Feb 28, 2022

Love your neighbours still the best way

Sometimes we forget about creative genius of God,l use decks in the Churches

Gospel meanings, significant truth and spiritual message are found in music,film and television.

At this difficult time, finding meaning in peace protest poems linked to our search for meaning.

Russians ..song by Sting from 80's. Tell's us about hope that Russians Mother's love their children too..

Our prayers hopes beliefs , indeed emotional responses

can be expressed by lyrics,when searching for deep peaceful meanings.

But also angry at 'War makers', the masters of War.

Dylan wanted to watch them `be buried,then stand on their graves to be sure they are dead.`

We don't believe in a minimum war that's a lie we don't accept anymore.

(Sting` The Russians).

All we keep saying is give peace a chance. But we keep having Wars,

knowing War only brings grief,distress,death, and refugees.

But greatest way is follow teachings of man who encouraged us..

Love our neighbours.

Still best way, the Kingdom way.


rainbows and cotton candy sky,

 What would you want to achieve if called to

Give your life in sacrifice way.

Who would benefit from this sacrifice!
Cemetery full of people who did that for these moments.


Ruined Docks ,blocked roads, empty slums.Mud waste water,
smells,graffiti,kids playing, skateboarders staying in these outlaws land
Hull one letter from hell. Bitter cold wet chilly. 
Low-paid wages. Unskilled workers. Poor provided service's.Broken Authority.

The bird's sweetest song
comes from my Rainbow Valley.
They sing the whole year long
down in my Rainbow Valley.
The flowers speak to me,
an' say our love should be.
And heaven oh sweet music
flows from our valley

Feb 26, 2022

Putin is a low level Coward and big bully

Sorry sitting on the fence again when it comes to world affairs

Hear my prayer, O God; 
hide not yourself from my petition
I am alarmed at the voice of the enemy 
and at the clamour of the wicked
For they would bring down evil upon me 
& are set against me in fury
My heart is disquieted within me
& the terrors of death have fallen upon me

Feb 24, 2022

"Innumerable missiles and bombs have been raining down on an entirely innocent population. A vast invasion is underway by land by sea and by air."

Is it dangerous for `youth community workers`, to be creating ideas that can be seen to be against the normal ways of thinking.

Can l be  described as` dangerous`, if l wrestle out loudly with misunderstandings around Bible.

Why do Christian`s go to `War with others of the faith`. When we simply disagree about interpretation.

Putin is a bully and  a coward, but we of the Faith behave in lots of ways, that are threatening further quite abusive.

Sad that `white Russia ` as it known on maps, Is now putting others in Danger.

"Innumerable missiles and bombs have been raining down on an entirely innocent population. A vast invasion is underway by land by sea and by air."

PM Boris Jonson..“hideous and barbaric venture” of Russian President Vladimir Putin “must end in failure”.

No one can argue with this, lot of people not bothered at all but feels like we are having tribulation in so many areas of world affairs. Some Christian Zionists ..is there such a tribe, enjoy these moments but l am not convinced this is  great Biblical predicted happening.

Perhaps Revelations not as easy to accept as this tribe think, mainly because in so many areas they are impracticable.

Feb 23, 2022

new low for Hull City supporters..IMO



Recognise we have to lower our expectations when following Hull City.. BUT THAT LOW

Feb 22, 2022

Are you experiencing the messy time's at present?


I am thrilled by the Sun shining today.

Tired from hill walking

Got health concern

Happy then recently knowing immediate family are slowly getting better.

Deeply unsure about world war threats

Like you imagine

We are made to journey together

Yet even in my neighborhood while ' Eggs chase the bacon around the frying pan..'

Messy relationship blight lifestyle of the vulnerable

Same repeated on World stage

.." l remember that not always processed at precious moment what l processed later"

Life events are a testament to the lives we are living.

At present it's a bit messy in few areas.

Oh yeah forgot to Add...Local Zionest are creating issue's?

Did l say it feels a bit messy.

Feb 21, 2022

 Sometimes l forget to be grateful

I allow mood to ruin my feelings

Emotional cognate behaviour

Is my primary concern

Forget got enough health

Larders well stocked

The weather not been kind

But l got home from visiting friends

Visiting family drove two hours through sleet, winds and the snow.
Released l was fortunate as put kettle on. Watched Pink Panther movies.
Laughing at screwball comical moments.

Then slept for 12 hours, restless but slept.. These are survival moments.
We take for granted, l am home safe, dry. Well-fed.
Thank you Lord.

Feb 19, 2022

Adjusting to the struggles and supporting others

We had wind, following rain to cap
the journey of, finished with snow.
Part of accepting this is not climate  change, just uncomfortable winter weather.
Wrap up well, stay warm, Good food, good companionship, not to much internet.
Told today books going out of fashion.
Not true

Feb 18, 2022

BBC told us to drive with both hands on our steering wheels during present storm.

 After calm night,coming into Friday morning, heavy rain pass through this region ,winds will pick up rapidly from around 6 in morning. Reach peak with sustained gusts of almost 60 miles, east Yorkshire late afternoon.

BBC told us to drive with both hands on our steering wheels during present storm.

always very authoritarian around gender politic and OBLM 

`only black lives matter`, now its how we should drive.

Strong gales and gusts will remain until very late evening.

  • A yellow warning for wind in the Midlands, north-east England, north-west England, parts of Northern Ireland and parts of Scotland from 07:00 until 18:00 with gusts of up to 70 mph  

  • ME AND MY SON well got him in his wheelchair and we went to look at the coastal situation.

It nothing new these periods of storm But the way it is presented as only situation evident is the real issue.

Anyway still no war in Ukraine.

Feb 17, 2022

We trace our fingers along covers of books, CD`s,vinyl records

Had great discussion about lyrics to a song,

releasised both enjoying that moment of nothingness

that moment of importance

that moment of communicating

that moment of connecting.

At those times when we explore trivial stuff, life at the edge of nothingness.
perhaps when we trace our fingers along covers of books, CD`s, vinyl records,
Do you remember when, who was you with when purchased!

Perhaps you bought that for someone for special reason?

Or a nothing reason.

You got them, how it felt. Even the moment.
Everything’s is not too special, Perhaps it that even `preciousness of nothingness`.

Most things are some kind of testament.

On my way soon to love.

Heading to place like call `home` again, because l need `shelter from the storms`.

We need to be in a place where we can retreat.
I do this, not too often, but breath in something different..my way for 22 year's.

Feb 15, 2022

Guilty of journeying without recalling the preciousness wasting moments.

Where you have gone and come back from.

Yesterday in wind further wet rain we drove to the coast.

It was bit like going into past we viewed the cave we nearly drowned in...few summers ago

Sat looked at waves crushing against the pebbled beach.

Sat ate a burger, drank coffee. Agreed it was a good if blowy chilly drive out.

What in your own past, were have you been , when the  weather fought against you,

perhaps to stop you appreciating the view.


We don`t see everything at once, not every moment have lived,

we may forget place you have been, guilty of journeying on without

always recalling the `preciousness of wasting moments`.

The Sunday morning gathering–featuring congregational singing, a lengthy sermon, and public prayers taking place in a large building designated specifically for those purposes–is a thoroughly modern invention.

Do you feel that the Sunday morning worship gathering, Which l grew up attending is essential to genuine Christian faith growth.

Ask this as finding myself less at this type of Faith event.

There always been public call to pray, Found many helped myself with concerns ,worry, obstacles , tried to bear other’s burdens.

Wrestle with further work hard forgive one another, committed through project and own efforts to  feed the hungry ,Politically, in social narrative, and of course blogging care about the oppressed.

Spoke last week about understanding the commandment to, love our enemies.

But can we keep doing this.. without sermons and songs. . that come from a person not really fan of modern worship or `chwiststeen` music  scene.

How is Church looking for the future follower of Jesus , where can others seeking God but not internet users , well where will they gather to journey deeper.

Feb 14, 2022

Valentine day do you follow God of love or God of wrath

 The sad folk who attempted to engage with recently promoted hatred.

Old school of thinking that is rooted in first temple Judaism

Male dominated

Found the aggression

Threat of violence

Just silly..but what puzzled me beyond was fact told the person..

"As a matter of principle, didn't want to communicate".

If someone wants to argue

They going to..

My biggest issue is they feel on God's private task force

rest of us just are`game` for them to get 

Heavenly points by winning an argument.

No one in faith those following in the 'way of Jesus', should be in a war with their Brethren, Not an  intelligent battlefield, where one view ostriches others, simply by scoring points.

Nor should we be scarring those who do not hold our position.

Yet we Christians are good at war games, theology war game's.

Rather win an argument,then sit down over a cup of tea and agree our difference.

Very unsavoury way of doing `God of Love` business.

But then 'Jesus way' is a odd way, calls us to love others.

Pray, reflect, wrestle, so that ensures we understand others.

Work on reconciliation.

Recognition all made in his image, loved by him equally.

Tough old way of spreading Message,but on this Valentines day God of Love.

Still best way.

Feb 12, 2022

Why is there little to say !

We may think of moments in our past, yet we should not glorify past.

it was different, perhaps for us when younger we felt better.

that does not mean it was better for many.

Plenty of what we experienced or some things could be forgotten.
Some people, some experiences we should forget.

It will be like all things we know: 
Experiences fail, Rose is sure to grow.

The future comes very quickly ,At my age it will be quiet , presently not in employment,

Health is an issue, life is tough.

But nothing l stated is not unknown to me.

Here and Now , in bitter cold wind, we may stay
But one thing l am puzzled by from some what limited interactions,

Why is there less to say.

Some one with same initials as myself

great footballer from my own youthful era

also great person

today his grandson is ball boy at the match.

been loyal servant to Hull city

Waggi waggie waggie..

Feb 11, 2022

Work on the assumption that God loves Low culture, basing this on people he hung around with.



I will always be English
And all I hope it is
These shores that I will claim as my own
This broken down Jerusalem
Is still my home...

The final four tracks of "Fires" come as a pleasant surprise as they expand the sound of the record, mainly due to the inclusion of electric guitars. A highlight of the album, "Everybody's Gone To War" is an upbeat rock'n'roll track with a chorus that begs to be sung along to...


ME still watching to much old TV and reading too much commentary on those programmes.

was given four Albums the other day by friend what a wonderful gift they are about  40 years old...YES...Peter Frampton and Rick Wakeman..

Work on the assumption that God loves culture, basing this on people he hung around with.

Future historians, will really have work cut out understanding WOKE further Cancel cultures..like we survive another 100 years, there for sure going to have much to work with from the 2010-2030s.

Many going to call this period ` the Second Dark Age`, 

Feb 9, 2022

We don't have Grace which means not forgiving either

 Most days on the news many items are about how we treat each other.

Often it's unkind, hurtful bit rude.

People who are experts in many areas, lack inter-personal skills.

Don't bend to each other

Don't listen enough.

We quickly move to blame.

Dysfunctional behaviour leads to 

Hurt,When lot of issues would be sorted just little understanding of the other.

Society suffers and community growth is prevented.

Unkind hurtful to each other is the result.

As individual we can listen deeper to others.

If Try hard to`get view`of how others experience these issues.

That good start.

Feb 8, 2022

We have leaders lack integrity,honesty,grace,sensitivity, nor understand old fashion ancient values.

 It is my view that modern leadership, reflecting present culture so therefore its lacking values from a platform which is no longer seen as relevant.

A friend told me the word l am looking for is `inconnaissance`. 

which means completely lacking awareness of others and their plight.

Often got complete understanding of your own situation, but lack concern for others.

..I wrote today via another medium, also part of a conversation l shared with a older guy , who has been arrested for silly action..

hope the grace you offer is equal to the grace you receive..

The culture we are in, are part of, is shaped by individuals, acting in community , as larger part of Society. It does not happen overnite but change comes about.

this present culture this toxic environment is something l will not labour long in,

We had such commitment to anti oppressive practice, now it feels like we specialize in oppressing each other as often as we can.

anger...cancel culture..inequalities.. threats of violence..lack of responsible behaviour..

It starts at the top.

But us at bottom, we can still bring change.

This is a big hope of mine.


 Jeremiah 17:8

They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream.

It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green;

In the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.

We are drawn to God’s word just as we are drawn to beautiful trees by a flowing stream.Rush of tide against rocks, sunset coulers at end of the day..cup of tea with mates..conversation..enjoyable film..love all draws us to something Godly in this world.

Feb 7, 2022

Simply more experienced in life and its happenings.

Hull City were given a reminder that the Championship prove to be an unpredictable league, despite the growing feeling around the town.

The goal keeper played a brilliant game for PNE. ( Iverson ).

January been a month which ended with three straight wins plus a takeover, February started with defeat to Preston North End , who collected three points, beating  City 1-0.

Saturday, after difficult week with hospital visits, helping others, leaving little time for me.

That is OK, that is fine.

This Week begins with frustrations around housing, treatment from authorities.Sadness around NHS delivery to a vulnerable person.

life is like this...It will be long period l can recognise its something to do with my age.

Only thing l hold over those younger folks is experience.

Not better at communicating.

Not fitter.Nor richer.Nor more beautiful 

Not healthier.

Not better educated.

Not more capable.

But l am more experienced in life and its happenings.more flexible and Believe things without the same passion, but more reflective.

gee must be growing up..At last `ECHO chambers` repeats.

Feb 6, 2022

Most things in life faced better, with cup of tea and favourite biscuit

 Love is deeper then the deepest well..it's force you can feel but may not see.

 higher then a mountain..slow..it's the answer to many challenges.

But when need quell hunger, l reach for biscuits.

Feb 5, 2022

Drop things, Little tickles, no one paying attention...

 The Little Boy and the Old Man

Said the little boy, "Sometimes I drop my spoon."
Said the old man, "I do that too."
The little boy whispered, "I wet my pants."
"I do that too," laughed the little old man.
Said the little boy, "I often cry."
The old man nodded, "So do I."
"But worst of all," said the boy, "it seems
Grown-ups don't pay attention to me."
And he felt the warmth of a wrinkled old hand.
"I know what you mean," said the little old man.
Shel Silverstein

Drop things, Little tickles, no one paying attention...
Always dropping things, have to go a lot, Car journeys are difficult,(you know what l mean), to be honest no one ever taken any notice of me...
Anyway so this on post someone sent myself, after read an advert about sending money to Old folk , living on their own...Another Charity mugger scam.
Another issue, mayonnaise in my coffee instead of the cream. Odd times eat very little.Forget my tablets. tell me is it just me?
l am at times quite nebulous, perhaps just a bit fuzzy if honest.But that is old age but am l old at my age.

Feb 4, 2022


Peter Butterworth, actor and comedian was born in 1915. He is best known for roles in the Carry On

After escaping from a POW camp he was recaptured by a member of the Hitler Youth. Afterwards he said he could never work with children again...

Know what he means , forget about `Hitler youth`, they got nothing on some of our locals.

Feb 3, 2022

Morning and Music lyrics from early east Yorkshire coast.

             Not bad place to have day away and morning walk along deserted harbour


Young Garnie girl knits and waits, not yet sunk in...

Love is not returning.

`I know I'm gonna miss the wind in my eyes..

The shimmer of light when the seagull flies

Although I've traveled far
I'm a home lovin' man
And home is where you are..
 faces long and drawn
Are suddenly awakened
As we sail in on the dawn
The wives, the sons, the lovers
Who never gave up hope`

`now hear the sailors, smell the sea and feel the sky..let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic`.
Van Morrison  

Here sitting in a cafe
catch spark across the way
A string of tiny painted bells
Seem to have a tale to tell
( raindrops silhouette the lights)
On someone that I once knew well
Is all that's left
The rest's not true
I smile I see it's really you
The rain will go
you have too
Not to let the moment pass
it got too hard to do
it's always been this way
. . .it's always been this way

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"