Oct 27, 2020

DO you ever wonder if there is more...not just in this Long Now..but AHEAD

One Definition of on the word horizon : coming in the near future ...example could be..
Scientists believe that a major breakthrough is on the horizon.

l like you wonder if there is more

its not just this time.

it sometimes about what limits us...but it very much about what you see.
I have concluded that living in a flat area affects myself spiritually.
territoriality l have heard it from some as far back as `83` that spiritual forces prevented us seeing bigger
limited by the view from culture of our environment.
witness that in this time...we see no way out of this place
this moment
these events
not connecting so we not expressing differ-ant views
lack of community affecting how we see the bigger picture
it must be paling into other powers hands
we are being managed
Need to see bigger 
must look forward
got to stop seeing this as just where we will be
whats your plans
Where are you going 
whats on the horizon for you and l


              Whats on the horizon for you and l

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Life going so fast,nephews even got homework.

What can l say Hull City had a good win. 4_1 against Cardiff. Nephew got me spending on him, every penny was worthwhile, we talked laughed ,...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"