Mar 30, 2011

Mar 29, 2011

2the gym

we are off spinning and swimming followed by pizza tonite
then we got one more day to go before l depart

feel really sad to be leaving
perhaps it just old age that is making me so melancholia

Mar 28, 2011

free libya

its been just over a month since the Libyan people have stood up and realised
they must put an end to the lunatic Mummar Gaddaffi.
his 42 year barbaric rule has caused lots of death to poor soles who just want to be free.
This could be a great moment in history, as people stand up for their country and own rights.
Do we show solidarity with Libya?

meanwhile in libya newcastle

FAT or FAMINE 2011 fitness4life

Well done all who attended, although a bit ill but enjoyed the occasion,
could not believe when the, 'rice brigade` grab the left over food from the `rich larks` on top table.

Hold onto those feelings!
They were real, when you found out your meal was a bowl of rice and others well, they were getting the full works.
Lovely occasion, Real theology behind the evening.

Mar 25, 2011

sessions at resi

we did a session on faces
what face to project around Christmas
which face do we show our mates
what do we look like when we are angry/wanting something?
Desiring a good thing?
do we present a different face when we attend at interview or similar event

but there is one who
we don`t need to show any face too!

Mar 24, 2011

fitness for lifes beautiful humans

hungry beautiful human young people
ready to be feb spiritualy emotionaly and internaly with fantastic menu

beautiful humans of fitness for life
A privalge to be called thier youth leader.

ill again neck ache

Wow really ill today but carry on work and whole.
Massive pain in neck.....
(write own puns)
Sessions on resi, Yes will publish them.
First one was about `sharing something of YOU`, via the medium of stars in the sky. Everyone put `4 stars on a paper`, after explanation into why stars important. Plus what they represented
thus forming a giant joint painting we are producing.
It was mega hard lot of self disclosure,  but fun
embraced by the youth in surprising way.

Mar 22, 2011

cober hill weekend fitness4life

so ice creams in Scarborough after long climb up 200 metres of ravenscar peak
no teashop or other open for nice cuppa at the actual place so we rested in the nearby seaside town
 10 out of 10 for behavior,
 10 out of 10 for meals,
 10 out of 10 for group sessions,
Well received by the young people
Learning about life, relationship, fun, and God.
God in the mix.
We have to communicate in a way not the same as when l was a teenager,
but always relevant.
Kev hopes.

There was no putting people into groups but we found that at meal times the girls went sat together, and the lads sat together.
That was OK
Upon reflection it was same when l was there age.
We grow confident at times away, for some it was their very first time away.
For others like Shanon and Chris this was there 9th residential experience in 4 years quite an achievement.

Finally for prosperity Kev Waller(aka spritofthestreets) Shannon,Amy,kyle,Jordan, Chloe,amber,Hannah, Nye, Conner,Alex,Laura,Lil Chris.

Mar 18, 2011

be thankful

started the day listening to
sittin in the park by bobby thurston
jimmy helms jack horners holiday

on vinyl with headphones on sipping cup of tea.

please pray that God will protect guide and leads us
that we will returned safe and refreshed emotionally spiritually and physically

the residential at Scarborough is here and my last 2 weeks

Military action against Libya will come within "hours" and France will participate in the strikes, government spokesman Francois Baroin said this morning.

The strikes will come "rapidly... within a few hours," he told RTL radio after the UN Security Council last night cleared the way for air strikes by approving "all necessary measures" to impose a no-fly zone on Libya.

Baroin said the goal of the military action would be to "protect the Libyan people and to allow them to go all the way in their drive for freedom, which means bringing down the Gaddafi regime."

Mar 17, 2011

resi tomorrow

need a shave
a good rest
proper food
up bright and bobtailed tomorrow
better get a few hours nap in the afternoon tomorrow

Mar 16, 2011

The chief executive officer of the Foundation for Social Welfare Services, Joe Gerada, said it is regrettable that importers of beverages such as the Cocaine, an energy drink, are allowed to place adverts that neutralise the good work that teachers and Sedqa carry out to educate child-ren against drug misuse.

Mr Gerada said Sedqa will continue to object to the marketing of drinks that carry names that have connotations of illegal drugs

l agree with all of the points raised here and for further reading explore THETIMESOFMALTA.COM

Mar 15, 2011


In Japan, the official death toll stands at 2,400 but estimates suggest at least 10,000 may have been killed.

Thousands are still unaccounted for as the relief effort continues.




building sandcastles is a youthwork skill l have perfected

I hope there is something childish in each of us
when an option to play in the woods,or build sandcastles,maybe swim,create a raft, present themselves.
With gustier embrace these options as often as one can.

The best and biggest skills a youth worker can hold are the ones that enable us to Building sandcastle,This is a skill l have perfected.
Such skills allow for opening out,walking and talking.

As l prepare the talks for the residential,
the multitude of plans will be come clear,
ideas and breaker games, words l want to share, will all become clear.
the group sessions will be first in my head

Then on paper,
finally youthgroup will put own thoughts, ideas, words, into the session time.
But the skill of hearing a non verbal with whole of my body
is the skill God willing l will practice the most.

the holy island visit

Saturday was a visit to the holy island
it was rainy
felt really miserable

not sure if the group enjoyed the experience
life sometimes like this journey
long way from where we live
was the journey and expectation bigger
then we could have expected

among the group was some silly squabbles one person ended up with wet muddy feet
others bickered about wrong stuff
meanwhile back in Japan

Mar 11, 2011

cloughton ghost jasper

cloughton ghost jasper is a ghost who haunts the youth wing at cloughton
he is a cannibal and has often bitten the toes of people who are sleeping at cloughton
hairy tall and dark this is one of the most frightening ghost haunting the east Yorkshire coast
first recorded sightings go back to middle wood farm robin hoods bay August 1974
rumoured to be a escaped from a slave ship moored in nearby Scarborough harbour

please contact GHOST HUNTERS UK if you do have an encounter
stay safe

hello in there

"What's new?"
"Nothing, what's with you? Nothing much to do."

Mar 9, 2011


vulnerabiltie can be unhelpful
at least that at 1150
on the 9th of March
is what l think.

more later.......

hello out there

look into that person eye
examine there life and even though you may feel,
that do not know what to say
just say
hello in there

Mar 8, 2011

But I don’t do quiet,
I am not tranquil except when I am asleep
and then I am not available
as far as I know.

by martin wroe

l think a greenbelt guy
someone else is like me here l do not do quite very well
mostly l am up for it
although l would agree
l have too much to say at times
but hey this is me?

just done the brochure for our last residential
happy times
gym walk and chips tonite
need to connect with the youths on a one to one level
we have got a really busy month in our last few weeks together
has GOD said go?

Mar 6, 2011

"hello in there"

Sell my heart to the junk man
And give my love to Rosie.
Yesterday at 13 .30 A professional who was examining myself, said
*what happening is about you getting old."

A Jewish person kind, intelligent.
told me what l had not heard before
l am getting old

 No longer a younger person

l cannot play soccer like used to
no should be going in the boxing ring pretending.
This walk and uphill climb
The fight l am losing.
what does the bible say. 
 From the moment we are born we are dying.
sometimes, odd days it feels like that
Now where that zimmerframe.

a song about being old

We had an apartment in the city,
Me and Loretta liked living there.
Well, it'd been years since the kids had grown,
A life of their own left us alone.
John and Linda live in Omaha,
And Joe is somewhere on the road.
We lost Davy in the Korean war,
And I still don't know what for, don't matter anymore.

Ya' know that old trees just grow stronger,
And old rivers grow wilder ev'ry day.
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there, hello."

Me and Loretta, we don't talk much more,
She sits and stares through the back door screen.
And all the news just repeats itself
Like some forgotten dream that we've both seen.
Someday I'll go and call up Rudy,
We worked together at the factory.
But what could I say if asks "What's new?"
"Nothing, what's with you? Nothing much to do."

Repeat Chorus:

So if you're walking down the street sometime
And spot some hollow ancient eyes,
Please don't just pass 'em by and stare
As if you didn't care, say, "Hello in there, hello."

Mar 4, 2011

paradise to me

Exercise has many benefits

“l would recommend doing at least half an hour’s moderate exercise a day – even brisk walking or anything that leaves you slightly out of breath.

“Getting enough physical activity will also help you keep a healthy weight"

there are many more choices around for young people even a 30 minute walk to school is seldom an option these days.

“Exercise has many benefits, including boosting the immune system, decreasing inflammation in the bowel and helping to reduce insulin levels – all factors which we know are likely to have an effect on bowel polyp risk.

“we try to get results and enjoy the many benefits of regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle,at
fitness for life
but not always sure young people understand

peace in maltese marriage

peace in Maltese marriage
The vows they took to remain together “till death do us part” are still fresh in the minds of Mireille and Pierre Cordina, who are adamant a divorce law will do society no good.

“We married each other for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. Marriage is for life. We can’t be offered a loophole,” Mr Cordina, a 33-year-old DJ, said.

His 29-year-old television presenter wife echoes the same sentiment and they discard the notion that their stand is somehow influenced by the flush of being relative newly-weds.

The two, who tied the knot three years ago, have become the youthful faces of the newly established Marriage Without Divorce Movement

Mar 2, 2011

stop and pray

stop and pray

stop and pray
what has stayed with me about the currant situation in Lydia is that on Fridays people go to worship are seen to be praying then they go about the issue of restoring justice or combating the enemy
saw this in Tunisia Egypt

what happens in our culture
we drink examine latest chav idol watch skytv then ?

something gone wrong here! me thinks
we should first and at foremost
stop and pray

matthew my son

matthew david waller is 27 today st Davids day the first of march.
27 27 27 wow does anyone know where the time goes

Tomorrow's fish and chips paper. Headlines

World become each day more violent troublesome place. More divide from corner shop politics, illegal immigration, false religion, bullying a...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"