Mar 22, 2018

Are you receiving?

D"sorry" vs "I'm sorry"
"night" vs "goodnight" 
"bye" vs "goodbye" 
"love you" vs "i love you" 
all have two different meanings

New poverty figures out: rates stay steady for most groups; further increase in poverty for children in lone parent families - 41% in 2013/14, now 49%. Two thirds children & working age adults in poverty are in working households.
Gym, further swim most schedule these last few months.
Along with depth of conversation 
Fathom stuff out, often it comes from how the message is transmitted  . .spoken 
another issue could be the reception it received 
Example . . .Are you in a relationship? Could be received as 'let's get it on and soon.'
But it could mean . . .'Are you more free at present then perhaps others your age range could be!'
This is misinterpreted anger grows . . People chow (HULL slang for slight argument.)

Funny in a meeting in Community PACT someone let rip at me,

* firstly allowed them too
*second discourse they may been correct but had misinterpreted the words, and the writings.
* response was awkward but placid. Progress was made as other had suffered frequent outburst.
* perhaps issue's misunderstood. 

We all invest in issues differently, so little damage done.
However after closer examination the transmitter, struggle to maintain relationship, in local community, among client groups they supposed to be serving, with immediate family, distant family, made several personal mistakes. 

When such a Pattern that is normal Concorde. Then to adjust become a challenge  this becomes a lifestyle.

 Partners even further deeper friendships, been chosen on bases of Monterey terms,
pattern out worldly flash extranvante living.

Distance and hurts become the normal way of managing life. Brokenness with damaged relationships.
Pattern looking likely to follow soon as another classless moron muscles in, transmitting messages of financial  income, wealth but not depth of character. 

The recipient accepts the message because they cannot analogue other views being transmitted.
The loss is evident to many except the solo analogue receiving the distorted message.

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No longer value informal educators.

Church ...thinking of leaving?  Go ahead ...come back when sorted the mess out. W hile you are away read your Bible. Pray to the holy spirit...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"