Feb 27, 2017


We are called to Love God
Love one another
Follow Jesus.
Then we get clever 
and we start to fail

three main reasons why Christianity fails

Two gatherings about faith one in north Yorkshire,
The other few minutes from my home.
One connected with emergent faith journeys, in which l am leading a little talk about Jesus.
The other l am just going to listen
 as the local  Salvation army want people to attend a meeting,
about them closing their meeting place.

Their are three main reasons why Christianity fails in mission

poor networks
offer of immediate spirituality
bad Management of resources

poor networks
offer of immediate spirituality
bad Management of resources 

Often it is a combination of these factors
we are called to Love God
Love one another
Follow Jesus.
Then we get clever and we start to fail
lets talk about Jesus

Feb 24, 2017

Inner story of heart that is heavy

Biggles Waller on the oxcegon machine that now part of my inner story
The health challanges l use this very sparingly it helpful
But it not going to become part of my regime or routine
My inner story is about heart a heart that needs repair
But heart that also heavy for what witnessed
The inner city plus rural community
Blighted and forgotten
Heart is heavy when l think how Low we come that poverty increased in my working environment
In my life time
Heart is heavy that many left by the wayside while rich get richer 
Poor get poorer
Heart is heavy for the love not shared heart is heavy and feels beaten because l know God is love just weary that he not so obvious
Heart is heavy that this burden is clear poor get poorer and vulnerable get left behind
Love wins
But my inner story is about heart that is heavy
God knows this much 'it a burden'others often faith people  . . .we share this heavy burden

Feb 23, 2017


They Long To Be Close To You had been written by Bacharach and his partner Hal David some seven years earlier, and was included in Dionne Warwick’s third album. In addition to Karen’s alluring lead vocal, the Carpenters added intricate harmonies to a beautiful arrangement by Richard who also shortened the title and, in six weeks, the song occupied the No.1 spot on the American charts. It remained one of the best sellers of the year, and sold over three million copies worldwide. 

Perhaps today we can think about our words how they make impact someone`s `inner-story`, maybe need to affirm someone . .  complement them
Don`t touch the subject much but discernment, Further prayer would help in this task.
That could be a vision for this day be aware to others `inner story`.
Not everyone is aware of their own inner story either so that just makes it more complicated, how ever still need to make an effort.
My inner story is affected by current health,which should improve soon as l head to my `idea of Paradise`.

Karen`s inside story

Hope has a new face.
Words have lasting legacy,
There is something about music, listening to soul and the emotion in a song.
But also interested in the `times` (Period) a song was a hit and the `place`,what its narrative is about.
Saw an interesting Documentary about `Carpenters` yesterday, such angelic voice .. such a troubled life.
All really down to Karen's inside story.
The issue she faced,Further the impact of others voice`s,words and disberging comments.

Her inner story was effected by the story others projected about her size,Her weight,her looks.

Very little projected to `affirm` her, so her `inner story` became an outer struggle, with bulimia eventually leading to heart attack,then Death.

Feb 22, 2017

my inner formings

Something happened in our inner -story that appears in our outer character ,it may be lack of monetary reward so perhaps that made us steward better or become mean, without starting to be mean.

 We just have a value around money that to do with not having a great deal.

That one example it just that.
We may be the eldest of a large family and we always had to be more thoughtful or did we become slightly resentful
or the youngest of an large family so we awe always looked after and learnt to rely on others
perhaps in doing so we became more and not less reliant.
it was not a choice
it was just some forming that occurred.
One male l worked with never got money in his hand so we found at weekend retreats he was very moody and argumentative all due to the fact that he had no simple disposable cash at such trips.
he became resentful we always had strict codes around how much money to bring away on such trips.
l once explained that l don`t carry much cash and don`t spend when away like this, this enabled him to not be so envious, while also made sure we never went to places where need lot of spending
simple rule but perhaps also it part of my inner being playing out into social life.
what might be happening at present in your inner story.
We don`t always get the chance to reflect in depth
but it allowed l need to do this often just sit and think about inner me and that journey.
the inner me and that journey makes sense to reward one self with these thoughts and time to reflect.
Life can be a bit tough cold wind and lack of routine for many around you this day may be tough
BUT things get better they really do

Feb 21, 2017

"At night... when the bars close down
 . . . . walks through a silent town
And loves a ... who's not around
She still can hear him say"

Love music, and this morning l enjoyed few hours sat listening to music,the story and the narrative as someone lays a panel of emotions around you.
gain some insight and wonderment at the lyrics

Feb 20, 2017

oh no! bombing in my idea of Paradise

Car bomb in Msida. Malta

no seriously here where l am going in few weeks for recovery of my health,

to swim,walk and grow better,to improve my condition.

Also to perhaps find out what condition my actual condition is in?

however this condition is making my present condition uncomfortable 

The driver seriously injured, two others also hurt

Explosion at the heart of one of Malta's busiest traffic junctions

is it safe for us non Islamist to visit your country whats going on and why is this happening is it religious...political...kids having fun during half term ..is it tourist showing anger at the new tourist tax..or simply someone been watching to many inspector Montalbano any one can offer an explanation
    Picture: Rebecca Privitera.
    is it safe for us non Islamist to visit your country whats going on and hwy is this happening is it religious...political...kids having fun during half term ..is it tourist showing anger at the new tourist tax..or simply someone been watching to many inspector Montalbano any one can offer an explanation
  • Picture: Rebecca Privitera.

Feb 18, 2017

hello its getting warmer and l need to be healthier

hello it`me

I've thought about us for a long, long time,
Maybe I think too much but something's wrong,
There's something here that doesn't last too long,
 . . . . 
Seeing you, or seeing anything as much as I do you,
 . . . . .
I take for granted that you just don't care,
Sometimes  . .

It's important to me 
That you know you are free,
 . . . .
Think of me,
You know that I'd be with you if I could
I'll come around to see you once in a while
 . . . .
And spend the night if you think I should

hello it`s me

l doing OK really l not sure always how l became the me reflecting all that stuff from the inside l personally just feel its important to share inner self even if that can be harmful
hello l am still here trying hard to be someone who cares for others as much as l do
my Inner journey has to pour out to make room for other stuff it the only process of growth l find healthy at present


Modernism is the product of the untalented,

sold by the unscrupulous,

to the utterly bewildered.

new line in modelling is based on styles as worn by homeless people
like the blade in the centre of Hull City,
the UK city of Culture 2017
it not art
its trash
and someone is being ignored and exploited
how did we lose
when did it become OK to use `Homeless people` as statements of art
oh and the piece of junk that fills Hull City Centre

Modernism is the product of the untalented, sold by the unscrupulous, to the utterly bewildered.

Feb 17, 2017

fever, chills, and dehydration

Your symptoms are nausea, vomiting, stomach cramping, and diarrhoea. Add fever, chills, and dehydration and you have a personal crisis.  Food poisoning, while extremely unpleasant, will commonly last only 1 to 2 days.  

#that been me for 3 full days lot better now
thanks to friends and neighbours
it started with the chills out walking rushed back for some back of the toilet spray painting
that remained with little let up and little sleep
for over 60 hours
all that time l had four shortcake biscuits
two slices of toast
lost bit of weight#

that me in the corner not losing my religion


this is a picture that should shame
 a nation that 
nation is Malta
 a ringed plover
 caged in something it cannot even move around in 
the shame of Malta

Ringleader of the Hatton Garden jewellery raid 59-year-old Danny Jones pleads guilty to a previous theft of gems worth £1m on Bond Street

here an idea why dont we put all our old folks in prison we cure the social welfare bill and everyone's happy

Feb 16, 2017


well here what l been reading and listening to recently also some films l will get round to watching  Serpico he the man in the know``

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. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"