Dec 31, 2022

Spirit of the streets farewell to 2022

We feel troubles, the gathering Herd
is silent, stand looking out, they feel threatened.

Herd are confused don’t know what to do.
Rejected God, are faithless, no leaders have emerged.
2022 coming to quick end.
Unsure about gathering.

What to do about theirs

or society's sense of community, As herds very own
 is silent, plus they feel fear.
Gatherings become places.
lack Shalom, even meaning.
But only a return to faith, trust way of love.
Can bring the 2023 required.
Who do you want to follow in next period?

"Whatever forms of intellectual critique, that's fine with me. But in the end, I know where I stand. I stand on a love that lifted me, I stand at the bottom of a cross––of a blood––that transformed me so that I could try to love my crooked neighbour with my crooked heart." Matthew Zurcher (priest).

Dec 30, 2022

Take music on your LIFE journey.

Music can change the world

It has changed myself

Can change moods emotions and feelings 

Definitely move heart.

Steady a mind, relax and enable

Contemplative moments.

Music can quieten restless spirit.

Take music on your LIFE journey.

Dec 29, 2022

For us all good things will return.

Better times around the corner.

Dec 28, 2022

My illness has winning day's.


Learnt to accept days that illness trumps you perhaps find have become bit more tired.

Sadness is tiredness wins, in body, but still want to walk along promenade.

Mind remains active, awareness of others, social groupings that feel need to stay away from.

Real battle losing contact with faith community, groups who should care better. Hence that OK because illness make 'the other' awkward to be around.

How l am now seen, spoken with, it's messy.

Sickness and poor health create awkward social mobility. Do you see

that actually understand. Not going to condemn anyone has confident that I would struggle and behave the in same.

Older, less use, poorly, part of who l am at present, wasn't always like this.

Poor health, further cardiac issues became in  2012 my established DNA .

Become now it's also my I.D.

How are you doing, Me have health problems, but l`m also fine ?

Dec 27, 2022

Game of Rural coastal LIFE

Sparrow hawk



Several Deer

Cold, waves, shops, cafes, friendships

Food followed by silly TV

Reading a Novel...CD.. soundtrack. .some theology.

Discovering. Driving.. Disappointment.

Playing the game called LIFE.

Dec 26, 2022

Christmas wonderings 2022

What is best Christmas walk ever taken?
Favourite Christmas song.
Have  you got Christmas present memory.
Is there a type of pain , Hurt ,associate with this season?
It most certainly a reflective time.
Best kiss received at Christmas?
Very best TV ?
What the worst TV ?
Can you do Christmas without reason for the season ?
Have you had a Lonely quiet period.
How much Noose do you reject at Christmas?

Dec 24, 2022

Can get some challenging wrong advice for that day.

Being honest generally these guides can be obstructive, not scriptural to read Bible in ways that commentator wish, can get some challenging wrong advice for that day.
Or feel not guided correct when that days reading does not correspond to LIFE events


Keep us, Lord,

from fixing our desires

on what the world offers:

status, power, money,

the endless wanting

of “more”.

Fill us instead

with desire for

goodness, wisdom,

self-control, endurance,

godliness, mutuality,

and love,

that we

may seek

the real,

the lasting.

Hull City supporters will arrive at the MKM Stadium this Monday afternoon for final time in 2022, desperate to see funny, different year off in style.

Home wins been rare throughout last 12 months, but it will be one remembered for some special scenes in January 22 when Acun Ilicali’s tenure at City began. He finally confirmed Leadership after months of talks.


Dec 23, 2022

It's not the most wonderful time of the year.

 It's not the most wonderful time of the year.

Nor is it even pleasant, cold chilly busy, tension.

There is a lot of over indulgence.

Unkindness, bit harsh, can be thoroughly oppressive.

Music rubbish. General poor period in entertainment.

News channel carry  stories from around world. These attempt emotional blackmail, aim straight for the purse.

Soft toy Cuddles with adopted Whale,Snow loepard, donkey and homeless child.

Pagan festivals and events lead to bad feelings, more poverty further money charity guilt trips.

Glad it's once a year.

Even more Glad when it's gone.

Dec 22, 2022

I did pray this in 1976 “Jesus If you’re there, please show yourself.”

 It’s very good moment when I see an owl. I observe deeply.

wait for that sudden dropping, like a heavy weight into a deep river.

but no splash no sound nothing.

watch until the bird drops ,opening its wide large wings,to swoop and glide. 

There’s a world recognise in nature, way of touching God. for me anyway.

'It was God who made me play like this' - 

Reverend Ames says in Marilynne Robinson’s novel Gilead: “We human beings do real harm. History could make a stone weep.” Especially, I might add, when the harm is done in the name of God.

In Christmas Carol by Dickens, last ghost Visits. l was reminded observes people going to Church. Removed, Unconcerned, while the poor pass by. Trying to get there food cooked, `one big meal of the season` at the bakers ovens.
Tradition when time is up for baking bread.Ovens still warm to cook for poor.
Yes first time l read that as well.

There so much about this l did not recall, or even sure had looked at.
But again got deconstruction themes, along with Church people image.
How we hold our faith is often examined by those looking at us in passing.
Oddly l have become more aware of this.

This is about a different also a better way of holding faith, it is about faith in  another who has come into your tribe, by a business dealing in sports , anyway here goes.

Hull City will stand by a teenager in the belief he will recover and become a useful player,

Yes they've agreed a permanent deal at the end of this season.

New owner of Hull City Acun illcali  " I hope this kind of feeling will affect him in a positive way. In my life I have had to overcome difficulties and respond well, and I am sure he can do this too."

In so many ways we are looked at by others, may we present a kind, compassion, graceful image, but may that also be how you and l live.

Dec 19, 2022

Sorry not good this time of year.

 Hate Christmas period

Hate TV at the Christmas period

Hate jumpers




Hate how others make me feel.

I know it's lot of hate...Sorry.

Dec 17, 2022

Winnie the pooh,says in the Apocrypha ,"Until hearts are created that can`t be broken they will never be any use."

God breathes through us so completely... so gently we hardly feel it... yet, it is our everything. John Coltrane.

Your prayers are heard by God.  Your prayers matter. 
Your prayers make a difference @nickygumbel
l replied
Very little, written about,spoke at Christian conference, Evangelical gatherings,Catholic synods, nor commented upon `Unanswered prayers.`
Constant question l get queries about.
Alas what did Jesus mean when he stated 
what so ever you ask ....etc...?

Dec 16, 2022

Need understand the flexibility to change decesion

What are we? if when stuck in a moment,that feel can't get out stay there.

You don't change

Don't alter path your on.

Sometimes accept you can't make right move.

But should when you want too.

Authority make our  freedom, as  example,one like choice. That's something that is taken away.

Getting out of society got harder. Social networking,mobility 2022 very limited.

Another need of mine is have access to Music, films,books, image's. My life blood. Something is inferred A truth, issues around justice, find peace in all that noise,in that loudness, what l reflect in this process,becomes part of my Spiritual growth.

Dec 15, 2022

when ever feel little low, think of those in peril on the sea.

 sea bird appeared to get itself into a spot of bother when it landed onto a lamppost, staying there  too long in the icy temperatures. It is understood the bird's feet 'froze' to the metal,keeping bird on a wire for too long.

Lucky,Yes this is true. A fire engine, was dispatched from local Fire Station to rescue the Bird.

where, you might be asking Bridlington. Just up the coast.

Get out very early most days,This has been the case since lived on the East coast from 2007.

The sea is all around when look out.This morning kept the sea to my left.

Love the noise of Shingle on the beach as wavers crash over, wonderful inspirational sound.

Enjoy funny site of snow on the beach as its so cold further very bitter, Waves looking higher as well. Around 6 a.m. this morning talking to old guy on promenade we remarked how cold it looked in dark. Wondered about the people in boats on the horizon. Imagined how difficult life was making a living on the seas in such harsh conditions.

When ever l feel a little low think of those in peril on the sea. It been that way most of my life, that could be because from a coastal town, but certainly been in my heart plus mind. More of the who l am, More of my identity.

Belonging to small group who do the following is key part of my identity, try ask real questions creating honest conversation, debate further ,disagree,agree, dispute, explore further . Grateful for grace offered myself, when arriving and stopping in certain places, along my faith journey

This faith keeps me looking for signs of hope.HOPE in a place of hopelessness. 

But some are so deconstructed, more privilege through education ,upbringing, Parents wallet, they believe its important to question a virgin birth. Where did Jesus get his Y chromosome from? What’s so great about virginity? Further can Jesus stand in solidarity with humanity  if he came into the world in a way that no other human has before or since?

“We’re always doing some interpretation; we’re always doing some imaginative reconstruction. And I think we just have to be okay with that fact.” Kyle Roberts.

If there was no virgin birth, does that make me less of a faith follower of Jesus.?

If there was no virgin birth, how did a 12-16 year old girl from Palestine,impoverished, fearful,uneducated,without certainty 2000 years ago, echo such a Magnificat.

If deconstructing simply rejecting bits either don`t like, appear miraculous, cannot be scientifically explained,define logic...if that`s the pass to belong.

Kevin is self excluding himself. 

Dec 13, 2022

l read stuff ,l think about it..kinda all l do at present

Don’t try so hard.

Be OK being a bit disappointing.

It’s winter, for God’s sake.
No one is running on full cylinders.

Take it easy on you.

That’s the lesson of today.

With love,

Rabbi Brian.

Dec 12, 2022

Breaking out news


Climate breakdown is driving hotter temperatures around the world. How can we still be having such a cold spell?

Even local papers ran out of News. So, we get last year's news further same pictures dramatic headlines.

Railways not running trains, Chilly weather preventing deliveries, plus old favourite Climate change. Kids on Icey Lakes, when will we supervise children in risk factor areas, roads, frozen lakes, fires. It takes a lot to look after children.

Then parenting, children, all takes some more looking after.

Being a parent is for LIFE.

Parts of my country especially Rural areas, are covered in snow as temperatures remain only a few degrees above freezing. Not got warmer even as day progressed.

Uncomfortable driving conditions.

This cold period sticking around, low temperatures forecast into next five days.

Temperate is even dropping as low as -15°C in isolated spots.

Mind you got me thinking how many members of `Just Stop Oil` are using heating to stay warm? No, they wouldn't do that.

Dec 10, 2022

l feel worn out need to be refreshed.

LIFE been interesting in some respects, start with really pragmatic place.

It's become cold, chilly, wintry and darkly bleak.

Looking after very ill child who is now an Adult brings few challenges.

Some my behaviour due to my age plus my ill health. more also need to be away with mates.

Feelings are important, l feel worn out need to be refreshed.

what about you? Let me know in time when suitable for you. Tell others, tell yourself 

perhaps write down, How You are feeling.

Monitor how you are feeling.

Recently l appeared to feel suddenly pretty depressed.

That feeling came right out of nowhere, Playing Squash by myself on the walled court alone.

Got most depressed spirit, then surprised l spoke out aloud what l was feeling. (Knew l was by myself).


Sat down,wrestled,prayed,sought personal counsel. Thought about issue. Sat still looked around.

Then finished my game.

At this moment still do not know why this came about. But it did.

BELIEVE events took over, tough place been in for around a year began to impact myself.

We go through stuff like this.

World places expectations on us.
This season amplify s this action.
Take time out.
Do not get involved.
Examine what's being told to you.
Explore if others feel same pressure.

listen to music, read book, watch a movie, Pray if it's your way,
(Works for myself), seek a chat and cuppa with mate.
God bless stay close.

Dec 9, 2022

OK Then...

its OK to not be OK.

Your allowed to be different,

acceptable to try for Better.

Allowed to follow Jesus.

Can if you so wish try to improve.

l have no issue, 

l have no concerns,

happy when others, 

disagree, dispute, do not accept, Me or My views

Dec 8, 2022

Especially today, Freezing cold, wet ,snowy, low temperature Day....well living on thin ice.

 We are living in period where it feels especially today, 

Freezing cold, wet ,snowy, low temperature Day....well living on thin ice – due to global crises and  Russian President  Putin's war  against Ukraine. 

Some things are in question. A new era, the one we become, a new spirit of the times is emerging because the barrel has overflowed. 

What do l mean here?

we used to have Faith, we would or should Question but grow in that Faith.

Some now ID is `new atheists`, others call themselves `Spiritual`while openly suggest that God cannot be real nor his promise relevant.

It `overflowed` because we became proud of our achievements. Cancelled creator God invested in 100 styles/types of sexuality.

Significant changes are the result. 

Increased mental health, Anxiety,ill health, lack of community,more self serving, become more detached, Old not respected, History potential lessons ignored.

Individuals lonely more often, agreements grown, Death by Murder. 

Crime and disorder more common.

There are major challenges with risks, but nevertheless, if we seek ,find lot of positive potentials.

Chance we can look again at the message of Jesus, interpret the message off hope and promise of life fulfilled anew.

Gathering in Church and Community can be welcomed as something vital.

Belonging can be created.

Just like there is plenty of new music, old films with story, we can connect and support each other.

we can.

we must. 

we should, be seeking ways to live together with sense of concern sharing breathing and living.

"God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world but in order that the world might be saved through him." -John 3:17

A question worth pondering is how successful is the Son in fulfilling his vocation?

Dec 6, 2022

When witness art like this feel inspired even on wet, grey dull ,period that this currently is.

A self entitled Extinction Rebellion activist weeped when she was found guilty in court and warned that she could face jail alongside six other women for causing £100,000 worth of damage.

Could be mistaken for thinking this but a lesson here is don’t do the crime if you not prepared to do the time.

Watched Old film seen so many times
The Malta Story.
This time was period of struggle,death,threats
life`s lost,feeling hopeless.Unsure about what is ahead.
The Nation of Malta ,its people history is known.
This to will pass.

Sometimes look around see, Picture,Album cover art,book or old print get inspired. Makes the day different,indeed its better.

This is one such image, love to be able to demonstrate this maybe a ` Paint by Numbers` theirs a Christmas hint.

There was no halfway with Ellen. She was 100% Ellen, 100% genuine, 100% of the time, whether she was having a good day or a bad day. She wore her heart on her sleeve – she was brave and she was humble, she struggled and she soared. All through her life, she faced her fears, acknowledged them, grappled with them, and moved through them.

Sadly the artists died aged around 50 year, living only short time really on this planet.

Even after painting for several decades,Ellen Dittebrandt "gets a chill" on a particular kind of day when the rivers offer something new and she senses that the painting she is about to create is destined to be something special. "Natural, untouched beauty has a profound effect on me," 

Such good use of couler,seeing the natural world pretty much as it displayed itself. When witness art like this feel inspired even on wet, grey

dull ,period that this currently is. we need more couler, more gratitude.

Life and People, Relationships,Spirituality, music are all inspirational.



Dec 5, 2022

Glad someone took the time.

Perhaps most informative recall of the WW2 war on TV, it has, 

it still does, and may it carry on, telling stories of war, all tragedy, history,human sacrifice, sadness. Humanity at its worse, cruellest.

But worth watching. no platforming, no cancel culture just this is what happened 

This is what all that evil looked like.

Here if you observe are lessons, we (mankind) should battle to grasp hence make sure it never gets repeated.

fast forward to 2022

..Where have all the flowers gone. Gone to graveyards everyone.

When will we ever learn.

We sat in our Church camp epilogue, all those years ago mid 70`s singing songs of protest.

Discussing Bible learning from elders.

trying to hold onto a truth.

Transfer this truth into our growing up.

Glad someone took the time.

Hope others still try to tell of those lessons in life we need to discover.

A Gospel of a better way

A Gospel of following the Jesus way.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"