Mar 31, 2018

Paradise bay Malta winner of 'worst Easter display in Europe'

                Congratulations to the four star Paradise bay in Malta 
Which has just won again
Worse Easter display in Europe 
Previously this four star hotel has won awards for its horse Bacon
It's powdered yoghurt
Powered egg and watered down milk but 
European 'Tripup advice Eh'  "the low bar held for the competition was lowered 
by the management and staff of the hotel . . .
The artistic temperament needed to sink so low at Easter was only equalled by its poor theological expression"
                 Here it is below the worst Easter display possibly ever . . .#judge4urselfs#

We took the the time ask some attending the Resort their view
Here is a sample of comments. . . .

Guy Fawkes . . .last time l saw a pile like this it was about to be lit
Sol Payne  . . .at least no violence ar Easter . ..oh apart from crucifixion ,the beating. .
Spiritodelarue . . .no speaks da Inglish . .
Irish John . ..mines a Guiness
Soulman .. .powdered yogurt at Easter
Italian WASP Vinceanzo . . .what more tax . .

Paradise certainly not at Easter

Sunday's coming . ... .

It’s Friday. Jesus is arrested in the garden where He was praying. But Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. The disciples are hiding and Peter’s denying that he knows the Lord. But Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. Jesus is standing before the high priest of Israel, silent as a lamb before the slaughter. But Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. Jesus is beaten, mocked, and spit upon. But Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. Those Roman soldiers are flogging our Lord with a leather scourge that has bits of bones and glass and metal, tearing at his flesh. But Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. The Son of man stands firm as they press the crown of thorns down into his brow. But Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. See Him walking to Calvary, the blood dripping from His body. See the cross crashing down on His back as He stumbles beneath the load. It’s Friday; but Sunday’s a coming.

It’s Friday. See those Roman soldiers driving the nails into the feet and hands of my Lord. Hear my Jesus cry, “Father, forgive them.” It’s Friday; but Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, bloody and dying. But Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. The sky grows dark, the earth begins to tremble, and He who knew no sin became sin for us. Holy God who will not abide with sin pours out His wrath on that perfect sacrificial lamb who cries out, “My God, My God. Why hast thou forsaken me?” What a horrible cry. But Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. And at the moment of Jesus’ death, the veil of the Temple that separates sinful man from Holy God was torn from the top to the bottom because Sunday’s coming.

It’s Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, heaven is weeping and hell is partying. But that’s because it’s Friday, and they don’t know it, but Sunday’s a coming.

Mar 30, 2018

A bad Friday

The flags Solemn fly at half with dark ribbons attached
Shops are closed
The mid afternoon sun burns bright 
Temperatures has risen
Head hurts
People pass with no interest in the day's events 
While others ponder
Betrayal denied crucifix pain death become order of the day
Stories counted down the century
Spirit that will rise because Sunday's coming but that's not now
This moment is one of tears 
Emotions wrenched

Mar 29, 2018

According to Plato Timaeus .  . .
The universe, he proposes, is the product of rational, purposive, and beneficent agency. It is the handiwork of a divine Craftsman (“Demiurge,” dêmiourgos, 28a6)  . . 

So type of God a creator

who, imitating an unchanging and eternal model, imposes mathematical order on a preexistent chaos to generate the ordered universe (kosmos). The governing explanatory principle of the account is teleological: the universe as a whole as well as its various parts are so arranged as to produce a vast array of good effects. For Plato this arrangement is not fortuitous, but the outcome of the deliberate intent of Intellect (nous), anthropomorphically represented by the figure of the Craftsman who plans and constructs a world that is as excellent as its nature permits it to be.

Many ask what is this uncontrollable love this creator offers ,that such is the deposition that nothing is given towards the unanswered questions we pause ,ask,search for.
I presume we have agreement on the order of the Kosmos.
But wrestle with here. . .here . .where the rubber hits the road . .where is this uncontrollable  love when others are hurting.

Mar 28, 2018

True this, for sure

Trying to work out why some days are just a crop of crack
Think that the kinda slang heard describe days like this one
Own social literacy in wrong place today due to sheer volume of calls l received and the subjects covered .. Started with call about sons hospital appointment then bad health news
spiraled a bit.....sent text someone not acknowledged even that hurt. . 

Got some paper work and submit some stuff . .need to be done!But not really work orientated at present...Then l began with realism it's `Holy Week` time for reflection, deeper stuff. Often good with this especially being in this place.But l feel like. I have moved ,wrestling with unanswered stuff,some fleece laying . .honestly not in a good place at present. That`s allowed.  Every days not like Sunday.

Mar 26, 2018

This here . .this is me! Small plastic beads finding their way into the food chain.

Serpicoserpico. . . . . You been eating the yoghurt at paradise bay resort Mehilia, Powdered egg, powdered yoghurt, watered down milk ,and excessive charges so NO surprise here . . 

Well it's funny how feelings affect day you are experiencing!
How we communicate is open to others understanding , Sure l need to bank loads of forgiveness credits in others banks.
Due to simple fact that l comunicate wrongly.
The humour use can be childish but hope it's never sexist or racist, neither should it be Homophobic. 
Just a bit . . .well me . I suppose.

Had awful evening with this health difficulty the doctor describe as 'the way you are now'.
which means breathless, tired for no reason,but due to currant place of abode been lot healthier.
The heart holds differant memories to your Brain. . . .new findings still coming into the cardiac research
knowledge and understanding.

So period of me just being me,that's me, slightly humorous, odd atypical health issue.
But loving.kind caring and spiritual
This is me here . . it how l am.

Jeremy Corbyn did not invent this form of politics, but he has had a lifetime within it, and now personifies its problems and dangers. He issues empty statements about opposing antisemitism, but does nothing to understand or address it. We conclude that he cannot seriously contemplate antisemitism, because he is so ideologically fixed within a far left worldview that is instinctively hostile to mainstream Jewish communities

Mar 23, 2018

Chain of love beautiful song pretty deep lyrics . . .

(Lesley Duncan / Jimmy Horowitz)

All my friends are travelers, we don't often get to meet
But I know they're out there somewhere, and the knowin'
Keeps me sweet.
Now some go out in limousines, and some leave
On their feet
And I never really feel as if they're gone
No I never really feel as if they're gone.

Amanda's like my sister, and she's out there in L.A.
But the wings of love fly straight and true,
So we keep in touch that way,
Now there's other friends less sensitive, I guess they'll
Use the phone someday
And we watch the wheels of life keep spinning on
Yes we watch the wheels of life keep spinning on.

Now the chain of love keeps growing
And the world keeps getting small
And soon there won't be room enough to separate us all
When the voice of love grows strong enough
It could break down any wall
And you'll hear it call, you'll hear it call.

Now sometimes when I look ahead I could cry at what I see
Some say it's an easy road but it never was for me
The damage is not half undone and we've all
Got dues to pay
But we get the help we need along the way
Yes the light keeps growing stronger every day.

© 1971 Sunlight Music Productions LTD / G.H. Music

Mar 22, 2018

Are you receiving?

D"sorry" vs "I'm sorry"
"night" vs "goodnight" 
"bye" vs "goodbye" 
"love you" vs "i love you" 
all have two different meanings

New poverty figures out: rates stay steady for most groups; further increase in poverty for children in lone parent families - 41% in 2013/14, now 49%. Two thirds children & working age adults in poverty are in working households.
Gym, further swim most schedule these last few months.
Along with depth of conversation 
Fathom stuff out, often it comes from how the message is transmitted  . .spoken 
another issue could be the reception it received 
Example . . .Are you in a relationship? Could be received as 'let's get it on and soon.'
But it could mean . . .'Are you more free at present then perhaps others your age range could be!'
This is misinterpreted anger grows . . People chow (HULL slang for slight argument.)

Funny in a meeting in Community PACT someone let rip at me,

* firstly allowed them too
*second discourse they may been correct but had misinterpreted the words, and the writings.
* response was awkward but placid. Progress was made as other had suffered frequent outburst.
* perhaps issue's misunderstood. 

We all invest in issues differently, so little damage done.
However after closer examination the transmitter, struggle to maintain relationship, in local community, among client groups they supposed to be serving, with immediate family, distant family, made several personal mistakes. 

When such a Pattern that is normal Concorde. Then to adjust become a challenge  this becomes a lifestyle.

 Partners even further deeper friendships, been chosen on bases of Monterey terms,
pattern out worldly flash extranvante living.

Distance and hurts become the normal way of managing life. Brokenness with damaged relationships.
Pattern looking likely to follow soon as another classless moron muscles in, transmitting messages of financial  income, wealth but not depth of character. 

The recipient accepts the message because they cannot analogue other views being transmitted.
The loss is evident to many except the solo analogue receiving the distorted message.

Mar 21, 2018

Love needs to explain itself more easily KW would agree?

Love is so hard to fathom!
Questions . .? questions . .?Add feelings they get in the way.
Love who do we get it from.
Why do we give our own love away so freely
Also ask do l ,do we fall in love with the wrong people always, 
Love can blind you to a persons failing but is that bad . . .or is that why love is love....
perhaps as the singer suggests Love is in need of love today

Then what about love songs all the best ones are really sad,about broken Love and reconcilliation
I know (level 5 here)  . .know l am.

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end

Mar 20, 2018

Lord of the Starfields . . .hear your servants pray

Lord of the starfields hear my prayer . . . .

Some people want to be taken advantage of...
They want an abuser to visit them.
Their vulnerability exploited . .
This they can handle
This they can accept
But someone who cares enough to recognise that vulnerabilities
Someone who does not exploit for own wants desires and needs
such vulnerabilities  . . .
Loving further kind . . .
Agape (completely Loving)  .  .type of person

When arrives and is available . . .No that would be threatening  . .unreal

Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end

For I know the plans that I have for you,' says the LORD, 'plans for your welfare, and not for calamity, to give you hope and a future.

Lord of the Starfields. . . . Not first name to use around God..kinda mystical.
Look up at stars ,wish upon a star,value the greatness of a creator  . .its that kind of Mystic
 . . . . . .I'm wishing on a star
To follow where you are
I'm wishing on a dream
To follow what it means
I wish on all the rainbows that I see
I wish on all the people we've ever been
And I'm hopin' on all the days to come and days to go
I'm hopin' on days of lovin' you so
I'm wishing on a star, oh
And I wish on all the rainbows that I see . . .. .

Mar 18, 2018

" It's better to die . . . . . .,.,. . .Spiritofthestreets1958

                             " It's better to die with your memories of failed dreams 
                                         then to die with your dreams still alive"

Mar 17, 2018

Quint idea around community

Exploring community and one has to wonder about the quinte ole British Village. 

Charles Handy . . 
"What more appropriate concept on which to base our institutions of the future than the ancient organic social unit whose flexibility and strength sustained human society through millennia?”

Wondering what happens when the village NOT like the beautiful image presented?
Technology not evident
Infrastructure that enables communication and dialogue is not accessible 
Weather cold 
Snow arrives
Grocery store do not
Car broken
Bank not easy to get to
Ideal works  . . .reality pretty differant

Mar 16, 2018

The TV Programme Broken modern parable and prophesy

The TV Programme Broken A modern parable with prophesy for an exiled  Church.
Whoever thought the process through, from writers script, again onto casting, sets, theme and overall narrative. Deserve recognition .
Well 'Broken' is like a Jesus parable . .brings you in, tells a story, develops, trust you to be involved. Here having done all that  . . .it hurts.
Why so?
The truth telling  . .maybe bold issues follows . .from the grey concrete of the streets around the Church to gentle warmth comes across each candle that's lite.
Here no gimmick as Tv ask you to pause . .compassion shown by characters from Anna frills single mothers struggle  . want to be involved.
But stark reality if it one you as inner city pastoral leader l know, The narrative bleeds out.
Hurts as you invest into the priest, the community, this well constructed unfolding storyline.
It hurts.
Is that us most as our TV screen silently screens back at you . .done telling the truth about
These people LIFES like those where we live, what a experience .
That hurts as  . ?A beautiful gambling lady's story unfolds . . .watch again because you do not want that ending. It hurts because the story telling S us  . .that could be you or me or her next door ..or your mum . .it hurts because that so true.
Among the broken further the hurts folds out love, concern, care. . . . .yes some anger because this is storytelling of the highest calderas.
But there a hope among broken story featured . . . The priestly prophets compassion ,grace shown and the duty followed.
In brokenness still hope. . . .slight hope . .Broken by LA productions  . . A parable for now times.

Mystery of faith in a grotto in Mehillia

Today went to one of my favorite places
It's an underground grotto where legend . .truth story but not a factual story about where Saint Paul worshipped when shipwrecked in Malta
All over the walls are crutches clothing and testimony to healings
Letter confirming episode of the spiritual intervention into sickness further ill health 
We live in a world where spirituality and religion are separate people say l am spiritual but not religious
The membrane they follow is a God of nature, or worse Here is the evidence on a small Island in the Mediterian of some thing mysteries that suggest a greater force then myself and your self
It shout it calls and quietly asked us to consider that they're something about depth to this life
Life that hard 
Life that sometimes does not make sense
Life that does not finish when My last breath has gone cold
It life that we believe goes past these moments
Time when God reign come alive for evermore
Sat in Mehillia at the 'Church of the grotto' . .plus down in the grotto 
l always pause recognise that God has more for us then we can imagine . . .pause and consider all the mystery of faith
God bless you!

Mar 15, 2018

Growth resides in workplace, Church, and Youthie . . .Where are they ?

 Why does no one care when boys fail at school and middle-aged men kill themselves?’ 

TV personality Zoe Ball opened up in a similar way, reflecting on the suicide of her partner, film maker Billy Yates, who took his own life aged 42.

Miss Ball said, “The number of young men killing themselves is shocking. A lot of men I have spoken to have said it’s very confusing being a modern man. You want to be sensitive

Apprenticeships they not only got taught skill but apprenticeship into life synergy was vital to growth and development into manhood
What modern equivalent?
Churches failed at times to disciple youth or mentor them but for myself it was Church, Boxing environments and apprenticed into a trade and therefore life.

Mar 14, 2018

First thought out

Hull city recorded last evening first back to back wins. Loved it as we pulled away from the relagtion battles Hull been in whole season
Not been good for people of my home town but getting better on the pitch.
Not so for the black cats at Sunderland.
Wilson Henrikson and Bowen all scored goals.Also rested Abel H. The economic and emotional well being of the whole geographic area is imporoved with such successful sports achievements.

You could be forgiven for expecting a fierce backlash from Ipswich, yet that notion was quashed just two minutes after the restart. Bowen cut in from his wing, scampered to the near post and fired in to put Hull City into an unassailable 0-3 lead. Understandably, the intensity waned somewhat from the Tigers, but City remained in control and preserved a welcome clean sheet, to pull themselves 9 points clear of the relegation zone. 

Not my best day communicating with others yesterday 
Felt slightly empty
Long walks  ..swim  . sun and too much food .?
 maybe contributed to my energy
People the issues they face the LIFES they live what l value most

Mar 13, 2018

Good morning cloudy here looks like drizzle

Been a tab lazy in one way
But been healthy contrastingly in other ways
Not travelled on local transport great deal but walked lot
Swam everyday currently for last 41 days been to gym played squash or even done long walk

Health update used nick oracle spray twice
Air machine 4 times never more then an hour
Pretty wow

Thoughts always return to consider those not invited to the table
As l consider my own future  . .workplace journey ..along with own faith dynamic
Pastorally need to be communicating my faith
Is that selfish unrealistic . .?
Can l not stack shelves or push trolley around carpark to earn an income?

Perhaps not truth be told!
Do l have right to work in the field l wish . .what role will prayer . .vision. .skill set play as l choose where next

Yes indeed 'it's where next time' . . .'Where next indeed' . . . .?

Mar 12, 2018

What you can't do with Download

What you should do is visit a record shop
Hold a piece of vinyl
Smell it
Feel it
Buy it or if your way take it anyway 
Play it 
Both sides
Listen again
Place it into its cover 
Play another of your already acquired vinyl

Life may not get better in all areas 
Downloads no cannot replace the value of holding Vinyl Album
Yes we have progress but really download over Vinyl
Cel a vie from an 'Island in the sun'

Spending time at present with the Pure

noun: conceit; plural noun: conceits
  1. 1
    excessive pride in oneself.
    "he was puffed up with conceit"
    synonyms:vanitynarcissism, conceitedness, self-loveself-admirationself-adulationself-regardegotismegoism, egocentricity, egomaniaMore
    pridearrogancehubris, boastfulness, cockiness, self-importance, immodesty;
    amour propre;
    informalbig-headedness, swollen-headedness, uppishness, uppitiness;
    "Polly's eyes widened at his extraordinary conceit"
  2. 2
    an ingenious or fanciful comparison or metaphor.
    "the idea of the wind's singing is a prime romantic conceit"
    synonyms:imageimagery, figurative expression, metaphorsimiletropefigure of speechMore
    play on words, punquipwitticism
    "the conceits of Shakespeare's early verse"
    • an artistic effect or device.
      "the director's brilliant conceit was to film this tale in black and white"
    • a fanciful notion.
      "he is alarmed by the widespread conceit that he spent most of the 1980s drunk"
      "the conceit of time travel"

Mar 11, 2018

Bella cella vie

Identity politics is a means of those in the elite, to claim victimhood. While ignoring the problems of ordinary people.
There some beautiful images in world life, Reminds us that this world is so very special.
Full of special people.
Magnificent places,
Breath of humanity in so many relationships.
There a place of community among hardest to reach and the most impoverished persons.
A delight as people of different customs plus cultures shared.
Life is hard

Life is also short
It can pass so quickly.
Active listening,
Life is beautiful 
But it is hard and feels so short.

Mar 10, 2018

Message for two ladies fly into Dublin . .

Safe flight home 
God bless you
Into the arms of the Angels
All the way to those who have missed you the most
Love from your friends in Pardaise, the weathers fine,waters cool,nice way to say goodbye.
Even nicer when we next say 'hello'.

Mar 9, 2018

What will,history recall about you . . .how will we be remembered?

In Malta there is a place  in northwest heading toward Marfas ridge ,where you would cross the Island from width its full of nice little bays Marfa bay,Armina bay. Some little places only the locals would know and patronise quiet a bit.
At Weekend there is throughly pleasant, cheap yet very hospitable places.
There are towers and actual pirate old homes,one visited where you can see anyone approaching from far off,further should you need to escape there an underground cave leading onto the Mediterian sea.
One might even suggest there is a wiff of romance about this undeveloped area of 'an Island basking in the hot summer sun'.
Plus the history of wars and civilisation trying to own this arcapalyo in the sea.

You will if fortunate come across Selmun palace.
Here is where the bodies of around several dozen Palestine Christian's Knights are believed to be buried,there remains brought over at cost when the Knights had to depart Jeruslam.
These Palastine Christians after excile began to live with the local Maltese some time 600 year after the Lords death.

They worked hard in a most difficult environment growing crops like Olives and Artichokes, developing a unigue structure of water saving aqueducts,plus farming techniques,at that time not known to residents of the Islands.
Another unigue factor is that current population share an amazing feature, they are slightly more Olive toned,and noticeably smaller.
The woman are beautiful nearly always with long very dark hair.

The local Church is called the 'ransom Church',due to a practice these noble people began,many centuries ago when the Turks attacked the islands they took people away as slaves,these Palastine excile's  began to communicate with the attackers,beginning to raise funds to buy back captives.
We are talking huge amounts,even by today's economic values.
The amount raised by hard work, perhaps some treasures brought over from the holy land.(huge question mark here).
Such 'Ramsons'even by nowerdays days standerds are incredible mark of the character of these people.They learnt from the established communities how to defeat these enemies or retreat till they had left,but the attitude of paying 'Ramson', became world wide.
These days nothing is obvious about this community ,but the graveyard unknown and the Church of Ramson nearby.
Oh and something in the gene pool.

Mar 8, 2018

We are all this thing called human

God is not someone somewhere out there in the vast expanse of the universe, but far closer to home; he is in our very heart and innermost

Called to love
Called to help
Called to argue
Called to be polite
Called to have just enough
Called not to be greedy
Called to read books
Called to actively listen
Called to mend broken hearted
Called to be unigue called to be so very special 
Called to show understanding
Called to love God
Called to follow Jesus 
Called to love care consider each other 
Do you hear the call up

Mar 7, 2018

What did l do wrong . . Oh poverty let me know

Almost one in four people are already living in poverty across the country. But the report warns that poverty is on the rise among pensioners, single people and couples with children, while progress on child poverty has stalled.

Rising living costs, especially housing costs, combined with cuts to working age benefits and poor quality jobs is leading to an increased risk of living in poverty for families both in and out of work.

Just cannot BELIEVE such a narrative is evident in UK in the year of 2018

Struggled as young man to make sense of what l was seeing in a East Hull in 1984
Working to bring change
Seeing political elite make noises
Watching rich get more houses more money
Writing observations and sharing
Praying attending Church meetings
Planing to protest
A life
My life
Wanting better for others
Here we are result of policy's,own practice,many writings,sharing,
Become more qualified
Had more experiance
Desired and fought for change
Result is that it is worse
What did l don't wrong

Mar 6, 2018

Populating the narrative

Watch movie last evening
As you do occasionally 
Perfectly summed up the life and death chosen by Ian Curtis the lead singer with punkish group
Joy division. 
The grey town of Maccessfield,some pill popping and early marriage all factors.Well in what was a short life.
The issue of epilepsy crucial to the further issues of depression that very evident.
Teanagers aches ,the dreaming,synergy dropped us into the persons journey.
Fear of other places and fame ,being popular all populated the narrative,
Sad and dreary,even desolate gray.
The music came fthrough better in the movie then when listening at Home, so gonna get my 'closer' by Joy Division,also substance by New Orde another listen.
Be careful of Love,it can tear you apart...

My friend Michelle departed this place and my life yesterday

Gym ,swims,walks forming own currant narrative

What is populating the narrative of your life
Shining through the greyness,giving hope in the desolation.Choose to accept there are days that feel meagre 
That's life
This life this life we live . . .

Home is a wounded heart.

 When l was younger around 18 years old although was resident DJ several nights a week lot of weekends. Playing latest sounds. Dance tracks ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"