Jan 29, 2018

we talking about the need for a revolution

we need to be more active in our opposition to Poverty
in the UK many become blase about the issues
many more caught in a dispiriting experience
the Christian community responds but fails to be involved in action against the oppressor
The bird's sweetest song 
comes from my Rainbow Valley.
They sing the whole year long 
down in my Rainbow Valley.
The flowers speak to me, 
an' say our love should be.
And heaven oh sweet music 
flows from our valley

so making a new journey and about to take a travel someplace
to land called unsure  . .the bible says l have already gone before you lets hope so l am perhaps to old for this business travel...journeys...old habits...new places...

I'm heading home again, 
'cause it still seems I don't fit in.
And the world ain't all 
I thought that it would be.
From this hill I'm looking down, 
upon that friendly town.
There's a place I know 
that's paradise to me.

housing UK

Really good article in the `guardian` by the becoming social critic Patrick Butler.
well researched and essential reading also some interest in other reports around poverty in UK.

twitter feed twitter.com/patrickjbutler

Hundreds of thousands living in squalid rented homes in England

Estimated 338,000 properties rented by under-35s hazardous and likely to cause harm

Jan 27, 2018

Today due to the events happening connected with others tragedy.
Ask you to remember those not as fortunate as we have been!

A day and time to remember

A total of 6,000 Hull men had lost their lives at sea but this tragedy seemed particularly hard to take. Everyone in Hull knew somebody affected by the terrible losses.
The sinkings prompted safety campaigns with the now famous Headscarf Revolutionaries spearheading calls for better protection for their husbands, fathers and sons.

Today, is also day we remember those who suffered because of the silence of many. 2018, we remember the 6 million Jews and others murdered by the Nazis, and victims of subsequent genocides

Jan 26, 2018

Had this feeling for a while of being trapped,
Heart illness along with the culture of this environment
Well all led to a feeling of being unable to break away,
suffered so much lose and witnessed so much death
in this place . Leads me to ask myself . .
Is This my time of life?
What is God saying?
How might l be better used?
Along with winters being so long...poor heating system and not being employed at present gives time funny strangeness ...
Time is changing in my own circumstances and events . . . 

Do you have any questions regarding the apostle Paul? . . or what about poverty?

 Do you have any questions regarding the apostle Paul?

So here is a question asked former mate and Bishop Tom . . . 

Although lot of Paul's writings are credited to him as the Author, recent comments suggest this may not be the case, in all so who are the other Authors.?

A Brief History of End Time

  • School
    % Grade 5 in
    Eng & Maths
  •           Easington Academy (SR8 3AY)
    44.0 0.1 29.0 3.0 
  • Legend:
  • • Attainment 8: Measures average pupil achievement across up to eight subjects, including English and Maths. The national average is 44.6.
  • • Progress 8: Measures progress pupils made between Year 6 and Year 11 relative to similar pupils at other schools. (Average = 0, higher = better)
  • • % Grade 5 in Eng & Maths: Percentage of pupils achieving strong passes (grades 9-5) in both English and mathematics GCSEs. The national average is 39.6%
  • • % EBacc: Percentage of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate with strong passes (grades 9-5) in both English and maths and A*-C grades in the remaining elements. The national average is 19.7%.

look at those figures less then 3% all other figures below the average poverty among highestobesity among very highestlow levels of nutrionhigh levels missed schoolingmore take-away then most citiesno bankno fresh vegetable or fresh fruit shoppoor housingwell below the income level of average households
while the Church looks at these questions!
Prophecy and Apocalypse,is it happening now?

Jan 25, 2018

what l reading this day

Rough sleeper numbers in England rise for seventh year running

An estimated 4,751 people bedded down outside overnight in 2017, up 15% on previous year

Every night YMCAs across the country provide 11,000 beds for young people who are homeless. Many have come from broken families, struggle with mental health and loneliness.

does thinking like the group make you a bully? does standing back and pondering the issue ,even not responding via social media show you to be individual or a coward

police are still killing kids, and the people who killed them are being released, or not even being imprisoned for it. It’s ludicrous. But I want to be positive for the future. I’m confident that one day, people will stop judging someone by the way that they look.

'I was shocked when the call girls arrived': Presidents Club waitress claims PROSTITUTES were among women hired to work at the bankers' sleazy gala

  • Waitress described seeing 'five' women in red dresses arriving following dinner
  • Said guests 'put hands up skirts' and 'touched inappropriately' at after-party
  • Club has now shut down following a storm of criticism from MPs and charities 

  • Police forces registered 37,443 offences involving a knife and 6,694 gun crimes. The number of crimes logged by police is up 14 per cent to 5.3million, statistics published by ONS showed

well that my ramble around events and happenings, as l tramp back to mine for some walks and resting

the words we speak

This is good news for Hull city supporters . . . .

"Of course, I hope that Hull City keeps on being my home so I can do my best, because the best is yet to come. I am really sorry for the misunderstanding, it was not my intention. Hull City fans are the best that happen to me in these hard time of recovering. Regards, Abel."

What l like about this is the effort to communicate and get the record correct, lot of stuff goes wrong in communication because we do not correct ourselves, when we stumble wrongly with our use of words.
life is hard, but sometimes we make things run more smoothly by having the time and putting in the effort to correct any mistakes.
Someone yesterday stated on the TV l can forgive but l cannot forget,

Well you cannot do one without the other

Jan 24, 2018

But life goes on

 Maybe you'll make it one day
But life goes on, you know it ain't easy
You've just gotta be strong
And life goes on, you know, you know it ain't easy

Got pulled into the CBB . . 2018
The nominations forming relationships..storming through how to live the life...become so self centred worry about clothing, how they look.. The housemates who end up being nominated for eviction will face the public vote and three will leave in Friday night's next live show.

There is discussion on the others in a place called the diary room ,some get nominated to be voted off the programme...it highlights intolerance
allows outlandish behaviour
even promotes stupidest sexual references and attitudes
there has been praying . . .
abusive name calling . . .
late evening frolics . . .
questions about gender . . .in fact more then is needed!
lot of bitchy comments . .truth be told . .` shorter then previous years`.

lt a fix of human relationships levels forming, storming ,preforming ,normal type stuff and regrouping into elegancies.
Test my own understanding causing me to ponder own skills and my reaction to humans behaviour .


Next topic.

For the longest time I've had a real hope that I could help  others ,who life would pass over. At present I'm preparing myself to go somewhere ,then to experience something think will be a great honour, brand new adventure.

life goes on ...you know you know it ain`t easy.

Newcastle Central MP Chi Onwurah said: “These shocking figures show that, whilst the rich have got richer, the most vulnerable children in Newcastle and the North East have got poorer.
“In three wards in my constituency, more than half of children live in poverty.

“This is both unbelievable and unacceptable in one of the richest nations in the world, and shows the true cost of Tory austerity

TWEETS  . . . I hear about half children in Newcastle living in poverty . .then we move on to the next topic...half of children in Newcastle live in poverty. . need to do something and soon. The information BBC News
In my 35 years experience poverty affects how people think. How they dress. Emotional literacy...spiritual development...pursuits of education and social literacy. Relationships are affected.
It appears there is a striking trend towards more poverty overall, vulnerable ill, aged poor but also being affected are working households.
Knowing persons who work then have nothing left after paid all bills.
Nothing left for when problems arise.
Knowing these good folks.
Experience the hurts of these good folks.
Getting more angry for these good folks.

CREUL  how this government and the political elite respond....it getting worse!

Jan 23, 2018

I'm wishing on a star
 to follow where you are
 I'm wishing on a dream
 To follow what it means

  1. Any interested in help with your faith journeys this guy is a must . . . ..35 years of experience, understanding, and knowledge. kevin_wllr@yahoo.co.uk thespiritofthestreets . .
after the snow wind bitterly cold days and icicle in house winter, we are projecting flooding for this area.
All in the time`s are tough.
"Life you know something it not like in the movies its much harder then that . ."
life . . (someone once said in a great book called `The road less travelled` . .is hard...) well. . Life is hard.

Jan 22, 2018

beautiful lyrics to warm a heart

so it time to kick someone out
of your life . . happened to me...few times
despite the stupid hour l watch
engrossed forming own view and prejudice.

I'm wishing on a star
To follow where you are
I'm wishing on a dream
To follow what it means
I'm wishing on a star
To follow where you are
I'm wishing on a dream
To follow what it means
And I wish on all the rainbows that I see
I wish on all the people who really dream
And I'm wishing on tomorrow, praying it'll come
And I'm wishing on all the lovin' we've ever don

getting up at stupid o clock
watching this programme about human
 storming and out performing.
I never thought I'd see
A time when you would be
So far away from home
So far away from me
Just think of all the moments that we'd spent
I just can't let you go, for me you were meant
And I didn't mean to hurt you, but I know
That in the game of love you reap what you sow
I feel it's time we should make up, baby
I feel it's time for us to get back together
And make the best of things, oh, baby


City are, again, reliant on goal difference to keep them out of the drop zone following a run of seven games without a victory and Meyler accepts something has to change if back-to-back relegations are to be avoided.
“I speak for myself and I know what situation we’re in,” said Meyler. “I know that Daws (Michael Dawson), Greggsy (Allan McGregor) all know what situation we’re in.
“If I’m going to be honest, yes we probably were sleepwalking and didn’t believe where we are . . . . FROM Hull daily mail
So very disappointed in the result after listening to the match on local radio..which was a joy...my emotions were well..
1 disappointment
2 frustration
3 anger
Pretty sad that we are again heading for the lower divisions.
The economic well being of the city of culture is affected by the football.
Local shops, the take away food places. 
Further the emotional literacy is important, as fans and family feel better when the locality is featured and considered as a top team. Top venue.Attracts top players overall feeling is one of being in a better place.
But we have to cope with disappointment and that something we in my home town team Know well from economic,industry,crime,blighted estates,lack of spiritual insights, again overall poor well being of the environment.
Culture of the environment is diacritical factor in development and growing up.

Jan 20, 2018

Too cold for me

So it arrived, the cold snowy winter hitting its worse as Hull City visit the local team Sunderland.
Radio on, while snug down, and sit out this cold period.
Expected more snow next few days But so Fed up of this winter . . . .

To improve my own social literacy, also should be swimming, 
walking ,talking, eating perhaps on my island in the sun.
Are you busy planning for your greatest moment, something that you are looking forward to, a life changing experience, or a goal you have been striving towards?

yes it true that the first thing l was asked this morning !
so l suppose that where my planning and thinking should be heading.

Jan 19, 2018

God always wanting to hang out with us.

"Evidence of rising incomes is difficult to square with the lived experience of people on low incomes".

God never disconnects from us. 
which is important as we get older or are in ill health...
we need to rediscover and recall from his own words that  . . God,He is always loving, 
always patient, always tender, 
always calling us and wanting to hang out with us.

 . . Did you get that God wants to hang out with you and I  . . 

Meanwhile in the world also frequent news on my home town club Hull city, who are playing the club nearest to where l live, Sunderland, tomorrow.
Hull City currently find themselves looking at the football world from perilous position in  Championship. again like last season picking up just very few wins all season, 
New manager Nigel Adkins side are floundering, we are just just a point above the relegation zone,we might drop into the very bottom of this league if we fail to beat `Black cats ` tomorrow
add to that another weekend of embarrassment for myself.

This cold weather is affecting my social literacy.

Jan 18, 2018

“departing…yet not leaving,”

Me l am like person
  . . .`No longer invited to the table`. . .
My health played this trick on the many who knew myself.

It is like wandering along an empty beach in the summertime.

This is how it feels this heart thing  . .Kinda like this almost defines who l am . .but it not,  .  it as though l departed but not yet left the party . . .

got to agree

Replying to  
actually l thought it was more
exetheolisis and less exegesis then original if you read it through again you could think more laterally about the authoritarian Episcopalians which is also evident


Suddenly see my surroundings. Witness greyness of the sky, more of blankness of the white fields,snow covered and silent,uniquely flat,our local landscape. Walking along alleyways, further up streets this wintertime,This snow bound area feels stark . . invisible.
Me l am like person `no longer invited to the table`.
My health played this trick on the many who knew myself
It is like wandering along an empty beach in the summertime.

Everything is coloured the same,sandy yellow,while deep footprints slow myself down, yet struggle on back from the shore line to make way home.
 Everywhere looks straight and empty.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"