Jun 30, 2015

Jesus came to abolish religion

Heard this in church on Sunday 
Check out the link


What if I told you, Jesus came to abolish religion?

What if I told you getting you to vote republican, really wasn’t his mission?

Because republican doesn’t automatically mean Christian,

And just because you call some people blind, doesn’t automatically give you vision.

If religion is so great, why has it started so many wars?

Why does it build huge churches, but fails to feed the poor?

Tells single moms God doesn’t love them if they’ve ever been divorced

Yet God in the Old Testament actually calls the religious people whores

Religion preaches grace, but another thing they practice,

Tend to ridicule Gods people, they did it to John the Baptist,

Cant fix their problems, so they try to mask it,

Not realizing that’s just like sprayin perfume on a casket

Because the problem with religion is that it never gets to the core,

It’s just behavior modification, like a long list of chores.

Let’s dress up the outside, make things look nice and neat,

Its funny that’s what they do to mummies, while the corpse rots underneath,

Now I ain’t judging I’m just saying be careful of putting on a fake look,

Because there’s a problem if people only know that you’rea Christian by that little section on your facebook

In every other aspect of life you know that logics unworthy

Its like saying you play for the lakers just because you bought a jersey

But see I played this game too; no one seemed to be on to me,

I was acting like church kid, while addicted to pornography.

I’d go to church on Sunday, but on saturday getting faded,

Acting as if I was simply created to have sex and get wasted.

Spend my whole life putting on this façade of neatness,

But now that I know Jesus, I boast in my weakness.

If grace is water, then the church should be an ocean,

Cuz its not a museum for good people, it’s a hospital for the broken

I no longer have to hide my failures I don’t have to hide my sin,

Because my salvation doesn’t depend on me, it depends on him.

because when I was Gods enemy and certainly not a fan,

God looked down on me and said, “I want that man!”

Which is so different from religious people, and why Jesus called em fools

Don’t you see hes so much better than just following some rules?

Now let me clarify, I love the church, I love the bible, and I believe in sin

But my question, is if Jesus were here today, would your church let Him in?

Remember He was called a drunkard and a glutton by  “religious men”

The Son of God not supported self-righteousness, not now, not then.


Now back to the topic, one thing I think is vital to mention,

How Jesus and religion are on opposite spectrums,

One is the work of God one is a man made invention,

One is the cure and one is the infection.

Because Religion says do, Jesus says done.

Religion says slave, Jesus says son,

Religion puts you in shackles but Jesus sets you free.

Religion makes you blind, but Jesus lets you see.


This is what makes religion and Jesus two different clans,

Religion is man searching for God, but Christianity is God searching for man.

Which is why salvation is freely mine, forgiveness is my own,

Not based on my efforts, but Christs obedience alone.

Because he took the crown of thorns, and blood thatdripped down his face

He took what we all deserved, that’s why we call it grace.

While being murdered he yelled “father forgive them, they know not what they do,

Because when he was dangling on that cross, he was thinking of you

He paid for all your sin, and then buried it in the tomb,

Which is why im kneeling at the cross now saying come on there’s room

So know I hate religion, in fact I literally resent it,

Because when Jesus cried It is finished, I believe He meant it.


Jun 29, 2015

Written in Kings

Written in kings
Welsh group travelled up to Scotland performed at a free church event
Some much good Christian youth work taking place all over the place
Just this month seen Phillipa Hanna,EZ7,Written in kings.
All young folk with different and unigue ministry yet all committed to serving the Gospel and promoting an alternative lifestyle
That should be alternative choice
So what's wrong placing the Christian message alongside all the other messages youth hear
Lyrical touching
Strong faith

It's all good . . . .as l often hear

Jun 28, 2015

Killed building sandcastles

We are gathering to worship Jesus Christ the name above all names
The risen lord
Creator God
Whose Holy spirit work thru ,even smucks like you and me.
With the world going one way
It's good to struggle with the pain,even hurts and follow
That's what he called us to do love God
Love your neighbour
Follow me

I struggle with recent and other less recent events
Yet l still choose to follow,best l can simple as that!

Jun 27, 2015

bored without soccer

The Championship is the 4th best watched and remunerated League in Europe, surpassed only by the Premier League, La Liga and the Bundesliga. A great competition, and never better than last season
is it me or are Saturdays boring out of season

When peace is not enough . .peace must man up.

We keep saying peace,peace,they keep killing.Jesus never said DO NOT LIVE BY THE SWORD he said IF YOU CHOOSE,so with his blessing

It a debate we need to have
Peace is not enough
When people are murdered
Killed building sand castles 

Peace to you
The debate is one we must strive to have about how we deal with cloth faced murdering scum!

Meanwhile Syrian Christians join the debate
Are these people not our brothers
Just like the slave who asked Wilberforce
"am not your brother,am l not a man"

Peace needs to Man up.

Jun 26, 2015

Sad image of Church

 It is a sad image: 25 souls sitting around at Wednesday night prayer meeting, some packing heat in case the next church attacker should happen to be among them. 

What a sad world
What is your image of Church
Talks perhaps to long
Cold pews duffle coats in winter
Long walks
Refreshment in spirit
Perhaps chatting with people who might not normally meet
Cups of tea
Sat around in circle praying

Look at America 
What going on,all over the world Church folk 
church buildings
church culture under attack

Here's to YOU

@KevinWllr: Here to the workers on the streets today,here's to the lonely everywhere,with blessings from above,let the day begin
Here to the losers in the human race
Here's to the wall that bears the name 
Here's to the broken needing repair
Here's to YOU
May there be blessings from above
May we feel the kiss of God

Jun 25, 2015

Then let the day begin,a blessing from above

Here to you 
My loves
With blessings from above
Let the day begin
Here to the workers on the streets today
Here to the lonely everywhere 
Let the day begin

Jun 24, 2015

Charity hope and faith

What do you see?
Look closely
Faith looks down at the child
is faith withholding the drink.?
As the child looks up Faith stares down
what is Faith thinking
Is Faith holding the drink just out of reach
why is it a child tugging at Faith?

Hope is holding something
hope stare ahead 
Destiny or History we have to decide

Look at Charity,why is Charity not called Love?
She stands with a sword in her hand and the feet are holding a serpent down?
Is her stare at the others Hope and Faith doe she guard them or is Charity looking elsewhere?

Fight the good fight?

Assyrian Christian gunmen, Kurdish fighters and other allies have taken a town held by Islamic State, increasing the pressure on the terror group.

The armed groups targeted the town of Ein Issa which puts them within 30 miles of the IS stronghold Raqqa, widely seen as the capital of the 'Caliphate'.

Ein Issa was taken hours after Kurdish troops took a nearby Brigade military base forcing even more Islamic State fighters to flee.

IS has been targeting Christians and minorities as it attempts to take over Iraq and Syria.

In Syria a number of Christian men have joined together to form militias to fight against the Muslim extremists.

Jun 23, 2015

A Christian campaign group has accused the Government of pushing an austerity agenda which is "not compatible with Jesus' example of siding with the poor".

Christians for Economic Justice (previously Christianity Uncut) claims Tory policies go against the teachings of Christ and is urging church leaders to support those who protest or strike against things they deem are unjust.


Good that some are concerned about these major issues
Worth rereading BIAS TO THE POOR
The prophets old testement echo the words justice and  equality 
Calling us to have concern for the vulnerable poor those cast aside  

Jun 22, 2015

Church equipped and alive

What a great honour to be among the eldest in Church on Sunday
Worship led by four young people
With teaching by an older guy

Wet wet wet wet
Sunday and start to Monday
Tent leaked
Yes tent
Two words l never thought you would see together again In one sentence
Tents and Kevin 

LZ7 performed their very own unigue brand of rave music atthe Ironworks last Friday 
Great  sounds 
Loud images also well used and appropriate
technically also very good
All round fantastic evening
Plus 600 young people
Commitment justice faith
Several words need to see in more sentences

Need to dry out
That is my tent and clothing
Hosteling for a few days 
Shattered not had good nites sleep for week
Meals are bit hit and miss
No TV 8 days

Cold and wet but this is summer 

Jun 21, 2015

Call to me for wisdom.

The bible says we should call to our `Father God` for wisdom.
That's great, but some don't read the bible so they also do not understand those points
Reflecting on Father's Day
The song writer wrote this,
"Father God l wonder 
How l mange to exist without your parenthood
Your love
Your unfailing presence"
So very glad l am standing here today, clothed in the knowledge
Love and deep protection of Gods Love.
Thank you Jesus, 
Thank you Lord.

(The picture my Dad and my eldest sister)

Jun 20, 2015


Guess what also watching you

Someone is pissing me off in my old locality 

That never a good thing . . . . To piss me off

Jun 19, 2015

In my locality they shoot you down,in Malta they shoot Birds,in America they shoot you if your Black and praying

In my locality they shoot you down,in Malta they shoot Birds,in America they shoot you if your Black and praying

I grieve

@KevinWllr: grieve forgotten in Syria,hatred in America, inhuman acts on a daily basis,grieve beat your chest ,fall to your knees..   grieve.God help us

Jun 18, 2015

Pound shop querie

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

725 views yesterday from all over the world
If you could all just send me a £1
Thank you

Yeah already can see the replies and counting the money

Whats on my mind today?

Just been told the weathers bipolar
Not sure if that cruel or joke l not getting

Right about the changing weather one day it's cold next it's very cold
Then it's colder
Then it's freezing
Saw snow in the hills yesterday 

Many young people aged 19 -24 trapped
living in hostel situations
Also becoming hardened rough sleepers

So 12 members of one Family went to Syria to join ISIS
That simple enough 
Choice they made . . Read about the situation....discussed among themselves
..arranged all the documents...gathered the resources...departed
It was not a few minute thing..

Reflection process and then they performed the act to depart these shores 

Personally l Blame this weather..who doesn't dream of sun and warm conditions 
Playing on the beech with the kids

NO TV For a week ...feels weird
What next for me
my biggest fear elasticacted waistbands

Jun 17, 2015

I believe

I believe in you Lord
I believe you are the son of God 
I Belive you died and rose again
I believe you will return to rule in peace

This thing called Faith

Had this thing with me on a consuiences level all my late teanage and adult life
Often others think that they have a crutch `those peopled faith`.
They believe it's a easy thing
It's consuming affects all areas
Would l trade it  . . .no
It a part of Kevin Waller in my DNA 
Walk  .journey... path . 
Hard to follow..?..
Strangely the normal faith outlets don't often allow growth for myself
Take Premier Christian radio as one example..that does not help
It he hinders . promotes doubt .  yes engages even thats questionable!
Like the North South divide
Not to enable growth
Glad my journeys not youth anymore...
There is a time of age along with others ..with myself
Pathway of being young been walked

Scripture as important  truth is part of my acceptance
I Belive in Jesus
The lord God almighty
Open to the work of the Holy Spirit
It's really simple . this thing called Faith,
Lot like myself

Jun 16, 2015

The children left out again

"completely unacceptable" for children to be sent across the country for mental health treatment because Hull has no beds.

Read more: http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/

Again we fail our children
The most vulnerable
The most in need
Those needing compassion
Support help 
Attack those on benefit
The world going one way . . .some of us going another

Jun 13, 2015

Kevin journeys continues?

So begin to journey from a blighted community
Held in the past 
Old something so very old
But l found home here a place feel able to hide
But not grown here
But it's been home

This new place is challenge
New sites
New places
New friendships
Could l grow here
How long will l stay
Not the guy l was a decade ago
But know more
See things very differently
See some things the same way
Faith is part of my DNA
Being God inspired is where l want to be still
Sojourner.   Journey
Got some fears
Got hope
Also hopeful
God bless me 
God bless those l love  .   .   Those l miss .   .those yet to know 

Jun 12, 2015

A wee rest period

Time to reflect
More processing next week l expect
Hitting the road to another country for a while
Need to take break from performing 
Breathe the coolair
Walk the sand
Watch the tide
Life has to have those moments
Some praying
Reading the bible
Active listening but processing. .reflecting ..that's the mood today

Jun 11, 2015

emotional numbness literaly true

"They start going to the pub, block feelings, hide feelings', drink, Then do it more, and it becomes'a cycle."
Emotional literacy damages these and the close family friends,
to often in our locality, people shy away from comments
do manly things.
l know someone who is in the allotement shed from 05.30 in the morning till late at nite.
then he returns home to his `warmed` up tea
Plus bit of TV with wife.
I know plenty live like this
Walking alone
often Cig in mouth,looking down.
wlaking the staffie, `easy son` as they pull the beast closer on the lead.
The sons of such men often are the same walking and acting tough.
But unable to forge deep relationships,devolop meanings,nor hold conversations
Education and schooling not seen as important,
Interests often dogs,fishing,allotments,footie,crack with alcohol.Pool hall.
Despite interventions often best suited to own company
own thoughts
own ideals
own processes

Expectations and horizons limited to the immedite desires.

Numbness floats into the brain,mind and projected in the body.

Jun 10, 2015

The issues today are pew shaking

"They have fled with nothing, literally the clothes on their back was all they had... we have literally had to start from scratch.
"They will never go home, even if there was peace today... they would not go there.
"What they have been through is too great and too terrible, and they desperately want to stay away from there.
"Their families have been killed, they have lost everything and we have had to start by restoring their lives, even their bibles were destroyed."

While this is going on in the Middle East 
Local Christians argue over issues concerning bunting and being asked to move pews
Nationally the LGBT issue takes up Premier Christian news
Little old me and similar others address poverty,unemployment,addiction,providing meal for poor,lack of employment,poor apprentice in trades,poor diets,young life's wasted
There is a Real disconnect in faith based issues in the UK
System error regarding the world,local community,
Too much local faith thinking on how to get to heaven not about the big kingdom

Jun 9, 2015

Proper issues

Reducing Food Poverty

There is more than enough food being produced to feed everyone in the world! Some people calculate that we produce 150% of our food requirements globally. It’s just that it is not distributed fairly. By intercepting waste and using it to feed people on a Pay As You Feel basis we aim to reduce food poverty without taking away people’s pride.

Lack of medicines 
Away from parents
Bomds being dropped

Real issues real life real hopelessness
in Syria 

Poverty in UK 
Inner cities drugs alcohol misuse
Lack of housing
 life's wasted
Insufficient Benifit
Labelled, damage, educated to serve captilisum

We need a little more concern for real issues many are facing in this present day
We need to have faith big enough to stand alongside the poverished

The real issue is?

Tony campola
"We in the Church should actively support such families. Furthermore, we should be doing all we can to reach, comfort and include all those precious children of God who have been wrongly led to believe that they are mistakes or just not good enough for God, simply because they are not straight."
He also suggested that the treatment of gay people from those inside the Church is similar to how it previously treated women and slaves.
 "I am old enough to remember when we in the Church made strong biblical cases for keeping women out of teaching roles in the Church, and when divorced and remarried people often were excluded from fellowship altogether on the basis of scripture". 

Trouble is and very disturbing
We are not addressing the real issues that affect communities 
Like poverty
Discrimination against those on benefit
These issues not being dealt with
It without reason that we should embrace people whose sexual orientation is different 
But they cannot remin in that state
If we follow that view we are dead
We cannot provide excapt of Alfie style that is unscriptural but wecanhelp support accept the individual
The result s we are taking away resources 
That should be spent on the issues that affect people's life's 
Attacking the Goverment and it's attacks against the poor

Jun 8, 2015

Seal sands with Matthew

Saw black headed gulls
Family of oyster catchers
19 seals
Canadian geese
Ringed plover
Shore ducks
Soho allow duck ?
Tufted duck
Traps set for Mink
Tide was well out lowest tide for years we have seen.

Theology of some is very hard too understand with differences
Over scripture. Like what's heaven about?
True Jesus hardly said very much
Much in the new Testament is about signposting.
Feel the COE like the CiS (Church in Scripture),is threatened. 
Must turn back to a scriptural base and discover community.
If it is to survive. Emerging something different
Something holy . Something scriptural
History belongs to their congregations. That's people like you and me?

Jun 6, 2015

What's going on in our community's

Meanwhile in Hull,and any city's and towns aroundtheUK a prosecutor told the court: "Intimidation, coercion and the promise of benefits are consistent with the standard operating procedure of drugs gangs in the city."


Yet again we are not getting true understanding of the life of those arounds us in the community
We live in at this present time.
Church respond that a hard one we need people active in community's 
We need Christian folk to live in these areas
Must believe that the power of God and the message of Jesus can disturb life of those threatening the potential of many others.i sit waiting for a coastal bus bringing someone targeted by such gangs to a conversation with myself
Prayer and expectation about what we can do must be on our own personal agendas

Jun 5, 2015

Across the border

Longest journey of my life in the car 
Eight hours 30 minutes
Felt like full day we came across traffic accident guy been hit by another 
The services responded in few minutes several ambulance and flying doctor
They assure us the person would be well they ambulances him to NHS care

Do you feel lucky blessed

All along the scenery wildlife weather changes
We're simply marvellous 

Do you feel blessed do you feel lucky

Back home my Vauxhall Passette was replaced after that days long journey
Now l drive a Corsa energy diesel 
Arranged tomeetfamily tomorrow
Played the WII then watched TV

Simple things that makes me feel lucky 
Been with good church folk prayed
Discussed stuf,shared theology,walked in the wild lanes around where we stayed
Had simple life
May even not be the deepest guy
Blessed and lucky to be where l am standing now

Hope you can count your life as one that is blessed and feel lucky
Yes l have unanswered prayers . . . But l still believe 

Jun 3, 2015

Snap crackle and hallelujah

Most so called Christian music is unplayable outside very narrow audience 
We lost something of the .
Larry Norman
Barry McGuire
Martyn Joseph
After the fire
Missing but stil some great sounds
Phillipa Hanna 
But there lot of quite simple rubbish

Jun 2, 2015

Spotting Loch Ness no not really

Well this guy left wife,home,job,to chase Nessie
Last 21years
I thought l was mental still holding onto a dream
But passion strikes us all
Got stressful week and period ahead
Any tips on downsizing 
Spiritual feel many are telling me whatto do 
Even striving to make my life easy for them 
But that life we have make compromise 
But one level no compromise that when it comes to the redeemer 
Jesus Gods own son
Now there someone to get in a passion about
Unanswered prayers still, will get made today!

Jun 1, 2015

We must display our bias to the poor if we are Kingdom people

The Evangelical Alliance have criticised the last government's economic policy, saying that it has not helped the poor enough.
Their new report, called 'Good news for the poor?', found nearly four out of five evangelicals thought the last government's economic policies did not benefit the most needy.
Lucy Olofinjana is a Research Coordinator at the Evangelical Alliance. She told Premier the majority of evangelicals think the Bible teaches they should work for justice for the poor.
She told Premier: "Evangelicals are really active in tackling poverty in lots of ways, so seven in ten have donated in a food bank in the last year and almost four in ten are volunteering with a Christian poverty project of some kind."
"There's really a sense that people feel this is a mandate from God.
"97 per cent, so almost everybody who took our survey said that we should be working for justice for the poor and that we all have a duty.
"And also a sense that we will be judged if we are not working for the poor."

Always on a journey

Always seam to be facing choices moving work
Which direction stay here or move
Medical issues now compound the situation
The cold it's 1st June and it's 3.5 temperature cold
Need warm clothing
Also very tired today
Sometimes there are days like this cool snowy money challenge
That life maybe should retire early rest cope better with the heart issues
But l have this calling to share the truth
Theology of making simple sense of God in the world which l have been placed

Thank you for journeying with myself

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"