Aug 31, 2021

Uncomfortable lack of diversity in this isolated rural community

Already felt old then got stung by a ЁЯРЭ Bee, Twice, If that is possible.

Three hours later,  still crying.

Ha ha han, Anyway few days on the coast.

The vicar looks bit 'of couler' today.

Also, me, having to wear my glasses all the time. Life dragged this month... Precious plans and strategies not been welcomed.

Expectation is that someone is willing to listen to an old dog.

Silence hangs in the air at present.

Sense of detachment in our rural community.

Echo often about yesterday.......has my own development,( further clarifies), things must change, people must want to not be so isolated.

The silence around interpersonal and communication around own growth is uncomfortable sound.

Like my bee stings.

Diversity not evident and council charges stuck in a place that ,feel l left emotionality.

Physically left, moved away..took long road that was internal along with geography of movement.

Spirituality grew ,developed, questioned, sought to discover further.

Here this place, personally feel strangled.

Aug 29, 2021

Walk leading to talks....

We went out to Sink islands but not sunk nor wet nor Islands...just 14 mile drive we saw Kestrel along two Sparrowhawk's. Filling sky marvelous flying pattern loud shriek.

Flew along side harvested fields empty of golden corn. We watched...later in cafe we chatted about life, health,past,music,TV....had sense of nearness of Creative God.

Even saw sign about ham sandwiches to be fed to fish No excessive Alcohol.

Know should got a picture please take my word. We laughed.

Simple pleasures..but part of that sermon preached by Paul about Joy,Shalom, kindness,

Goodness and self control.

Personally think time with nature can lead to balance life.

They got all kinds of words but looks Spirituality....without God,Jesus,community,connecting with others,not same journey.

They got all kinds of other ways of describing but emotional literacy mindfulness, meditation, on and on...well they don't fit bill.

Spirit ,' development in nature' is my understanding.

Aug 28, 2021

give Each other reason to smile . .

 that was supposed to be the new agenda following world wide Pandemic...loss of life ..disturbing lock-down issues . ..feelings of not being connected..end of lasted..well 5 minutes.

Like you l grieve..

Aug 27, 2021

Desperate moments ..but we have been here. the hopelessness been experienced previously Bigger question for myself is this. . .! what have we learnt from the past.?

 US President Biden

sorry but what a joke....when these people are leaders it is only going to get worse anyway...

l interrupted.

. .gave public remarks following the fatal explosions outside the Kabul airport in Afghanistan on Thursday, which have killed at last 60 Afghans and 12 US troops. Biden said the US would “go after” those responsible for the attacks.

Is this not what got us into this place in first instance...

He added that he stands by the decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, and said the timeline for withdrawal by August 31 remains in place.

People been killed, will never see the light of day again.More pain for family and friends.


meanwhile in entertainment captured my eye ABBA reunion ,new songs,tour....but did they ever go away  . . The decision to go ahead with the exciting ABBA avatar tour project had an unexpected consequence. We all four felt that, after some 35 years, it could be fun to join forces again and go into the recording studio. So we did. And it was like time had stood still and that we only had been away on a short holiday.

Spending time with have to communicate issue faced and identified.Sometimes my energy saps at present.Phew emotional journey we pace ourselves through. Death on news almost live, refugees torn apart..grief..people struggling even on social media seeking help for suicidal thoughts.Social media does not appear to myself to be platform for such echo chambers.

Desperate moments ..but we have been here.

the hopelessness been experienced previously

Bigger question for myself is this. . .!

what have we learnt from the past.?

Aug 25, 2021

Thought on self investment.

 Just go for a walk...away perhaps country path or the beach.

Maybe if money allows have cuppa in local cafe.


Invest in you...reflect...give thanks....


Like others we all been through far bit...

Emotions around refugees......

Concern for injustice...

Desire for mercy....


In your thoughts ,ramblings, prayers.

Expressed concerns.



Tomorrow share with another.

But today it's a bit of self investment.

Breathe...walk... pray.


Aug 24, 2021

here is today news from east riding....

 The Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan continues following the collapse of the Afghan government in August. A Taliban spokesperson says they want all foreign evacuations to be completed by August 31 and they will accept “no extensions” to the deadline.

Further in a mountain valley north of Kabul, the last remnants of Afghanistan's shattered security forces have vowed to resist the Taliban in a remote region that has defied conquerors before. But any attempt to reenact that history could end in tragedy.

 International Correspondent Clarissa Ward and her team were reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan, when they were confronted by armed Taliban fighters on Wednesday.

The team was near the airport, surrounded by desperate Afghans and their families hoping to escape on an evacuation flight, and Taliban fighters firing shots in an attempt to control the crowd.

"We had Taliban fighters all around approaching us, one man shouting at me to cover my face or he wouldn't talk to me," Ward told CNN after the incident,.

The team also spotted a man “carrying this huge makeshift whip -- it was a bicycle lock that had basically been split in two, so the heavy metal padlock was in the middle," she said. "And he’s just using it to just get anybody out of his way who gets in his way.”

At one point, a Taliban fighter took the safety off his AK-47 assault rifle and pushed through the crowd, gun lifted into the air as if he were about to begin firing.

In the UK Hull City preparing for Saturdays footie, Church still closed, little contact between parishioners. Weathers been humid, still pretty hot, nights are closing in with chill in the lat summer air. Fairs got extension until September 5th, prices in hotels are higher then normal as Stay-cation carry's on. . . . 

Aug 23, 2021

Refugees waiting in Kabul Airport. . .No longer main news item.

 Wee bit chill in the air, fairground rides closing earlier as little money left, few more pitches for hire on caravan park,last big Bank holiday is arriving.

Football season started, tables showing results,away days taken place.

long summer about to disappear.

Less people around September coming soon...

Migration of Swallows a happening...flight patterns are established..

Refugees waiting in Kabul Airport.

No longer main news item.

A date been set by Taliban for final flights

promises been broken 

hearts are Crisis like Pandemic caught us all out again.

Church leaders stay silent..l grieve with you.

It’s very hard to know precisely how many Christians there are in Afghanistan, because they must keep their faith completely secret – but only a small number from a population of over 38 million

Aug 22, 2021

Dear Tony Blair......shut up.

Dear Blair, you have no right to tell us how to 'clear our mess up' with the issue in's all your making... especially being the grief and sorrow of the family of those killed.On both sides.
You have made your tiny income can this not been enough.
Please note this. we have heard the voice of reason further common sense
Your Tone, excuse any pun, peace and Shalom, not echos I detect in your sound bites.
Do not hear regret.hear more muscular gestures.
I want you if not sentenced for War at least be silent.

We have slums a plenty.
We have Dickensian housing.
Food-banks increased.
Poverty rising.
Services breaking point.
This is the British Jihad, that is our daily struggle.
Limited resources.... Religious freedoms... alcoholic issues, war on drugs.
So another 20000 to share this with you and l.....`get my drift`.
Political thoughts on the situation, actions caused are plentiful supply at present.

All l can encourage is peace, love ,Rock without the roll.
Oh examination of words of Jesus.
......",Love God Love one another. Follow me".....

Aug 21, 2021

One set of footprints mark journey in the sand.

There's something romantic pleasant about day's at the coast . . .not just the memory of Diane Ross and Marvin Gaye singing ,'You at everything and everything is you...'
As they walked hand in hand along sandy beach....
It the sound of waves crashing along shingle beach....noise of sellers encourage a person to try whelks in vinegar...toting for pleasure ride....kiss me quick hats...old folks sat on a bench...sand in lunch...Taking crab home for tea..
It's the sounds of yesterday....first big outing..World feeling at ☮️ peace......
Shalom washing over you late August evening on caravan site....reaching for Blanket as the day chills in late night....
2021 the coastal vulgarity rises up....hatred fills the air...discourse becomes the evening sounds.......lost cash in funfair...high cost of Waltzer.... frustrated people still unhappy stand at pier unable to grasp starry promise nor the beauty as sun disappeared over the hills.
In Afghanistan this evening worried people unable to grasp freedom.
In a coastal home we pray. . .No longer watch the news it's distressing scenes just too much......for me it's hot the last days of June....suns been a demon...clouds like me are afraid.

                                          One set of footprints mark journey in sand!


Aug 20, 2021

Powerless to understand what l can do for the people of AFGHANISTAN

Not been well today

this week not slept well

Enjoyed meeting up to 6 friends

Talked for while....listened to others

Watched family looking at pictures of the past.

Been aware of this `health issue` causing me to adjust to what l can achieve.

My capacity gets limited ..not every day... but sometimes it is a struggle.

Sharing this because l am sure for you, some time or another may feel the same.

you may feel Powerless


Powerless to understand what l can do for the people of AFGHANISTAN


 Love is bigger than anything in its way

Love is bigger than anything in its way 

Love is bigger than anything in its way

Aug 17, 2021

twist of ongoing love story


What a stunning twist of `ongoing love story`, Tom Huddlestone, Hull City midfielder could make his debut against Derby at the home teams ground in Championship tomorrow evening.

Another interesting quirk,his last competitive game for Derby,was against Hull City last January.

Could this be further extension of more love to others

The Taliban will not seek revenge against former soldiers and members of the Western-backed government, spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told reporters.

He said there was an amnesty for former Afghan government soldiers as well as contractors and translators who worked for international forces.

“Nobody is going to harm you, nobody is going to knock on your doors,” .

We are cautiously optimistic on moving forward,”  UN briefing in Geneva.


The world appears a confusing place real need for mission ,love for all and following principles outlined best in sermon on the mount.

l just a humble guy from northern UK believe in shalom, require for us all deepest Shalom lets pray but hand in glove lets work for this peace.


From a Christian perspective, the Beatitudes teach that people are blessed even in hard times because they will receive eternity in heaven. ... Also, we are blessed for having honorable qualities such as being meek, righteous, merciful, pure, and peacemakers.


Today `kinda` want to trust

 those who are different to myself.

Aug 16, 2021

“Who has the right tell US what to do? Who knows whats best Sexually ? Who loves US wants what is best for US?"


Even prior to modern times, transgender-like behavior was present, for example, in ancient Rome with the “Galli” of the Cult of Cybele. The modern transgender movement burgeoned out of the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the literary deconstruction movement in academia.

it can appear we are stuck in a simple debate engage this ever-changing culture, alongside what l feel is `never-changing gospel`.

What do we people of faith and following a God of Love say to person struggling with this statement;-?

'Some people might be born and feel they are the wrong gender. They might be born a girl and feel like they are a boy.'

How can we stand along side a person,?Who so different to myself. But how can we also understand authority makes following belief;- BBC programme aimed at nine- to 12-year-olds includes  claim that there are 'over 100 gender identities'.


In Afghanistan at present the `students of Islam`, fighters are taking control to enforce their own austere version of Sharia, or Islamic law.

Taliban, or "students" in the Pashto language, emerged in the early 1990s in northern Pakistan following the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. It is believed that the predominantly Pashtun movement first appeared in religious seminaries - mostly paid for by money from Saudi Arabia - which preached a hard-line form of Sunni Islam.

The transgender issue is full of Bad jokes, bad system ,bad views,hostility, also compassion,kindness, acceptance,Church can learn much from everyday agencies.

Stories about corrupting childhood, Songs,in mainstream community and youth work, evident in arts,Music,along with Films.

But perhaps my own biggest struggle is not with co workers friends,neighbours,l live, exist among,but Biblical text that are not allowing compromise.

‘For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error’
Romans 1:26-27

The question of what it mean to love one’s neighbor is vital for the transgender debate. This can be my only offer , knowing friends who are same as me, knowing friends who are different only by loving, sharing,accepting,each other can we grow and develop.

I leave God to do the judging.

Aug 15, 2021

The journey occasionally is odd.

It's been trying to rain,but not despite the threats still dry further oppression of humanity

Clouds covered any sunlight.  Just been odd.

Relationship with close family member, stretched l conversed awkwardly around issue.

Not engaging difficult place to try remain.

Using skills to remain neutral.

That is not easy option.

Minefield of emotions coming to play......

 Odd day in other ways

Feeling less and less
Like belong here at this moment
At this time
Struggling with fact that my home town changed

Society feels so different
Health hinders me

I grieve

I grieve community...l grieve with individuals....l grieve for larger society
Unfocused , identify unclear,faith appears compromise sexual Identity.
Passage's from Book of my faith not clicking.
BUT this is simply mood's just that a mood overcome me today.
In case no-one else as not told you....well there are days like this... occasionally.

Aug 14, 2021

use of words l feel uncomfortable using,,,

 Received email

 something about this ...its the language we use the words and meaning;-

consideration by the Councils `Safer Stronger` Community, Sub Committee an Action Plan....eight months delay unilaterally imposed without discussion . . .

ARE WE SLAVES OF CHRIST...another use of words l feel uncomfortable with...

 Slaves even their bodies belonged to owners.
no possions, no home, no stuff ,limited life, no choice.
Understand Paul's cultural explanation ,plus need to be relevant to that time and environment.
However should we alter style of words.

There are many, reliably informed over 150 terms, to word slave or Douala...even servant  reference to 'servant' in new testament is compared to being a freeman, and clearly a reference to slaves. Once again, KING JAMES V use the euphemism 'servant', while the NAB says 'slave':

 Therefore left with a difficult choice - do we accept whats been a word that translate as "slave" and possibly add racist and/or violent overtones. Or do we go with the culture of those times ignoring what we presently hold as different.?

Its part of the working out, understanding,debating and discussion.

good thing is we can do this stuff....we can disagree..we can use words not as weapons..we can grow and develop better. 

 "Is this the most unwelcoming shop in the UK? And they are willing to discriminate against the medically exempt. Welcome to the UK. There are times when I don't recognise my country."

l had some issue having to explain my limited capacity to breathe correctly...told...` everyone got Ischemic issues`...

`You don`t look unwell`

`If you won`t wear a mask stay at home..`

Local MP stated this.."Is this the most unwelcoming shop in the UK? And they are willing to discriminate against the medically exempt. Welcome to the UK. There are times when I don't recognise my country."

Stay at Home Directions include persons who have a physical or mental health illness or condition, or disability which makes wearing a face covering unsuitable, including persons with obstructed breathing,

Is our society a slave to the rhyme of social media....that is for another time.

                                     God Bless  

Aug 13, 2021

 The incident in Plymouth, where a person has gone around killing others,is shocking.

Like many our thoughts are with those affected, May the Lord counsel and support all.

Deepest Shalom to you.



Aug 12, 2021

modern northern soul?

 When the stars are in her eyes

And the sun is in her smile
She'll be a mother and a child
But all at the same time
When a woman loves a man
She'll be your air,
She'll bring you life
She'll make me sacrifice

"When a Woman" is a song by English recording artist Gabrielle. It was written by Gabrielle along with Richard Stannard and Julian Gallagher and released as the third single from her third album, Rise (1999)

That`s the words coming alive and making a person feel there is hope when you got each other its pretty good place to be..
Very northern soul sound .

Aug 11, 2021

Lyrics speaking directly to myself.

 Louise Gabrielle Bobb, known professionally as Gabrielle, is a British singer and songwriter. Bob was born in Hackney, London. She released her debut single "Dreams" in 1993 and it topped the UK Singles Chart the same year.

yesterday drove local and sat in my car listening to the album...could been greatest hits just simple pleasure and was magic...

love the sample of Bob Dylan, used in title track and former no 1

Took me back to when l bought the Album driving from London twice a month to be home in Todmorden.

I know that it's over
But I can't believe we're through
They said that time's a healer
And I'm better without you
It's gonna take time I know
But I'll get over you

But aware there was another in my life l was never gonna make happy as that person could never be happy.
If they hurting others they were happy
so many of the emotions in the songs where like other lyrics speaking directly to myself.
Its strange human condition but one that aid and supports our development and literacy.

 Much time has passed between us

Do you still think of me at all?
My world of broken promises

Now you won't catch me when I fall

Always surprising is it not when a track of music, 

takes you back and recall the moment....

Aug 10, 2021

we used too . . . .those were indeed the days

 Once upon a time l and others used to go to a football ground named after a local person, stand and watch players wearing shirts. only a number plus Club crest on , swallow Bovril or cup of coffee, perhaps at halftime meat pie.On way home around 1 hour after match, buy the Green Sports Mail. 

Presently, we have something called a `stadium` that is branded. Named after `Foreign airlines, Gambling companies, drinks`. Further other `supply companies, expensive branded shirts `covered in logos, brands and adverts. Planet product waffles, plus sushi at half time. Witness tattooed ex-England players selling us underwear.

More often if we complain about players, its the nightclub or the `brood` they chose . Seldom have home grown manager, even less players that been at club more then three years.

Hull City FC ,Our camel trader Egyptian owners use high interest loan to fund business, some even from another country run not just clubs money, but fans life,and monitor off field interests., Loyal supporters  put up with all this intrusion and ethical misconduct.....well for what....?

 They love rivalries, anticipation of drama,  hope of a new season , desire to be entertained every week by a result or thrilling talent.. ... many know they will not win....may get cold and wet...even in odd places threatened and treated very poorly inhospitable . 

Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
La la la la la la

 Community is and must be inclusive. The great enemy of community is exclusivity. Groups that exclude others because they are poor or doubters or divorced or sinners or of some different race or nationality are not communities; they are cliques - 

We used to think that our community was the safest place, the place we could retreat too for ever and a day..It would never change the people we knew would always be there ...same books...same TV same thoughts ..same sandcastles..same food...

Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
La la la la la la

Most of the great heroes of the Bible share two things in common: they all wore sandals, and they were all required to persevere in their faith, though final victory was often years in the future.

Jesus had 4 brothers (half-brothers, really), as well as sisters. James and Jude, the authors of 2 books of the Bible, were two of Jesus’ brothers.

This was our heritage spiritual discoveries .

Drank tea from mid green cups after the service...Used same pew Bibles...had great suppers...Set clock by the preacher finishing at 11-30...Evening service was informative and relaxing.Took values learned into rest of the week


 We thought they'd never end...........We'd sing and dance forever and a day

We'd live the life we choose.

Aug 9, 2021


 would give everything l hold to be in these waters again swimming then walking the Island of Malta....but appears too tricky for travel at present.

I believe in and follow the story of a Jew,some reported that appeared in our human history , after his death, was confessed by  followers as ‘Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord’. That story I discovered and accepted, later read how certain people reacted to the historical phenomenon Jesus myself as a result of  growing into this Christian faith have begun to lead a new life.

Aug 7, 2021

its the most wonderful time of the year.... season kick off

 “I’ am going to say this once, to all of you that most anybody in the Championship can beat anybody.

Serious it that kind of a football contest. In the moment, on their day, All clubs can win. So for me personally l feel it’ll be a tough season, but Hull City's main focus ,is on how not to be relegated again. We should try and approach it the season positive , Lets go forward  try and win every game.”


Its the most wonderful 

time of the year....

season kick off 

Aug 6, 2021

'I Don't Need Theology, Just Need `Jesus' , Means You are manifesting Bad Theology.


'I Don't Need Theology, Just Need `Jesus' ,
Means You are manifesting Bad
if read me often you will be sure that l constantly say 
...everyone has Theology.

but that should not be confused with having the correct sense
 and view of God and his mission through the Lord Jesus.

the two are often very different.
l am spiritual is a theology.
l am spiritual but not religious , 
is not Theology but often a cop out.

The... `hate preacher of toll gavel`... in East Riding, 
quite often makes this statement.
it is absurd because it made to identify with no real belie, nor
concrete acceptance of faith, followed by disciples of Jesus.

Attending worship and being in communion with other 
 has to be primary process.

Reading, study, and communication, about Bible is secondary discourse.
Further find ways to create ,be involved in ,and serve community.
Be committed to the World issues.

The Championship kicks off this evening with

 Bournemouth taking on West Brom.

Former hull city manager `Da Silva` said this today on Sky TV ...

.;- it was a really good moment for us as a group of technical staff

 even if at the end the taste of relegation was not nice. 

The way we were welcomed by the city was fantastic and it's

 something we'll never forget. It was part of our career development....

That fits into the spiritual but not religious statement
 about feeling connection, not got anything about theology, 

but rooted in Humanity and acceptance of the foreigner. . . .

Every journey does include a map.

  Most journeys need planning some thoughts about what's ahead, some journeys are a repeat done before. Some journey are ones you look f...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"