Dec 31, 2019

Getting worse for poor

A report released in November 2019 confirmed what you and l already knew, the most extensive research ever into hunger and food bank usage in Britain. State of Hunger lists irrefutable fact after fact and hard-hitting statement after statement which shine a light on the harrowing reality facing millions of working class people in this country as their conditions of life drastically deteriorate.
We are worse off then decade ago
We use foodbanks more
Get less reward at work
Those on all benefit suffering most
The rich are getting richer
Spiritually bankrupt
Transgender alignment cost more the cardiac health support
It's worse
It's worse

Dec 30, 2019

Human trapped

This is first year in a rural seaside town
Plan on it being my last
Isolated with no services
Detached word  thought l knew well
Here got whole differant meaning

No really l serious

Dec 28, 2019


Spent some of the time on boxing day watching swimmers going into the cold North Sea,at Withernsea...of course people do not recognise that watching something like this is just as cold as actually doing the swimming .
lots of walking further some time with others,
BUT as many knowing me will recognise hate this period.


Your stupid..The good news so many others l know are stupid.

Divisions exist and despite feelings raging ,these divisions that separate us do not reveal our humanity
Remaining  invisible is sign of our state in `emotional and intelligent environment` . . . .
Energy is created around blaming others, this sometimes fuels our self worth.

Very difficult to work with people who blame and run.

Conversations do not
give vulnerable voice

 Sometimes we do not engage enough with each other.
pass like ships without engaging .
Those who perhaps in relationships carry on throughout life in such states.

Dec 27, 2019

Odd period

The period we are in at present is Chrushmuss
Where we shop things we already got
Many putting food next to food still not eaten from Christmas
People already feel Feb up
Full up
While hide emptiness inside
TV let down
Cold is to be fought
Time slow so slow
Communication is vital
Relationships strained
Loved ones find each other very testing
The lonely feel more alone......

LOVE each other
Text lost mate
Make that awkward call to music...get ready for new year...
Even in your nakedness love your soul

Dec 23, 2019

relevant and capable for those struggling with `well being`

Will you imagine the joy of meeting people who love Jesus, yet have no interest in arguing about theology or proving they are right others are wrong.
Link to this as many peoples faith in present political system ,along with politicians continues to plummet ,climate change apparently escalates.
The need for people who are kingdom people in the real sense of the word is needed.
`Emotional literacy` is recognised as the hidden issue in currant society,To enable help,then the writings of Psalms and the teachings of Jesus, are fun yes fun,also relevant and capable for those struggling with `well being`....

BUT we do not want this we want a child crying for milk born in a stable.
We want a saviour crucified on a cross at Easter....not one who rose and conquered death.

Been reading about Adult game of `Snakes and Ladders`.
 Ladders represent all those moments when you learn how to be more  grown-up, the snakes the times when you end up acting, against your better nature.


Dec 21, 2019

Hell enough for myself.

"It is a great way to bring up the story of Bethlehem, the Christmas story, in a different way - to make people think more" of how Palestinians live in Bethlehem.
Salsaa calls the Israeli wall a "scar" that should induce "shame in anyone who supported" its construction.
Israel began building the separation barrier - in parts concrete, with other stretches consisting of fencing - in 2002 during the Palestinian uprising, or intifada.
I know some who still `first temple Judaism christian cult` followers, who still pray weekly for Israel and will not listen to a comment about Palestine people.
Mind you they have hatred for few others, talk about rest of us going to an eternal torment that we will be totally aware of.
Hells doors and entry are wide open presently
many living a hell on earth,some pretty few in Hull.
Hell enough for myself.

just wanted you all to know that brilliance still exists

Replying to Two young men were injured in an argument in St Julian’s early on Saturday.
The police said the men, both 19 from Guinea, entered the St Julian’s police statement at 1am, both bleeding from head wounds.@TheTimesofMalta

l spend lot of time with this young chap my nephew
he is mischief all over
steals my hat every visit
goofs at chocolate
is trusting
expresses love
he brought up by my youngest brother
who is a brilliant father
just wanted you all to know that
brilliance still exists
sure you have that element also
God bless you.

Dec 20, 2019

Nowhere in the bible are we told to celebrate Jesus birthday, so the scenes taking place around the country with money,excessive eating,wealth displayed and greed promoted are not connected with Bible nor birth of a messiah.

Nowhere in the bible are we told to celebrate Jesus birthday.
So the scenes taking place around the country.

Money further debt,
excessive eating,
wealth displayed ,
greed promoted.
All not connected with Bible nor birth of Messiah.

Silence is deafening now,  drowning out the white noise that  rattles in my head like a hornet trapped also anger. A pestilent painful reminder that I too am trapped, that I too am pestilent. 
Looking out upon the life want to have,  . . . . . . this lies beyond my reach. 

Looking out upon the life want to have,  . . . . . . 

Out of my grasp.

Dec 19, 2019

"stay woke", political term referring to political issues concerning social / racial justice.

He came to be a model
When talking to Palestinians today, one common phrase you will hear is this: “it is getting worse.” If you have visited Palestinian areas and met the people here, you will feel the heaviness of it. Most people have become hopeless, resigned, and apathetic."

 . . . . "if you visited the inner cities ,rural communities of UK, people there ,will tell you about poverty,underemployment,pain, discover a heaviness of it , conversations will be about hopelessness,resigned to it getting worse,Apathy is surprised it won with out a fight". . . ..

Dec 17, 2019

Time the memory of a loved ones, sunrise over frosty field, the hug of friends,belonging to community, a prayer shared coming true

The Nativity is no fairy tale.

Matthew and Luke are the two Gospel writers who include stories about the birth of Jesus, and both are good historians. If you look through the rest of their Gospels you’ll find all kinds of details about people, places and events that they get exactly right historically.

 The Nativity is no fairy tale.

Here and more are few awkward details about the arrival of God’s Messiah that you might prefer to leave unmentioned. 

Jesus came for people who are dirt poor.
Any young woman who found herself pregnant 
outside marriage was liable to be stoned to death.
Joseph planned to quietly break off their engagement .

Some Christians play down the essentially Jewish character of the entire story.
 But even mainstream Christian and Jewish biblical experts have a problem in explaining the role played in the narrative by the so-called three "Wise Men" or "Kings" who, we are told, came from the east, following a star, to worship the infant Jesus in Bethlehem and were not Jews.

Matthew's account of the birth where he describes the distinguished visitors as "Magi" .
where we get the word ,Magic.
Zoroaster ,was the prophet of arguably the world's first monotheistic religion and is thought to have lived around 1000 BC.
They where economically sound,equality wise,treated women and men the same,environmentally wise around animal welfare, plus use of resources like land husbandry.
Under the enlightened rule of the Persian empire, support was given to a series of Jewish prophets who codified the varying beliefs of the Hebrews into the monotheistic theology of modern Judaism which was inherited by its eventual offspring - Christianity and Islam.

In this outpouring their is a mixture of religious practices,all enabling the Birth of Jesus to come about.
The wise people, and l expect it clearly was more then 3, and included women,arrived on the scene when Jesus was around 18 - 24 months old.

Which explains why Herod had children under two years of age killed,
when he found out about the birth of Jesus the` to be King`,(But not in a world king sense).

It was not a birth in a stable,but the child was placed in animal trough when new born.

Nowhere in the bible are we told to celebrate Jesus birthday,
so the scenes taking place around the country with money,excessive eating,wealth displayed and greed promoted are not connected with Bible nor birth of a messiah.

Dec 16, 2019


law to itself.

The BBC seems to behave like a law to itself.
Personally best thing is let the BBC stand on its own to feet,fund its self,more own programmes. That way it can be biased like it presently is, or it can move less away from margins where Woman football,100 gender types, loony female Boxing, could thrive OR not.

BBC presently feels very much like ,l imagine propaganda platform for the Remain, London-based, left -wing,would look sound and behave like. 
Should not be funded by people who fundamentally disagree with its views.
TV is viewed very differently to ways in which previous generations have watched.
so TV needs to reflect this change in how people interact.

Seal sands was until recently a place l went to a great deal in teesside
Harbour seals and Grey seals were very evident,lovely period to watch them slide along the mud .They also observe us,will pop up nearby and watch a person before disappearing back into the waters
Seals are currently pupping along the Yorkshire coast and have a hard time with mortality rates at around 50 per cent during their first year, this is reduced further when the risks posed by marine litter and disturbance from people and dogs are factored in..

Witness lot of beach disturbance by Dog walkers and foul leaving cretins. Attacking other mammals is one area which dog-walkers need to improve behaviour of their `KIDS`

Dec 14, 2019

only bit of fresh air . . . .

While the many vulnerable,those lacking 
well they will just have to suck 
it up while it gets worse.

Emmerdale Star Sheila Mercier, Aka Annie Sugden, Dies Aged 100

 “Annie Sugden embodied all the virtues of Yorkshire …. she was hard working, resilient, determined, down to earth and didn’t suffer fools gladly.

“Sheila had many of those qualities too, putting the needs of the programme above her own and always delivering a great performance come rain or shine. She will be greatly missed.”
Sheila was one of the original stars of the then-titled Emmerdale Farm, and appeared in the very first episode in 1972. 
After she left the soap in 1994, she continued to make guest appearances as the Yorkshire matriarch, most recently in 2009 when she attended the funeral of son Jack, after actor Clive Hornby’s real-life death. 
Annie is still mentioned on screen, with granddaughter Victoria even going to visit her in Spain during episodes aired last month. 

Labour party ignored their base support and the democratic vote of the people.

Voted for by the few and not the many.
 Policies that benefited the few but paid for by the many,
Labour party ignored their base support and the democratic vote of the people.
No surprise that Labour lost the election big ways.
For some it hurts,but it is only politics everyone had chance to put across arguments
Then we let voters decide
l did not vote
simply do not vote on party politics
Only ever voted at brexut debate.

when lived in Easington colliery knew if a blind donkey,dying with flees and scabs was pushed in front of people with tag `Labour` 
they would vote for that
There was never a question that any other choice was wrong
they pummelled Children to do the same
calling any with another view `Scabs` and ostracising them.

YES it all gone wrong 
There is a need to listen
then change.
But that comes at a cost
Time will now be spent in wilderness, in political desert.
While the many vulnerable,those lacking sophistication,poor
well they will just have to suck it up while it gets worse.

While the many vulnerable,those lacking 

poor, well they will just have to suck it up while it gets worse.

Dec 13, 2019

Yorkshire walks

Gulzar sets out on a planned route each time and along the way she has chance meetings with fellow walkers, uncovers forgotten histories, recites poetry and sketches the Yorkshire landscape.
well it surprised myself because the area was known to myself.
Specifically the Yorkshire coast whitby 
walking helps me everyday, but flatness of holderness is draining on my soul.
There is a depth to north Yorkshire ,me breathe it inwards, inspires
can sit observe
while think those bigger things 
Miss Yorkshire 
Miss those times
Hell bent on getting away from here ...that here in every sense...employment...economically...spiritual and agape 

`oh what a night December` 2019

Boris Johnson’s top adviser has laid the blame for Labour’s huge losses in the general election result at the door of “educated Remainer campaigner types”.
Dominic Cummings said opponents of Brexit should have reflected on the result of the 2016 referendum but instead had: “ f***** it up even more”.
The good news overwhelming support for the` mandatory reconsideration` challenge has ensured it will go ahead in the New Year. it’s hard for many to see further than general election result. 
A result which will have huge effect on claimants lives, without a doubt for worse.
Perhaps next week my understanding of what the election result is likely to mean for vulnerable powerless aged and those not able.At present just need to pause.
Over 100,000 claimants have lost their Motability vehicles as a result of being forced onto PIP.
Learned  that GPs have accused claimants of being ‘work-shy’ and ‘slobs’ in their house magazine.
The Disability News Service (DNS) is piling on the pressure for criminal proceedings to be launched against former ministers in relation to the deaths of claimants.


the Tories will get 363 MPs -

 50 more than at the 2017 election.

Labour would get a miserable 203,  Lib Dems 13. 

“In winning this election we have won votes and the trust of people who have never voted Conservative before and people have always voted for other parties," 
"Those people want change. We cannot, must not, must not, let them down."

Dec 12, 2019

What I know is that we are all more frightened to express the truth, the transgender debate showed itself up in news reels today.
With some saying if they challenge young people about trans issues ,then their managers accuses them of being trans-phobic.14 year old  Leo....until recently a girl gave everyone their view..she came across as misguided, confused, plus slightly full of own self importance.
All of this young girls life she being saying you got it wrong `l am a boy`.
sadly she looks like a girl,drugs stop showing like a girl, she sounded like a girl.
But guess what we have to fund this self centred style. above heart issues and cancer scares.
Where did you ever imagine the money would appear from for such treatment.

Dec 11, 2019

hate this present place if l am honest

sometimes people behave in way l am embarrassed around
its my problem
not they who have to improve
it something suppose always be working on
don`t live in comfortable
live in real place where people are not expected to behave in way l desire
but try hard to explore me
`how can l improve`?

But still wrestling with unanswered prayer
full year started with job interview
no further on in employments ways
my health slightly got worse
hate this present place if l am honest
hate this life...never have enough...always trying to hard to stay still

Dec 10, 2019

it is a thing so beautiful ....just too wet at present

Christmas gift suggestions: 
To your enemy, forgiveness. 
To an opponent, tolerance. 
To a friend, your heart. 
To a customer, service. 
To all, charity. 
To every child, a good example. 
To yourself, respect.

Dec 9, 2019

Burn down disco Hang the blessed DJ . . the music that they constantly play . .says nothing to me about life

Panic on the streets of London
Panic on the streets of Birmingham
I wonder to myself
Could life ever be sane again?
The leeds side-streets that you slip down
I wonder to myself
Hopes may rise on the grasmere
But honey pie, you're not safe here
So you run down
To the safety of the town
But there's panic on the streets of Carlisle
Dublin, Dundee, Humberside
I wonder to myself

Do you want to know what I think of you? Yes, my honest view.
 You don't? 

 It will help you.
 It really will. 

I mean. . . . .how are you ever going to get it right
 if you don't know what you're doing wrong?

 This song well l do not feel/think, it as much about race, nor sexuality But it was about the culture of British popular music. For a while most music was disco/dance. Adult orientated, many other music, progressive, rock, FM held deeper lyrics, but like emotions in soul music. In some ways, it’s never quite about depth you think.

In other themes is it about the shallowness . .  yes sometimes it meant to be throwaway. 

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"