There is l feel a danger today in that religious people easily slide into would be versions of easy-going moralism's of the world around. Christians , followers of Jesus, think of authenticity or spontaneity, doing what comes naturally, going with your heart as first response to issues, actions, and relationships. But our heart can be misleading, emotions govern above mindset, we don't reflect, often we carry on in that vein. Now its about my confession here.
Often failing to realize the heart is deceitful, and as Jesus warns, full of all kinds of things that would make us unclean.
Romans in the new testament.
Christian ethics means going with the renewed sense of thinking, feelings, even going against the general thinking behaving those alongside us in society.
Bring the Kingdom of heaven to be part of our here and now, in this issue based lifestyle.
Seeing America’s top diplomat sitting at the table with the Russians to negotiate Ukraine’s future—without the Ukrainians themselves—is infuriating. This weak and clueless administration had already given the Russians nearly everything they wanted before negotiations even began. Peace through weakness.
Refresh in us today, Lord, our identity as your people, called to bear your image and share your love in and for the world. Inspire us in the unity to which you call us; help us inhabit and incarnate our relationship with you,
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