Jul 30, 2019

“He is up there somewhere yelling down at us that he loves us but we just can’t here him”.

That human is being God like. 
Sacrifice is also God like.

Summer not my favourite time of the year and even as it cools . .slightly..
`got stuck moving some furniture this morning ` . .took me an hour to get settee unstuck damaged both settee, further the wall painting . . . still that me
Do you recall the childish things . . parks...picnics...snogging...hearts with loved ones name wrote into trees...tears and upsets..making up...walks around `smithy bridge`...bus in `Malta` ...Bovril
Last evening watched again film 

What Dreams May Come. . .

Yes it really a wonderful film and deserves better recognition Robin Williams looks dated, and his smirks a bit of putting but real star is the actress
Described as “soul mates,” which met, immediately fell in love, shared a rather supernatural connection to one another.
Had two children, both of whom were killed four years before Chris’s death. Annie blamed herself, became suicidal and was admitted to hospital. Chris came to recognise how he contributed to Annie’s depression, out of his desire to help her, faced her with divorce and the decision to give up or keep living.

The themes which l noted ...Keep on giving, is a strong theme, . . . not giving up on Love, . .  be prepared to sacrifice.
But also need to embrace tough issues along with wrestle hard tough questions.
That this is life . and life is hard…but so little known about afterlife this feels like a door opening to possibility it may be…may be … in space or time like this…we can still have place to be human.
That human is being God like. The sacrifice is also God like.

Jul 29, 2019

Listen To....old records

Its a sad days for all of us
The day North left town 
With smiles the south took chegue books out  . . .
This hallowed ground,     .    . which now is barren ground
Wasted ...like year's come and gone
Such a sad day for all of us..........the Day north left town

Jul 27, 2019

well walk in the sea just me plus my lamentations

Walk Along cliffs, the beaches ,sandy outcrops, windy headlands, Pause questions to Quiet God ,explore the horizons, seeking Answers

It part of the significant me.
Narrative coastal views . . . wildlife. . sense of tide,
 further sense of time

Jul 26, 2019

just HOPE that missing at the moment....

Most nights walk in the sea, at present cooling off after recover from bit of ill health.
Just go into North sea at coast . . . walk between wave breakers for 15-20 minutes really cool off....then walk home 
Bit like green leaves on tree.
Small birds at feeder...cup of tea...walk with special person..music U love playing on decks...writing something down...reading a book..talking with others..meeting people who are different . . .

just HOPE that missing at the moment....

Jul 25, 2019


Jul 24, 2019


l am a nomad

work, think, act, outside of the box..be it music value...stories listen too...sheer number of times go back to` Hill street blues`...or that summer walk along ...alone times spend...odd meal periods...being available for others..simply standing alone in the ring as a boxer in my teenage years further in my adult years...alone but not lonlie. 

The Skills-Based Happiness Quiz .

You scored 83 out of 115 points.

You are a happiness expert!
You don’t need much guidance about life skills that contribute to happiness. 
  • The pleasant life: a life that successfully pursues the positive emotions about the present, past, and future.
  • The good life: using your signature strengths to obtain abundant gratification (through activities we like doing) in the main realms of your life.
  • The meaningful life: using your signature strengths and virtues in the service of something much larger than you are.
leads me to ask myself am l really happy and despite this EXPERT advice would conclude differently, that current issue with experts .They do not appear to know very much at all.Suppose l am considering both vocational death.along with Faith reconstruction, some of the things l held as relevant are not placed high in society living, breathing, posturing in.
For Kevin w. Lack of real concern around community.
so wonder what is my signature strength?
would it be active listening....
what about values l hold....does society place any worth on them?
who do l still really want to be and is that possible?
why do no longer dream?
where did hope disappear?

Jul 23, 2019

N.T.Wright sings on @premier podcast --- Spiritual masturbation reaches new low

N.T.Wright singing on premier podcast, why? perhaps because living in ivory tower,
believes the hype follows himself,money got to his head, must be soul reason for this.
But why would none around this guy ,well suggest `Tom, this is utter rubbish`
Ask even ,"what are you thinking?"
As anyone got spiritual discernment to mutter ,'Please think of others....'
Perhaps even 
'Shut the fre##k up'

System error recognised

Spiritual masturbation reaches new low....this is all around the esteem some place on Academia.
 "oh he so intelligent, would you like a sherry vicar...."
Same persons Place people like this on a pedestal.....mind you like a `nappy filling tot`..he was climbing up unaided. .
You see here is the 'system error' in full......he writes for scholars not "Lay folk!"
His words are not for the masses but the learned ....others wish they could be include, so they pretend to marvel at old guy who struggles with everyday folk.
The social experiment say-- taking a guy from large working class environment,place them in ivory tower,let see what they reflect back...well that cannot take place because not born into that class.

Another fault in the system error.

Hence now he starts writing songs and singing, the geeks listening cannot find words to say...ENOUGH. But he abuse his privileged position to spout this Crap over a podcast.
Like great Chalkie Stevens write about stuff they inform us...'we could not understand,not clever enough'. ..there are those who buy this.....accept this.
There the main issue,in a post post Christian society,still posting this academic privilege to a society that moved to another postal address. 
Now.....where have heard that before?

Jul 22, 2019

Monday and l am deeper then my last cup of tea.

With more than 12 million supporters lining out to watch their teams last season and average attendances in excess of 20,000, the Championship is one of the best-supported leagues in world football and it shows in the quality on the field.

That where my beloved , Hull City play..mind you not sure they can rely on my support as the economic, bites hard going to a footie match is not high on my current `places to be` list

Current assessments of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) may not adequately encompass the breadth of adversity to which low-income urban children are exposed
An ACE score is a tally of different types of abuse, neglect, and other hallmarks of a rough childhood. According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, the rougher your childhood, the higher your score is likely to be and the higher your risk for later health problems.

PROBLEM is this, you may have some of identified illness visited on you heredity.
Listening to another recently found the outcome was believed , formed a reaction
so if have some heart issue....it can only be due to issues as a child..well that may not 
be the case.
Some people also do not express, at least outwardly, any issues.hide the pain?

Family relationships,WELL that a key element, but in poor economic household, many struggle paying bills, drift away from home ,separation girdles feelings.
once standing on your own ,facing thus ACEs scale may not be high priority
on your to do list.
feeling `like now in work` making some money `living independently`, often do not wish or have process to revisit past experience.
Other elements include....Community stress, where Church can be vital ,along with youth club, engagement in events.
suggest whole `social mobility element is a reoccurring theme`. 
Currently we are seeing what happens when both these agencies are absent. 
 Economic hardship,
 Peer relationships, 
Child welfare
Experience of  justice
Lack of good media, along with poor technology. 

film that cover that is excellent `Prince of tides`
The Prince of Tides is a 1991 American romantic drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Pat Conroy; the film stars Barbra Streisand and Nick Nolte. It tells the story of the narrator's struggle to overcome the psychological damage inflicted by his dysfunctional childhood in South Carolina.
Based on‎: ‎The Prince of Tides‎; by ‎Pat Conroy
Box office‎: ‎$110 million

Jul 20, 2019

Others don't

Some people text messages to each other......some don't 
Some people phone each other,
Some people write,
Some even email.

Others don't that just way life is....
one those who does all of the above, if people let me 
All forms of love .

Jul 19, 2019

Where we used to go, that place well it is no longer there

Where we used to go, that place well it is no longer there

That view, been in my mind,long time. 
No longer what l expected all changed a lot .
The road where wanted to go. . .well it no longer exists.

When you think it all pointless,where on earth are supposed to be going,that route no longer available ,sadly those people not in my life.No longer possible carry on those joys..well all metamorphose life we living.
That could be world . . life . . currently experiencing. Past good ole days,virtues values,methods voices,Gone.

Suppose plenty songs recall, somewhere used to go in your mind.
Let us for a moment go to place,(Spurn point).
 where swimming,group of us,eating picnic, sun shines,laughter fills the air....

That correct the road travelled disappeared, sure others can make deep meaning losing view, maybe these humble words are enough,but loss hit me in heart .

I am sponge that soaks up the fear,

someone suggested they do this most days
it not true ....

" I am sponge that soaks up the fear,
squeezes it out in manageable drips each day. ”

if you imagine this is you, here the rub ...many others are doing this, they get it..
mostly tomorrow, Guess already realise, 
world will turn without the likes of you and me.
That the fault in our stars . . kinda..
we feel our impact is huge mostly it actuly not 

Though you think,you have got the stuff
Maybe feel your hard enough.
We need to let you know
Sometimes you can`t make it on your own
..... U2....

How true this act is,life knowledge sometimes come in most funny ways.like often with this blog discover things/stuff/ideas/thoughts/inspirations...like to share.
Often recognise how much thought l knew, unfortunate already forgotten.

With U there one who can change You
One who wants too
No one can hurt U
Without U allowing them
You have the power 2affectU....TWEET BY @serpicoserpico

Yesterday, got knock back.Took wind out of my sails ,result fled a bit  .  . . went for long walk...but flask did not keep drink warm,needed sandwich, could done with a friend to talk to, life not like that for myself. .   . . . .Then day drifted . . view l expected changed a lot the road where wanted to go. . .well it no longer existed.
That correct the road travelled disappeared sure someone can make a deep meaning out of the view and my words.
Where we used to go, that place well it is no longer there. The coastal erosion has made impact upon the whole area.
someone told myself the previous day that place l live presently will soon be a Island,
that pretty tough news to be told.
My life is coming to and end, suppose in the Autumn of my journey.
But overall impact of the day on me was story of decay and decline.
But makes me urgently explore new settings in my vocational practice.

Jul 16, 2019

I have to work hard at reading the Bible

How different would the world, be if the Church understood. Then lived out its mission? instead if l can . . quoting Plato,..` We are imprisoned in deep untruth.`...
....Which results somehow we have got the wrong message 

Would strongly urge believers to stop living for the sake of 'an eternity in a far off place', something been hearing too much about in recent journeys around Local rural Church.
behaving like we need to say a prayer ,then we go to heaven with all our friends, NOT those nasties we don`t like either.`
Embrace God’s plans, Must discover what is this purpose, where is Gods presence, here and now. Called to be ambassadors the kingdom on Earth, strong desire to work for sake of that kingdom. we are called to be Kingdom people in the real sense of the word.
Must `rediscover` what that actually means.

Jul 14, 2019


Tomorrow going to a place called Hope
West Yorkshire
Hope was only item left in Pandora's box 
Why was that all these troubles and strife but hope was held back......
I need hope tomorrow and God kiss

Jul 12, 2019

Death and development

Well been listening to this album which got from Church Charity shop, Johnny Cash  
called Hundred Highways. 
Man was never a great singer like a technical sense: all monotone with not much range,the pitch often wobbled, much more his lack of breath control sometimes found him grasping for sound.
which when listen to this with knowledge this is a man dieing, at the end of lines. His persona through voice, emotional range, which went from crooner type swagger ,then became almost embarrassingly intimate whisper, 
Which l feel images kinda vulnerability, 

 Such a singer doesn't really lose that much with age; in fact, he gains even more interpretive depth, dont really know why picked this up, would not grab this and say "hey listen", but still vital.
My range in music worries me some times, but love this part of my persona....

Spoken to me Wednesday at interview for general non contracted youth work position.
NO they are not our friends we are professional workers here to support help them progress into life as older people.


People are body-shaming Kevin Waller`s 'dad bod' His community isn't having it

Jul 11, 2019

Got to become kingdom people in the real sense of the word

Hull City last season well covered by this quote from Mr Clean Kit David Marshall
There something wrong with this image it got lot to do with attitude shown by
 `smirking non achievers` sat on Hull city bench
“I remember Tommy saying we could do something. At the time I was thinking I’m not sure about that but then we got that run going.
It was just the start that killed us in the end. If we’d have been mid-table in October, not bottom. To go from bottom of the league to the play-offs was big ask. Sadly it wasn’t meant to be.”

Serpicoserpico (@spiritodelarue)

We can't call ourselves Kingdom people if we
'dont speak out against injustice,lack of mercy ,
and cultures that attack weakest in our society
If we Claim to be KINGDOM people
we got to go for it in a way we never done previous

we got to become Kingdom people in the real sense of the word....

Jul 9, 2019

7 million sanctioned by Gestapo in the UK that is the lowest poorest most vulnerable people had money denied and they been put into worse situation by Government officials

 7 million separate sanctions by Gestapo
in the UK that is the lowest poorest most vulnerable people had money denied and they been put into worse situation by Government officials who appear to be harsh cruel and oppressive

Poverty In UK so obscene that nonviolence as option well disappeared. 
Too much talk Too much pain And discomfort Require all possible motives to remove Poverty in UK

Let's get ready to R--                                                                                                                                                                                                  But keep worrying about issue been alive all of my working practice.
Most of my efforts with others collaboratively, not been helpful, nor successful. Sad, shameful that this is ongoing...it one of my main unanswered prayers...along side FA prayer .Don`t get it this generation won`t move from `Love island culture of trash`, nor latest`Strange ways netflick` to protect own futures.
Have we strayed so much from Love God,
Love one another , Follow Jesus...into Hedonistic way of being shameful lack of real protest
shake a can
make a fist
do something as you sleep walk into nothingness of future...

Jul 8, 2019

bit worried about my `Brotha Chalkie Stevens`

Can't see why but
struggle to draw
One of those things that promised would do more often
brings me joy.
It so throw away for me
need to do more... switch off stuff

Former Hull City goalkeeper David Marshall is close to securing a fresh start away from the KCOM Stadium after undergoing a medical with Wigan Athletic today.
This is another example how low Hull City have sunk ,we chase players from Doncaster and Peterborough not aspiration really when we looking below ourselves.
A Bible that is not the word of God, a Jesus who didn’t exist, a heaven and hell that are only on earth….a cross that did not atone and a God who fails….This is about as far as it is possible to get from Christianity whilst still claiming to be a Christian. 
Bit worried about my `Brotha Chalkie Stevens`he got so much in his head, cant listen without getting a headache,he expert in justical Law,senior Education,Greek ,Hebrew,Islam, so much being achieved, while l home scratching my balls in front of TV showing classic `Emmerdale`. . . .Worrying thing is this...l call it system error...Books written by N.T.Wright,further other scholars are written for study in ivory tower, not so can learn more about faith,or Christian journey, Hence if it that difficult means so much less then it did .Others going to be asking why bother?Believe that the culture of his environment...E.G.London UK ...gay community,whole LGBT swaying Chalkie, more so then getting truly dirty and low down with serious issues at street level.
Books like` lost message of Jesus`, `Being human,Tom Bells `Love wins` all simple, but also won`t allow move from view they hold.I find lack of depth hurtful,apart from dismentaling others not much quoted from thinkers like Him.
Yet it clear that he copying the arguments of more learned people.
I like Steve, his manner,enthusiasm, energy way he excites it all pretty cool.But often find he talks down from place where he read well, "you, 
well you been misled..NO really have ...believe me you have ..." went into Chalkie Stevens mode then.
Philosophy runs through his mind, he talks about his new Book on blogs,`you see our front bit of our brains does not work as well` as Chalkie...obvious...that a real problem.Dismissing me as l listen but he way in front...better educated..work harder...knows more people...on more committees.. he must be truth. Paul says different things to different churches in different situations at different times. So, to decontextualize a specific point that he makes to a particular church and then to try to turn it into a universal principle...
Well that what preachers do all the time , agree ,not good method,but keep doing this all time,As we progress into future where, what we feel best,will comic book,more discussion, less acceptance of the story ,approach to Faith.
But this book wants people to be so into that linear method it can only make sense in that context.
These are true points,Personally think the`Chalkie Stevens` culture is allowing him to make this interpretation, only,certainly best interpretations.Great person much energy, much desire, leads well.But lacks ability to do two things . .
one is Listen To others and learn.
Second is to NOT do.
Do we need another book on St Paul.?
Do we want reworking of others thoughts, Do we need the put downs which come across in writings,the discussion heard from Chalkie about this book.Often he appears to be saying look `l am a expert, so well read that you could not form the correct view about these writings. . .so here my view` the best. Accept that all will be well`.

Jul 7, 2019

serves others with drinks,listen,often has a chat

Lucky really to be volunteer Church charity cafe
Make cups drinks,listen,chat great people
Every time restores my belief,
Feeling that humans well work best in community,sharing talking
just simply doing joy collaboratively
 Living alongside each other.Simple love displayed over cuppa

Jul 5, 2019

Cling to the important things – love for God and others, Try create community . . value explore and develop friendships.

Cling to the important things – love for God and others, 
Try create community . .  value explore and develop friendships.
Read books listen to music watch and discuss films
Love deeply
follow Jesus.

system error

So read this article where the guy Steve chalke says some books, in fact far number about, st Paul and the Bible not written to be read.

They written to be placed in studies situations for academic to mull over them.
He just wrote a book about St Paul where he read books for a year.
Nothing but books.
Would love that luxury goes some place read books?
Return then write book about what l have written. Charge many for the joy
 You see that the system error....brains of the study are totally irrelevant to the life of very many who hold faith. that such a big issue but not going to change because NT Wright loves having all the attention why should he not
  • In the real world he is total nothing
  • but in Academia he is self appointed God
  • paid well
  • lives in ivory tower
  • has all the plaudits
  • that the system error 

Skint Estate is the hard-hitting, blunt, dignified and brutally revealing debut memoir about impoverishment, loneliness and violence in austerity Britain – set against a grim landscape of sink estates, police cells, refuges and peepshows – skillfully woven into a manifesto for change.
Alone, pregnant and living in a women’s refuge,  couldn’t vote in the 2010 general election that ushered austerity into Britain. Her voice had been silenced. Years later, she watched Grenfell burn from a women’s refuge around the corner. What had changed? The vulnerable were still at the bottom of the heap, unheard. Without a stable home, without a steady income, without family support – how do you survive?
In Skint Estate, Cash has found her voice – loud, raw and cutting. This is a book born straight from life lived in Britain below the poverty line – a brutal landscape savaged by universal credit, zero-hours contracts, rising rents and public service funding cuts. Told with a dark lick of humour and two-fingers up to the establishment, Cash takes us on her isolated journey from council house childhood to single motherhood, working multiple jobs yet relying on food banks and temporary accommodation, all while skewering stereotypes of what it means to be working class.
Despite being beaten down from all angles, Cash clings to the important things – love for her daughter, community and friendships – and has woven together a highly charged, hilarious and guttural cry for change.
‘Cash is the definition of edgy, a truly distinctive voice’ – Lionel Shriver, bestselling author of We Need to Talk about Kevin

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"