Apr 30, 2024

"For what's the point of breeding children, if each generation does not improve on what went before?"

 "For what's the point of breeding children, if each generation does not improve on what went before?"

Europe under attack

'When we had arrived [in Cork], I made a request to Lord Inchaquoin to give me a passport for England. I took boat to Youghal and then embarked on the vessel John Filmer, which set sail with 120 passengers. `But before we had lost sight of land, we were captured by Algerine pirates, who put all the men in irons.'

...the corsairs plundered British shipping pretty much at will...

So wrote the Reverend Devereux Spratt - carried off in April 1641 for several years' bondage in Algiers, while attempting a simple voyage across the Irish Sea from County Cork to England. Spratt's experience has been largely forgotten now, though it was far from unique in his day.

In the first half of the 1600s, Barbary corsairs - pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa, authorised by their governments to attack the shipping of Christian countries - ranged all around Britain's shores. In their lanteen-rigged xebecs (a type of ship) and oared galleys, they grabbed ships and sailors, and sold the sailors into slavery. Admiralty records show that during this time the corsairs plundered British shipping pretty much at will, taking no fewer than 466 vessels between 1609 and 1616, and 27 more vessels from near Plymouth in 1625. As 18th-century historian Joseph Morgan put it, 'this I take to be the Time when those Corsairs were in their Zenith'.

Unfortunately, it was hardly the end of them, even then. Morgan also noted that he had a '...List, printed in London in 1682' of 160 British ships captured by Algerians between 1677 and 1680. Considering what the number of sailors who were taken with each ship was likely to have been, these examples translate into a probable 7,000 to 9,000 able-bodied British men and women taken into slavery in those years

TIME for little dive into history, the above was true all over Europe and led to Islands like Greece, Maltese and others to live in fear. This narrative has elements of yesterday ramble around White powerlessness.

Fabric of history, the principles of experience, are not co processed into dialogue discussion and conversation.

Efforts to share such arguments often results in name calling . Made to feel like a Racist when address experience learned into the subject matter.

We have not understood lessons allow ignorance to fill void of discovering truths.

Hostile to some holding a different view.

Apr 29, 2024

hello ....echo....echo....echo....

l found this is embarrassing  from NORMADIC PODCAST, all rooted from Emergence, and the named EMERGING Church. Never been able to work out the difference,. Are we not all constructing.? growing, changing, emerging into better example of yesterdays person we were. 
Read that gain it does make sense.
(Well never mind ..)
Like the middle-class who take this seriously, longing to be beaten up by a Black headmaster. Let's have a crisis in our Life, we not very good with anyone in any Ethnic grouping .So send out WOKE postings, that just funny beyond words. 'Your power lies in developing relationships with all'. Not kneeling on odd occasion, and listening to a WOKE podcast. Look at profile at your gatherings. 
Clear have no relationships with ethnic groupings, Like Greenbelt they are not evident among you! Unless Ethnic groupings are serving you, often overpriced food. No contact with these others. Real people dealing with real issues face genuine concerns. NOMAD deconstructionist just hiding away living in fear. No such thing as a White person, No such thing as a Black person. All coulers in-between are what we are composed off. All living together wrestling with issues, concerns, sharing, developing, and growing. Yes ugly at times.
But LIFE is about working through this, not tribalism and separating that many NOMADIC podcast listeners subscribe too. They are not deconstructing, but creating a safe haven to hide away from the inner city, rural countryside, the people living in a broken damaged society who need to be urged to listen to ...That ECHO that is returning.
Shared this with many from know ethnicity in last 2 weeks. It's embarrassment, luxurious and irrelevant.

Apr 28, 2024

Driftwood on Desert plain ..

Sunk island is best description of our locality as Nothing growing in the fields. Wildlife is absent, very little evidence of anything remotely connected with LIFE.

Sometimes in day get overwhelmed, that Matthew has died. Still got so much to do in relation to his death. Memorial service is the main.

Like before he passed away period was wet, grey. and flooded every new born seed, as we struggled to find medical HOPE. Since the 'saddest farewell' nothing changed it's still grey, wet, cold and unable to develop. There is also guilt of being here, while Matty is not here with myself, not further others.

Look in Mirror at old man unshaven, tired from my own long illness, presently don't recognize LIFE.

Nothing good is reflected back.

These are in spiritual term's a 'Desert plain'. Place to seek some guidance, growth. But there appears little. Just driftwood on empty beach. 

Apr 27, 2024

Playing on the Video recorder in your mind

 Some elements in Life are just about culture. Films have stories they reflect Life's elements. Music makes you reflect, dance, helps you engage, even to sing in Worshipful ways.

Conversations had today was about fun of caravan holiday seaside.

Lots of elements. Food, togetherness, grateful even though did not have lot of money. Sat in crowded, warm caravan with simple meal.

Guess what all loved still doing. Playing board games. Community. That's what those elements created.

The food warm and filling, simple and shared around all present.

Music singing along or listening in different sonic.

Drinks, dancing laughter, marvel at creation birdsong, coulers, smells.

Elements that are knitted into our memories. Playing on the Video recorder in your mind.

Some friends and family still present as memory fades, they may have journeyed to Heaven. But in your mind still stood at caravans doorway. Element of your past journey.

Apr 26, 2024

Been the longest winter in my life journey.

This illness This health issue is taking a great toll.

My slow heart beat affects other functions in way lungs, breathing , blood work in my body.

Become very tired often it's a full day out. Also long periods of Hospital visits, further travel.

Also work been effected with Retirement possibly ahead if can get there. Travelled to 'Our Matthews', place at Bempton. It was far too cold to visit. Heads back to our favourite cafe. Not the same. Don't feel visit again!

Asked myself about my tolerance levels. Is intolerance simply poor health manifestation .Or age related 

Matthew was very tolerant person. Anyway sorry Son didn't see any new sightings around nature. Just been far too cold.

Been the longest winter in my life journey.

Apr 24, 2024


? like me at times you may feel comfortable to be away from ?

 In his recent book The Anxious Generation, psychologist Jonathan Haidt refers to this digital revolution as “the Great Rewiring of Childhood”. Childhood is no longer “play-based”, but “phone-based”, and smartphones are “experience blockers”. Consider how many enriching activities, he asks, are replaced for young people by spending hours online, substituting richness of real-life friendships with shallow and often dangerous online communication.

Such a weight carrying paragraph , from clearly expert in the field of childhood development. More on his thoughts in Todays Church Times.

Never really thought of this like a deconstructing but like `remade into this digital being`. . that pre-programme children before they enter the most formative years. Digest this further recognise the harm. 

There are lots of inferred values,(All around us), could argue us blogging via this medium is one such way. Films and influence is another, Music, lyrics, whole scene of concerts, festivals, gatherings, Church wayside pulpits. Advertisement on the bus that passed you earlier.

TV channels 57 or more and nothing on.

what makes social media such a damage is it can take place unmeasured and alone. 

Young people feel they are connected, are communicating, in a group setting. They can be. Witnessed Nephews playing games walking around homes headphones on...TALKING. But often many are completely alone.

A girl boarded our rural bus, she sat across two seats reading her phone obsoleted in her comfort blanket, occasional vaping, on a child ticket. She was totally unaware of anyone or anything else going on. Even when asked not to smoke. shrugged this off.
Point is she is Isolated. No access to her thinking, her discussion, her interaction, her issues, concerns, her world. 
Her spirit already cut off, Boxed off, bought sold, owned by iPad culture.

PERHAPS like me at times you may feel ,How comfortable to be away from news, relationships, LIFE ,others. Dodge the `news's issues `. But its not growth, not development, not real life.

Apr 23, 2024

Sad, sad, day for all of us...


Today citizens of Hull prevented access to the city at White Friars Gate thus sparking the English Civil War. King Charles 1st was the geezer. 1624 was the year.
The Church of England...
"We note with sadness and concern the rise in hostility towards those who come to these islands seeking refuge."

Archbishops @JustinWelby and @CottrellStephen join with church leaders to renew their commitment to caring for the most vulnerable.

Kevin Waller, Theologian heretic.  

5 people died coming across illegally today. The 58 people who saw them die arrived,welcomed in UK.

Tell me.......ARE THESE PEOPLE KILLERS. or is it those who opposed these economic migrants crossing.

They didn't care as around them child died. They should all be arrested deported never to enter the UK 

WHAT VALUES DO YOU HAVE THAT IGNORE DEATH OF 5 OTHERS .? What ethical conduct is being displayed?

How did moral choice come into the fabric, that didn't prevent those illegal, economic migrants, assisting the distressed drowning child.

Apr 22, 2024

Just joking with you l am.

The tragedy of life is often not in our failure, but rather in our complacency; not in our doing too much, but rather in our doing too little; not in our living above our ability, but rather in our living below our capacities.. . . 

Well l think so.. but not confident in my answer wanted to add bit more ,However did think if injected further might not be contributing way should be..or even taking over the conversation...perhaps said enough ...not sure.

Apr 21, 2024

Day alone in York

 Literatures, soldiers, history.

Cups of tea, beef vegetable pastie, lots of walking.

Culture, comics, myths and coulers.

Smiles, protest, conversation. Bus rides.

Long early morning bus ride.

Rubbish buskers, Vandalized street art, wrongful protesters Vegan and Fakeastien.

Queues for cups of tea, expensive cakes, chocolate a plenty. Vikings, Thor and pleasant time.

Someone was missing....It was You two.

Apr 20, 2024

Coming to my playlist again soon.

U2 in the early 80s, Corinne Bailey Rae in 2005, (Loved...Girl put your records on)!Ed Sheeran in the Performance Cafe in 2008 WOE last two albums came together pretty close in release dates. Lacked production values bit raw not much disclosure.

U2 still get my work rocking. Luv luv luv those beautiful people mega, meanings, engaged, and relevance in Lyrics. 

The weather been pretty awful chill factor very evident. Coast is very difficult place to survive winters. Especially at my age. Anyway there been lack of social modality. Many  people come to know locally. Where in same classes at school. Worked, if they worked, alongside each other. Prison time together, benefits linked together. Seldom leave our town.

 Little interest things away from own directly linked issue's.

Apr 19, 2024

Listen.......that echo to return is getting louder.

Time doesn't stop, sometimes it passes me by at speed. Came across the photo of old ferry terminal and old ferry arriving in corner of the image. On my favourite Island. Nearly 23 years ago.

Now we travel faster, depart more frequent, communicate less, eat more, know less. Grown ignorant, certainly less compassionate. 

But l live in period where the echo to return is heard. Kingdom values of seeking justice, showing mercy, walking differently is the way.

Listen.......that echo to return is getting louder.

Apr 18, 2024

My Church teaching mainly been from Gospels and the letters.

In any examination of Revelations, (last book of the Bible) ,Some modern theologians for these times may examine the present wave of natural disasters, violence, bloodshed, revenge, and retribution. Express pretty common view that these are `our` end times.


where they written for the 'Now of Now or the Then of Then'. 

By that l mean ..is this about where we are? or about the period those early disciples were actually living among. Me and You, what is sticking with me this year 2024,  is how any exploration of this present world view is remarkably familiar, news worthy, issues are experienced in modern contemporary world.


Some are saying that they were written for both then and now, the present. I found the historical evidence of 'Nero life and his abuse', towards many but specifically early Church Christians to be awful, find myself unable to read such accounts of that behavior. Plus he was not alone in persecution of Christian's. Hitler, Stalin are more modern but also present situation in middle east is awful. destressing and disturbing.

My Church teaching mainly been from N.T. Gospels and the letters. Dipped into Revelations occasionally

Work practice being in 'frontier situation' was mainly the old testament Prophet's and the call for justice. Especially Jeremiah, Isiah plus Micah and haddukah the minor prophets. Also we never dipped into the theology of non believers going to Hell.

It was mostly about Kingdom values. fun, dancing, relationships and issues we all were facing. But we come from a Culture poor geographically and poor economically, these are factors in the fabric of my faith journey. being 'relevant to others' was a major issue.


I never knew a single word could alter all it touched,

I never knew a word could make me cry.

I never knew our last sad word would break my heart so much,

I never knew.... before we said goodbye.

Apr 17, 2024

At sad times we have gathered.

 This year we have put on our bravest faces, together shared in grief. Sad loss of Auntie Denise,uncle Mike soon we gather to remember MDW.

Shoulder to shoulder in despair and grief. Yesterday was humanist burial.

Felt clumsy lacked hope. Something getting together at Funeral should offer.

Hope that the magnifying of death is understood better and different dynamic. It's not over buts it's goodbye.

Brothers,cousins,aunts,uncles, no grandparents all gone before.

Death is part of the fabric of life We don't talk about ending s. Until it arrives. Then quickly we stumble. At such times professional help guides us.

Something to be thankful for. Those others showing up to assist,guide,lead and deliver.

The Bible talks little about our end times. But talks about new heaven and new earth.

Hope was missing yesterday at the service of family member. Airbrushing about the life they had lived. Unfavorable unfashionable l may be, but there has to be something more when we depart this mortal cord.

Hope for hopeless world.  

Apr 15, 2024

Ain't enough.

Tried hard to bring some guys in conflict together.

Thought perhaps my conflict result would be useful. Not even helpful nor valued.

But alcohol big winner. Two lives of two old men, hell bent on violence and conflict. Fighting in streets at 63 plus 80 years old.

Talked, they listened, but minds already settled. That's a piece of learning. Here with these two they are no winners. Both losers. 

Sometimes Love ain't enough.

Sometimes talking ain't enough.

Sometimes bringing people together just impossible. 

Worse of course is when you know in LIFE love ain't enough. Awful place to be.

97 people died at Hillsborough 35 years ago. Where has the time gone. 

Apr 14, 2024

Been long Two months without you Son

Saw two hares punching. 

Sparrowhawk took a crow. 

Pippins are flirting.Healthy Male Fox in front way, early mornings.

Cold on the coast, your binoculars need a clean. You got sent results of Birdwatch survey

 Me, Been a bit ill. Plus missed you such a lot today. That's about all at present Matthew.

Apr 13, 2024

Heart just doesn't work like it should

Because you cannot see how tired someone feels, others may doubt people living with fatigue.But promise it's no fun. Heard 'all wish to be heathy', so getting tired feels weak especially when witness others Pain. Tiredness can look like copout. It's Not.

Heart just doesn't work like it should.

That's all that's wrong with me. Sometimes second best just has to do, example in a failed marriage accepting your liked, when in your relationship, really should be loved. well at least for the present my second best is what l offer.

News is always killings, death, poverty, like to have period where Peace reigns.

DIY Saturday...that means me not having a clue. Just have to accept not very Manly in some areas.

Apr 12, 2024

this Cathedral used to be a cute disco.

Love this image its Church Church in a street everyday busy street. perhaps like Matthew, (my late son), he loved kinda sneaking into churches, sitting around. Looking at stuff . Big Cathedral type Churches can be Quiet at times. Churches can be very Quiet inside. like to sit pray enveloped by prayers of saints gone before. Often start to drift into 'thoughts of others'. Like been ushered into a place or space where can digest all that's been happening.
Sometimes with others, changed Churches for a few hours into `Cute Disco Cathedrals`. Noise food, laughter, bands, disco lights, people, messy theology. Conversations.
What brilliant diet of delights.
But never forgetting that Jesus is LORD.

Apr 10, 2024


Greeted this day alone in spirit.
 Walked along the promenade, Days start early when your ill.
                     We all start day alone in spirit... of course. 


Apr 9, 2024


About to fall asleep at back of cinema.

Health not great.

The Film 1988 'Romero and  Juliet_. Remake.. Leonardo de Caprio.


Archbishop of Canterbury
Following Jesus, serving the 
 worldwide Anglican Communion.

This guy is a Foolish type, leaving many worried because there is this `Ignorance about interfaith` works, ones that allow Faith of False Prophet to dominate politics and events. But many are opening up conversation there to myself appears some discernment. If nothing else its promoting discussion about role, nature, purpose of Christianity, at present in 2024. 
It vital to go and eat together done this often sharing food , polite conversation away from places of worship. But stage we are at  these days is fact many Churches are used for places for worship of other religions. but has it not require Christians are not allowed nor do we desire to hold Christian Worship in temples, mosques, etc...

 "Beware of men in robes, who will open the gates to the barbarians."

Christopher Hitchens.

 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, & cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7

Apr 8, 2024

Six excruciating months since 10/7, and 133 hostages still in Gaza.

Six excruciating months since 10/7, and 133 hostages still in Gaza.

Many others been killed in the most awful ways. its painful to even imagine we can do this to each other. Yet l witnessed again in `local coastal town on east riding of Yorkshire`. The Ignorant marched chanting racist and vile wicked messages, protected by Police support unit from @humberbeat.

Left concerned that the discussion the Ignorant fear is not being allowed. So l ask why?
Why are the ignorant not willing to know about the 13th tribe, What are they fearful of?. I mean wont goggle supply all the answers to any questions raised.?
How is it that honesty is shouted down? How long to sing this song. How long ...How long..?
Only monsters would plan then execute take babies and elderly hostage! Do these people recognise that's what happened.

If they were your children, Own family friends, wouldn’t you do everything to rescue them? I know I would.

let us pray...

Lord, we know that

to live right, try as we might
it’s never long before it's goes wrong.
We turn in on ourselves. Moving away from others
sometimes forgetting you,
forgetfulness is strong;
we are weak, makes us stronger, resilient, disciplined
Move in us Holy spirit,
By your grace in our lives,
forgive and strengthen us. Equip us and guide us.

Me been doing some soul searching, Some Harbour walking. Bit of praying.Watchng fishing boats come home. Wondering about stuff.

Still very ill.

Apr 7, 2024

My first drink of day gone ice cold....

Took me time to recognize my first drink of day was Ice Cold.

Took me bit more time even think it was worth making another.

Instead writing stuff down, stumbled along doodling on the pad.

Didn't feel like cooking, because didn't feel like eating. But eventually day began although was awake, struggled to greet the day.

Song came into my head and sang along. Then dug the track out listened three times. Went for a walk going wrong way, cash machine was broke. 

Would loved coffee and time to sit smoke a cigar.

Talked about death, grief, loss and meaningless of LIFE. 

But now got to get serious. …Before the day gets wasted....back in my mind …drove to a country road, Car pulls up ,get in to take over the driving, there is laughter. Makes a comment to drive slowly, carefully. Sun goes down and music plays.


Apr 6, 2024

LIFE goes on...you know it has too.

Uncle Kevin..' how do you spell sable...how do you spell Label...Tonic .Ton...'

Day of Museum visits, comic books, pocket money, Pizza, Tango and cake …While desperate for cup of tea ..we sit aware someone's missing. But we have to Live. While all my `WOW Word point's`, get spent as LAW plays spelling game on my IPAD …LIFE ..

Still goes on.

The troublesome news Carry's on.


Protestor ignorant and foolish march with no understanding of LIFE bigger issues.

As l sit waiting for the kettle to boil, later back at home. Memories goes to this day and a country road. She waiting and l get in...moving over to take over the driving, there is laughter. Comment to drive slowly carefully. Sun goes down and music plays.

Then l am back here in windswept day, with slight Chill and silence. You see Memories don't leave like people do. It nearly always people you recall. Not money spent, not really news, not subjects. But relationships....country road. She waiting and l get in...moving over to take over the driving, there is laughter. Comment to drive slowly carefully. Sun goes down and music plays.

Apr 5, 2024

what does this even mean?

 Luke 12:48: “From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.”

Hell what does that even mean , confident its not about just economy we hold, is it also or mostly about our understanding, so again we get messed up for holding a wee bit of knowledge more than ,`the ignorant around` us.
Even knowledge of scripture got this measurement of success and punishment.

Apr 4, 2024

Ignorance is given a value it should never hold.

The `attic of society`, allows us to deposit `stuff,` choices, teachings, Those items we feel, no longer value.

They get put there. Undesired like Ex-girl friend.

Notice they are not thrown completely away.

Perhaps society feels rejection may not be in its own best interest.

Its gets put in the attic. Forgotten, shelved, placed at least out of sight.

Articles of faith.



Relationships, discussions,

Now we are busy, watching box sets.  (They wont ever be placed in the Attic).



economic well being of others

service to others

compassion for others

grace allow to others.

What have you placed there, just in case it gets needed in the future?

Ignorance is given a value it should never hold.

As an example, when people are ignorant about value, scripture, article of faith ,or forming relationships.

l believe they say 2 things happen, they get `researched by some and revalued`.

or. They get `confirmed to be ..`no use`..`

Kevin Waller ..`spiritofthestreets`.. suggest a third option occurs..

"They live on, a few keep to that stuff and it stays present with new owners, who value this `Attic stuff` always ready to explain why"!

Why and how

Why and how they still value Faith, Relationship and values  Like to serve others.

What you preventing from entering the Attic of undervalued stuff?

Apr 3, 2024

Is Social justice natural.

KUDOS....honoring them for what they've achieved, the effort they've put in, or for the character that they've shown.

Winter storms chilly wet and cold.

Wettest period since records began last 18 months. Fields still flooded. Wildlife less evident people struggling life appears harder. Money certainly not stretching like it should.

General people showing their faces how hard life is presently. Shops not full.

Social Justice kind of comes naturally if your LIFE journeys been among community of like minded persons.

More connected with others in same mind ,we then appear to serve others as part of who we have become.

But political forces are not concerned. Actions are troublesome lacking compassion. Not sure where this is coming from. Perhaps it's the same act but belief system not about doing it for them. But doing it for only our political beliefs. There Will be losers in the game.

There will be rungs named success only if climb the political ladder.

Failure is your fault, not economics locally, not lack of advantage.

LIFE  is just too tough. For far too many! 

Apr 2, 2024

Then and now 1988....from a book about Hull boxers...Some of same group 36 years later


Then and now 1988....from a book about Hull boxers...Some of same group 36 years later.

How fortune have l been to be growing with such Community, issues ,problems, geographical Poverty. Blighted education. Yet belonging to Boxing gym...Church...Work environment. ...Family...Role models.. FAITH and Discipline My LIFE....Small part l share here these memories make me the Man still growing up to become.

Matty well guess you know, ferried brow, binoculars scanning and flask of coffee within reach.

WITH COLDS loss of Matthew Spring felt like a long time coming, but with new Equinox passing earlier this week. Actually officially entered a new season. But has so often the weather is not catching up, remains bitter. Also this illness is staying alongside myself.

First season when missing, past was grateful to listen, too all the wisdom, knowledge and expertise of my son. One Swallow might not make a summer, but a first sighting of one is a sure sign that warmer weather is on its way. We always went to a `not so secret place, at `Kilnsea wet sands`.

They would be in nesting mode early flitting around our heads. Matty well guess you know, ferried brow, binoculars scanning and flask of coffee within reach. Scanning the river banks, hills and hedgerows for flitting movement.

Now my weekends are silent, hedge rows not so busy, no flask is made up for the day.

Presently feeling like best way, don't know what would have done, so ill, retching, coughing, not sleeping, echo cardio meetings, chest X-Rays, doctors X 3, hospital visits. Silence. Long Silence, empty Long silence.

Reluctant to address'others' challenges with LIFE at present. My memories brought back another alone time, handing over the keys to group who hired out our coastal retreat. Its late, my connection later then expected so during a storm, sat in a wild wind swept coastal Public house waiting for some one. A song comes on the jukebox...its silent and l listen, emotions catch me up, in these lyrics.

So many words we didn't sayTwo people lost in a stormWhere did we go?Where'd we go?
We lost what we both had foundYou know we let each other downBut then most of allI do love youStill
We played the games that people playWe made our mistakes along the waySomehow I know deep in my heartYou needed me'Cause I needed you so desperately
We were too blind to seeBut then most of allI do love you. . .

Apr 1, 2024

LIFE is for Living.

Still, Easter can be a reason for us to take time out, and allow some reflections to fill our mind.

LIFE, my illness, along with departure of MATTHEW my son. Caused me to perhaps take account of LIFEs direction. But in practice always been "reflective practioner". There this victory in death being defeated. Think lot of people who just sleep walking thru this LIFE not engaging with moments or issues! 
Partly can understand that process, keeps you safe, comfortable and innocent.
LIFE is tough, perhaps if you heard this before, LIFE `not like film in the cinema`. So why hurt your self by engaging further.
That works but not best way to Live.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"