Sometimes friends just a plain inconvenience, but despite that still good they are around.
Stupid lifts to stupid places, wrong music selected in my car. Yes My Car.
Appear to be taking advantage.
Appear to be ungrateful.
It's friendship, greatly appreciate.
Some people call me a word that become dirty.
Become unfashionable.
Certainly misunderstood.
I get called an Evangelist.
Think it more about style, hope substantial LIFE l practice,
plus words speak. Action l follow show ..l belong to the tride ..'whose light never goes out'..
We are all if follower's of Jesus, supposed to shine our light, not a gift. Just part of the DNA.
Fashion's even Biblical literacy, communication, style change.
But truth of Jesus, words, actions, LIFE that remains
We are different, some people do it with great organisation skills, some with Chicken dinner invitation, some of us more ..'out there'.. Pioneering.
But same call..to be the Light.
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