Apr 8, 2019

since you became religious you never bother with us….

At the moment I am feeling some stress this in me creates,
wee bit of tension - 
Kevin scratching own depths.

l was new in my faith journey 
Christian comfortable.
But God was stirring and ready to move me to another place.
Had been Christian for 8 months, haircut,smart black overcoat  . . .walk..A 29, East Riding bus, passed`Stevie Branteo `called my name from the upper deck.
He was my friend, he called me out,
Really not got measure of our friendship but as life passed me fast,already knew how important he plus many others were.
We were boxers together
we chatted then he made that `statement`

This ` statement`
A `statement` 

That was, although l did not know it yet.
it was to alter the course of my life,
its direction.

Stevie. . . . since you became religious you never bother with us.
Kevin . . .WELL its nothing deliberate
Stevie…anyway why don’t you come back to the gym..(Albemarle).
Kevin…OK see you Monday

That Monday for sure l was back skipping in the gym even Dave, (Coach), gave a sly welcome back look.

Like the `Dee J` l was forming into Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays gym. Then Church further `nite club scene`, worked with my brother...we had a residency with several clear gigs a week.
Exposed to real world,` fusion` of spiritual,leisurely,practical,economic,work place,life space.

You see,for a while, had become `religious`,
not sure what direction my life would have taken.
Stevie B my mate called me out with love, and care ,altered how my life was to go.

Relevance that was the word discovered that day as we talked on Beverly road, Before returned to the place (Boxing world), where like Church ,would grow and develop so much more then …well clearly. . .more then whatever previous place was heading….

Stevie B my friend, he died a few short years later, even now l can see the funeral and hear the Priest singing..
"my love will be with you ,till the ends of this Earth"...
As my friend was carried into a tearful Church Gathering. Stevie B my friend.
Gone way to soon

But who l am in part, is due to his smile, nature, the sparring we did ,the music we listened too… a conversation....

Like ,`Forever Angel` he came in my life……stayed, 
Because memories don`t leave like people do.

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ASKING for us to consider, call to right relationships with others.

Seen so many small birds in our locality at present. Include redshanks, pippins, thrush various sorts. The pest that steal chips Seagulls ha...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"