Mar 31, 2016

the stuff of worship

Worship is this thing about stuff
way we live life
not `kumba ja my lord` with guitars and eyes closed
its more like the music we listen to
the relationships we form
the style of experience's we hassle our way thru
the tough choices we make
the uncomfortable stuff
spirituality does not exist in a vacuum
nor is it confined to Sunday service for one hour

aspirition and beliefs

At this point in the season Hull City can only claim to have 4th best squad, manager in the Championship; Or perhaps the table is lying!
People  talk about statistics and  performance, that's not relevant, it is the score when the referee blows the whistle that counts, every football fan knows that.
The factor missing is the conversion opportunities into realities,
Hull City have created an impressive number of goal scoring chances but they have failed to convert So we are no longer in the automatic promotion place`s.
That a fact. If Steve Bruce and his squad can start converting those opportunities in a more consistent fashion then there is every chance that Hull city will end the season with a successful promotion,
However at the moment that an aspiration, a belief, and it will remain such until actions on the pitch mirror the words in the media.

Mar 30, 2016

sometimes its thinline and it cold

Sometimes it snows in April Sometimes I feel so bad
Sometimes, sometimes I wish that life was never ending,
And all good things, they say, never last I often dream of heaven and I know that  . . . .  there
I know that they found another friend
Maybe  found the answer 2 all the April snow
Maybe one day I'll see my  . . .. again
Sometimes it snows in April
Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad
Sometimes I wish that life was never ending,
But all good things, they say, never last

sometimes it appears to me Kevin
that its a really
`thinline between heaven and here`

that's real normal to become a bit disheartened
like great days come the sun shines and you appear not to have a care in the world
but sometimes it simple not like that
were not on fakebook
 pretending that days are always fun and we look fantastic
lets not be fake because sometimes
 even now its cold and it can snow in April

Mar 29, 2016

What your excuse

Moses stuttered.
David’s armor didn’t fit.
John Mark was rejected by Paul.
Timothy had ulcers.
Amos’ only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.
Jacob was a liar.
David had an affair.
Solomon was too rich.
Abraham was too old.
David was too young.
Peter was afraid of death.
Lazarus was dead.
John was self-righteous.
Naomi was a widow.
Paul was a murderer.
So was Moses.
Jonah ran from God.
Miriam was a gossip.
Gideon and Thomas both doubted.
Jeremiah was a bullfrog;
Just kidding — he was depressed and suicidal.
Elijah was burned out.
Martha was a worry-wart.
Mary may have been lazy.
Samson had long hair.
Noah got drunk, and that’s not all.
Did I mention that Moses had a short fuse?
But God doesn’t require a job interview.
He doesn’t hire and fire like most bosses,
because He’s more our Dad than our Boss.
He doesn’t look at financial gain or loss.
He’s not prejudiced or partial, not judging, grudging,
sassy, or brassy, not deaf to our cry, not blind to our need.

Easter reminds us love not a victory march,it's cold and broken hallelujah, . . . from the cross cry hallelujah

Easter reminds us love not a victory march,it's cold and broken hallelujah,from the cross cry hallelujah 
Hallelujah is actually two words hallelu meaning (practically meaning), honour worship shout ,and jah is shortened version street meaning, Yahweh.
so its praise God. 

still the best pizza in Malta

victoriso Marfa bay malta
the best pizza in Malta

pictures to follow
missing missing missing
one thing l looked cool best jacket

Mar 24, 2016

Was it so long ago

The singer says turn a different corner and we never would have met
Or you may not found faith
Perhaps a different family
Defiantly more valentine cards
Hair could be bit longer more easier to manage 
Even make the day a bit brighter
Some fashionable clothes to wear
Different car to drive
better employment prospects
But should I have turned a different corner and we would never have met

Then again "Simply no"
As another singer laments
Simply no 💘

Mar 23, 2016

Fun with the Archers radio programme or maybe not fun

                                         So back in my mind to 1974 just starting work
                   At the same time every day the life 
        The work
Even the world slows down
                               Real slow 
As the Archers comes on the radio
Like a love affair
It remains
As so much changes so recently has the archers it become eastendrualers yes that's right
Domestic violence over 9 months `long time in radio land`?
It dragged on
Stirring ...stirring . . like a toilet brush removing fescues that's stuck
When you reflect.maybe tweet or comment Facebook
l bet like me you`ll You get a lot of abuse
It's simply this
It's radio and we listen for fun. to be entertained
Not to be sermonized
So the funs gone and it appears like me,so have many other listeners

Mar 21, 2016

Aries March 21st 1956 Liverpool born your stars for today

If it's your birthday today
Then the money worries shoulders so long will not be removed
The age around your eyes will not be  softened 
As fashion change and the love flows away
There is still alive a memory
Chains holding you are ready to be unshackled as sure as that trailer by the sea
is still awaiting
A Lone figure still walks near a phone box somewhere
Awaiting a call that says "how do you always know just when to call".
So make that call
Enjoy the love waiting
Face tomorrow more loved valued and appreciated

Mar 19, 2016

Sad at the very least gutted....emotions

Please cut the crap every month with "we were the better team"every freckin week same old same old if we are constantly better team why are they four worse teams above us Cut The Crap

Mar 18, 2016

Piss In da church

The church car park areas became a public convenience this afternoon and evening, with rows of people constantly waiting to urinate by the boundary wall

"This year we held meetings with police, added extra public toilets, got ambulances on site. Having said that 20,000 people in the pjazza is way too much. We are going to make it very clear with the authorities that we are not happy," the mayor said.
Parish priest Fr Claude Portelli said he was disappointed by the shameful behaviour seen in the afternoon and the evening.

As the bee gees sang
"I'm going nowhere somebody help me if you can"
World going one way 
Decent honest people who not self centred going another

Mar 17, 2016

The archers and the DV issue

Certainly, Rob and Helen's relationship is unusually plausible and his careful undermining of her confidence subtly, cleverly and creepily drawn. Subtle... clever... creepy... Did I just say that? About The Archers? I don't know who I am anymore.

Great listening and the emotions
The drama
The awfulness 
Fill my room as l listen and grips me
However not stirring me to anything else
It certainly spoiling the listening experiance for others who have switched off
The debate rolls around wether or not this is the correct medium for running issues like this
It also l think about the suitability of long drawn out drama
Is it real 
Would other have seen and come into the situation

Like a soul song whose emotions l understand
As the singer asks 'have you seen her' 
Just listening but l know that sentiment 

The drama pulls me in l cringe hurt feel uncomfortable 
Then l have to switch of and get on. With  life
The Noel live each day 
With all the drama that brings

Mar 16, 2016

I want a Budget that helps the poorest in this country, that creates jobs, that encourages local authorities to build council housing, and that shows that there is a sense of the reality experienced by those living in inner urban areas. If we do not provide jobs for young people, we will reap the whirlwind.’


Agreement to expand mixed-gender prayer space at holy site would cause ‘spiritual damage beyond imagination,’ says Rabinowitz.
We need to be clear.
Those following a 'false prophet', are doing just that.
Someone who injected themselves and that wicked, vile,oppressive religion with its hatred of others.
It's Daniel of biblical and scriptural truths.
Has no place alongside other faiths
Allah is not Yahweh.
If that was the case then God almighty got it wrong.
The false prophet was not called ,commissioned, by the Almighty.
He who was involved in violence every 6 minutes for the last 13 years of his life, is a false prophet.
Denies the Jesus of the Gospels.
God of the Old Testament.
The false prophet and his deluded followers must be kept apart from all on the Faith journey.
False prophet has questionable roots
Wicked vile oppressive.
No place in modern spiritual pilgrimage.

Mar 14, 2016

Vinyl in museums it be me next !

Who would believe that stuff, That l still use end up in a oldie world expedition. 
Not dead yet.
Talked often about love of Vinyl so surprised to see in a show about old world yesterday.
The above selection of Vinyl for the junkies
Got quite nostalgic  . . . . .tearful even
Suppose just passing  .   .through experiencing this thing called life .

`Hip hop` as l was in conversation also
Not about albums but the tracks =
LL cool jay     I need love
Fugues.          Killing me softly
Jazzie             Summertime
Some albums that l own got good track listening,
 like "miseducation of Laura Hill"
Jazzie z, "original gangster"  of course Gill Scott Heron- "I'm new here" (remix)
But mostly a track influenced by events that coincide Riots, poverty,
Love, lack of love, oppression all find statement in lyrics and rhyme 

Mar 12, 2016

not very good at the least

3 games this week that's a lot

Well it appears that quite a hill to climb
But there be Gold I them there hills
Here we go again 
The emotion
The drama
The excitement
Reading about
A part of life
This precious thing we live
Enjoy the life

Mar 10, 2016

Not meaning to offend

Sometimes just clear there a force, purpose, nature, Loving God,
Father behind all the day brings...guess that offends some.
"When you're doing your laundry and you see gravestones, you realize that 'I'm not going to be here forever.'" 

Mar 9, 2016

My journey,pause,and ask! as l drink cup of tea

The bus driver from cirrewerra to valatta is a Burnley fan,again l sit as so often in my life,embarrassed Hull City FC supporter,it feels such small world when you are red faced and disappointed in tigers football team.
Emotions like disappointed,sad,unhappy,embarressed.
These emotions fall away as real dramas and life others experiance crosses my path.
I now sit in. The warm safe,drinking cup of tea,an everyday occurrence for myself.
All of that 
Well Feb
Chatted with friends
Journey in faith

As the day pulls away from the morning into a glowing afternoon l thank God
Struggle what can l do 
What is it l need to be doing about the situation of others
I cannot claim to love God and be a follower f Jesus if l am content to watch the struggles of others
Pray that God will show me what l can do!



Mar 6, 2016

From a street painting displayed in Mehillia

The face is real
The hand rest on her shoulder 
Grace flows with the tears that are mingled into hair that wash the feet
Do you see this person here
Do you feel what they are engaged in
Are your tears flowing mingled down with your own emotions
Who do l grieve for this day
How many of my tears hit the ground uncounted
Prayers unanswered
Again l pray
Please God in your grace hear myself

Mar 3, 2016

Stop pause read the world reflect

Time to Stop.          Pause read the world reflect

No process

No performance          

Actually take a break. 

Turn off the stuff of busyness: your email, phonecalls, conference calls, texts, twitter and facebook. 

Remember God and rest in the peace that He gives.

Be fully aware of Him and you and how you are not the one who keeps the universe spinning.

If ever you don't feel valued

If you ever feel unimportant.. .take out a brand-new £10 note,next put it on the floor rub it,put dirt on it, moments ago it was worth £10. It was brand new. But now it’s got dirt on it and it hasn’t lost its value, it’s still worth £10.’ Now crease it up and unfolded it. Look at it... ‘It still hasn’t lost its value. It doesn’t matter how dirty or how creased you think your life is, you have never lost your value in God’s eyes.’

Mar 1, 2016

Coming soon new way of growing emerging Church in Easington

Group work small, mentoring/discipleship classes never been high on the Durham Easington district churches. Despite essential to the heart of our life as a church. Such small groups provide the perfect context for friendship, care, challenge, discipleship and leadership development in the Christian Faith.

Which provides clues to real lack of authentic Christian growth in that area.
Further the place of `Freemasonry` as life choices more indictment. 
Following discussion, perhaps some of us going to grow a `house Church` meet needs, OR needs must.

Let's turn towards the story of Easter and Jesus

happy days are here again in the grim North east

The North East as a region has the highest suicide rate in England and is second to Wales for Britain. There were 13.8 suicides per 100,000 people in the North East in 2013, 
 The areas mental health recovery team will cease to function.
More further cuts are going to severely impact on mental health services, domestic violence services, decent homes provision, services for the elderly, disabled and young, libraries, leisure centres and museums; 
540 jobs will be lost and on top of it all there will be a 3.9%  council tax increase generally in the north east families and individuals will be £750+ worse off
Altogether now happy days are here again

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"