A hidden path that starts at a dead end,
Old ways, renewed by walking with a friend,
And crossing places taken hand in hand,
The passages where nothing need be said,
With bruised and scented sweetness underfoot
And unexpected birdsong overhead,
The sleeping life beneath a dark-mouthed burrow,
The rooted secrets rustling in a hedgerow,
The land’s long memory in ridge and furrow,
A track once beaten and now overgrown
With complex textures, every kind of green,
Land and cloudscape melting into one,
The rich meandering of streams at play,
A setting out to find oneself astray,
And coming home at dusk a different way.
Today we borrow someone's else words on prayers. They talk about a ramble. Walking over grown path suggesting path not used to often. That would be myself possibly due to ill health,tablets, old age and forgetfulness.But the drive today often turned off the music to pray. Recalled moments done this often. Is prayer journey hidden do we need skills, attitude. Or is it just informal chat like silent walk around locality.
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