Nov 30, 2021

Some happenings so big that there’s always lot leftover.....emotionally work to do.

 Jesus did NOT say: well its been said before

in the song ...He Never said....

Care for the sick, if it makes a profit. Welcome the stranger, if they have the money. Feed the hungry, who earns the food you’re giving. Love your neighbor, when it’s good for the economy

Some happenings are so big that there’s always much leftover.Like the things that trigger me, one of my many negatives...getting too concerned...carrying the weight...not finishing a task before start another...reading three heavy books on the go...
HUGE one on Jesus by some foreign dutch writer..

 kite runners...trying and past first three chapters...

TRIESTE  "Trieste is a monumental feat of the imagination. Impassioned and lucid, it is impossible to read it and not come away with a new understanding of the world. Daša Drndic has given us a masterpiece that is not only brilliant, but uncompromisingly humane.

its proving to be a task..but gonna be resilient and complete reading process stuff.

He Said..

Answer a strangers cry for help

Love your brother as you loved yourself

You only have to seek and you will find

Forgive your enemies drop that grudge

its been ,plus remains mega cold...Further storms very heavy, cold, chilly.Then People and life.

Storms....`the road less traveled sometimes worth leaving untraveled`.

l do this because l do


l do this blog because l know its a way of view

A view

Wrong view

Different view.

Better or a worse view, its up to us.

Not to change the world but to show WE  are changing.

Not to anger anyone or cause harm to others...its just another vehicle of communicating.

Nov 27, 2021

Wet Saturday ,here is a great way to spend some time....

 sometimes a track on an Album stays with you away from the big sellers and one still played on the radio

Do your thing, on the beat of the bang
I'll put a melody inside of your head
No need to shout, what you bitching about?
I think those things are better left unsaid
She had a look you won't find in no book
And she smelt like 1969
You can blow my mind if you're that way inclined
All I know is I'm gonna make you mine
that`s from High flying birds and track called ..`she fell under my spell`....

often a soul  dance Album
Would have some gospel  social commentary track...always found these tracks deep ,significant..
Began to search these out, got so thrilled discovered others who did this..found on complication
 Albums track`s that l had lost, forgotten about, or misplaced.
Joy and Fun...sometimes l would DJ play a track like l had discovered this precious thing.
The more I think about it, I think you're 'bout to lose your mind
Some people call it jinx, some say, "It ain't my day"
But if you wanna know the truth about it
I'll tell you what's pullin' you way down
Yes, sir
Bad luck (that's what you got, that's what you got), yeah

Harold Melvin and the Blue notes loved so much about this Album...loads of dance tracks quite a few commenting on issues and events...including Be for Real...

Nov 26, 2021


Wet damp , as we drive along A1030 road with sandy coulered ruts. 
Leaf filled ruts where a car or truck struggled. 
Bare trees in middle distance, look like Bob Ross used thick black paint
(BBC 4 evening painting programme).
to demonstrate no leaves on branches.....
Old guy who never wears long trousers holds stick 
cant carry two packs up hill.
Its bitterly cold many slipping as trek uphill, 
keeping a balance. no one yet fell over.
Sea crashes over the promenade, feels angry tonight.

Cooking in the pressure stove way today.
keep warm meal for any who want to grab a plate.
Watch an old film
Talk late into the evening,
my illness will suggest l rest before others.
The sound of conversation will aid me going off to sleep.
Aware of time spent in prayer and contemplation.
Reflection and putting stuff in order.

That`s in my mind.

  • If you have, it’s time to organize, or re-organize, what you have.
  • Devise systems that work best,with myself its style genre of
  • Go with the ones that work best in your home situation..Aiming for same size box for CD`s same size shelf for Vinyl....12``inch bags to carry Vinyl , again genres in same shoulder bag. folk 60`s are on same shelf etc...
  • One can cover anything from a 7″ record to a 12″ box set by exploring Google type search.
  • Once your  music is properly organised, it’ll becomes easy to take one for listening rather than hunting around and cursing the last user.....

Nov 25, 2021


Organisational charts –showing perhaps the negotiated, political processes by which they are created – reify the power of certain individuals in an organization. 
Lot of Church 'Organisations' use them, why, because the world does
The placement of names on the map is critically important, even if it doesn’t comport to how the PROJECT is run.
We in Christian faith need to be careful how we let the World shape us.

Our shape may not be governed by names on maps but more by way people are developing relationships.
Sounds communist trait ,but we should be flat based in our organisations mapping.

Was in several `community areas`, Cinema community gathering to watch old movies. Seen `Misfits....Cat on hot tin roof....miracle on 37th street`..its an informal community.

Charity this quite pleasant gathering just becoming community again.

Individual response to community, means some select to attend but remain outside discussions and actions.

Nov 24, 2021

Negative echo is drowning out the good stuff


Can you hear it as well
Others have
That echo that it should be 
Well simply put
Should be better then this

Its Calling as beds are burning let's hear the call simply a better way of being.
Faith community are aware Kingdom way , sermon on the mount way.
Jesus way,it's different it's better than what's on offer.
Talking with from social media.
Be kind to each other, spiritual to ask for help,good to receive.
Sometimes that way we point to....well it may be simple.
That not easy.... just avoid the Crushmuss rush.Stay focused. hope and follow.

Nov 23, 2021

Empty beaches...silent harbour

At present the evenings are ablaze with created coulers...most people are commenting in a beautiful way all expressing wonder, amazement further gratitude.

Its comon link to each other

Been walking. . . investment in self.

Rechargeing own batteries.

Acknowledgments to my creator.

Thoughts been stored plus sorted.

prayers are uttered.


Witness nice things on the Yorkshire coast real sense of Godness
Nature shrill crys echo round empty breaches
Not long ago full of people swimming,eating,laughing.
Now silent . . .but not empty
Just not full of humanity.
Echos to return to different time
Different music
Different memories
Better way of being...... echo there. .  still in the shadows.
But it's coming.....listen carefully hear it..... like a whisper

Nov 20, 2021

November mass for commercial money grabbing 2021

 You know hard it can be

When in Hull Saturday

Trying to get some


But some lies are interference with that Peace.....very white older person's protests

Even funny.

Its Beautiful afternoon

Soul of poverty


People are making best of difficult situation, underemployment, emotional intelligence,

struggling wages low.... Benefit low.

People are resilient..capable in my hometown they are capable of getting by.

Limited income always been evident.

I struggled....but we survive simply the way of the game.

Proud to witness efforts.

Sun arises....winter sun but welcome...this is despite Dana singing about cold cold lonlie Christmas in November in the supermarket....has Music of the season ever been more out is sync with expectations?

Its Novembermass with 5 weeks stil Togo before the Madness's.


 Took this photo last evening, not brilliant camera just old iPod.. as moon rose silhouetted against incoming tide, chilly wind, Autumns arrived. Captured in opening castle Framework of Peir entrance.

Nov 19, 2021

Don't believe them when they tell us. .ain't no cure, The rich stay healthy, The sick stay poor . . . believe in love !

Don't believe them when they tell me
There ain't no cure
The rich stay healthy
The sick stay poor
I... I believe in love


isum... isum... isums...some of the topics worth exploring at present








 Britain is a country in which a politician putting his hand on a woman’s knee causes more outrage than the abuse of hundreds of working-class girls by grooming gangs...Again Sammy woodhouse is well written on this issue,

Counter Terror Detectives confirm the bomb that partially detonated outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital was packed with ball bearings to act as shrapnel.

Being bullied can have a major impact on us, however old we are when it happens...TRUE SO TRUE

Kevin: "No, no, no, don't start. You have to grow up, you spend your entire show insulting people.

Kevin`s can`t live with them but really love them

More than a million vulnerable children in England are being damaged and their life chances reduced by resources axed from early years and youth support since 2010, according to a House of Lords committee....Covered before and will again...sadly

As a delegate at COP26, I heard the same story over and over again. About how prosperity was destroying the world. And how tackling climate change was key to ending everything from natural disasters to racism and sexism. It was absurd...yeah that`s new wokeisum imploding

this l think is really interesting....It has been revealed that Azeem Rafiq made racist comments about Jews 10 years ago. Will he now be cancelled, like others in the cricketing world have been? If not, we will see just how staggeringly hypocritical the woke elites are,

Nov 18, 2021


Out of the 1,944 verses in the gospels, only 60  refer to hell. Further with regards to heaven, there are 192.







Nov 16, 2021

more daunting than usual

 Against a backdrop of inflation, soaring energy prices, empty shelves and supply chain issues, the approach of Christmas might feel more daunting than usual this year. But it’s still the perfect time to remind ourselves that the best things in life don’t depend on just-in-time delivery. They’re not fired by oil or gas and they’re totally immune to inflation.

lovejoypeacepatiencekindnessgenerosityfaithfulnessgentlenesscreativitycompassionhope and justice.

Peace or celebration remains the choice

Nov 15, 2021

it was a Sunday drive out to a harbour on` golden Autumn day`.

 We drove.

Drive there we listened to... fleet foxes...

Spoke about today

Had coffee, then had another.

Loved the views as Autumn glowed with shades of orange and yellow on display

soon pulled up near the harbour, Boats tied up for the winter.


Seagulls found new roosting places ,eating less chips.

Walked to the full harbour,Cafes closed but people a plenty.

Many walking out ,it `felt kind`, me, my son both commented.

It felt Sunday

Sunday on the harbour wall

week ahead holds some serious challenges.

Way home we listened to Eagles ..OUT OF EDEN...

This is Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Netherlandish Proverbs, sometimes known as The Blue Cloak from one of its most haunting details, painted in 1559 and visualising the folklore of the Low Countries. 

“Now we’re driving dazed and drunk” in a grainy, plaintive voice, it is an entire nation at the wheel, “bloated with entitlement, loaded on propaganda.”

Joked how we knew people full of entitlement
trying to be as important as their social media image
how sometimes a singer captures your emotion
your experience
your thinking

you were just too busy being fabulous
Too busy to think about us
I don't know what you were dreaming of
Somehow you forgot about love
And you were just too busy being fabulous

it was a Sunday drive out to harbour on golden Autumn day.
Sure felt God was present.

Nov 14, 2021

Along the seaside coast we wonder


The coast, further seaside rural retreat, is changing,coulers in the leaves are Golden autumn shades.


I feel things although ready for harshness of the season Joining with others on my Faith journey.Are we ready to return to some sense of normalized behavior?
That's interesting question
Let you know..feel older people still apprehensive about future
Wonder why that is.are these persons whose journey mainly been isolated from Spirituality.
Ponder...wonder l do also.
We should we should always be people whose journey mainly one of wondering!

Nov 13, 2021

Pondering . .

The relentless demonisation of fossil fuels reaches to the very top of political life.

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1).

Same-Sex MarriageFasting from Muslim perspective Folklore Myth MagicWhat it is to be TransgenderPaganism and Pantheismsongs from all faiths

When people come to `faith meeting`, to ask question ,chat ,have a cuppa,
discover they haven’t been into a christian community for decades . . . l ask inside.
what have we been communicating?
Where has faith community been?

Nov 12, 2021

We in my upbringing ,well we often know,

We in my upbringing ,well we often know, stuff, more than books can teach

that cold season... Winter season is back. 

Chilly, Cold, Damp, Tired, wrong food, season.

Don`t think people understand own roots

own upbringing

own development

how did l get here?

What values did l collect ?

What values did l pick up? ...hold dear...carry with me. . .try to follow

How why, when did Kevin, from north UK, come to believe these things

Ethical conduct how did that become part of my life

part of my being, part of my development?

When did l write such values into the heart and mind of me.

Its news so it could be happening...well stopped caring at present.Very moody football follower

Nov 11, 2021

Powerless is experienced and poor further marginalized, again by not having adequate support in place.

 I wish that heaven had visiting hours

So I could just show up and bring good news.......


Today anyway it been one of remembrance, not something l agree with.
Feel many celebrate victory in war, not the costs of war.
Always got into trouble for holding this odd view on Poppies,
but l remain clued into the situation as l see this topic.
But l stand silent for a few minutes quietly l feel sad.

Been trying to deal with Local Authority about housing issue
l am just getting worn out.
Been dealing with one issue for three years!
Got friend who like many, doesn't want to even interact with people in council.
`East riding` got some poor quality staff, uneducated, unable to accept council is wrong.
The worse kind of staff are those who `parachute into situation`, drive away on half days and 30 hour contracts .
9- 30 until 15-30 with few half days, lot of training for staff.
Issues go unresolved, person loose soul trying to get understanding.
But when they can`t pay, lot of pressure put on individuals with little compassion.
There is next to no experts challenging and bringing the LA into diligence, 
so they perform poorly.
C19 was a God send for these under performers, allowing bad practice to be further hidden.
Powerless is experienced and poor further marginalized, 
again by not having adequate support in place.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"