Nov 30, 2018


In this city there is so much violence,
aggression,disputes, it not nice.
Wrestle with issue about my age, perhaps l am just feeling emotional,or down with the weather.
But it not that.It is getting worse.
Really don`t know what to do.

What where they thinking off ,when they destroyed the base of youth and community work in the UK?

Nov 28, 2018

Normal early week events

“The Asia Bibi scandal confirms what a disaster multiculturalism has been for the UK. Decades of divisive policymaking ,Muslim separatism has allowed religious intolerance to thrive and made Britain unsafe for someone like Bibi”,  . . Brendan O’Neill

Asia Bibi is an Pakistan lady who was critised falsely by Muslim extremes for saying something about their Prpohet,the result is she has been spared the beheading or death they wanted.
Now a debate that not sure has any truth,truth that l can find that is,wether or not she could be allowed in the UK.
Which it is clear Asia Bibi should be welcome here.
The issue that reigns gets racist overtones,so it gets squashed.Along with the Zionist bedate which is very difficult for many.Resulting polerisation and people drawing lines in the sand.
Always considered myself a guy who is tolerant of others views.
Further on in my Journey it become a place of listening.
Actively listening to others,this is about my training, something also about others investing in me,
sharing values that have become my own.
If you draw a line in the sand between yourself and others.then Jessu is often on the other side

This life
Death of vocation
Harsh employment chances
Low income
Poor housing
Lack of true love
Music dieing
Trying to live better and with gratitude  . . . .l want to 
About to move again 
Which could be the third time this year.....guess at my age dreams just don't come true.
Not sure they ever did
Walking around a caravan park on the coast in winter is not my idea of the place to be
However among these people there is a nice feeling.
Actually had good bible study last evening,it was bring and share time,l took a song.
listened,shared,laughed,drank cuppa had biscuit...that's not bad for Tuesday evening
Almost as good as those crazy Tuesday when met girlfriend 
then we watched Pete Sellers in Pink panther movies . .  Way back in the day.

Nov 27, 2018


Back in the day when life was new and bit more exciting we used to go local baths and swim.


Hearts where yet to be broken,knees where yet to be bruised,
thought nothing of walking from Hornsea to Robin Hoods Bay.
over three days.
Every day was exciting.
Faith was growing even then,fitness was not an issue. 
So much lay ahead.
Wish l didn't know now
what l didn't know then.

Nov 26, 2018


"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure"

Delay in universal credit for new claimants means families will be forced to borrow to survive until new year.
Sometimes failure is just passed onto the vulnerable easy as  a politician just claims expenditure form.

It believes a big chunk of the 110,000 UK households that move on to the system over the next few weeks will be forced to borrow money to see them though until the new year. This includes 67,000 families collectively looking after an estimated 116,000 children.

Every single week we read about the hurt and pain being given to the poor weak and the vulnerable, nothing will be done while we promote a non violent response.

Nov 24, 2018

No hope in this hopeless place...

It's Saturday on the north east coast
I delivered leaflets for Church yesterday in this locality   . .. The homes so many poor . .So many hoarding stuff . . Obvious signs of neglect poverty and isolation      From my knowledge it common in rural community's             
 But efforts made by few are appreciated   Despite this hope                              I find the response .. ..Support offered            Help given . .   Social mobility evident                   
Is lacking from the rich and powerful 

                            Further the taxes paid into system are not presented to the poor nor those at the bottom

It hurts me that kingdom values
Promoted by Jesus are not transferred into modern society
Cold wet and miserable 
I am dreading getting more poor .
further more desperate
Hope in a hopeless world 
There is not enough to look forward too

Nov 23, 2018

Where did it go wrong

Transgender activists are trying to stifle debate on proposals to make it much easier to ‘change sex’.
MP for Monmouth David Davies told ministers that activists are creating an “atmosphere of menace” over Government plans for the Gender Recognition Act.
In its recent consultation, the Government put forward proposals for people to ‘self-identify’ as a member of the opposite sex.
                                      I think it all started with long haired louts back in the 74 period.
They ruined the world,
With Tamla Motown musicFollowing Jesus. Snogging girlsBoxing all over the place
          Love of Yorkshire.Getting expelled from school. Supporting Hull City
          Forever Angel missing.
         Living in a trailer by the sea,
                                                                  That when it all started to go wrong 
Those helsuim,far off days . 

Nov 22, 2018

Sometimes hear a song then what happens to your emotional literacy?

Sometimes hear a song 
then what happens to your emotional literacy?

Your heart holds different memories to the head
recent discovery.

`bingo card evenglisum`

 ‘No Guru, No Method, No Teacher. Just you and I and nature, and the Father and the Son, and the Holy Ghost'

Sometimes that what you are trying to reach for.Is not always about `Bingo card evenglisum`,a game where a person try to tick off the following.
  • Preached the gospel,
  • Mentioned Jesus by name,
  • Offered to pray,
  • Read the bible to others,
  • Promised healing,
  • Answered all the questions paused,
  • Left them with a choice Jesus way,or the way to hell.
  • Felt so spiritual.

 ‘No Guru, No Method, No Teacher. Just you and I and nature, and the Father and the Son, and the Holy Ghost'

Nov 21, 2018

Developing toughness

 25 years ago – when Albania was recovering from being made the poorest country in Europe by the secular Marxists, there was only one known family of evangelical Christians in the whole country. The church is growing and developing in that country. Indeed as a general axiom it seems as though when the Church develops, so does the country. 

That real good to know and sure it true, but at present not clear if UK .
Or part l live in, could be describe as developing or growing in any area.

Doubt it got much to do with faith,although need some kinda blessing.
Ours is a hard environment with the cold,
lack of prospects and the polarisation taking place in our society.      Pretty damn hard to become socially mobile,
resources are so scarce.
                                              Life is hard.
If we could utilise the kingdom principles of Jesus and live like we are taught,then that would impact society in a huge way!
Until that day.

Get annoyed with all these house programme 
When struggling in a...' trailer by the sea'. .feel green with envy 
realise can ever own a place called home.
'Where is the love'
I think love in need of an injection of Love.

Nov 20, 2018

Tuff times ahead again....same as it ever was

Brain Little
We’d have packed lunches. You can’t possibly conceive it as a Football League club but that’s what we had to do. They had to prepare it themselves.
Sounds a bit like youth club outing in the minibus, lots kids brought nothing, they had nothing, we always bought stuff, we get bags of oranges bananas kit Kats.
Everyone shared what they brought.
“We’d do it and laugh. We’d be joking about what each other had brought along. Some were great at bringing stuff along, others were terrible, so they’d end up sharing with each other.
“That’s how we bonded so well.We hung in there together"
Of course another word use in such circumstance would be teamwork
City supporters were won over by the efforts of Little and his players but there was no such love,the board members who all left Hull City before the season was out.
I could not begin to share last evenings weather
As slept in my trailer by the sea wicked loud and moving

Yeah moving . . The wind under .  Around  . 
Plus above the caravan it just blew, while rain came down heavy.

Nov 19, 2018

blessed with some of best beaches in the Yorkshire

Dad says he can't afford presents in heartbreaking appeal to save Christmas for his family.....



Is life on the coast better than in a city?

In where l live`The North East` - We're blessed with some of best beaches in the UK,

`Scarborough,Whitby,Filey ,Bridlington .
can honestly say walked them all
With a `footprint left on the sandy beaches` awaiting the tide cover them up.
Sometimes l feel serenity of rural coastal existence ,can appear idealistic,many come to the  shores for a walk,day away,but return even if after short period.
 It not what life in a trailer by the sea, is like it NOT real.
Perhaps when you are weary of life, travelling, search for a break away from the everyday rush, it perfect.
But cold winter and the constant isolation is wake up call. 
Still some just want to leave it all behind while embrace a life less-restless.

Nov 17, 2018

Eating then meeting getting cold as winter 2018 approaches

The winds blowing straight of the North Sea's chilly with an icy blast 
While the world turns   Some people just annoy me that's all....someone made comment about me not wanting to work.   
 They appeared to know quite a bit about my own situation.
But they don't know me, nor do they know why my heart plays up.

They need my forgiveness as it not that important...sure also  stated wrong thing `plenty` times.But it was not true nor nice....that the good thing about relationships.Always a work in progress come to mind ...great news we all working hard on `who we are`. Where I would like to be is not here in a trailer by the sea with cold wind blowing . . . 

In Fact Anywhere But Here Is the Place To be

Nov 15, 2018


Anyway a bit more about me

This is how l start my day due to my heart condition
wake up having not slept well and feel tired

So l walk


Complain to God,` shout to the top`, shake my fist,
worship, praise, thank the Lord.

Interview by medical services today.......see this wicked diagram ( to the right) . . 
Just about sums up circle of episodes that happen with my aliment, or even disease.
Begin with shortness of breath. . .travel to tiredness and issue that come along with that...But Pain is slight and manageable share this to encourage NOT a..` poor me syndrome`..
leave out the emotions and depression as my faith substances here...  

Nov 14, 2018

Knackered as normal around this time of the day.....

Sharing bit this week about the normal me
I get tired due to my health
Live alone ...been that way for just the way it is....
I am a follower of Jeus been that way for around 40 pretty important to me my faith
Male my 60's truth be told . . not working at present
But when have been mainly been in youth work
Love music, Vinyl , Enjoy DVD    Oh and can cook
Around 4 days a week do not eat meat 
That not hard as you  may imagine
Try to not use my car three days a week
Fear for my future . .
It  because health ,plus monitory position....always stretched despite
not spending
Spending...a lot
My vocation like my faith is part ....who l am
Love souls music Tamla...Northern...funk...disco...
Also like classical stuff
Listen to podcast about faith ,
reflect deeply
Spend time in a charitable way....
Like to walk and watch wildlife and the coast.
love Malta
Stuck here in this"The too long now....."
Pray with me about poverty, work to elevate affects of poverty....
Hate injustice
Seek mercy
Be a humble MF it good for your soul
Oh and in case l forget.......God bless you
Still miss forever Angel.....

Nov 13, 2018

Marvellous news and sad news

Stan Lee the illustration artist with Marvel comics      Made those bullied those who feel powerless and left out.     Well l am hearing he made them feel special,    They learned to read via his comics.     They felt empowered by the antics of nerds who became hero's                      They were no longer outsiders.
Is that not a good thing indeed a great thing?

He felt uncomfortable because lot of his collage mates went on to become Doctors, surgeons, great teachers . His healing was different      That's all . . .Good to be Different.

Can you believe a white tailed Eagle in North Yorkshire 
Bloody Marvelous as well

spiritofthestreets.. spiritual check list

Spiritual health is intimately connected to physical, emotional, financial, and psychological heath.




try this  . .place your name   . .( large) . . in middle of a piece of paper

then top corner DATE

the word WHOLENESS top centre

then few words with space underneath try these..  agape, love, Eros,.. community Relationships.. special names of family  . .same with friends...studies prayer...issues.

NOW take some time write a few words under those words in DIFFERENT couler

sit look quietly

reflect.. evaluate . . take stock..

  • what starring back at you . .how is the value in each area.
  • what missing
  • is anything overflowing
  • what are you sharing
  • who spending time with what are you achieving

CV check list

Advice/advise: ‘Advice’ refers to an opinion or recommendation given (e.g. He gave good advice). ‘Advise’ means to provide an opinion or information (e.g. He advised the employee).
Affect/effect: ‘Affect’ is a verb, meaning to impact or change (e.g. The new policy affects employee lunch hours). ‘Effect’ is a noun that refers to the outcome of a change (e.g. the effect of the change in procedure).
 A fresh pair of eyes will often pick up on errors you may have missed.

Nov 12, 2018

Meanwhile on the football terraces

Hull City are getting some pride back into the season  But who knows the type of season this will end up being.

Cant say the words happy days

We can`t keep saying ..`Jesus loves you `.. Think that will be enough

Sometimes it gets to the point where I wonder if its all worth it, I'm not going to get anywhere, its just the same thing week in, week out - its just a nightmare.
"Sometimes I just wish I wouldn't wake up of a morning, that's how bad it has got."
Lady talking in local paper about Universal credit....
"Sometimes it gets to the point where I wonder if its all worth it,  its just a nightmare. that's how bad it has got."
another Lady talking about life she witnesses on her front..
"My street used to be a lovely area to live in, but now it is a living nightmare due to all the crime that goes on around here,"

Also share this present feelings `it been second worse year of my life`find it upsetting that this is becoming the norm for many at the bottom of our society . . .We can`t keep saying ..`Jesus loves you `..  Think that will be enough

The attraction for me about the lord Jesus all those years ago was the emphasis on
`Life in all its fullness.`..Not the dread, fear, and `death like existence` many are experiencing,. .Life in all its fullness.`.. that what l need to see

Universal Credit replaces six working age benefits. These are:
  • Income Support
  • Jobseekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income based)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit

Nov 11, 2018

Let's have amnesty pillar fight

So we stood and paid tribute in the cold,The wet.Rain trickled down,Wind got up.we heard the 'last post'.Sang 'God save the Queen'.The solider behind me threatened a car driver,"ones Who doe not show respect" Driving at this time of the day.
Yeah we know all about  . . What done for country!So ...lest we forget...

They are still naive,Still want war,Still aggressive.
Done what they ask,Been socially polite,Paid my respect,But still l ask.What was it for?Poor still poorRich get richer!

Now there a cause give my life for   . . .change our society....turn it upside down

Nov 8, 2018

Jesus if your still my friend

Jesus if your still my friend
sorry about my questions,
but gotta ask,
`whats is going on`
Journey along the cliffs
prayfully shake my fists.
Only the cornfield hears my worries.
Still awake to face this world,
Jesus you said;- `should n`t have to be like that`
               But l am . .

Oh Jesus, if I'm still your friend

What the hell

What the hell you got for me

I gotta get out from under my bed
To see again
The lights in front of me

A flood warning has been issued in my locality,with very specific threat, WOW gets better,please  response to forecast of wave overtopping and wind-blown spray, which may cause some localisation flooding in the area of Spurn Point between 5pm and 6.30pm this evening.


Nov 6, 2018

Meanwhile on Twitter

Rev Steve Chalke

The only way to counteract the lure of gang-life and the violence it breeds is to offer real hope. 
Only communities that offer genuine hope will trump the offer of the knife or the gang.


Tough hard issues we need to face got to ask...
Where is the issue of attachment and belonging?
Why is this issue mainly Black male on Black male?
How is Hopelessness manifesting?

A year has gone by . . . .life goes on!

Yesterday we had a family event ....young Lain the latest addition to our family arrived
The same day we said goodbye to Mum
That a heady mixture of sadness and deep joy
The support my Brother received has he brings up a child on his own is obvious 
The humanity has been demonstrated fully ...made me feel proud to witness
Also the acts of kindness ......conversations...shared food...meeting up

Life is complicated... it difficult... it never easy.
Money worries...where to

Life is hard.....wrestle with the big questions ...face the world....
Again the Church service was poor
The Church of the third always second coming emphasis and racists Jewish Zionist sermons.

Ever get the impression you don't belong

In the real world the deadliest evil doesn’t turn up with nocturnal cries of ‘Trick or treat!’ Instead, it tiptoes around unannounced in broad daylight.

Halloween is now the second largest festival in the British calendar.
It’s a big deal. Its a hustle getting bigger.
gotta ask!
But should our children and young people, families we work among engage ?
Well First, Halloween deceives us about evil. It creates a cartoon version of evil presenting wickedness and rotten behavior as just harmless fun. We should  be seeing this as a threat. 
Yet all evil is serious ,it affects life, messing with supernatural evil is particularly unwise, 
The saying goes ;- fool around with evil is a fool’s game-;
Second, Halloween distracts us about evil. 
In the real world the deadliest evil doesn’t turn up with 
nocturnal cries of ‘Trick or treat!’, Instead,
It Tiptoes around unannounced in broad daylight. But also the unjust behavior, stinking bullying ,hurtful stuff we say,not caring for others,
Adding to own riches at expenses of the poor.
In the real world the deadliest evil doesn’t turn up with nocturnal cries of ‘Trick or treat!’ Instead, it tiptoes around unannounced in broad daylight.
 BUT, yes it presents daily.

Hebrews 11:39-40
"These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect."
Sure is true that we don`t always get what we are promised, just a little like some of what we are promised.
A little Lord, please?

Nov 5, 2018


Spiritual Gangster, Is me, someone making statement to the world.
A commitment of spirituality, Which does not fit within traditional description of “spiritual" found in western civilisation. Spiritual,matter of fact,  love,pray,meditate,
in touch a higher self, tune into divinity.Also kick ass.
Worse make no apology for it.

A Hull teenager desperate for a job says she is "frustrated and upset" after sending off hundreds of applications to companies but not having any success.
The employment situation is worse then l can recall with zero hours being evident EVEN in professional positions.
Worse is the abuse suffered by people on benefits who get punished if they do not accept immoral conditions and approach offered.  

Hull City set their sights on climbing the Championship table after making it two wins from two with a 1-0 victory over West Bromwich Albion.
Hull City’s outlook certainly grown brighter since falling to foot of table month ago.
However die hard City fans will know it another relegation battle we are involved in.
Just love to be a winner for a little while on this that too much to ask?
....There l go again giving a Freck when its not 
my place to give freck...

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"