Feb 28, 2023

As l prepare to sojourner ahead,

Our future is different from the past.  What you already know is not enough,

Don`t really need to know any more.

Further There is no practical guide, that will enable you to enter the future successfully.

Here in this moment,at this time you can process the best version of you to go forward.

Not only are we not Robotic machines,

The future is not entirely indeterminate because it is constrained by the past.
The future that l am heading into is the possibility of multiple ways of traveling forward. Several journeys need to come together,
but there is also the preparation getting myself ready for the journey.

As l prepare to sojourner ahead, to take up minor residence in 
 foreign place, Lets be clear, l always take, of course ` the road less traveled`.

Been finding that l am in conflict working out all the advantages, problem areas.
But needed a walk on the beach to Focus. Recognize that the journey would be an adventure not this task that l was fearful of taking.

l needed to see it as a task which would be rewarding
along each phase of the journey.
my thinking, my mind became more happier when l moved into the place where it was an achievable task.
even emotionally the journey became problematic.
it needed myself to Prayer.

Spoke to God , complaining that this was important to me.
You see it is. So therefore l reasoned it was concern to God.
We and our journeys however trivial they may appear are important.

Katie Piper in ..`Things get better` . . makes a similar point.

Feb 27, 2023

its neither Old nor New adventure, tougher with poorer health.

Unsure if clearly know what l am doing ,clear on direction. Factors like `bitterness` of the weather, organising  long journey struggle despite all planning being done.

Ponder afresh, also experiencing technical issues. Again and again presented with downloads.

My phone cannot hold all the info presented. Feel like own brain will explore, focus is confused also due to health very tired.

Then emotionally feeling of  `letting people down`. Huge journey ahead but some practical steps.

Difficult, this is where alone, not in a team or group, presents as more challenging.

This is often the place where LIFE happens, in the messy stuff of trace evidence where kind of Indeterminacy happens. At these times retrieve into cup of tea,bacon butties as world blows uncomfortable .

A common rubric.

The clock reads the time
Because we set it. I mean,
How else? Who is anyone

The grass edges outline the grave:

Get to living .#

Next few days will be time for travel,new places,old friends,away from stress and worries. 

Some ride out to promote crime and remember those who died stealing a bike . .  . .ODD times. linked with " crime in HU 6 Active", who carry out the Theft stealing that awful intrusive sort of crimes. Social media accounts carrying the name feature young people in balaclavas and black jackets, showcasing wheelies and dangerous driving on stolen motorbikes, breaking into people's homes and trying to provoke Humberside Police.

Riders could be seen pulling wheelies, riding without helmets and weaving in and out of traffic before Humberside Police closed part of Hall Road between Courtland Road and Greenwood Avenue to deal with anti-social behaviour.

 Yelkouan Shearwaters are presently visiting Malta These birds also evident in East coast UK

Shearwaters have recently returned to their colonies in Malta after spending winter in the Black Sea & will soon start preparing to lay eggs. Like many they will have to face hostile encounter with cowards know as Maltese hunters. 

`The common Rubic`, is we are all connected by journeys, how we treat others along that journey...some steal rob crash and then burn..others wait to kill wildlife and nature...rest of us travel passing such issues m reflecting...hoping for better and a beautiful connection in a beautiful place ..that`s the journey l am hoping to make.

confident you are on a journey like this.

Feb 25, 2023

Soldier on.....maybe agreement, discussion also way forward.

 War Good for some..common expression used is.. . "Soldier on".. Be brave, courteous, get through.

Sometimes you can't, you just can't.

That's allowed.... Sometimes like today..just feel like you can't make it on your own.. 

Flight or fight kicked in, can get from UK to Malta easily, but across UK difficult.

We all have areas, where if my life was Cartoon, 'there would be great big Kevin shaped hole in the wall'.

Planning, organisation of my practical leaving here fall into challenging area.

Feb 24, 2023

They say..."this to will pass"

 Said once before... hopelessness leads to examination of the past.

Jimmy Ruffin,Tamla Motown sang ..

I've felt this pain before,

I passed this way again.

Then again l reach for some advice,

This too will pass...the war in Ukraine, huge inflation, wasteful authority, poor performance, lacking social cohesion.

This to will pass..

Like the Pandamic, we have learnt, like the ressasion ,years of Osterity, deconstructing.

This too will pass.

Unsure when.

Times a great healer, but what are we learning ,time after time the poorest suffering.

Prices highest for those with the least.

Circumstances worse for those already suffering.

Illness ,poor health, inadequate resources. All taking the toll.

Like in the 80's l see no hope of a bright new tomorrow.

Feb 23, 2023

Hull one Letter from Hell.......what a twining what a place to be modeled upon...Hell one letter from Hull.

Lib Dem council budget in Hull since Nick Clegg was Deputy Prime Minister.

Ruling group will be proposing these increases (council tax 4.9%, council housing rents 7%).

In poorest area in UK.

For me and many Inflation become huge issue, another issue limited to poverty is the state of Britain’s health service, recently my eldest son had life threatening injuries, the support he has received also identified problems lies in Hull Royal hospital. But its failings which should be addressed , are further made worse by his along with my own general practice.

Is it too much to be warm ,eat well, and have health issues attended too, and not made worse.

Hull one Letter from Hell.......what a twining what a place to be modeled upon...Hell one letter from Hull.

its been quite a long time since explored this old style of group work
worth looking at this period bit messed up, tiring,frustrating and tense.
perhaps you may wish to do the same.
pretty easy worth finding someone who may wish to share the test/fun game...with you.
I would welcome sharing with you..send by often used routes.

There are 2 parts to this test – First, find the blob-figure that resembles you in this present moment...is there one that most like how you feel.
Now after that, find one that you would like to resemble.

At present for Kevin, its no 5 lying down pondering?
The one like to be truth be told is 11/12
either they are mates sat chatting
hanging about ,not bothered.

What a day trouble at tip, trouble with phone,issues connecting social media.Health kicked in Heart running slow.

Feb 21, 2023

Authority use Data protection as excuses for bad practice.

 Again with both Police and housing services, frustrating periods.

'Oh really sorry, the number on the letter given to Community services is wrong one.l am P A for constable so cannot help.'

Housing official . . ." Your tone sounds threatening".

Sorry is it words l have used 

"No it's your tone"

So 11 minutes later...

"Need to speak with police, as it's anti social issue".

I really believe that workers hide behind legislation

When challenge to process or performance is questioned.

Poor recruitment,poor wage structure resulted in service providers lacking consideration for client base.

This is often a talking point,use title of *client base.* Authority prefer--Service users.

These providers take offence at tone, imagined,or words like 'clients.'

Easier then addressing the concern's.

Which mostly are safeguarding problems. Rather, harm came to individuals then have to achieve result.

Society is failing, but legislation is intact. They consider me an expert in my field.

The common theme with my peers is uneducated,uncaring, woke protect self attitude of present Authority representative.

People being harmed. They know they don't care .

Feb 20, 2023

My world a bit messy at present.

As l adjust again to living, thinking, being 

on my own.

Feb 19, 2023

Whatever you do Gods love to you is evident.

 Whatever you do Gods love will be displayed in the Sun setting, followed by the Sun rising tomorrow.

It's no accident, it's a display sciences explains, Nature requires, all life needs.


Today in all it's difficulty, for some unfathomable reason... Well...

"I wonder where you are tonight, you see traveled over the ocean,been to plenty of lands...."


Puzzle's myself .

Feb 18, 2023

You cant make a detached movement from those you LOVE.

My eldest child is going to return to living independently tomorrow.

Its been hard living here in rural coastal environment, but despite the challenges l am still in some turmoil internally.

As try to further present outer image of calm, acceptance, distance.

You cant make a detached movement from those you LOVE. 

Feb 16, 2023

apparently its 25 years old

 Although many may claim not religious, nor spiritual. Hear the same people claiming this is a very religious, further spiritual image. 

Get feelings around same themes when witnessing the image.

Further apparently its 25 years old, there was a desire to create something that reflected the nature of the area.

It combines industry, place, feeling, image..creative juices of individual.

Did he know or anyone , that spiritual Angelic interpretation was a Praying discernment practice in UK . Gatherings meeting at that period to share thoughts.

Many faith followers of Jesus were trying to interpret the Angel of their area.

Practice  not centered on so much at present.

But still a model l recognise.

Do we followers of Jesus have a better way of being?

 Feel unclean, dirtied by events l read.

Area move around. Some encounters witnessed. The grief when hearing about.

Lack of outpouring. Lack of voice of Christian community. Whose offering different or better way.

If the faith community that follows Jesus cannot speak into pain of Our neighbourhoods.

Who can.

Who will.

Some people living simple meaningless life's. Not contributing to society.

We've got something better. Time to show how why it's better.

We can.

We must.

As followers of better way, different way.

Got to stand In the gap, grieve, pray, further got to act.

Feb 14, 2023

As we travel,journey,sojourner. Why must we allow our children to kill a person they do not like the look of? Is this what we have created.

 Two boys, one aged just 12, have been charged after a bus was seriously damaged and the driver assaulted during an attempted theft in Hull.

The bus was on Hall Road on Sunday when thieves attempted to steal the takings, Humberside Police said.

A 14-year-old was also charged alongside the younger boy. Both are due to appear at youth court.

The pair, who cannot be named for legal reasons, also face 10 further charges including burglary and theft.

Sgt Andy Waller said the incident on Hall Road was one of "wanton violence".

This the world we created?We made it on our ownIs this the world we devastated, right to the bone?If there's a God in the sky, looking downWhat can he think of what we've done

Police have launched murder inguiry after the death of a 16-year-old girl who was found with multiple stab wounds. Police have named the girl found at C Park in Warrington on Saturday afternoon as Brianna .

Emergency services were called to the park  after the Brianna was found on a path. She had suffered 'multiple stab wounds', the force confirmed.

Is this the world we created?

What did we do it for?

Is this the world we invaded

Against the law?

So it seems in the end

Is this what we're all living for today?

The world that we created

There are rude thoroughfares, going along my journey in life

some kind of abandoned mines that brag my memory. 

but l never knew fears so evident around streets for the youth of today.

They gather and pile with ruin and vacancy. 

unsure what kind of morel delimas each young kid faces.

to kill another child in a park on a Saturday.

Is that what come of self living World created.

 it seems. 

At best, a wetland. Beautiful and useless in the face of flood.

floods of sorrow,grief,angst, God must look at us with tear stained face.

So that when we walk the perimeter as we travel,journey,sojourner.

why must we allow our children to kill each person they do not like the look of.

Is this what we have created.Is this the world we created?

We made it on our own
Is this the world we devastated, right to the bone?

 As we travel,journey,sojourner. Why DO we allow our children to kill a person they do not like the look of?  Is this what we have created

Feb 13, 2023


"To be indigenous in the United Kingdom is it be in danger

Feb 11, 2023

Saturdays no longer Record shops, and Custard tarts.

Saturday night 8pm in their first of a new investigation series “GBNews investigates….” Looking at Grooming gangs and how their mishandling by police has abandoned so many children to sexual abuse

 @MaggieOliverUK    Former GMP Detective.

Programme Consultant BBC Drama Three Girls. Victims Advocate. Author. Fighting for justice, highlighting injustice.

Incredible if deeply disturbing and heart-breaking image. God leads us to assist.

SATURDAY when in my local big town issues often reflected in protest groups gathering in street squares.

Chat Listen Reflect

Don't believe the devil

I don't believe his book

But the truth is not the same

Without the lies he made up

 . . . . .

 Don't believe in forced entry

Don't believe in rape

But every time she passes by

Wild thoughts escape

 . . .. .

 Sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime --

But nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight --

Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight

When you're lovers in a dangerous time

Feb 10, 2023

"Deep thinker that l am, (Honest) reflecting on LIFE, issues,justice, Theology... probably just the lyrics to stupid song."

So quiet everywhere at present.

Roads ,travel, business, retail parks, coastal areas.

The economy along with social networks appear to be closing down.


Then this happened on the Harbour wall while l was Away, this just before traveled up seafront to view the minke Whales frolicking in still North sea waters.

It was a wonderful remark, a creators wonderful remark.

Sometimes l get it, others times standing alone, perhaps procrastinating. Or the deep thinker that l am, (Honest) reflecting on LIFE, issues,justice, Theology, most probably just the lyrics to a stupid song.

Feb 9, 2023


Last night the illness fought back.

Damn it, l was doing well,

you know that bit of you lives `like it was yesterday`...walked till almost physical stopping,

rested early..ate healthy..like l do not drink.

If God was listening, grateful for creation on display , the sight of minke whales, turn-stones by my feet in the harbour.

Decent talks connecting,also being alone.

Break from outpouring of others concerns, rested.

Oxygen levels failed, pain was epic, 

Oxygen saturation is a crucial measure of how well my heart plus lungs are working. When we breathe in air, our lungs transmit oxygen into tiny blood vessels called capillaries. In turn, these capillaries send oxygen-rich blood to the heart, which then pumps it through arteries to the rest of the body. My levels often slip dangerously or fail.

Breathing became difficult. dryness and painful.

Hours of `this struggle`.

Management arrives, because you see been this way before. . .Accepting if this my hours, so much not listened too, many 'songs not sung'..books not read..

YOU lots about YOU still need to talk around.

So perhaps in Heaven some explanation ...

Questions that worried me... answers like to the following. . 

Why are Zebras stripped?

Feb 7, 2023

I'm just a drifter....l suppose

 Some journey's end with time alone, reflection, Recovery, writing,

cuppa cake falling asleep.

Many of our journeys, even to local big hills take us wee bit out of `comfort zone`.

In that trekking however easy, we often think,witness, and feel different.

I people observe, ...the child playing mum up with s temper tantrum..

..the 2 o clock hero, drunk acting hostile..

Old couple still clearly in love....

Romantic teens on bench snogging...

Old man not walking too well his mind playing tricks...

My reflection, ...Shocked...am l that scruffy, could l not worn something better..?

What if meet people who know myself?

So much beauty, nature, changing sights around.

Resting on a bench, wearily to rest nearby.

You see in my heart always had something 

of the Gypsies in my being!

Feb 6, 2023

Best journeys are not measured in miles

 Three buses today, long period of time, missed one connections. Late too the stop, abandoned route. Fresh approach big city to seaside town, finally `Spa town`, biggest on the north east coast.

Unable to keep the Sea on my right, as we covered every village In between major stops.

All journey tiresome, poor IT coverage,
traffic congestion.

That was challenges.

Missed driving along with independence , but hassle free.

Used my disability travel pass.

No worries over parking.

Not many people used this transport mode. Grateful for the beautiful image's.

Wildlife was visible.

Journeys we take not measured in miles,

But in conversation we enjoy

Friends we make,prayers we offer,reflecting,groups we form, stranger we befriend,people we encounter.

 Missed you today as walked along quiet beach, heard Marvin Gaye and Diane Ross singing

"...You, you, you are everything, and everything is You...."

Feb 5, 2023

Another tribe l gather amongst.

 As l am trying to return to the place where I most feel at home.

The issue of Maltese hunters killing birdlife again gets manys hackles raised.

Culture are at odds, claim to love nature yet commitment to destroy nature.

In UK we have places on teeside where shocking behaviour towards wildlife.

Can't change how others behave in nature, but can join trides who invest time in nature.

I gather with such like-minded people.

Feb 4, 2023

History is often immediately in your own journeys footsteps.


“I am going over. We are laying over. Help me. I am going over. Give my love and the crew's love to the wives and families.”

The last words of Phil Gay, Skipper of the Hull trawler Ross Cleveland. 4th February 1968
My father’s cousin went down with the Perridot.
I had never met him, strangely aged 9 I can clearly remember crying for him on my way home from school.
I still fill up, for him and the rest every time I hear, ‘for those in peril on the sea’.

Myself had similar experience, remembering hearing about Uncle Brain (Waller) he was lost at sea.
took me brother drain fishing, still l see us three walking with rods in hand. Never forgotten the bags of sweets he gave, telling us to hide them in our room, "Don`t let your dad see them."

Also In the news this week

The Corinthia Group has embarked on a 'sustainability drive', which will see photovoltaic installations erected across all the roofs of Corinthia properties in Malta.

Malta is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast. It's a nation known for historic sites related to a succession of rulers including the Romans, Moors, Knights of Saint John, French and British. It has numerous fortresses, megalithic temples and the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum, a subterranean complex of halls and burial chambers dating to circa 4000 B.C

Having waited more than one hundred days for a home win, Hull City head into Saturday's visit of Cardiff City with the chance to make it back-to-back wins in front of their own supporters.

A Conservative Peer has called on the Government to better protect children from online pornography, as the Online Safety Bill is debated in the House of Lords. 

Trans guidance for schools must prioritise the protection of children from the harms of radical gender ideology, a Christian MP has said.

Feb 3, 2023

 You can't smell the product, nor can you open the gatefold sleeve,it simply not possible to read Lyrics of a download.

Vinyl it's a sharing process.

CDS close second.

Download just cheap commercial exploitation.

Feb 2, 2023


 l bought U2 Actung baby on vinyl, the cover was bright,coulerful and odd.

the sound was different to last few Albums.

sonic was loud brash more guitar led.

taken a while still for me the softer tracks.

trying to put your arms around the world..

         whose gonna ride your wild horses . . .

But the best is the lasting memory of small group of us sat in my lounge having snacks, listening,laughing, casual drink ...Thats not my normal image of a U2 or any other collection of music but like with Rattle and hum ..its the image of tribalism gathering, further enjoyment.

“From the crisis of today the Church of tomorrow will emerge — a Church that has lost much. She will become small and will have to start afresh more or less from the beginning. She will no longer be able to inhabit many of the edifices she built in prosperity. As the number of her adherents diminishes, so it will lose many of her social privileges.”

Me just personal, like the sound of this more skeleton Church.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"