Oct 30, 2020

Eroded but can be built up.....

Waiting it hard isn't it.....
Living in the ...long now...moments of nothingness
Trying to make plans to get away 
But appears impossible
Still here in nothingness of now
Process deeper but not able to share to much face to face.
Practice new ways of communication but can not beat one to one ...face to face
Lot of stuff l hear is around what possession people cannot get
But greatest loss is in our efforts to remain personally connected
It all been eroded for the present.
But we can begin to rebuild in our hearts,practice thru prayer thinking of each other's and the bigger community......even this can be achieved in ...the long now of this nothingness.  

Oct 29, 2020

4U a message.

 Feel like quitting

well ...backs against the ropes

Uncertain even of next hours 

Taking the hits.

Unable to fight back.

Think straight.

All your training for this moment feels irrelevant...

Belief in you.



Do you feel beaten.

DON`T GIVE UP..........

`You are not alone,` time for cliches this is one of those times....best advice l can offer...

It will Pass......gonna be honest with you putting this at this moment.

When that does not feel like good advice.

But its true.

DON`T GIVE UP...... 

Oct 27, 2020

DO you ever wonder if there is more...not just in this Long Now..but AHEAD

One Definition of on the word horizon : coming in the near future ...example could be..
Scientists believe that a major breakthrough is on the horizon.

l like you wonder if there is more

its not just this time.

it sometimes about what limits us...but it very much about what you see.
I have concluded that living in a flat area affects myself spiritually.
territoriality l have heard it from some as far back as `83` that spiritual forces prevented us seeing bigger
limited by the view from culture of our environment.
witness that in this time...we see no way out of this place
this moment
these events
not connecting so we not expressing differ-ant views
lack of community affecting how we see the bigger picture
it must be paling into other powers hands
we are being managed
Need to see bigger 
must look forward
got to stop seeing this as just where we will be
whats your plans
Where are you going 
whats on the horizon for you and l


              Whats on the horizon for you and l

Oct 26, 2020

Song crawls into our hearts and minds powerful lyrical journey is taking place

Same old memories 
In that place
Walking smells the same....even laughter in her eyes .
Emotions get stirred up...
I am into lyrics of songs they call me first ...like to hear story's narratives..get caught up
Years later still caught up.
That us humans a song does that piece of music.
Such a gift
Yes heart flutters stirs ..memories roll and then back even just for few moments at that moment.
Song can do that it can inspire...bring into mind someone some place...create a movement
Echo from another place and time to reflect concerns or Challenge views .
Music like the snag says...it was my first love..it will be my last!

About being and belonging to God people.

 We think we can create a fun, stimulating, emotionally satisfying experience In church ...one that feels...feels. Feels...it’s dishonest

In Church, we lie,... lie about who we are and where we’ve been. 

We lie by creating experiences based on popular principles of entertainment. showing and  telling people the pleasure they derive from our experience, not encouraging others to grow in their own.

we lie when we do not credit that feeling experience is not often felt...devalue those wrestling struggling not getting our feeling...

so we allow them to depart...

sometimes people say to me.."oh they weren`t ready...they weren`t dancing..singing...talking..raising hands...

After a while, Others begin to believe the lie themselves. To my shame, seen people oblivious to the fact that become the worst kind of liars. 

Play karaoke new tube Worship song...Expect others to stand and accept this mubo.. jumbo.. babel ..babel..

Instead of disciples, we’ve created a line people following false lead.

By winning them with the experience, we’ve won them to the experience. This is the sample bad worship in the church.

It’s time to be honest with ourselves.

Not about feelings...experiences..Has to be about being and belonging to God`s people.

Preparing to return to a society  be `the different .`

Oct 24, 2020

Erosion of worship...

In some places, We have lost sight of what constitutes  worship. Corporate prayer, creeds, confessions, have no place. 

No more gathering, proclaiming, thanksgiving, and sending out. 

Just music, talking, then more music.

Music long way from what l normally listen too...gonna suggest equally long way from what many listen too.

It becomes about me, what I want, if that’s not happening, I’m going to take my guitar and go home. Become like a convener band of what l want..

Scheduled often followed One hour commitment.

Adults go to a “worship service” with commercial music , kinda a self-help, teaching method of sermon.

in not uncommon perhaps not every week Kids go someplace else in the building, where they are overstimulated for Jesus loud music and flashy effects.

We used to go out and formal type of education. Not surprisingly we developed into extra talk shops...after Church fellowship..

After an hour of separation, everyone goes home and gets on with their lives.

worship is not that hour on a Sunday.

Worship is the period of our lives lived Monday to Sunday.

Oct 23, 2020

“Signs of autumn - the reddening leaf, the chill in the early-morning air, the misty evenings. The summer has been splendid but it has lasted long enough. This morning I welcomed the chill in the air and viewed the falling leaves with cheerfulness.” ~A.A.Milne


Fighting to save coast in our area

                                 It all looks very hard work,  long hours quite a bit of consulting taken place .

                                    Got respect for efforts ,however unsure..... of long time value?

Because l am ignorant, own understanding
Impressive machine's technical details, stuff brought from Norway.
Unloaded to smaller barges.
Placed along cliff face to prevent erosion.

Huge cost, but it's part of our coastline , A soft clay like area.
Hence way it disappears..... highest in Europe,
Among highest in world.
Life disappearing efforts being made to ease situation.


Oct 21, 2020

We must strive to understand each other better

We should not simply accept arguments like ,those around 'challenge critical race theory'!
This is a deeply regressive ideology. It says all black people are victims
People like me many around myself,well  white people ,are privileged oppressors. 
To oppresse ,treat others harshly and unfairly at the least....it much more but argue that another day....It rehabilitates racial thinking and that’sdangerous.
Unkind to label me, got lot to learn but one thing truly know.
I am white
Working class
Faith in justice of teaching of Jesus.....
Worked studied hard...
Not never been privileged.

Oct 19, 2020

Well honey.... . . l am being good, love to be with you if only l could

"Looking out onto a world that changed so much,Dyson not working......cats gone.

Love to drive real fast to that cottage by the sea.......yeah still would."

You Know how hard it`s become.....

sometimes l suppose 

We just want to be in pastures


In a place where this has been and gone.

We have to journey through this


Another way does not exist.

We hear about songs,

Watch TV

Read a book

People escape to another place

People escape to another time

In our world, one where you and l live well it about getting through.

But hope we must have, suggest that we develop.

Especially when times are difficult, are a challenge, not easy.

That how humanity grow, it the making of you and l



To write these words.

                  . . . .You Know how hard it`s become. . . . .

In other news

 It emerged last week that a board game which claims to connect people with the dead was being sold in Poundland. But after both Christians and spiritualists complained, the company has withdrawn the 'Spirit board' from sale. In a statement to Premier Christianity, the supermarket poked fun at the controversy. It said, "We had a message from the spirits to make the handful that were left vanish." But ex-spiritualist Laura Maxwell says the occult is no laughing matter




Oct 18, 2020

Sun arises on you

 Let the day begin

Here to the workers in the fields today.

Here to the wall 

That bears their name's.

Here to the lonely everywhere

Let the day begin.

Oct 17, 2020

Saturday wisdom.....another nugget.

  Life, is all about ups and downs and its whether you decide to focus on the positives or the negatives which determines if “your glass is half full or half empty.

some people suggest that when you have faith 

its all uphill.....heaven bound....

That not true life even with faith  " is all about ups and downs , its whether you decide to focus on positives or the negatives which determines if  glass is half full or half empty."

Oct 16, 2020

Strange ways indeed

 Since covid we are breaking apart in communities.
 Were no longer socially mobile.

Stranger..... people l known ,enjoying not going out this feels weird.

Unsure how change back can flow.

Guy told me he loving being furlowe,

There no problem for some, but real issue don't get addressed.

The nothingness of now, means we just do a John Lennon, by default, Sitting watching the wheel go round.

Lack of belonging, ask was it the case previous to Present.?

Oct 15, 2020

Sorry about Today's podcast l was looking forward but technological issue more on` Spiritofthestreets` inst post/site ...."sorry again text and Email those affected".....saddened.

This C19 is preventing us from belonging...

We are sat watching the wheels go round...l know that feels required at times ..but too much of this nothingness is affecting people in their mental emotional and physical well being.

That sense of being part of something by social media works but its limited, for some this is fine.

But even when IT goes fine we need to be in human contact. 

It simple we need to be with each other.

BREAKING. 2 out of 3 juvenile #GreaterFlamingos which were recently released back into the wild at Għadira Nature Reserve following rehab go missing following break-in. Footprints on islands that are never visited by anyone were observed at the reserve. Police are investigating.

Frecks sake how could anyone ....oh yeah it's MALTA
This gets me so annoyed and feel very sad.
Such a waste of nature
Beautiful bird is killed by Hunters,but wish there was more protection in general for wildlife.
Despite or rather because of being in EU Malta does little.
In regards to nature and wildlife...they are slothish.
Sad sad day for all of us the day Flamingos get killed in Malta.

Chris  Packham well known wildlife expert ""have returned to Malta annually to follow the progress that Bird Life Malta and other organisations are making to bring an end to the abhorrent practice of spring hunting. In 2015, the country held a referendum and the people of Malta really started to openly talk about this issue as an outdated tradition."

l am most frequent traveler to these Islands and love walks views smell sounds of Maltese Islands wildlife and Nature. it deeply concerns me that local persons kill Birds that are so rare and Beautiful.

Oct 12, 2020

Again we witness random act of killing...its not should never be normalised nor accepted

In my home town, not where l live,  knife crime as an "act of terror".Father of victim, said young children in Hull are "clearly under siege" from organised gangs moving here from bigger cities.

Is this the world we have created is it one worth fighting for?

Is this the world we created?
What did we do it for
Is this the world we invaded
Against the law
So it seems in the end
Is this what we're all living for today
The world that we created

You know that everyday a helpless child is born
Who needs some loving care inside a happy home
Somewhere a wealthy man is sitting on his throne
Waiting for life to go by
Who was it who said...Imagine ... sang about better place?
Follow teacher ,rabbi called Jesus who preached about different way?
We should all try to be more like the Johns and the Jesus teachers of this world 

Oct 11, 2020

Being offended is good for you.
 Everyone should be willing to subject their views to criticism and even ridicule. The safe space, which shields you from disagreement, Does not excist.
But to go out just to offend, that's not double speech it's not a good place to be.
Critic but try not to offend.
The relationships that challange you,discussion that does not accept myself should make me think differently.
Differant view does not automatically mean change of view.
Unsure what being taught in education at present,but creating a soft underbelly of individuals unable to accept difference.
Another day for modern slavery of platforming speakers .
Enjoy value the debates.

Oct 10, 2020

“We measure our friendships by how they show up in bad weather.” - Sir Winston Churchill

In a bid to tighten their grip on any outstanding suspects, police implemented emergency Section 60 stop and search powers which was yesterday extended for another 24-hours to 4 pm on Saturday, while they have also upped regular patrols of the area. A number of police vehicles and officers were still in Peel Street on Friday afternoon, with a cordon still in place.

The chase happened on October 8 at around 9.30pm and was tweeted out by the force who used a "tpac pre-emptive stop" in order to catch the car and then arrested those inside for drugs offences, with a large amount of cash also recovered. Vehicle linked to county lines sighted entering Humberside force area


Some things change we have always to make decisions...who informs.? where are our Leaders?


What contribution have you and l presented to each other along those around us.

Hello in there, that deep place you sink.when hide the stuff that,don't want others to know

Hello in there, that deep place you sink when hide the stuff that,don't want others to know !

Bette milder recorded ..."Hello in there". . .

It hit me one Sunday as listened to the radio, as so often happens....

 old trees just grow stronger
 old rivers run wilder.....
Old folk's just get Lonelier....
Song about age...about passing of time...seasons
Regrets are experienced..."we lost a son in the war"...
Then the line that tugs on heart strings....she laments,
"Still don't know what for".
Emotional literacy recounted in lyrics to a song.
Hello in there...in where, that deep place you can sink when hide all the stuff that you don't want others to know about

As requested

On Blogger since November 2005. Profile views - 11453. This only blog. spiritofthestree... thin line between heaven and hull ... Industry: Religion -Location: nothull-North East Yorkshire, United Kingdom
  Youth issues and commentary...field worker over 40 years experience . . street based ..outreaching..issue based. Pastoral....one to one ..active listening..group work..Church othapraxy 


Oct 9, 2020

spiritualty means sharing vulnerabilties with others.

The sculpture is located near to the Oasis Cafe on Scarborough's North Bay.
There are issue with this staue `around emotional literacy` Fred ... was on of first into BELSEN a concentration camp during 2 WW. he could never share with anyone the sights he witnessed. image is of someone satrring out to sea. Unable to trust ithers with issue he had witnessed and the affects upon his narraitive. Would fred be in better place for sharing? How did his family feel being apart from the narrative he chose not to reveal. He did later towards end of his life. To care for others is we recognise spiritual. To not allow others to share with you on your journey is damaging, allow others into your deep space and the vulnerabilties. Its spirtual to share vulnerabilites We do not have all the skills we may require. knowing that is allowed.

Oct 8, 2020

Sometimes we struggle to accept. Differant opinion are vital to our cognitive diversity!

 Sometimes we struggle to accept ..conflicting views. This can make us Anxious. Different opinion are vital to our cognitive diversity.

Who is saying things to you that not heard elsewhere?

In what ways are you better informed around news....
Why people telling you thier story?
How deep do l listen...
For how long do we reflect.
What shapes our judgements?

Oct 6, 2020

My job is Senior youth community worker...special responsibiltie for safe guarding.

But unsure why these positions along with generic Youth children and community development positions are so neglected.
How come rates for pay along with conditions not improved .
Indeed sunk.
It's vocational role, essential.
That word still so overlooked at present.

Oct 4, 2020

You and l might forget this important truth.....

You and l are heros
We may not wear a cape...may feel unimportant.
Perhaps feel our life is a mess
But you and l
You and l
We are heros....l don't know your story 
I do not know your struggles
Truth is at present unsure how you are feeling
This l do know your life is special Unigue and valuable.....
The Lord says you are a hero...that good enough
A Hero is reading this, a life liver ,a person so unigue they perhaps forgotten this truth
You are a hero

Oct 3, 2020

The issue with twitter and seeking confirmation via such media...

 A certain Baptist minister who Chalks up lot of books recently been tweeting a great deal...if l was in a desert this mirage would be fine..but not in such a sand coverage area it does not prove so valuable...but not gonna name names...


with such a lot well few tweets endorsing the tale....trouble is you cannot debate in second person even if like me you write in the third person...it leads only to 2 things..

basis in favour those that agree with the persons tweet...confirmed by engageing comments that follow Also as we call in counselling.The strokes .




Those who would engage but don`t because this is not the format.

Hence the confirmation basis ...also known as ECHO chamber

One in three working-age families in so-called “red wall” constituencies won by the Tories from Labour at the last election will be £1,000 a year worse off if government plans to cut universal credit benefit rates go ahead.

we are temporarily suspending article commenting. 

well of course you are C19 been used for lot of prevention...add free speech to that issue.

Oct 1, 2020

Most COVID-19 victims had a pre-existing heart condition called congestive heart failure, which is most common in older people, Charmaine Gauci has said. The Superintendent of Public Health gave a breakdown of some of the health conditions of those who contracted the virus and died. "Most had congestive heart failure, respiratory symptoms and diabetes," she told Times of Malta's weekly Ask Charmaine, in response to a reader's question.

"Greta Thunberg is 17 years old and has autism. You think attacking an autistic kid is satire? You’ve lost the plot Spitting Image..."


eh....yeah that the whole point surly she screams throw tantrums is angry, awkward, wrong, a fool, and silly little girl..so that why she on Spitting image...

they do not like arguments nor the decisions others follow...

There’s lots of ammunition to throw..but you and l must keep quite..
that whole gambit with wokenisum, that cannot stand the debate nor the dialogue
They can rant at you!
Be angry with us...!
Attack our values ..virtues and delimas we face but dammit you cannot retort back..
we are spitting feathers not really we are spitting puppets and we will debate angrily back with you!
The BBC` biased broadcasting cult `..of the left wing is getting attacked,


Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"