May 31, 2023

Drinking JD with cool coke, kissing, walking romantically along the beach. Trying to understand . . etc...

 Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I’m about to do . . .

Is God talking to others and who are they, ?

Is God also talking to us.?

Could it be that he talking to the Angels, Principalities the Powers.

What is God about to do and why is God affected, to what extent?

You're going to Sodom and Gomorrah
But what do you care?
Friend to the martyr, a friend to the woman of shame,
You look into the fiery furnace, see the rich man without any name.

Even in the age we are in the biblical imagery creeps into our narratives, the way we live LIFE and avoid discussion.

The art of conversation with each other has become void , dull, not required so we communicate via social media, loosing the WAY to interact. 

but there's HOPE as we rediscover books.

Gathering together becoming essential 

Zoom appears more and more for those awkward, `never really got social interaction, groups like ,the` deconstructionist's`. 

Vinyl become rediscovered as good way to listen to music.

Talking yesterday found out there need to meet, and plan, networking collectively.

Like camping, cooking outdoors, walks along cliff tops, looking together at nature.

God being recognised as a creator.

Bible having literacy value,

Wisdom from the street preachers.

Joy communicating with children.

Recognising drama in old movie, that inferred ethical statement, we may want to cherish.

Its all coming back to us.

Peace, being kind, drinking JD with cool coke, kissing, walking romantically along the beach.

Trying to understand films, Bible, lyrics each other.



May 30, 2023

Its my back to basics faith mantra.

Back to basics..just trying to explore what it is l believe, start with God music tastes.

He loves most music, enjoys few hymns..and dislikes modern worship especially those you-tube tokens.

you cant put God into a ..

  • Box that for deep spiritual stuff
    • Another for emotional literacy issues
      • Yet another for your own gatherings leisurely pursuits
        • Further boxed off physical standards
        God is holistic, gathered into all areas enjoys many more topics than we imagine.

        Loves dancing, The 11th commandment...DANCE.  

        listens intentally to Chics..`Yosha yosah yosha..`

        Concerned more about justice, economic well-being, and treatment of vulnerable, desires that we

        communicate his message to all, less thinking about `Last Days and Judgement`, more talking about whose invited to the table.

        Love God , Love one another , Follow Jesus.

        Later for all that other stuff.

        Its my back to basics faith mantra. 

        May 29, 2023

        Constructing Faith.

        When in my developing faith, many folks were already in frontier situation.
        Seeking the SHALOM of the inner cities.
        The Prophet's of the market place had 'raged hard', about the injustice so evident.
        Many narratives took place in my mind,as in silence ,contemplation with tonne of teenage issues, walked beaches thinking stuff though in my mind.

        Eventually found others wrestling with this stuff, perplexed, working it all out in a mixed up messy, mixed up, spiritual ways.

        Sharing odd books, places to begin thinking,talking, cup of tea debating, larger supping discussions. listening in different ways to music, watching differently films. Telling each other our narrative.
        Our journey begins as we listen to others story's, trying hard to equate one experience with our own.

        May 28, 2023

        What's so old fashioned about love,peace, being kind.

        It's as perihelion as the grass.

        Required presently.

        Able to grow if nurtured

        Always best if given away.

        Never can have too much love.

        All best songs are written about love.

        Best three words you could

        Say to another. I love you 

        Without love we starve our souls, mind, and body.

        Most heart failure is around not having enough love. (I made that one-up).

        Love is in need of Love.

        Love never gives up.

        Love never ends.

        The greatest is 


        Everybody's talking about love.

        But so few follow

        Loves Biblical guideline's

        Why not!

        May 27, 2023

        My faith has changed but it was never a "get to heaven and exclude others type of movement" . .

        IS being disabled just part of the ageing process.

        its not the blues to acknowledge that the body does less.

        it the doing it in such a difficult way that l have difficulty with.

        My faith has changed but not drastic perhaps early exposure via lot of Christian folk meant it was never  ..."get to heaven  and exclude others type of movement" . .

        Youth and community work was always about Networking with others whose values, although different to my own. Shared stuff, issues, reading, learning that we could reject or enquire further and deeper around.

        l have put around because that's what we did, also what we should still be doing. looking learning ,sharing ,debating around.

        Striving further to have less social media periods.

        something l would encourage more epically the younger readers to experience, then practice.Less time on social media.

        What do you do on Saturdays when there is no football on  . . .

        Bible reading or Scrabble, nature walks, war gaming, Kissing, sleeping, watching TV.

        In the film forest Gumpwhat's the concept about JENNY, is she just the LOVE he could not keep, thus she abused him.

        OR is is a concept that's bigger. THE love Forest Gump displays is very like HOSEA in the bible, The LOVE of emotional soul songs like the back catalogue of Motown, Stax, Philly.


        May 26, 2023

         I do not do more 
        than rummage known landscapes.
        in such strange places
        that I can not share with you.
        In any sign I pursue you
        I am drawing you in a shadow.
        Signs and shadows are lost.
        Luck did not come with me...

        This life is one of trying to keep the sea on the right when leaving the town.
        In view always, the North sea
        In front always the low fields, not many trees.
        No Horizons.
        It's a flat place. But Moors dark, cooler, a uninvited place has been company this short few days

        You miss those conversation.
        Miss that long absent look.
        Miss the starring into space, sat in complete silence.
        But don't know about days.
        That don't start
        Days of sleeping.
        Frustrated days of nothing achieved.
        Hard to explain...when days just don't get anything started.
        My stars do not respond

        Experiancing a different culture

        You don't have to travel long way.

        Nor for very long time.

        But we all need some time away

        Perhaps if can cope with solitude some time alone.

        MY LIFE journey has a best before date.

        My heart is failing, known the slowness along with complicated happenings as arrived.

        Talks around clinical solution is for another day.

        Today has been place in nature, along cliff tops, watching Sea fret roll inwards 

        Breathing. Nothing too deep just enough.

        Joining again with others.

        We went to a club, for drink listen to this singer. Simply my idea of hell.

        Worse then bland loud karaoke Queen.

        Most unpleasant experience.

        Hated each moment.

        Each second said nothing  of value.

        But l was in Another's culture with another set of inferred values .

        Perhaps l discovered something Which I future could reflect upon......NO it was Hell 

        May 24, 2023

        Blood Brother's.

         Since starting to recognise that others don't have all l take for granted.

        The life of the people in f Bible lands been a issue simply struggling to understand.

        Its complex, heritage hatred, no desire for Shalom.

        Deeper is the love required.

        When it comes to the middle East

        Love remains in need of Love.

        May 23, 2023

        If these feet ain't where Kevin should be, then neither is Kevin.


        When a day appears messy
        The traffic heavy
        Timings difficult.
        Bad behaviour effect own nature.
        Miscommunication exists
        Disabilities not taken into account LIFE
        Feels uncomfortable
        Keep a focus, say your prayers.
        Keep on carrying on.

        Nature enabled me to breathe today.
        Took simple steps.
        Firstly yesterday was most difficult for many reasons. But it's just Life.
        I forget this natural personal strategy.
        Then l begin to stumble
        So time to refresh, accept some challenge. Keep the sea to your left.
        Keep both of your feet in nature.

        May 22, 2023

        Genesis 6:6: “And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart”


        "The Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, it grieved him to his heart”

        Beginning to wonder what are we becoming. Appear to struggle with any compass that directs us into being a more Loving, kinder type of person.
        How we live together and serve each other is one of the best measures around who we serve ourselves.
        A master who chose to serve us , then desires that we love one another and follow that example.
        Perhaps we need to explore deeper the character of God.
        if the `flood is a fairy tale`,not a logical true story. Is the character of God the one that grieves about our being
        Troublesome and rebellious.
        do we accept that God is unchanging, a creator, example of best Love we could imagine, literacy, emotionally an example what we should strive to achieve.
        did the Lord really regret that he had created us in his own image.
        OR did that just fit another writers narrative about his neighbours.
        OR has God changed as the story of God further his relationship 
        with you and l has developed, therefore changed.?

        Well it is Monday, lets get our thinking heads on.

        May 21, 2023

        Beware of the environment cultural affects


        The culture of the environment can affect you as a individual.
        Bringing attitude and feelings
        Carried with you always.
        Affect friends you choose , custom's you follow, even places you reside.

        Where you feel you belong.

        Whose there that you gather with.

        How then you interact with others.

        Gatherings then further impact wider society you whole has that Community belong too.
        Encourage each of us to explore the culture of the environment.

        What values are inferred?

        Who may not feel welcome?

        In which ways does that allow change plus personal development?

        Is that a strategy for holistic growth growth.

        May 20, 2023

        Tough places.

         The good old days, maybe they weren't so glamorous,maybe we were poorer.
        But confident we appeared Kinder.
        Witnessed drunkenness, strange aggressive behaviour. So many foreign People, in such a crowded poverty stricken place.
        Talk about crisis, emergency responders not coping.
        Neighborhood more blighted.
        Started to affect my emotions.
        Like to watch people as we drink cuppa. Eyes reflect self concern.
        Body's reflect struggle taking place.
        Shop fronts bare testimonials to imprisoned soul's, prices of basics are so high,conversation about osterity.
        We are sick as a society. Images of this are very evident.
        It effecting how l perceive LIFE.

        Lord heal your People.

        May 19, 2023

        On simple things like reading and looking

          “Reading is everything. Reading makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something, learned something, become a better person. Reading makes me smarter. Reading gives me something to talk about later on. Reading is the unbelievably healthy way my attention deficit disorder medicates itself. Reading is escape"

        Love this quote from films like, Nora Ephron, writer of such films as ` When Harry Met Sally`, `Sleepless in Seattle` etc... 
        It creates this matrix around simple everyday task that we all attempt to achieve. Reading but l want to emphasis real proper reading not text stuff people practice on Social media.

        Our faces project so much about who we are!
        What we are beginning to think about.
        How that may even be changing at that moment.
        Where we might have been.
        How perhaps we may be feeling.
        Perhaps what we ca hanging our feeling about.
        Where we have just been.
        That Face tells others what we might even be trying to hide.

        That face you sometimes look at in the mirror is Like a canvass into US.

        May 18, 2023

        LIFE messy tapestry.

        Pretty sure you have attempted to reflect your faith in God favouring method.

        Don't get hung up on your ability to behave like others.

        Be you, God already loves you enough.

        As the day began, that's was assured.

        No person can take that away.

        Enjoy LIFE it's hard already.

        Enjoy LIFE it for living, even boring TV,cup of tea that got cold.

        The toast you dipped into cold cup of Tea. The Washing-up that still waiting,

        everyday mess that needs clearing up. It's all in `tapestry of LIFE`.


        May 16, 2023

        Pretty sure they did not go to any gatherings l been a part off belonging. Pretty sure gonna keep the Faith.


        Callous men in business costume speak computerise
        Play pinball with the Third World trying to keep it on its knees
        Their single crop starvation plans put sugar in your tea
        And the local Third World's kept on reservations you don't see . . . 

        Been thinking about what may be seen as normal and trying to wonder if it what l have become,

        its a bit like playing Vinyl...some say its cute..but not very modern.

        However as myself and friend spoke about earlier today,

        its all still `rock N roll`. 


        Had this desire to follow Jesus, pretty sure it not a `spiritual micro wave fast solution`, to anything,

        "Pretty sure it works in a clumsy , me failing, me trying kinda way.

        Pretty sure if give it a try it works for you in a applying the words, applying the example, applying the lessons kinda way.

        Pretty sure my Churches are full of kind people, struggling in Faith but still gathering in a messy spiritual way.

        Pretty sure if we could go back to the start of the journey still choose to follow Jesus.

        Pretty sure the good folk in my journey will strive to understand better.

        Pretty sure not heard a sermon that told me to hate either Women, nor oppress them nor judge them.

        Pretty sure social Science educator's believe l have heard such teachings.

        Pretty sure they did not go to any gatherings l been a part off belonging.

        Pretty sure gonna keep the Faith."

        May 15, 2023

        l can only practice this by failing every day at this.

        Is faith a place where we should expect to fail a lot.

        Especially in area of loving others. Because l struggle more in these areas...

        .l recognise that the first commandment is to love god with all your being. that's a commandment. not negotiable.
        Coming next is other commandment (which, lets suggest  is not negotiable), but rather the same as the first is ..`to love your neighbour as if they are your self` . . . the commandment Jesus cites as the minimum.
        Not suggested as a visionary type thingy, not workshop handout but a reachable goal, But here l shame myself .

        I don't know what enough is. 

        LOVE  here is not an intellectual exercise but requires the courage, something we all suspect we have got enough inside each of us.

        But life, the world, individuals, and community are not good. 
        To take responsibility for whoever is in need love, like giving away everything you have and sharing it with those who haven't. 

                     l can only practice this by failing every day at this.

        May 14, 2023

        That's the way it has to be...

        Am l aware of how fortunate my position as Western Christian looks to Others.

        Maybe not.

        Does it just feel rebellious to suggest that not the way it really feels.

        Unaware of the lens l view things through most of the time.

        Maybe so. 

        I am so totally sorry, but this here, that's just how cookie crumbled.

        May 13, 2023

        Is the song Rocket launcher by Bruce Cockburn a Gospel song?

         It's lyrics are about killing another

        About death on large scale

        About political over throwing

        It's about hatred to another group.

        Bringing sorrow to family

        Creating enemies.

        It's about pain.

        Lack of justice

        Prophetic and standing as an outsider's

        Being alongside impoverished.

        It's about wrath No mentioning love.

        Plus some 'Son of a Bitch'!

        May 12, 2023

        Modern new millennium rhyme . .

         A million tomorrows shall all pass away

        ere I forget all the joy that is mine, today.

        What did l do yesterday?
        What will we do today?
        Where are you blocked?
        Comfort Level — How close are we to achieving vision we share, developing better mission statements.?

        Most adults cannot focus their attention, often  struggle to stay engaged more then 10-18 minutes in each hour. So l find try to aim for 60-minute meetings because they fit nicely, into way our mind understands. But some younger get frustrated when have no time to run to the restroom ,more frustrated has they discover , yet to drink very first cup of coffee.
        Frustrated by not being allowed access to Mobile/social networks.

        That`s when health issues manifest and develop.
        Get some frustrations in relationships and synergy in community development. Health affects how you belong.
        So that the main Blockage...l do not like that use here of the `word`.

        Its not just age or getting Old.
        Its about not contributing or belonging.
        SUPPOSE that is sharing of a feeling.  

        May 11, 2023

        A text out of Context is always a pretext to causing hurt to others.


         Political debate and the Gospels.

        one thing l have learnt is this.

        A scriptural text and a quote from the Bible used to promote own argument, or bring down the view of another, is often unhelpful.

         A better way to say this is below.

        A text out of Context 

        is always a pretext to causing hurt to others.

        May 10, 2023


        "One thing l need, perhaps you also,  lot more at present , those wise, thoughtful, pastoral voices.
        People who demonstrate compassion, care thus will make you want to `reflect on Questions you face`.
        Encouragement to be kinder , but especially to those who are bit awkward."


        May 9, 2023


        Surprisingly the NHS didn't let me down.

        Expected no help, no compassion, expectedly witnessed poor treatment  Blunt response. 

        It was passing buck back to another department that was biggest surprise.

        Referred back to speclist whose October report own Doctor cannot trace.

        Being blisteringly honest,cannot provoke even in myself any other emotions accept apathy.

        Like to be wiser,like to come out with something soothing further positive, perhaps numbness become normal. Saw people hurting being turned away.

        Got first-hand experience from own son, the damage when it goes wrong.


        May 8, 2023

        NHS Monopoly awaits tomorrow.

        Some expressions don't hold weight when communicated...

        "At least we've got closure.."

        Often it isn't taking place,old wounds resurface, new hurts get buried.

        The process for some still remains incomplete, tears and deep emotions

        Are taken forward.

        Another statement is..

        " I get that''.

        Because more often followed by words explained the other did not ,grasp what was offered.

        But the 'cavite' is that if person using these expression, they are communicating. Proberbly at level deeper than basic 2nd level. 

        Tomorrow I will become involved in the monopoly of trying get my Cardiac surgery begun. Again the powerlessness.

        Grateful for lot in my LIFE. Sad something's like 'Forever', Had time limit.

        Quiet sanguine about hope,but not too optimistic either. So NHS monopoly awaits.

        May 7, 2023

        Heart failure, my curve ball period at present.

        So heart failure...

        Full of water on the Heart .

        Hooping dry painful coughing.

        Pain, muted by pain relief.

        Fatigue and worn out.

        Unpleasant... my curve ball is Hospital last few days,come home back 9-00 Tuesday morning.

        Specialist make big decisions...

        Maybe like 12 years ago, l will recover.

        I've seen fire and I've seen Rain...always hoped see you again...

        May 6, 2023

        Be on your watch. Always try to observe , attempt to listen for ways in which we should communicate.

        Often, trying to empower you on this blog with the importance of chatting, gathering, discussing, argue with each other, accept differences.
        Enjoy ,explore, encourage more gatherings, and especially with your Faith community, be together often with other followers of Jesus.


        May 5, 2023


        Don`t be afraid to tell people who you are,
        nor afraid to tell them where you came from.

        My hands and face, my communication.
        Even the clothes l wear plus , how l move are all part of myself.
        the places we have lived.
        positions we held.
        Hurt others have done to us.

        Add , awkward questions,failed prayers, unanswered promises all affect our theology.
        sense of nature, thankfulness, pouring out with no Words to express, are part of that same theology.

        Are you afraid of making mistakes?

        Are you unsure of the `value of you` to others.

        That`s LIFE. It takes courage to LIVE so enjoy.

        May 4, 2023

        This here this is me... l jest...well a little.

         “One, followed by another one, of many unhealthy choice l make grows into a feeling of disappointment, that causes me to make more bad choices, more bad choices. PLUS it's very hard to keep up some kind of healthy lifestyle because of the ejeets around me.”

        Anger, losing my temper, being grumpy, appearing awkward, doing nothing except becoming a plump DJ, is my comfort blanket. Anyway enough messing around not comfortable at present, just getting used to a change in my health condition.

        So `thank you` but why not keep in touch. life its allowed to become bit uncomfortable, for myself due to my heart rhymes at present."

        Anger, losing my temper, being grumpy, appearing awkward, This here this is me... l jest...well a little.

        May 3, 2023

        part of recovery moment.

        Lot of laughter around today.
        Lot of bunting on display,
        Too much cake. 

        Nice make up, clothes and accessories. People making effort to be together.

        Beautiful humans created 

        in God's image.

        May 2, 2023

        I feel ill, then my heart slows..l get grumpy and sleep...I`m sorry...

        Those were happy days in so many, many ways
        In the town I have loved so well...
        While the man on the dole played the mother's role
        Fed the children and then trained the dogs
        And when times got rough there was just about enough
        But they saw it through without complaining
        For deep inside was a burning pride
        I remember the day that I earned my first pay
        There I spent my youth and to tell you the truth
        I was sad to leave it all behind me
        For I'd learned 'bout life 
        In the town I loved so well . . .

        I returned, how my eyes have burned . . . .To see how a town could be brought to its knees.

        I feel ill, then my heart slows..l get grumpy and sleep...I`m sorry..

        May 1, 2023

        Is what's lost, Gotta ask is it lost Forever?


        What's done is done.

        What's lost is lost.

                 What's gone

        is gone forever.

        My health kicked in today, took me away from all plans, cognitive functioning, small talk, journeys. Nothing.
        That's what Cardiac health,feel poorly,know ,l can tell my ,'heart' become slower.
        Pain only slight, medication not helping.
        These days, becoming more frequent.
        Nothing...that's my achievements
        In poor health period.

        Numdskull Kev

        I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


        . . . she got a postcard in the mail
        That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
        The simple words he wrote her
        Said he loved her
        How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
        Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
        Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
        The weather's nice, it's paradise
        It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
        They say, "Hello, "
        I miss you so, wish you were here"