Aug 31, 2018

know your place weakling

“In the Middle East, and in many parts of the world, there is a simple truth: 
There is no place for the weak. The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive,” 
“The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

words for you from "the smash hits of the bible""

The bible sometimes has stuff that feels so relevant to the period we are in.
The moment we feel stuck in .. that can not get out of
That moment in time reaching down, holding me here. 
But also preventing us from growing,
Moving forward, it not a keen place, nor a good place to be, like the present.
It not bad idea to cling to the words visited before like in Psalms. .""smash hits of the bible"" here are some words from `Psalm 40` and `Psalm 41`.
Speak to me this day.
Which is not brilliant . . truth be told.
I waited patiently for the Lord;
    he turned to me and heard my cry.
 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
    out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
    and gave me a firm place to stand.

Many will see and fear the Lord
    and put their trust in him.

“God, be gracious!
    Put me together again—
    my sins have torn me to pieces.”
My enemies are wishing the worst for me;
    they make bets on what day I will die.
If someone comes to see me,
    he mouths empty platitudes,
All the while gathering gossip about me
    to entertain the street-corner crowd.
These “friends” who hate me
    whisper slanders all over town.

Aug 30, 2018

60 years and my life is still . . .

Sixty years my life is still
Trying to get up a great big hill called hope
Wanna come climb with me
When we get to the top
We gonna say 
Hey hey hey what's going on 
To the Lord although currently do not feel he listening.

For all these generations "l say hey hey hey . . WHATS GOING ON" . . Lord
Please answer `WHATS GOING ON`?
Lord tells us a secret because it all getting a little too costly 
need a breath fresh air some injection of faith happening 
some inclination you listening ..also willing to act
That's my partition to the Lord
My faith tourney been taking place around 42 of those years with strong commitment 
But the silence to some prayers deafening
what's going on!  

Aug 29, 2018

Neil Young has reportedly married Daryl Hannah in a low-key ceremony

Well quite a few oldies still turning out the music

Aug 28, 2018


“I get blind drunk to blot out the suffering and pain I’m in. I’m a broken man and just a shadow of what I was. I used to be a big man with a lot of power but now I’ve got nothing left.
“I end up absolutely hammered to the point where I don’t know what’s going on and I do just drink to forget."
life is what you make it
its a spiritual way of life 
the coping is not easy for anyone
`life is hard` so says `the road less traveled`..l can testify
so l am sure can you
We were introduced to Kevin Waller, the new inspiring Children's Youth Pastor ,he is already making contact with those working with children and young people throughout the Synod.
April 13th 2013 only feels like yesterday.

Aug 24, 2018

how we make sense of God..Can Damage image christian community

 Abortion..Same sex marriage..
Children taken from young mum..
 Priests abusing children!

Damages the image of
the Christian 

Outside of love is evil, judgment, and wrath. This reality is what makes peace, love, and mercy so profound. We who have lived under the Lord wrath (John 3:36; Romans 1:18) and have been saved by His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9), fully appreciate these mercies from God (Lamentations 3:22-23).

why bad theology is dangerous.

Bad theology,(how we make sense of God), gives us a DAMAGED  understanding of who God is. – wethers that  an angry God of the Old Testament, brimstone along with lightening ,perhaps we fail to project in proclamation and demonstration,
A  Loving gracious, forgiving God of the New Testament? 
Is that the same God witnessed in both testament?
 Or just different day,circumstances.

Does He care about us following His laws or do we follow our hearts? Is he involved in our Daily lives? 
Can we speak..converse with Him confidently as our Father.. or do we need to be afraid of Him?
Does God favor the Jews over the Gentiles or does He view us all the same way?
What is our view of God’s grand plan. – What was the purpose of the Old Covenant and the Law? Should we honor it today? 
What do we mean about the New Covenant?
Has the enemy been defeated or does he still possess some authority in our lives and on this earth?

It not about having the answers is about wresting openly and in 
understanding further sharing about issues.

if its our faith and our family,although painful we are responsible

We getting angry as hear about the issue with the popes visit
and issues clouding the situation
adversely directly affect the faith of Christianity,
big issues,
huge issues,
not created by me issues,
like to avoid issues.
must be faced issues.
Those issues are abortion..same sex marriage..children taken from young mum.. priests abusing children!
All evident in the Popes visit to Eire there are Outbursts, debates, hostility, anger. Some are running from Church not wanting to return!
Great many are hurt some are not saying anything, become invisible
Christian faith which is brought into question. Faith meaning those who follow Jesus.
Hurts because he gets a bad rapp
People fall out with Jesus..he is the loser in all of this..many do not grow. Love further is not portrayed as the wickedness associated with abuse,prevents many exploring the faith called Christianity.

Aug 23, 2018

This thing of ours....this faith thing

I feel we must read around and about the bible
Keep context of about where it was written
being aware of when it was written 
Apart from the fun of learning it increased my own 
All which affect my relevance to those working among
Get new learning as l grow older
Yeah older...aged now

This faith thing of ours, it still here..still wrestling with questions . .treasure the questions
Less keen personally, more then ever, on providing quick glide answers.
That show no respect for the person 
posing the beautiful questions we should hold dear

you are going to eternity in hell . . . . or not

Bad theology hurts.. it may feel right,sound right ITS NOT But"" l am going to heaven you are going to eternity in hell"" IS wrong

what would you do if got there and everyone looking at you agasp that they let YOU in

If these arms were meant to hold her They were never meant to hold her so tight

Aug 22, 2018

What l need

We all need love
Good health


Aug 21, 2018

reimagine the role of faith

Rev Canon Steve Chalke says,
 “In the early years of the 16th century, German priest and scholar Martin Luther came to believe that the shape of the established Church and its relationship to the State did not fit the needs of the world in which he was called to live and serve.
“In the early years of the 21st century it is clear, once more, that the shape of the established Church and its relationship to the State no longer fits the needs of the world in which we are called to live and serve. It is time, once again, to reimagine the role of faith, Church and its place in the public square."
Really been enjoying the series chalke talks..the need to reimagine our faith,while further exploring its relevance to 2018 is critical to us Christians in this period.
but i find some not wanting to engage or move...either forward or to another faith based position.
it still in some circles.
you are going to hell
we are going to heaven

you are going to hell
we are going to heaven

Also real lack of desire to examine the bible
how why  was it written?
what been lost in translation?
why is God not seen as personal? 
how come the lessons we could learn are seen as or repellent to most modern day issues?
can l challenge God words?
do l have to believe simple because you say?
does inspired scripture include words lyrics lessons not contained in the bible?

If these arms were meant to hold her

. . . I can see you push your hair behind your ears Doesn't matter where she is tonight Or with whoever she spends her time If these arms were meant to hold her They were never meant to hold her so tight For the love of that girl When I could run, pulling arms to love her Try to put myself on the inside
For the love of that girl Tears swell, you don't know why For the love of that girl
They never fall, they can never run dry For the love of that girl . . .

Aug 19, 2018

Trying to get to heaven along thinline

What find very hard about Church is typified in today's sermon,
Led by 84 year old 'my subject is Worship' . .
you being sin free, 1st requirement
Exalting God is close second
So earning right enter result of being sin free,live in exhumation of praising God.
What about worship that means we Challenge oppression,angry at injustice,want mercy for all others .. Oh that just me ..the Heretic...
When l asked why not covered this in his sermon he replied ...oh l don't want a argument
The question was
"Was wondering is that SIC ..not worship".
I don't want an argument 
It painful because all l hear is you are going to heaven others are going to Hell.

The thinline between heaven and Hull gets thinner 
kinda guess l am not going to get there for two reasons
1- not good enough 
2-there gonna close the doors

Aug 18, 2018

Tired so tired. . .

‘tired of talk of trickle down
tired of crippling debt
tired of corporations
tired of broken truths
tired of being slaughtered
dreams that turn to rust
here come the young
best get out the way
here come the young
might just save the day'

How long to sing this song . . .how long?

McLaren kind of Christianity....Awful

McLaren' A new kind of Christian whose to blame for the Holocaust...Christians ..P64..this and the Freemason Leadership network he belongs too.
Come on my people let's deal with this guy!

The damage done worse then an enemy attack,because come from place of such smugness.
Unchallenged  By his 'brotherhood'a type of Freemason elect.
Hurts to witness and read the damage they are doing.
McLauren has such a dislike for the current faith holders,past saints. Looking at these books along with writings to try, further stabilize my own thoughts.
Selected thinking,Alongside listening some of podcast.
Pretty sad about lack communication,challenge, and discernment.
That tuff cookie the lack of spirituality, discernment, and discovery

Aug 17, 2018

I need Aretha in the day time..

so for the next few minutes l am an OWLS fan following there win over slumberland

Tuesday saw Hull win at Sheffield united
so all is good in the football world

Bit sad we lost a great voice in Aretha .
Mrs Franklin walking to school and her voice could lift you up.
oh that just a rumour

leave you thinking that one through

Aug 14, 2018

Rules do not apply to cyclist on British roads

Does anyone notice from this image the cyclest?

He displays all that arrogant cyclest display.

so important the rules do not apply to him.

No matter what the circumstances, he can ride on pavement, ignore red lights, and display no regard for  police cordon.

Streets around Parliament Square, Millbank and Victoria Tower Gardens have been cordoned off while police, ambulances and firefighters arrived at the scene.

Eight-year-olds set to be taught: ‘Your gender is what you decide’

Children as young as eight could be told they can be a boy, a girl or neither, under draft lesson plans backed by the Scottish Government.

Aug 13, 2018


Is it not time to go to WAR on the poverty
and the effects many face?
Or did apathy win without the fight

Meanwhile the Burka debate rumbles on in UK. There appears double standard this is staggering. 
An elite leftie class that sees bullying in everything – from the man who sends a tweet suggesting that a female politician has made a factual error (mansplaining) to the fact that young boys think girls aren’t very good at football (ingrained male entitlement) –
Nor should they be donning Boxing gloves .
What do they see in the culture of the burqa. 

Why can we not allow an open, frank discussion of the possibility that there is a culture of repression in these Muslim communities.

This belief that a critic of Islam and apparent blasphemy against the burqa, is not driven merely by distaste of 'Boris Johnsons description of niqab- and burqa-wearers as looking like ‘letterboxes’.

It is an effort to stop any comments around garment, further on the question of whether it is a good thing that in 21st-century Britain there are some women who wear such archaic, anti-social clothing
Which in Modern Britain it is not good thing.
Many of the same people do not want any discussion on the falsehood of Islam, and it's pretty wicked Prophet.


not so eggy

Test yourself in our egg-cellent quiz
Test yourself in our egg-cellent quiz

Do you know the healthiest way to eat eggs, or how many eggs are recommended as part of a healthy diet?

l did not do well on the egg quiz
when it comes to food l failed this one
but eggs not my strong point

Aug 10, 2018

Mike Ashley just paid 90 Million for house of know what's funny...that bloke from DadsArmy...he never lived there..

Mike Ashley just paid 90 Million for house of know what's funny...that bloke from DadsArmy...he never lived there..

Documents count not individuals

Documents count not individuals

This was part of the Gestapo principles,

a principle enforced
by our own gestapo.
The DWP and their
servants ESA 

Aug 9, 2018

We learnt the Individual counts

Big words thoughts..thinking..working it all through..into life
Work practice 
Applying to own situation 
Applying to others situation they facing
Felt confident

Till it was our time to ask for peace some humility a little freedom...perhaps shy notice towards own hopes..oh perhaps some of that prosperity others experianceing..
It was then told put own hand down....
All this was for fought
You leant
You listened
Thought it through..
Now well moved on and you forgotten 

Aug 8, 2018

Well, there you have it, Kev old son. This life ain`t a fairy-tale. . . .

Well, there you have it, Kev old son.
This life ain't a fairy tale.
Or if it is, it's one of those twisted ones that really mess you up. of those really ace TV programmes that should be rerun.

                             Life is hard and the road is not easy to travel 
Had awful meeting with Judges and medical alongside the DWP 
Really felt like gestapo they so interested in documents. .while not interested in individuals.
Stupid questions like
.....Can you move an empty box
Can you raise hand above your head ...?

Society not interested in the individual ,
The individual does not count,
Life is like that at present your value is simply in your earning power. 

We sunk this low,
Strived to be human in doing so we left behind the true value of `every body matters`.

We became `everybody who has finically security matters`.

The rest can get a 'sat-nav' to Hell Which as you know is one letter from HULL

Aug 6, 2018

Society that is failing

In the end you can judge how civilised any society is by the level of care that it affords to its most vulnerable members; how civilised any individual is by the care they extend to the person from whom they believe they have nothing to gain.

ESA Appeal hearing this week 3 years illness
poor sleeps,
 ill health
All that comes with this condition.
Found new way seeing stuff 
Also found others view me differently 
Think deeper but record stuff differently 

Our society is poorer for the way it discriminates against those needing support.
Lack communication also opportunities is crippling. 
Lack of income hurts in several areas.
Use lot of skill, to just maintain self.

Aug 5, 2018

Don't get left behind

Know plenty agree but the north south divide in this country is really rich v poor divide

That not to say there are not any poor areas in the south

It just the North is mainly poor

Not just a poverty poor

Opportunities poverty

Housing and estates blighted

Advancement stunted

Jods poorly paid

Overall investment not evident

Often experts arrive milk of the funding streams take high wage and go home. . . .to the South

Now that may sound a little bitter or even far fetched ,but it's not untrue.

Aug 3, 2018

Justice . . not just us ..or just me...

Just asking about justice

How we read anything 
How we see all things
Affects what we imagine. 
Reflected in how we communicate 

The canvass of life l am painting on at present. Like others around here.
Limited by the oppressive nature of what is happening to us 
Actions of those in authority make any struggle difficult. 
Life of the issues 
Makes uncomfortable a limited life experience, one we live.

Direct action against the oppressor is threatened by controlling powers.
So we are limited in how respond to issues  
This often result in more distress for individuals, community live among.
Society changed, one clear sign is lack of social mobility, this affects actions.
Justice is absent.
Justice should be for us and for you, me......that is true justice 

Aug 2, 2018

In whose view . . Does the thief enter Hell?

So of the two thieves on the cross. . . . 
Where does the journey begin after their deaths along side Jesus?

On what do you hold that view?

Well we would say ....the thief who was told byJesus"today you will be with me in paradise"..
Well Odviously  is where the Lord says  . .
The other thief is in Hell.
Using the same critic as where the one thief is . .. .how do you know where second thief is.!
Jesus never said anything about his destination.

So what evidence do you use for your view?

Aug 1, 2018

engage grow learn

I read to learn, 
to engage,
to grow.

To much TV can prevent this
Not enough radio will enable this.

Tuning into others is a great
communication skill

BBC is now one of the least trusted broadcasters in the UK with daily calls to abolish their licence free as they are funded by the EU to pour out their propaganda. They have dumbed down, filled with PC staff intent on 'diversity'and pronounced bias.

I read to learn, to engage, to grow.

Perhaps it's just age.

Getting older not for sissy's  Forget things, names, People. Drop stuff Yougart, milk, cups. Struggling to adjust to limited or fixed in...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"