Aug 30, 2012

to contact Kevin Waller . . .

Anyway its cardiac unit next week all my pre-admission issues addressed and medication prepared,before operation
what a Blagerd Cardiac issues my age . . So if it all goes Quite . . sorry . .If am too quite for too long...them get in touch. .May be dieing on the kitchen floor...LOL . .or not Ha HA

Sign in the pre-surgery unit Mr Meir's office yesterday . . . funny . . .

Images of my community August 28th 2012

washing day blues as it did not dry out

Love it noise and smell and the nearness of combine harvester

working as l was walking 20 seconds from my home
that is right not a misspell 20 secs
that's a song yeah

there is hatred evidence in my little community
manifest in views
images actions

often a horse is tethered in a field funny childtoy
like object often looks unloved
status symbol ? who knows

l really missed Greenbelt 2012

The dream continues...

Mainstage 2012
The rain came down on paradise, but thanks to our mighty volunteers and our soaring bands of Angels, we didn't get washed away. We came together to dream about saving paradise. And, thanks to you all, the dream continues.
wow looks and sounds like it was mega
it was out of my pocket
Health played issue this year
Distance was too much
But heard stuff on the radio both ... Elsewhere in the programme, we can announce that BBC Radio 4's hit show Any Questions will be broadcast .....BBC Radio 4Sat 25 Aug 2012 13:10

Aug 28, 2012

Who speaks to me without using words

Who speaks to me without using words?
What am l supposed to hear?
When is it not just sounds l pick up?
Active in listening!
Can l read non verbally well?
How am l at saying the right thing?
Do my moods speak volumes

August 2012 feels like winter

August 2012 Has been feeling like winter, chilly wet and cold so cold yesterday l could only really mange to small walks 30 minutes then 20 minutes.then again it may be waiting for this CHD operation and the tablets
l ate out yesterday with friends and l choose so wrong a vegetarian ricotta plus portion of chips
how Bad a choice was that, sparking water
we had planned to travel and walk but ,
l was slow starting the day
did not want to travel
felt moody
out of it
so next time a friend is not quite up to it who knows why perhaps medication or just the way it is!
yesterday it was me being the awkward one.
Needing grace.

spiritofthestreets thin line between heaven and hull: if its ugly then so am l

spiritofthestreets thin line between heaven and hull: if its ugly then so am l
old link but still worth a reflect/gander

Aug 24, 2012

I hear the sound of the world where we played

I hear the sound of the world where we played
And the far too simple beauty
Of the promises we made
l am often watching this sculpture on the promenade
Its a guy sitting...l wonder what hes hearing?
Who did communicate ?
  what was he listening too?
      who spoke to him without using words?
                    What are my sounds of yesterday?
 Gym noises
   An authority figure telling Kevin what to do
     Neighbourhood helicopter chasing a criminal
       Friends and me chatting over a coffee in a local cafe
           love of my life saying "hello You"

The music Motown...northern soul...funk
love of my life leaving but not saying goodbye
Films Rocky...Cinema Paradisea...Godfather...Donnie Brasco..
Snogging loads +loads of snogging. . Sound and feel of being snogged..snogging leading too....

 l was watching again Film `Billy Elliot`
There is really good scene near the end
 when visits the school of ballet
Billy gets questions, neither himself
 nor dad can answer any questions
its about lack of spiritual development
  emotional literacy
he almost blanks the panel
does not come across well
if you watch it
reminds me of young people
you know watching the scene it all inside him
but struggles in unfamiliar situation
to express

NOT talking with the unemployed

NOT talking with the unemployed!
So l called on one of my Unemployed youths
They are not getting out of bed
l think it depression
Boredom of the days
lack of money

Parent states he just so lazy these days
How would you feel?
all  judge. .plus . .  some harshly
What jobs are available?
When did doing volunteer duties become a option  to  fulfilling employment with a decent wage?
lifelong learning
social skill gained and rules around life discovered in employment
when did it become OK to leave a generation unfulfilled and empty?

Where is the hope from those of us believing in a loving God!

What is my message?

l search a lot at the moment the old testament

being humble
seeking God

Aug 23, 2012


it will be there for the rest of my life
after Doctors
 blood test
   hospital dates
hope to soon be back to full health
 l am not good at all at being unwell
  guess its the male in me

These 2 lizerds phototshot in Malta appear to have got it about right

watched BB last evening
Enjoying seeing humans interact
Dealing with emotions
Acting out roles
Observing and reflecting
                      Ignoring each other . . Finding own space
                      The literacy of talking ..Being Human

knackered and we know why

  if l get my hands on the little cun**the coppers
 were after at 4 this morning, you won`t need a Judge

4 o`clock in the morning

Above us the helicopter chases some ?
the noise and light being shown down Has woken myself up
l go make  a cup of tea
The wonder cure a good cup of tea
Finally as am awake l walk to the cliff edge

Watch the sun coming up to greet the day

head off home around 5 in the morning the helicopters gone
NOT peaceful
it getting a bit lighter

my day has began

Aug 20, 2012

Seconds for dinner Hull grammer school 1974 Wallers class

anyway the teacher said seconds Wallers class come and get some more now

                           some of my old teachers on a school visit Mr Dex ,Mr Leigh, and Nelly Buxton
                                                                (B4 U SUE I JEST)

a year ago today 20th August 2011

A year ago today 20th August 2011 my dad passed away after a long illness.
Most of my family travelling to Scarborough as a visit and let some ashes fly
Time travels at a fast pace

Went at 11 40 on Friday the surgery closes at 13.00
They where closed
l asked the letter that was sent it has not arrived
blame the post we will post again
Can you e-mail me the info?
NO we do not do that
The surgery closed without notice
Post did not arrive
They do not e-mail


Aug 17, 2012

very funny Peter Kay

So very funny Peter Kay last evening channel 4
if you get the chance watch again thru one of the many mediums artound allowing you to do that.
 we laffed,
mostly he was reflecting on his life. not format tell a joke
well delivered and real humour
End bit about headbanging with Dads shovel that was original.

Peter John Kay (born 2 July 1973) is an English comedian, writer, actor, director and producer from Lancashire. His work includes That Peter Kay Thing (2000), Phoenix Nights (2001), Max and Paddy's Road to Nowhere (2004), Britain's Got the Pop Factor... (2008) and other independent productions which have included two sell-out tours. Kay has sold over ten million DVDs, a UK record for a comedian.

Aug 16, 2012

trouble in paradise

‘This was unprovoked aggression – bullying’

Marsaxlokk victim won’t press charges

Tents have completely taken over the beach. Photo: Jason Borg
Tents have completely taken over the beach. Photo: Jason Borg
As the police prepare to appeal against the €60 fines handed to five men
Malta is my idea of paradise
But l find this story so out of order of both the people and the place
What has brought people to behave in such a English Way?
Although well used to threats being the order of the day in neighbourhoods in north England
It uncomfortable to hear about this in the beautiful island of Malta


Aug 15, 2012

Talking in the neighbourhood

came back with Jimmy G after a three hour walk around our beacon and area last evening.
Spoke also with my other mate Mr M who is celebrating Ramadan 18 hours in between food, his children told me they will do next year.
But he said it a bit much
we then made informal plan too go out in the canoe`s
but l prefer we go too Staithes as there is  safeguarding issue for me around canoeing

That the youthworker in me, l worry about kidz and how the enviroment is around them
perhaps also it my age
then again l might just be the old fashioned spoilsport type person.
As they say on facebook.

wow you decide

so first there is my attempt to photograph in a panoramic method the fishing village of staithes

a bit about me established in 1958

my character is still forming established in 1958
no way am l the finished article in August 2012
apologies to those of you who would wish the opposite
hello to F.A Glad you read this blog
how are you phone or e-mail?



Staithes is a seaside village in North Yorkshire, England. Roxby Beck, a stream running through Staithes, is the border between the Borough of Scarborough and Redcar and Cleveland. Formerly one of the largest and most productive fishing centres in England, Staithes is now largely a tourist destination.

Aug 11, 2012

check this all about learning

Visual and spatial learners

You have very good visual recall and will be able to remember scenes, objects or faces for many years. You like visually presented information such as charts, pictures, images, keywords display, memory and concept mapping. In a museum, archive or library you will probably respond well to visually stimulating displays, to video, photography and film, and to the use of colour.

Musical learners

You have good auditory recall and will be able to rehearse or anticipate situations by “hearing” them played out in your head.  You respond well to a variety of sounds including environmental sounds, music and the human voice.   You will enjoy sound effects, storytelling, and music in a museum, gallery or archive. 

Kinesthetic learners

You can use your body in highly differentiated and skilled ways. You will learn best by doing, where physical movement aids memory. Many boys are kinaesthetic learners and respond well to interactive exhibits and opportunities to feel, touch and handle, use computers and make things. You may be restless and like to move about during learning activities.

Interpersonal learners

You are able to understand and work with others. You respond quickly to changes in mood and adjust your behaviour accordingly. You enjoy discussions and group work. You are good at giving and receiving feedback. You are likely to respond well to discussion and group activities in a museum, archive or library.

Intrapersonal Learners

You are self-motivated and have a high degree of self–knowledge.   You like time for quiet reflection and the opportunity to develop your thoughts and express these.   You will enjoy spending time alone in a museum, archive or library, researching, thinking and reflecting on the experience before talking about this to others.

Linguistic learners

You are sensitive to the meaning of words, to their order, their sounds, rhythm and inflection, and to their capacity to change mood, persuade or convey information. Many of the learning opportunities in museums, archives and libraries will appeal to your particular learning intelligence.  Many of the people who are attracted to work in museums, libraries and archives will be linguistic learners.

Mathematical/Logical learners

You are a problem solver and can construct solutions non-verbally.  You readily see patterns and relationships in the world around you. You like information to be sequenced in a logical order and to make strong connections between concepts.  In a museum exhibition, for example, you respond well to logical progression through a set of themes or ideas.  Your particular learning style responds well to traditional teaching methods.

Naturalist learners

You enjoy being outside and notice patterns and rhythms in nature. You will have a strong sense what is fair and want to think through the impact of your actions on those around you.   In a museum, archive or library you will enjoy spaces that are airy with natural light, and will appreciate the opportunity to spend some time outside the building as part of a visit.

I am trying to be a better learner
so first l am discovering my style

Figure 1: Learning Styles Index
Sensory learners prefer concrete, practical, and procedural information. They look for the facts.
Intuitive learners prefer conceptual, innovative, and theoretical information. They look for the meaning.
Visual learners prefer graphs, pictures, and diagrams. They look for visual representations of information.
Verbal learners prefer to hear or read information. They look for explanations with words.
Active learners prefer to manipulate objects, do physical experiments, and learn by trying. They enjoy working in groups to figure out problems.Reflective learners prefer to think things through, to evaluate options, and learn by analysis. They enjoy figuring out a problem on their own.
Sequential learners prefer to have information presented linearly and in an orderly manner. They put together the details in order to understand the big picture emerges. Global learners prefer a holistic and systematic approach. They see the big picture first and then fill in the details.
Once you know where your preferences lie on each of these dimensions, you can begin to stretch beyond those preferences and develop a more balanced approach to learning. Not only will you improve your learning effectiveness, you will open yourself up to many different ways of perceiving the world.
Balance is key. You don't want to get too far on any one side of the learning dimensions. When you do that you limit your ability to take in new information and make sense of it quickly, accurately, and effectively.
This article describes one useful approach to learning styles. Other practitioners have different approaches.
l  think l am a mixture of styles naturalist and Kinesthestic

wow what grace

After Violence

After Violence
‘After Violence’ is a new verbatim play by Tom Underwood that interweaves the personal testimonies of victims and perpetrators of violence. The play explores the possibility of forgiveness as a response to violence and the interplay between reconciliation and justice.
At Greenbelt the second act of the play will be performed as a rehearsed reading. The second act interweaves two stories. In 1984 IRA member Pat Magee planted a bomb at the Conservative Party conference and sixteen years later met the daughter of one of his victims. In 1993 Easy Nofemela and Ntobeko Peni were convicted of the murder of Amy Biehl, an American working in South Africa against apartheid, five years later they met Amy’s parents.
“It wasn’t actually until I was standing at the door, knocking at the door that it kind of hit home. With the best intentions in the world, if you were sitting meeting someone who had killed your Father, how would you respond?”
where l live people argue over parking and have this view you should park only outside you own garage.
Me . . my car  . . we not that precious
people argue about washing lines across the street
this time of the year kidz and arguments are common
Conflict is part of our cycle of life
this issue was addresses in GB10
we were there our youth group this was an aspiration
l recall for you
If you are in conflict remember it can very easily be resolved
sometimes it might be best to follow Hadbarka and be patient
that what l learn`t from all this stuff around the issue of conflict
Hey l am an old head these days so l pass on my experience


  • Learning is a process of active engagement with experience
  • It is what people do when they want to make sense of the world
  • It may involve the development or deepening of skills, knowledge, understanding, values, ideas and feelings
  • Effective learning leads to change, development and the desire to learn more

  • To be a learning organisation, CHURCH/SERMON/PREACHER

    should develop and encourage

    • Shared vision of its role and purpose
    • Initiative, team work and flexible approaches
    • Personal and professional development
    • Openness to new ideas and approaches
    So l am left asking if this is what the goverment thinks we need to do to learn

      why are not the churches using these methods from the pulpit on sundays

     most preachers just like telling us what to do

    plus taking an hour or more to do it

    Aug 10, 2012

    What a surprising, and sporty, week it's been!

    What a surprising, and sporty, week it's been! First we hear dumbbell-loving Arnold Schwarzenegger is celebrating his 65th birthday, then we find out that The Queen is the new Bond Girl and finally, we learn that Bobby Davro's dad used to run the 1,500m for Great Britain. Incredible!

    Of course, our own athletic achievements peaked around school sports day, which leaves us in awe of what British gold medal heroes like Mo Farrah and Jessica Ennis have been up to in London.
    What will you be remembering from the games?


    The self centred look at me
    Look at me
    Look at me
    What will you be remembering from the games?

    The self elitism
    The lack of other news
    The unreported street muggings
    The crime and poverty ignored

    What will you be remembering from the games?

    How we completely centred on the London games at the expense of everything and everyone else
    Guess that will not make me popular but it stone clear fact
    What about the switching of God and Spiritual values
    Tell me did you get fooled by it

    "its only the poor who say, having no money is no problem".

    To quote Vicky from the `housewifes of Orange county`
    "its only the poor who say, having no money is no problem".

    So tonight l am exploring sharing the prophet Hadaka with a group he goes up to his watchtower and discovers after sharing and reflecting with God that things are only going to get worse.
    Like the Apes in Planet of the Apes the Babylonians are coming sharpening their spears and mending the nets as he contemplates with God
    It’s going to get worse
    Not better
    WOW the God news bible
    But this is often where we find God in the mix with us
    Jesus also said l am the truth. . .and that truth can be kinda hard to accept some time
    But it still truth
    Listen up its going to get worse

    Aug 9, 2012



    everything kevin waller knows about gardening

    listening to music

    listening to music . . takes alot of my time ..but love listening to music

    Aug 6, 2012

    direct approach 4 hull city

    Steve Bruce may change tactics to get Hull City scoring

    Trusted article source icon
    Monday, August 06, 2012
    Profile image for Hull Daily Mail
    STEVE Bruce admits his Hull City side may need to adopt a more direct brand of football if they are to address their "glaring" attacking frailties this season.
    With 12 days remaining until the start of the new Championship campaign, Bruce made no secret of his frustration as the Tigers drew 1-1 at League One Hartlepool United.​Steve Bruce Hull City
    Direct approach?: Hull City boss Steve Bruce
    Profile image for youwot
    by youwot
    Monday, August 6 2012, 4:51PM
    we was comfortable against a lower division team on Saturday and MR P looked way out of his depth as l have said already Cameron and Aaron McLean did a lot of work but nothing much like lots of games last season along with Jay simo they have peaked at the KC and should be out, we need something from Mr P very soon ...and l said comfortable against Hartlepool..We are in a division higher....worried

    away the tigers Hull 1 hartelpool 1

    so a few pictures from Saturday trip to Hartlepool to watch the tigers warm up and draw to 1st division opposition the first 45 minutes was good football and l was impressed with the pools however disappointed with the second 45 minutes as pool took the lead and city were struggling also technically Manger Bruce got it wrong putting on too many subs

    from what l saw of the new players Fayed was cultured and polished d at the centre of the defence ,however the new German striker Proshwitz looked way out of his depths at this level and l am concerned about his role and position in the Championship
    good crowd and pleasant afternoon out very enjoyable

    Aug 4, 2012

    Hartlepool 1 Hull city 1

    well the first half in this friendly Hull passed the ball well from defence but never threatened and Hartlepool grew more confident bit of pressure from us in the second half, But we went behind to a good break from the Pool. Fought back for a good deserved draw, but against this opposition we should be moving up a gear

    the German (sorry forgot his name) not impressed, McLean and Cameron Stewart ran around a lot ...but no product or finish, Bruce and Dawson good in defense and Fayed looked polished

      Hartlepool 1 Hull city 1

    live from Hartlepool

    Tigers really must do better

    hullcity v hartlepool Guess where l am today and watching the tigers

    We already there around 500 so today there is a chance for the Tigers strike force to ignite. . tickets from £30 to £10 watch what you pay...Hartlepool are a physical side and beat Sunderland last Friday playing us today and Newcastle Tuesday...3 Sunderland players injured last week lets hope we remind ourselves these friendless are that to the lower teams but dangerous obstacle those in league above Sam Collins ex tiger captains the side....Frendlie

    Aug 3, 2012

    funding issue

    So like lots of others we did not get our funding
    Some people may not be used to losing funding applications
    But it not just about the money
    • The effort
    • The wasted meetings
    • Arguing your view
    • Lack of constructive feedback

    Aug 2, 2012

    but hey Freck all that it’s the Olympics

    Freck the Olympics
    l really do not get the Olympics yes sport is important!
    there war and awful evil stuff going on the country of Syria
    poverty gets worse in the UK
    Unemployment is rising
    knife killings in London
    but hey Freck all that it’s the Olympics

    Aug 1, 2012

    Humberside police force "not fit for service"

    The identification today of Read as Christopher's killer follows an independent assessment of the strength of the case against him, carried out by Paul Watson QC.
    He described the weight of evidence against Read as "conclusive".
    In the wake of Read's conviction and identification as a predatory paedophile in 2003, police believed they had a case against him for Christopher's murder.
    Humberside Police say they have solved the murder of nine-year-old Christopher Laverack, whose body was found in Beverley Beck in 1984.
    27 years to solve this case

    Humberside police force "not fit for service" Around this time the police stopped me and crawled under my car to find a rear tyre was faulty and straight to court,
    Another time  caught me speeding down a hill, near bishop burton collage.
    70 at the top 30 at the bottom, speed camera picture at 34 miles a hour level with the camera.

    phew hull city in a frendlie

    Hull City: Steve Bruce relieved as Ben Amos recovers from head blow at Doncaster unable to stop Doncaster's second a 3-1 defeat for the tigers  . . . . . . .worried me.
    1. Ben Amos injury
      Ben Amos was stretchered off at the Keepmoat. 
  • Profile image for youwot
    by youwot
    Wednesday, August 01 2012, 3:15PM
    “and a defender called Collins. . it will be physical and the fans from pols will be up for it!”
  • Profile image for youwot
    by youwot
    Wednesday, August 01 2012, 3:14PM
    “this does not sound good. why are we playing the likes of Doncaster in friendlies? a defeat and 3 major injuries ! also not the best technical response "he`s up and about after the knock" Bruce.this guys is critised for his lack of technicl abiltie WORRIED next upHartlepool anyone fancy a drink at te nearby wingfield castle...of course it have to be cup of tea...Hartlepool beat a strong sunderland last friday so l expect they will be physical up front led by Howard
  • Tomorrow's fish and chips paper. Headlines

    World become each day more violent troublesome place. More divide from corner shop politics, illegal immigration, false religion, bullying a...


    . . . she got a postcard in the mail
    That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
    The simple words he wrote her
    Said he loved her
    How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
    Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
    Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
    The weather's nice, it's paradise
    It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
    They say, "Hello, "
    I miss you so, wish you were here"