Jan 31, 2015

The bodies in the white body bags on skyTV

I watched the news Dear lord and in the white body bag was a human being
Killed in the Ukraine like four others he was waiting for a food hand out
I never knew him
I never knew his name
I never knew his family
He just a image from SkyNews of a body in a white body bag 
So I prayed after switching off the TV
God most merciful
God of love
God who is constant
Show mercy to these souls who are with you now,this day
Or perhaps are in a long sleep until judgement day
God of mercy be merciful to the person in the white body bag on my TV
God of love be loving to his soul be the God of consistency when you show mercy
I do not know the man in the white body bag
I do not know his name
I do not know his family,or his circumstances
But this I do know
God is merciful
God is love
God is consistent 
Great these victims dear Lord Jesus,let them be kingdom people this day in your mercy 
May your constant love,now surround them.

Jan 30, 2015

Maltese Public transport

Do we need a death before the drivers of Maltese Public Transport
Stop using Phones when driving vehicle 
Simple enough request
Today on the way to Valetta at 10 .23 the driver takes call with full Bus
From Manuel for 19 minutes from Cirkewwerra to Valletta the driver of bus 41 reg Bus 065? Or 165?Speaks to his mate while one handed drives the bus up down bends and steep hills
Despite 4requests to come off the phone
His regard for users of the service was typical ignorant self centred
Maltese public transport should make 
Driving and using the phone an offence with disciplinary action 
Simple enough

Jan 29, 2015

ABC culture

The ABC culture promotes anything but Christianity 
That means others faiths promoted
Lack of discipline promoted
Liberalism promoted especially in dealing with offending behaviour
Lack of thought around ones consequences 
Seculisum above faith
 We buy this 
We claim we are aware of other cultures 
Truth is we. Failtoknow our. Own culture
The history
Oh by the way your not allowed to say history challenged to say herstory,

But faith they ready for the fledging believers who want to stae 
They are Christian unfortunately they lack communication experiance and become easy pickings for the professionals who hammer them In debate and argument
Faith based not allowed spirituality in any vague form is promoted as long as its not ABC
Anything but Christian . . . . .Anything. . .anything. . .But . .Christian

Jan 28, 2015

Stay warm people

Forecasters are warning the public to be aware of possible disruption to travel, while health officials urged people to take extra care.

Between 3-8cm of snow is predicted to fall over parts of northern England, possibly reaching as far as Yorkshire and Humber and the Midlands, and up to 5-10cm of snow could blanket much of Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Keep warm
Worry aboutthebills later
Put heating on Cook best you an
Wrap up
Stay warm 
Walk short periodic it safeandyoucan do this 

Jan 27, 2015

"Today looks more like 1933 then 2015"

“To believe in God is to "let God be God." This is the chief business of faith

“To believe in God is to "let God be God." This is the chief business of faith

Then we get involved crest theology
Start to deeply analise
Invent big words to explain stuff
Egos develop
We cloud the simple
Build hedges around simple truths
Make it hard for others to grasp this simple truth
God is God.........that enough for us all!

Jan 26, 2015

Thisgetsmy juices going Isaiah

This is the kind of fast day I'm after: to break the chains of injustice, get rid of exploitation in the workplace, free the oppressed, cancel debts. 
share your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, 
being available to your own families. 
Do this and the lights will turn on, 
Your righteousness will pave your way. 
The God of glory will secure your passage. 
' A Full Life in the Emptiest of Places 
"If you get rid of unfair practices, quit blaming victims, 
quit gossiping about other people's sins, 
If you are generous with the hungry 
start giving yourselves to the down-and-out,
shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight. 
god will always show us where to go. 
I'll give you a full life in the emptiest of places 

You'll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.

Don't worry if there a Hell below we all gonna go

Paradise appears to be a uphill walk.
Journey far to reach.... beyond many of us?
Listening to a debate about hell from premier radio podcast.
Just became more confused ...long words 
Different bible verse quoted,
But as someone who believes in a God of love
Grasping hades, hell, eternal damnation, all very difficult.

Jan 25, 2015

Bit of bible to make me go-WOW

6 "This is the kind of fast day I'm after: to break the chains of injustice, get rid of exploitation in the workplace, free the oppressed, cancel debts. 
7 What I'm interested in seeing you do is: sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families. 
8 Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once. Your righteousness will pave your way. The God of glory will secure your passage. 
9 Then when you pray, God will answer. You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.' A Full Life in the Emptiest of Places "If you get rid of unfair practices, quit blaming victims, quit gossiping about other people's sins, 
10 If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight. 
11 I will always show you where to go. I'll give you a full life in the emptiest of places - firm muscles, strong bones. You'll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry. 
12 You'll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You'll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.

Jan 24, 2015

Life in Kevin waller sphere

Share music
Greeting people
Swimming talking
Saying good morning
Watching a storm play out
Sheltering from rain
Watching boat out at sea
Catching up with news on TV
Listening to two men make transaction over money
Sleeping after time in excesise 
Getting prepared for mealtime

Reading (the community around myself)

Jan 23, 2015


Listening to Harry Chapin WOLDhe feeling all the 45's
That name old 7inch vinyl record
Not age of women he groping

Jan 22, 2015

ohh livia oohhh livia salvo dont care......me thinks

ray of light
last evening
Inspector Montalbalno
espically for Livia

National news international problem!

NATIONAL11:2817 Comments

Dinghy carrying 87 Sub-Saharan migrants rescued by Armed Forces of Malta, migrants being screened by health authorities.

What to do
What is the correct response 
How do we preventtheseinnocent vulnerable people becoming the violent religious zealots for another generation
Rescued from Uganda along with Kenya in thepastnowliving a generation later
Are frustrated in Middlesboro Chalvey Alumrock areas of UK
They forgot the support help Aid given by usin the west
Now fuel hatred towards our values
Abuse sexually children 
Traffic women
Uncomfortable but true issues many reluctant to engage with
This is a proper delima 
What to do
What is correct measure
Dare l suggest a limited time line to remain before enforced return to home?

Jan 21, 2015

Simpler not better

There wasa time before mobile 
Fones Facebook blogging radio and television
It was a crap period trust me
If you was latecoulddo nothing no method contacting each other
Face to face was the only way ahead
Emotional literacy was not even on the understanding spectrum
Also children expected to stay quite male head of the household 
Women place mainly kitchen 
Life simpler not better

We have progressed so fast technically in thelast15 years
Youths do lead the way 
But the grey surfers catch on and use technology right
Perhaps we still don't do communication face to face very well at whole
Progress has its difficult along with challenge 

Jan 20, 2015

Getting healthier

Had a. Great walk ramble today
Along with swimming and the gym
It all about getting my fitness up as been getting challenging in my measurement 
Feeling fitter but few twinges today and two hour sleep in the afternoon
But at least not getting chesty along further coughs colds
Which are not good for my old ticker

Away from certain celebrity big brother
Plus the other rubbish in the news 
However terrorists still stalk peaceful persons
Just wanting to live by Shalom not an option to the iss group
A death cult but done in the name of a religion that has not changed 
Was vile wicked In it's infancy and developed unchecked ever since

Blinds others to this truth
God is love
God is love one way through Jesus

Worried of Hull city

Hull City's remaining Premier League games

Jan 31: Newcastle (H) 12:45

Feb 7: Man City (A) 15:00

Feb 10: Aston Villa (H) 19:45

Feb 21: QPR (H) 15:00

Feb 28: Stoke City (A) 15:00

Mar 3: Sunderland (H) 19:45

Mar 14: Leicester City (A) 15:00

Mar 21: Chelsea (H) 15:00

Apr 4: Swansea City (A) 15:00

Apr 11: Southampton (A) 15:00

Apr 18: Liverpool (H) 15:00

Apr 25: Crystal Palace (A) 15:00

May 2: Arsenal (H) 15:00

May 9: Burnley (H) 15:00

May 16: Tottenham (A) 15:00

May 24: Manchester Utd (H) 15:00

Worried concerned anxious 
Normal Tigers HCFC supporters

Jan 19, 2015

Exercise bit more as the new year gets older.

Away at present where Kevin feel`s at home,
Don't know why.
Can't explain why this place is deep within my soul, nor why my heart feels so content.
Except it's pretty deep for me,
this is why return time, plus time again.
It just the way it is?
That all l know.

Soul food for myself

bit slower today probably over did it yesterday
Four extra minutes along with 100 weights and same sit-ups 
But cooler swam again 
Yesterday also walked from Crewkara to mehilia 
Which must be 6 miles
Overall lot of excesise great fun tiring rested more this day
Drinking more water
Eating well 
Chatting reading watching some DVD 

Jan 18, 2015

First proper run

Running not slight walk but with pace
I know but increased levels. First time pulse heart beat passed100
112 allowing for misreading it still above 100
Swim soon and walk
I cannot do this at present back home but it good warm capable here
This will get my fitness levels up and well being for myself take place
Having a look after me period
Essential to my own holistic development
Health grow
Wealth decreased
But God willing get through this uncomfortable period
Sometimes you got to invest in yourself 
Your onw Sanity
Spiritual feel good as l grow stronger physically and emotional well being already improving

Jan 16, 2015

Let's hope so!

'10 teams could go down but Hull City won't be one of them' – Alex Bruce

Follow us: @hulldailymail on Twitter | HullDailyMail on Facebook

Let's hope the guys correct
It's tough league this year at times we been like 'big time Charlie's'
So let's hope we can stay up and survive
It would be a real challenge for the whole area not to be part of the premiership
Cum on U 'ell

Mission and hospitality

Psalm 58;-  God talks about the Christian community
That feeds the down and outs.
Seeks justice,
Fights inequality,
Alongside those marginalised and without.

We cook food,
Share together,
Seek fellowship,
Enable others to be listened too.
`Rock n roll mission` from a rock of a God

Real blessing to support encourge deliver and be part of this group

Walking talking with Jesus

Just had wonderful Church experiance with group from cafe together,
Great discussion,scones,prayers,cups of tea,cakes,
Wrestled with great issues
Wonderful people
Seeking justice equality harmony 
Seeking to support the vulnerable

Jan 15, 2015

more blaspheny on TV

but no outburst or condemnition

Jan 13, 2015

false prophets

One thing l was starting to ask recently has been around this Islam, where did it come from? what status did its founder hold in pasttimes?Of course let's examine the now,these times?
Exploring further you can become very concerned it always appeared that the influences on this Islam are largely the Torra,Old testement plus the Bible,The evil founder did all kinds of things what civilized humanity,laws deem as criminal and barbaric. Would you now say that Muhammad was a prophet? lets be practical. A man, who cunningly declared himself prophet, fooled the world copying and pasting from the Torah,and other religous/spiritual teachings books to create his own holy book, The “Quran”, can’t be a prophet. A man, who never gave life to someone but snatched lives of innocent people,can’t be holy,who before leaving this world,has left so much pain, turbulence and destruction,can not be a God-sent prophet.
These are discussion needed to find sense and of course direction."

Now for the seven promised raisins

Jan 12, 2015

Down to chicken bones

Injuries leave Hull City with 'bare bones' for West Ham clash

The bare bones wow things look bleak for the Tigersbut we really need to do a awful lot more 
Again we are down into the bottome  three
Simply is not good enough
Economically and for cultural reasons success is crucial to the City of Hull
Emotional and spiritual well being perhaps not so vital

@hulldailymail on Twitter | HullDailyMail on Facebook

Jan 10, 2015

Winter isn' it.

Humber flood warnings remain as Hessle Foreshore residents worry over fresh flooding
It been an awful few days
Huge winds some havoc ( of course the thieving scrapers were around looking to make money on people's misfortune )
Very chilly dark all adds up to a pretty miserable start to the year
Even l feel like am struggling to cope
Only have heating on at daft o clock still we survive
But the wildlife is in hibernation no bridlife obvious and few other animals present
Even onmy walks do not see many persons

Please stay safe warm 
Wrap up well eat solid foods wrap up
Summer will arrive already we are into the first true week end of the year 2015
Life this is the ordinary which sometimes does not seam to add up to very much
Ce la vie

Jan 9, 2015


It's official you can die 
Of a broken heart
Could this be my issues

Salvo salvo have you got ADH?

O Dio! Mamma mia! Or as Salvo would say, somewhat more earthily, che stronzo! The final episode wasn’t ready to watch with subtitles as RT went to press so I’ve had to view it with my rudimentary grasp of Italian. Fear not, BBC4 will have the translation ready to air by tonight but, with nothing to read, I must say I enjoyed even more the skill and good humour of the four lynchpins: Salvo, Mimi, Catarella and Fazio.

This final film is, however, about as far from a finale in style as you could imagine, with chicken-feed plots about a jealous husband and his wife, who may or may not have been accosted, and a cattle shed that’s been broken into. Devoted viewers endure these paltry offerings, and lap up the ambience, but in the light of Young Montalbano, the senior version needs to up its game radically. 

BUT loving reading the books watching the repeats
Can not understand his relationship with Livia
His processes ADH,behavior also very moody
I think the series is underrated and need to invest time to enjoy
know some do not like subtitles but hey at my age 
I need subtitles to watch ordinary English TV channels

I am Charlie also from HEBDO

Is that the Hedbo near Haworth West Yorkshire 
Actually we not as free as we like to think
Freedom brings with it responsibilities 
But hell if we are free in the UK l would hate to be in prison

Jan 8, 2015

More cowardly Islamist terror.

The attack triggered an international outpouring of solidarity, with demonstrations spreading from Moscow to Washington, as world leaders and other media including newspaper cartoonists united in their revulsion of the daylight assault.

More than 100,000 people took to the streets across France to express their outrage, many carrying banners reading: "I am Charlie" while the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie was trending worldwide.

Jan 7, 2015

What a view.

No did not photo shop these coulers, they are as appeared in the early morning sky.
What great scheme but so cold these last few weeks.
Sleep stupid times, 
Need to walk longer,
7 weeks since doctors and hospital but they trying to call me in for check ups.
Events in France high lite the opposition to freedom
Free speech hated by Islamist 
Free thoughts hated by Islamist 
Free benefits, freedom in our prisons loved by Islamist 

What a hateful oppressive, cruel, harsh religion, Islam is, always has been. Intolerant, ignorant hateful, bully boys.

Jan 6, 2015

Well Serpico will you please stand up . . .

Not him 
Know l think it the 
Modern day saint 
Look like Al Pacino but not same guy
Just who is this Serpico 
L expect he is well read,thoughtful 
A man of faith
Street based pastor type guy
Into northern soul hip hop funk Tampa
 I am just guessing
Ain't l, just humble guy guessing

Who is this Serpico anyway

Pip Wisdom
by Pip Wilson

Pip Wilson has been around for several decades in mainly the third sector, places like the Mayflower and YMCA, 
these ramblings are very insightful and with the current revisiting of emotional literacy helpful. 
Constantly inviting the reader to share, open up, and be a listener. 
Key themes in emotional well being, value of others, examining self and own impact, excerise in group hugging and encouragement to kiss. 
The Author does tend to self indulge although that minor, if someone wants a kinda urdan wisdom group guide, to dip into that doesn`t take itself too serious. 
Then this small pocket size book will be handy, not a serious read but surprised how deep the issue go. In short useful, helpful, reflective and fun.

By serpico


I want . . . . .

I want some warmth and sunshine,
Anyway off soon to get some!
Off back to Malta for a while.
Long walks
Good food
Change of scenery, will do me good
Well-being that's word, emotional physical, develop mental strength.
Also watching the Godfather 3 
(last evening again) l shouldn't tell.
Life is slow, but hey hey let's go into 2015.
Prayers, spiritual growth, commitment to community.
Follow the son.

Not much!

Really enjoyed ace walk yesterday 
It was not long about 1 hour 45 minutes wet cold slippery
No obvious wildlife around and the bridlife is none excistant 
All drab and reminds me of true bleak midwinter
Along with that we just buried a young lad that worked with
Proper character impressed with support of his sisters work colleague 
The words by the Leader impressive 
Death is a certainty one we don't really contemplate

Life is precious grateful for my health
You cannot buy relationships with money 
But they are worth more then silver and gold

Jan 5, 2015



out of the cup

great to see the footie on TV felt let down by Hull city despite several good peformances.
also feel several games in short period not best for the fans nor the players
Endangers the travelling supporters who go along 'by ways and highways' this season.
Sagbo been overrated for long time, did not take the chance to impress anyone, should be off loaded.
Several -players not done well in city shirt Adbel hernadous ,prostwiche, hatem ben artha, and sagbo.

Paul Mcsahne did really well despite the issues surrounding him and manager Steve Bruce,he had a good game playing the ball around,great tackles and comfortable.
he is an experianced player we need to get the full benifit from playing

Harry Mcguire another who settled into the game really well playing comfortably at the back.
others settled back well,dispite the defeat there was enough on evidence for Hull supporters to be confident of the future in the premier league

Jan 4, 2015

All about the losers

Born in a stable in poverty
Brought up an asylum seeker
Death threats throughout his life
Betrayed by one he sheltered loved and disciplined 
Friends fled
Died on a cross in pain humility agony
Naked he died
Buried in borrowed grave
The faith was prevented from worshipping
First followers many killed tortured desperate life's in strange land
New community developed

Northern town never accounted for much
Huge poverty
Blighted estates
Industries destroyed
Betrayed by authorities figures
Tortured by hitlers bomds
No expected to achieve
Community rising
Beginning  to reach true potential 

Jesus the Christ son of God
hull city a northern town

Jan 2, 2015

2015 has arrived

2015 arrived quietly silent in our area
The winds blew madly and created problems
The TV stayed silent music was played
Great goals scored in the football
Pasta cooked enjoyed
Pray stated bible been read
So some of the essentials are taking place
Even diary dates been filled in,
Sat pondered tok my tablets
Thought through the process of new starts so often hopes in new year are for health love happiness
The new stuff listened to IPods radio 
Old stuff feels comfortable Archers 
Match of the day
Radio 2
Jesus stayed in my corner again l pray 

Cum on you ELL

Nikica Jelavic and Abel Hernandez finally offer Hull City a return on their investment

Great to watch the tigers maul the black cats then dismantle the toffees
Stay with me all nicknames and leave you to work out the real names
Fantastic football played yesterday advantours and skilful
Ful of life pace and goals
Lifted the gloom 

Home is a wounded heart.

 When l was younger around 18 years old although was resident DJ several nights a week lot of weekends. Playing latest sounds. Dance tracks ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"