Jun 10, 2018

A Church lost in time . .

Went to church in East riding this morning.
It was like going back 20 years 
They talking in ye ole tongues 
' keys to my serarra'.
misinterpretation of the passage
which says `Did we not hear them talking in our tongue`!
Flags waving
Preaching about revival;
Very old, not contemporary word
1 hour plus of tripe worship songs.
Still me . . . .'youngest person in attendance'.
NO Children's work taking place.

If l turned up to gig for you tonite ,(deliver a disco event).
Only played records/CD's from 15-20 years ago.
Dressed in old clothes,
Used out of date lighting equipment,
The place full of old folk who had no interest new tunes.
Would that be acceptable? Of course not.
If agree here, why is it acceptable in this part of Holderness?
Is one a heretic because feel this is not where God is to be found.?

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Tomorrow's fish and chips paper. Headlines

World become each day more violent troublesome place. More divide from corner shop politics, illegal immigration, false religion, bullying a...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"