved a ..`home lovin` man...`

January 26, 1974 I was a young student visiting my parents in my home town Lodingen. On this very date Gaul was expected to visit Lodingen. Both my father and I drove to the dock and went on board Gaul. A crew member had some kind of health issues, and we took him to the local doctor. Returning to the trawler we went on board again, talked a little with the skipper who gave us a can of beer (each). Gaul left Lodingen and we drove home.
If I remember correctly, it was a Saturday evening. We arrived at my parent’s house, and I was eager to have my beer that was made in England.
The beer tasted very good; I remember. My father, however, decided that he would save the beer for a special occasion, i.e. for later.
Well, a week or so later we learned that Gaul was missing. My father then decided not to drink his Long Life Beer and stored the can in his bedroom closet. 

The crowd upon the quayside
Their faces long and drawn
Are suddenly awakened
As we sail in on the dawn
The wives, the sons, the lovers
Who never gave up hope
All breathe a sigh together
As they reach to catch the rope.....

I never again, got to see Uncle Barry but he remained in my mind, the Uncle who gave us so much.
But died at sea aged 19. 

Aug 10, 2023

You are own material , You is a space which is discoverable .

beautiful, brilliant, difficult, living, learnt stuff,

love stuff. More that that stuff.

Your life deserves a film premier at a West End cinema
You are so special and valuable, that Jesus has died for you He loves you so much that he has given his life for you.


After reading that you do know, 
there is no bad news.

 This story, will get my sons and other family members excited,  has been rumbling on for decades, but a bizarre claims of an “alien abduction” off the Yorkshire coast have now taken another twist, according to a dedicated UFO hunter.

now l am only browsing and resending these details to you good folks,

There were claims that Captain Schaffner, a member of the United States Air Force who serving in an RAF exchange programmed at the the time, was involved in a cat-and-mouse chase with a UFO before crashing into the sea. He disappeared and was presumed dead.

Are you ready.. now claims he has filmed footage of "flying triangles" in the sea off the seaside resort of Filey. “The footage shows two craft in the sea side by side," he told the Star. "There’s no logical explanation.

“I have come to the conclusion that there must be an underwater alien base off the coast of Filey beach.”

Aug 9, 2023


Hull City's dreadful recent record in the League Cup continued as they were dumped out at the first round stage for the third successive season by League Two Doncaster Rovers in a 2-1 defeat.

Aug 7, 2023

Required..l feel..compassionate, graceful. kinder, Faith community.

 The established church has lost its moral compass. 

What kind of lead is required?

Can a bold courageous, unashamed Christianity, recover our moral sanity.

Will that lead to more compassionate, graceful. kinder, Faith community or could we go down a judgemental approach which often not inclusive, nor relevant.

Are you and me, prepared to be active members of the Faith community, (with skin in the game) who will put money , resources, time, effort , minds and hearts, into the cause of Following Jesus?

when l think about those excluded, those not quiet in mainstream, those not well read enough, those outside of my group. 

Moved to, re-examine this one passage. This passage. which again and again inspires myself.

Jesus foretells his resurrection on the third day three times in the Synoptics (Mk 8:31,0 but none of the disciples show up to watch it happen and when the women report back about the empty tomb and a "vision" the Eleven and the other disciples don't believe them.

IF feel a bit rubber less, unsure of where or how you are going in life, worth looking at Gospels. Sometimes other do not quiet get to first base, believing as they should ,they get there not easily.

LIFE, as chatted with friend, today brings odd moments when unsure how its going to go.

Others will be leading you, who your prejudices may not have imagined would.

Aug 6, 2023

Ole friends, ole thoughts

 Sometimes friends just a plain inconvenience, but despite that still good they are around.
Stupid lifts to stupid places, wrong music selected in my car. Yes My Car.
Appear to be taking advantage.
Appear to be ungrateful.
It's friendship, greatly appreciate.

Some people call me a word that become dirty.

Become unfashionable.
Certainly misunderstood.
I get called an Evangelist.
Think it more about style, hope substantial LIFE l practice, 

plus words speak. Action l follow show ..l belong to the tride ..'whose light never goes out'..
We are all if follower's of Jesus, supposed to shine our light, not a gift. Just part of the DNA.
Fashion's even Biblical literacy, communication, style change.
But truth of Jesus, words, actions, LIFE that remains 

We are different, some people do it with great organisation skills, some with Chicken dinner invitation, some of us more ..'out there'.. Pioneering.
But same be the Light.

Aug 5, 2023

It's the most wonderful time of the year Footballs back...

 No really what did you expect Christmas .

This is sign 'summers passing'.

We are all getting refocused.

Getting excited, argument,debates, complete lies about skills our team posses.

The TV got something decent on telly.

Radio commentary played loud. Laughter in the conversation.

The Religion that we worship is open for attendance.

Worship songs we sing Echo around full terraces.

Idol are created, false hope is delivered.

Some cases we address our old enemies.

We worship with song, money, readings, mission of travelling to matches.

We eat pies.

Stand in freezing cold.

Get tearful. Stay up bedating.

Well in a funny ole way, about funny ole game.

Aug 4, 2023

Cancelling Bible culture that doesn't allow development!

Well it had too come around. Cancelling and putting warnings on the Bible. some of the stuff l buy has sell by dates, Warnings, not suitable for ??, Handle with care. Not too bothered as they always ways around such warnings. more concerned that some do not posses the literacy abilities to cancel out, discuss biblical narrative they may struggle with. Nor are they gathering to discuss ,share, express view around such literacy.

Where is the focus of the leadership of your gathering ?

Does my collective, Church have an “in-crowd?

Well that's got me thinking, it is worth some reflection, trouble is as a Leader l may have uncomfortable confession to make, my gatherings never really gone into confession.

But hold precious questions that will help us grow, further run risk of developing. 

You see my faith even in those moments when been tested the most always had this voice, Holy Spirit whispering. Never got lost that Whispering.

Whispering never left myself. That l suppose my faith.

At those moments when been most wrong, incorrect, plain stupid, that Whispering been loudest.


Aug 3, 2023

still l say ..its sad,sad day, for all of us the day `WILKO `, leaves town.

The budget retailer Wilko has said it is on the brink of collapse, with more than 12,000 jobs at risk, as the high street struggles with rising costs and lacklustre consumer demand.

The household and garden products retailer, which has about 400 stores, said it had filed a notice of intention to appoint administrators at the high court on Thursday.

Still this,` rambling, Summer hating, missing someone fool` claims to be correct on this thread.
WILKO is closing , which l feel is sad day for all of us.
especially those not very good at DIY.
Its death of something bigger the reason for closure , threat of closure , is preventable WILKO is leaving town , not just my town, lose of employment, another nail in bankrupt economy. Got personal experience of losing employment, firstly no one notices except YOU and those immediately affected.

You lose self worth, sense of being valuable, income, abilities to perform and contribute.
These are big words with weight attached, but you read this at speed.
Except if you been placed in the` trash bin of unemployment`.
Newspaper headlines fade, friends you knew disappear, walks around with no money become more frequent.
Support disappears, Authority figures become even `more hostile`. 
Sad, sad, sad day for all of us the day `North leaves town`.
Blues arrive, circus visits, money gets spent ,cupboards become much more bare.
Sad, sad day, for all of us the day North leaves town.
Planners arrive but Plans don`t involve likes of me and you.

Arriving soon near you, the day North leaves town.

The Matthew blessing,

  The Matthew blessing, May God grant us enough stupidity to believe? We can go from this place and make the world a better place, May we wi...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"