Jul 8, 2019

bit worried about my `Brotha Chalkie Stevens`

Can't see why but
struggle to draw
One of those things that promised would do more often
brings me joy.
It so throw away for me
need to do more... switch off stuff

Former Hull City goalkeeper David Marshall is close to securing a fresh start away from the KCOM Stadium after undergoing a medical with Wigan Athletic today.
This is another example how low Hull City have sunk ,we chase players from Doncaster and Peterborough not aspiration really when we looking below ourselves.
A Bible that is not the word of God, a Jesus who didn’t exist, a heaven and hell that are only on earth….a cross that did not atone and a God who fails….This is about as far as it is possible to get from Christianity whilst still claiming to be a Christian. 
Bit worried about my `Brotha Chalkie Stevens`he got so much in his head, cant listen without getting a headache,he expert in justical Law,senior Education,Greek ,Hebrew,Islam, so much being achieved, while l home scratching my balls in front of TV showing classic `Emmerdale`. . . .Worrying thing is this...l call it system error...Books written by N.T.Wright,further other scholars are written for study in ivory tower, not so can learn more about faith,or Christian journey, Hence if it that difficult means so much less then it did .Others going to be asking why bother?Believe that the culture of his environment...E.G.London UK ...gay community,whole LGBT swaying Chalkie, more so then getting truly dirty and low down with serious issues at street level.
Books like` lost message of Jesus`, `Being human,Tom Bells `Love wins` all simple, but also won`t allow move from view they hold.I find lack of depth hurtful,apart from dismentaling others not much quoted from thinkers like Him.
Yet it clear that he copying the arguments of more learned people.
I like Steve, his manner,enthusiasm, energy way he excites it all pretty cool.But often find he talks down from place where he read well, "you, 
well you been misled..NO really have ...believe me you have ..." went into Chalkie Stevens mode then.
Philosophy runs through his mind, he talks about his new Book on blogs,`you see our front bit of our brains does not work as well` as Chalkie...obvious...that a real problem.Dismissing me as l listen but he way in front...better educated..work harder...knows more people...on more committees.. he must be truth. Paul says different things to different churches in different situations at different times. So, to decontextualize a specific point that he makes to a particular church and then to try to turn it into a universal principle...
Well that what preachers do all the time , agree ,not good method,but keep doing this all time,As we progress into future where, what we feel best,will comic book,more discussion, less acceptance of the story ,approach to Faith.
But this book wants people to be so into that linear method it can only make sense in that context.
These are true points,Personally think the`Chalkie Stevens` culture is allowing him to make this interpretation, only,certainly best interpretations.Great person much energy, much desire, leads well.But lacks ability to do two things . .
one is Listen To others and learn.
Second is to NOT do.
Do we need another book on St Paul.?
Do we want reworking of others thoughts, Do we need the put downs which come across in writings,the discussion heard from Chalkie about this book.Often he appears to be saying look `l am a expert, so well read that you could not form the correct view about these writings. . .so here my view` the best. Accept that all will be well`.

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We didn't become better community's.

During infection outbreak that we called COVID C19. We had to isolate, be apart, stopped gathering  We had space, we some for first time we ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"