Jun 30, 2023

As much as you can, often as , and as long...


“I saw, in a flash, where those women started and where they ended up. Through a series of accidents, they would go from being invisible to being too big for their world to contain, because they'd stopped cooperating with things that were absolutely preposterous, and just became themselves.”

Khouri wrote the screenplay in longhand at odd hours.


There's no such thing as soul mates. If  marry someone, that's the person you're meant to be with,that's the person to whom you pledged Faithfulness.
Not a trail and error movement.
Dip in,Dip out not working. Have a paddle Try another. Not moving forward.
Like another flavour, stuck in a rut.
Best one I've heard used most often.
"We both want different things".

Jun 29, 2023

Tribal routine

Gathering locally lots of bikes

Far few outsider's, everyone welcome, raising money for others.

Day of collectively thinking about present tense 

Most of us not going anywhere too soon.

So in the present, we breathe, forage among LIFE offered.

Take what we need, gather some values from community's.

Take moment to examine.

So much changed from the cohesion evident before the Pandemic.

As we adjust must seek each other and gain confidence in tribal routine.


Watching last evening.. DVD Thelma and Louise.

2023 it's a different film then watched when l was younger in the 80's.

The themes of Feminism, there remains harsh attitudes to Women so clear.

`Controlling behaviour` another theme, this rises often , being an outsider,  cultural oppression all pretty obvious.

But sisterhood, being on a journey with another, enjoying the moment, being resilience and bringing your justice.

Rent it, Watch-it, Reflect.

Louise: "You've always been crazy, this is just the first chance you've had to express yourself."

Happy, feel more mature as recognised. Sad few of those issues have

not improved for gentler Sex. 

Jun 28, 2023

wrote one, just not got a forwarding address.

Did you really just want a card to let you know l care. Maybe often wrote one just not got a forwarding address.

Sunset that you missed, cool lanes at end of the evening. Breeze on back door step..

Music vinyl recording from Record played In the  lounge...Soul singers version of ..'Love so Right'..

Smell fresh coffee drifting through empty home.

Curse..' like a banshees screem'.. l let out as broken nail on my toe catches, when put my slippers on.

LIFE l live is actually this simple.

Created this space where retreat. Service been lived,

so my little Sandbox is silent ,quiet, vacant.

Simple is how l like it ,at present.

Jun 27, 2023

Reward yourself, waste time, turn off the noises others want you to notice!

Know, may disapprove, but it's cooler today
I am out, no mates wanted to connect
A weakened me, turned to comfort food.
Fish and Chips on the promenade. Pleasure...plus rumble through record shop. Looking forward to listening to soulful version of Bee Gees.
LOVE so Right...
Reward yourself, waste time, turn off the noises others want you to notice.
Be Kind. If that all this guy can do today that's OK.
Be kind and invest in You.
WHO you are, what value you are to others, part of the legacy you will leave.
Oh Yeah...lot of medicals stuff happening.
X-rays...Bloods...Etc... Coming soon.

Jun 26, 2023

Beware modern Press gang are around

 What do you do, when find out don't belong in home town.

When the streets bring fear, no voices recognise. Old age or clear sense something gone very wrong 
Feelings like those appear to be experiencing can be just that. Or sign real change has happened.
My tribe just don't belong here.

Jun 25, 2023

Others past in a hurry.Too busy..things to see, Places to visit. . expensive take aways too consume

We went Twitching..bird watching
Others past in a hurry. Too busy. Things to see,
Places to visit. . expensive take aways too consume.
Beauty directly in sight missed.
Box set get home to watch.
Drama within your view, within your today's narrative.. You've just missed 
That foreign rare visitor . . just ignored, description below

MASKED PLOWER/LAPWING spends most of its time on the ground searching for food such as insects and worms, and has several distinctive calls. It is common in Australian fields and open land,

Native to Africa, this colourful weaver is a popular cagebird, and escapees have established nesting populations.


If you had looked up, for a moment (NORTHERN RED WEAVER).

If your eyes had not been focused on crazy plight.

Your minds health would have seen the striking couler of the Bishop bird, a type of thrush above in the canopy.

Did you miss the sound. It was almost unnoticed by us. But we lingered in the moment.

We got rewarded. When you pushed by the guys, one in the wheelchair...didn't notice.

I suggest callous nature already hold, prevent you being gracious.

We got that, understand. We stayed quietly, unobtrusively waiting.

Rewarded with better view.

Rewarded with an different view.

Jun 23, 2023

There is a Place...born, raised, educated, married, get old, be put in a home, die, be buried without ever leaving the Area.

Six Flags Over Jesus is deliberately planned in such detail that a person could be born, raised, educated, married, raise little mega-Baptists, take vacations, get old, be put in a nursing home, die, and be buried without ever leaving the grounds. 

There is a Place...born, raised, educated, married, get old, be put in a  home, die, be buried without ever leaving the Area. 

          Reminds me of my Home town a place called Hell one letter from Hull.

         If arrive early can park in Peter, James, or John.

      late arrivals park in Judas lot, can get, NO not joking ...

     can get Starbucks . .in-between Sunday services.

They have own schools
Thy have Golf course
Use hill songs, Plus You-tube Worship.
have elite Pastors
acres of land for expansion
own Hockey team
what to wear code.
amount need to pay ethical guidelines
Book shop
No green cups 
No Yorkshire T-Bags

You shouldn't put God into a box...
Especially if its a box that would bore you if placed in that Box.
No green cups 
No Yorkshire T-Bags
what kind of Church is that? 


Jun 22, 2023

Whose gonna light the way...now things gone so wrong?


Whose sitting by the fire...keeping candle burning.

Wanting a call...willing to listen when all others not interested.

Whose hoping your plans all your dreams come true.


Who will bring you flowers, ( maybe knocked off from fresh dug grave).

Why should those explanations be off interest to another, If that costume not a good luck.

Well whose going to ignore that view.

Years later she still went to old Church gate and waited.

Everyone knew the Boat would never enter the Harbour walls, into safety.

Did she know? 

Jun 21, 2023

Save us, Lord,
from the tendency
and the desire of the ego
to seek our own redemption,
to seek always to justify
our own attitudes
and actions
before others.

Give us the wisdom
and the humility
to recognise that
we are justified
by your grace,
not our own

Jun 20, 2023

I Love Music,

Love the music, love all words playing remember me with each emotion running through Broken hearts we carry 

Love the music pulls you into an issue, might not connect normally with, nor be bothered.

Love the music...as people smile.

Love the heartache as the singer narrative like your own journey.

Love the music that has no lyrics, just pure sounds ..likes Lark ascending. . . 

I love music..sweet sweet Music.

(That is a song...Average white Band).OR . . O'jays.


Jun 19, 2023

The not doing it always great. The learning everyday.

 When all is said and done

There lot more said about the big issues, then it appears is actually done about the big issues.

When l was born, like many youngsters, l was ordered to listen.

But again like yesterday, like this day, like the day that will visit tomorrow . . . I will raise my voice, l will take actions.

They, invited me to collage, plus University, with faith community taught me as l grew, to become proactive.

Already my I.D. was performing as reflective practitioners. Perhaps that was my family, plus hard community growing up among. Boxing, youth ,Church gatherings. We learnt what was required.

Think, think deeply. Take action.

How have You grew,?

What had you discovered about internal You?

Is there a part of you ...well that is just Who You Are?

The compassion

The Grace.

The painful development.

The not doing it always great.

The learning everyday.

It's just part of life, 

You see still `my life `not like a movie. 

Like Your`s it's very different, Much harder .

Jun 18, 2023

Hedgehog signalling Life.

Then occasionally you come across a message from nature.

Hedgehog coming out before the storm.

We not had any real weather like the rain predicted.

Across the pavement it rumbled.

Jun 17, 2023

Miss you nights, when we travel!

Travelled long and often, not always knowing where path would end.

Sometimes unsure of reason for making journey.

When got there, almost always it's 'cup of tea, cake,' observed the area.

Group travels, Unpacking, getting every person rested, together all explore.

These days journeys are silent, others not making same journey, joy is muted.

Miss greatly,'conversation', siting as enjoyed

waiting for the, " night to come calling." 

The Star gazing. The Moonlight reflection.

Do Miss most, sharing epilogue at end of the day.

So loved great deal, those moments when each individual told us about their day's events.

Miss you all, locked in minds video vault,

well guess miss those moments....like crazy!

This week been difficult to be myself.

Jun 16, 2023

Some are making a profit from the plight of those in Poverty in UK.

We are living in a most difficult period, with stupid large numbers of children living in poverty, Parents are uncomfortable, just getting by living on poor diet, limited access to resources, little community cohesion, over stretched Church, faith, voluntary responses also struggling.

This is in UK, reported as one of richest countries in the World. It’s not been good enough for quite a while.

l know from stewardship, interaction, and experience, some are making a profit from plight of those in Poverty in UK.

 We can, watch, act or remain disconnected.


Jun 15, 2023

Work on taking others with us as we become more enlightened,

NOT a summer person despite my date of birth being nearly a summer month.

Don't like light nights, TV is crap, too dry and cant really put your tent up, because the grounds to hard. Somethings in UK appear to close for 2 months.

Which never really understood.

Words and how this fellow use`s them is important, literacy around `new conversations and meanings`, can make me try my new understanding as a battle to outwit another.

That's my confession for the day over.

So l would urge caution when communicating your new found understanding,

So don't appear to be `Big headed` or aloof. Never a good look anyway.

We should work on taking others with us as we become more enlightened, better able to grasp, especially this is true around Theology. Helmet Tielikcer wrote about this in 1959 his thoughts appeared in Germany in 1962...

OOOPPPS l nearly feel into the trick.

But what l am trying to say  is this in any new understanding around Bible, scripture, faith , all that theology encourage those listening with you, to go on their own level of discovery.

Share that excitement.

AS I STRUGGLE ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER DEALING WITH SEVERAL GOVERNMENT HEALTH AGENCIES  . .l came upon this notice...Announcing a further hiring spree of agents to investigate benefit fraud, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride MP reiterated that benefits are to provide “a safety net for vulnerable people, but nobody should be allowed to abuse it”.

The DWP is set to hire 1,000 new agents to identify errors in existing Universal Credit claims, as well as 1,400 investigators as a means of “bolstering” the counter fraud unit.

Jun 14, 2023

Harbour light's are dimmed.

The tides out, wind dropped, water levels are low, nothing moving in or out of the harbour.

Boredom arrived. 

How you doing?  taking interest in others is healthy, not always giving save advice.

I've got some friends who experience difficult times from Government officials.

Interviews, documents, attendance at meetings. Costly, stressful, hassle and time spent trying to give correct information.

Also degree of fear.

Jun 13, 2023

On the ferry going abroad as l do not fly very well due to my condition.


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Jun 12, 2023


Another kid murdered possibly by another kid. So so sad . Another example of a broken system, where are the youth clubs, where are the facilities for these kids to let off steam and where are the role models? Such a broken world when kids kill each other.

Three more are arrested after boy, 16, is stabbed to death 'at birthday party attended by 200 people' at a house in Bath - bringing total detained on suspicion of murder to nine males and two girls aged between 15 and 17.

Somerset Police, said: 'This is a tragic incident and our thoughts this morning are very much with the family of the boy who has died. 

'They were informed of what happened as soon as possible and are understandably devastated. Specialist family liaison officers will now be assigned to them to provide them with support and keep them updated.

IT has become so very common in the news that l feel we have become desensitised to these events, Feeling like its become so regular that we are not in reality registering each death, each harmful event, such issues used to send shockwaves through communities.

Now l tend to go to the sports section, examine the Charts for music happenings.

What's become of us?

What's become of the society we have created?

Have we as individual's forgotten to love, like, respect, to care for, Be responsible for each other.

Have we not discovered yet that every LIFE matters.?

if l am wrong , let me know, willing to learn from others.

Some great Artist, 
draw this image in respond to something wrote few years ago.

But it is so strong re-sharing the image

it sad how low we sunk.

l replied, asking Didn't they know? So much provision was shut down, some handed to voluntary along with third sector, hoping to become a profitable business, hence they closed, when could not be economic ideal for money, resources, considered not worth investment. They became No longer fit for purpose.
Many like me told after `40 years experience of Youth Church Community Work, not needed'. Hence Closed most youth provision.
Not required,

Youth Community Workers, faith based, secular, issue base ,placed on the dole, Fortunate few moved to other roles.
Some of the KIDs.....well now ..some of them..

they be DEAD.

Jun 11, 2023

300 hundred visits in 12 Hours,not 1 comment

Sometimes we have to choose the promenade less cluttered.


Love being able to walk promenades get a cuppa on harbour Wall. With others try fishing catch a crad.

But find noise of funfair hostile, costly and intrusive.

Cluttering the promenade for long-distance.

Creates hassle, loud, rude, like artificial part of the environment. Not required for many, created culture of greed.

Unfair for parents, unnecessary for children.

Captures local council ethics around those visiting, ..

"How much can we get of the income they hold"..

Preventing those attending from enjoying the summer sunshine.

Exhausting the nervous system, `overloads sense's`. So what could be essential  day of escape and enjoyment is interrupted.

Becomes rush through hectic seafront.

                                         YOU can choose to not involve you and yours.

Sometimes we have to choose the promenade less cluttered.

Jun 10, 2023

Why do we journey..

 I think we journey for two reasons.

To escape,

To enjoy.

This is only my view,and its my present


To escape perhaps a moment, a person,hositlity...

To enjoy differant people's discussion.

See better view's.

Internally examine self.

Alone or together with own ,plus shared thoughts.

To prepare for climbing mountain, cross river's, walk difficult paths.

Then to retoricaly ..'over come obstacles'..

Then to face real issues one may encounter.

But journeys can be more urgent, LIFE threatening escape movement.

But often we journey away...to than Journey back, better equipped to face event's.

Enjoy the paths you travel, Be safe as you wander, seek faithfully deeper conversation. Include one with the force, or power, of God who has already gone before you.

Even in the return to home, he has gone before you! 

Perhaps a journal would be helpful to record  thoughts...feelings..draw images.

Jun 8, 2023

Need a Maid!

Need to find me a Maid.

Email phone

Or just create  meeting

Before more washing day blues


Jun 7, 2023

Anyone around willing still to risk take?

Something draws me to the coast.

Same thing internally makes me live as reflective practioner. Made as a warrior, Dreamer, spiritual Sojourner.

I best describe myself as "person wanting to discover Faith, God's place in our life's.

As a community development pastor, keen to explore how communicationi improves

       "How we live and grow."

The Dreamer in me still believe in a thing called love.
Guess that's why spend more time 
Risk taking on Cliff edges,
Less on the sandy beaches.
Anyone around willing still to risk take?

Jun 6, 2023

Yes we will struggle with dilemmas.

Do we want to become better people.

Do we want to become more conscious. 

What would happen to;-



Wider Society

if we were willing to become more conscious of our ethical standards. 

Yes we will struggle with dilemmas.( l have helped publish a booklet on this,)

 but we should be in the debates daily.

We must raise our own awareness as;-


Place where we exist in Community

Impact on wider Society. 

Does our understandings around Theodicy (the nature of evil), affect others or just `solo mio,` ourselves.

I don't see many others being concerned about Syria and its situation.

Hear little about Women in Afghanistan

Don't see Church folk praying for Palestine . 

We should be exploring responsibility that this very awkward, at times vile, powerful technology demands. 

Jun 5, 2023

When the rummage sale ends...something's Ugly will persist.

Society has rummage sales, kicking out some stuff .

Creating new stuff, creating gatherings, toxicity, new beliefs, re-establishing old ways,all be it differantly.
That's a time we are presently experiencing.
Got wokeness, values being rejected, faith being devalued.
Sometimes the journey we are on, it's gets Ugly. Loudness creates hassles.
We must stay focused, be faithful and remain committed to truths.

When the rummage sale ends...something's that are Ugly will persist.
Truth will reconstruct, further Faith heritage will develop.
Although 'Constantine the Great' has gone. Some things have shaped our community, guidelines, even township.

Faith then like at present still grew, Jesus call for better , different, The Kingdom way.....still echoes.
Can you hear anything?

Jun 4, 2023

The Art of listening

That summer like others pretty clear what l recall in the 'video store' , that on show in my mind.

Suppose warm memories are easy to hold dear. If Listen to sounds in my mind, hear soundtrack to the same moment.

Although not certain about issues we were facing. Poverty still be evident, political uncertainty, that because of the voting system we use local, further national.

But less certain about smaller policy concerns. Faith development, Tribes gatherings, can remember work l am involved with, see the faces individual people, plus places we gathered. That's most vital.

Summer of 2023, still getting here.
Issues arrived, more isolation.
Less conversation, not gathering with my Tribes. People not listening, losing Art of social discussion, so we form balance of accepting another's view.
Understand the journey others have taken .

 We are missing out on each person, being an individual that matters.

Jun 3, 2023

It's Saturday ,time with nephew and son.

 Health ways just need to sleep. feel often that just can not do stuff

but that is not how to live.

So l am on way to being with two crazy youngsters, My family. It going to be a blessing. If l do get bit worn out.
LIFE sometimes about others first.
Matthew my son is not very well. But he has special love for his nephew.
Love when you watch it work is touching, affecting your mind along with heart. Which as have told you before `holds separate memories` to the mind.
Offered prayers for today.
Offering prayers as day close.
Been doing `Collect for this day`,  occasionally as spiritual exercises.

Spirituality is good practice to take even at young age. We visited a Church today

Expensive £3-50 for coffee, and pricey `knick-knack's`. Didn't feel artificial leg coupled to the visit was required.

Spoilt the experience.

 Here's to the babies in a brand new world

Here's to the beauty of the stars

Here's to the travellers on the open road

Here's to the teachers in the crowded rooms

Here's to the preachers of the sacred words

Here's to the wisdom
from the mouths of Babe's.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"