Feb 19, 2025

Memories Don't leave like people do, they stay in your video vaults.

Buckler was born in Woking in Surrey and attended Sheerwater Secondary School, where he met Weller and Foxton, according to multiple reports.

The trio formed The Jam in 1972 when they were all still teenagers and released their first single, In The City, in 1977.

By the time they split, they were one of the biggest bands in the UK and several of their hits re-entered the UK singles chart, reflecting their popularity at the time.

It's kind of worry when recording stars one still plays music, pass away. Doesn't feel like he was old. Just drummer in rock N roll group. Memories of those times come to mind.

Recall the people, as a tailors apprentice had mates who wanted the style of this 'mod' influenced group some mates inspired too play in a band.

Memories Don't leave like people do, they stay in your video vaults reemergence when possible.

Feb 18, 2025

You know sometimes Satan, you know he comes as a man of peace.

 There is l feel a danger today in that religious people easily slide into would be versions of easy-going moralism's of the world around. Christians , followers of Jesus, think of authenticity or spontaneity, doing what comes naturally, going with your heart as first response to issues, actions, and relationships.  But our heart can be misleading, emotions govern above mindset, we don't reflect, often we carry on in that vein. Now its about my confession here. 

Often failing to realize the heart is deceitful, and as Jesus warns, full of all kinds of things that would make us unclean.

Romans in the new testament.

Christian ethics means going with the renewed sense of thinking, feelings, even going against the general thinking behaving those alongside us in society.

Bring the Kingdom of heaven to be part of our here and now, in this issue based lifestyle.

Seeing America’s top diplomat sitting at the table with the Russians to negotiate Ukraine’s future—without the Ukrainians themselves—is infuriating. This weak and clueless administration had already given the Russians nearly everything they wanted before negotiations even began. Peace through weakness.

Generally that should be the approach to Satan's advocate Donald trump, DYLANS "Man of Peace" is a track, address's the concept that evil generally, may disguise himself to mislead humanity.
Look out your window, baby, there's a scene you'd like to catchThe band is playing "Dixie", a man got his hand outstretchedCould be the FuhrerCould be the local priestYou know sometimes Satan, you know he comes as a man of peace

Refresh in us today, Lord, our identity as your people, called to bear your image and share your love in and for the world. Inspire us in the unity to which you call us; help us inhabit and incarnate our relationship with you,


There is a mental health crisis in farming. 91% of UK farmers rank poor mental health as one of the biggest dangers in the industry - largely due to financial jeopardy (made worse by the government’s inheritance tax on family farms).

Feb 17, 2025

Comfortable doesn't grow when we are detached from each other.

Feel this weather called people to shrink into place of being comfortable. We saw this attitude around first C19 outbreak. Some where content, yes that's the word, stay in. Have we forgotten we stayed indoors. Detached. isolated, remote.

Heavy words, heavy place to be settled in. Looking internally. The present apathy is due to economic position, realistically many are without. Poorer so little being mentioned, it's affecting how we create cohesive partnerships.

Confident this social way of being, not just a mood, it's new present way of being. Isolated lone side affect, lack concern for others.

Again one of my favourite mantras shouts out. "Comfortable doesn't grow when we are detached from each other". 


Feb 14, 2025

“Sometimes love leaves us too soon".

 “Sometimes love leaves us too soon". On Valentine’s Day — Cherish the love you have that can touch — and the love , may hold in your heart. Mines for special son who`s gone on to the next adventure`.

See you Matthew, when the Honey buzzard lands witness
kestrel fluttering, hear Sparrowhawk screaks. 

Feb 13, 2025

This longest winter, further `BIG FOOT ` search. Well you go off now Matty, "I`ll tell you more....When l get there".

Its been the longest winter, others are saying this. The beach is deserted even the seals found someplace warm. Seaside towns are like dooms day. Armageddon could visit and many wouldn't notice. moneys gets tighter, people look worn out by weather ,worry, woke attitude, wasted money spent by MPs. 

Yet here l sit, year on from the saddest day. Death of Matthew, all the year its been a new experience , summer came, new events, Malta trip Christmas day, a New year all without you son. Talk often to you when see a sparrow hawk fly, kestrel fluttering, honey buzzard sat observing a kill in the fields. Again we talk. thank you for all you taught myself, ask again forgiveness for mistakes l feel made. Would loved to have pushed you for longer on walks, stayed more time when we watched a movie.

Ended the magazines you received, listened to your CDs, still watch your programme about 'Big Foot' hunt. 

Linda,(my friend), talked yesterday about `Black Cat pumas` near her home, listened, saw you listening too desperate to take the phone and interrupt the conversation. The dead are present hear others say, its true. That `big cat` conversation glanced across the empty room, You were there as we both listened intently. 

The `BIG FOOT ` search. Well you go off now Matty, "I`ll tell you more....When l get there".

Feb 11, 2025

Here`s the love test.

 So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end. Love never dies.

SO TAKE A RULER. place your name on paper, how you doing lets start with no 1 how are you at not giving in, how resilient are you?

score out of 12 on the ruler. Do you care about others ?

what about looking at others stuff and desiring another`s life style.

How do you behave when cant get own way? Are you bigheaded ? 

Is co-hesive behaviour way to get others to do for you, or even be with you. Can you try not to keep score when others offend, are you able to offer grace.

Would others describe you as boisterous noisy and upfront among others. WOW this is tough measurement test . Lets keep going forward.

How reliable is your word, the lips that speak, truth coming from your Heart. Do you put up with others along with unfruitful behaviour. Parents often have to display these attributes. Not sure score well at all in some areas, pretty poor at putting up with others, but pray for more tolerance. Can look backward at way others treated myself, been victim of another constantly reminding myself of past. However keep ploughing onwards wanting too see the best in humans around myself.

ALWAYS with me, there room for improvement.

Feb 10, 2025

Then others call your attention to change in the Church hall curtains.

 God never promises us an easy journey in carpet slippers.

OK found that on the web.

Can you feel your faith slipping away? Are you or a loved one questioning what you’ve always believed, accepted, hung onto, based your whole lives around ?

You are not alone, in fact it should be part of the process of faithful person whose Faith is alive.

If you are bit concerned about huge questions, concerns, things that no longer add up. Find oneself asking there’s life beyond the issues thought completely sorted out years ago,  or if you’re trying desperately to understand a loved one who is losing their faith—Issue alive in Church following gathering. Ones you ask about others call your attention to change in the Church hall curtains.

May be like myself becoming odd one, person called names like `Heretic`. Sometimes found myself when younger  having courage to question what we and others believed, grasping that l felt was  growing beyond previous versions of Churchselves.

Churchselves. Those good folks who wont accept any critic or another version of Jesus wants me as a sunbeam. You see then all correct in the world.

You see then it will be OK. In a world that isn't OK.

Christian apologists, (PEOPLE WHO REASON, WORK STUFF OUT, DISCUSS, DEBATE, QUESTION, AND SOMETIMES ADMIT `DONT HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS`).  “What do ‘apostates’ themselves have to say?” 

Let me try put what l attempt into helpful few paragraphs. WE NEED TO EXAMINE , LISTEN ACTIVLY WHY people leave behind a faith that has shaped every aspect of their life and identity.  We must, well should, have the courage to ask difficult , hard, challenging  questions. Need to wrestle, sometimes confess cognitive dissonance, listen with others to Nomadic community's, deconstructing podcasts, authenticity in our searching, new discoveries can lead many to newfound, understanding deeper beliefs and hope on the Christian journey.

“I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” tackles, in touching fashion, the struggle to maintain faith, when the proof of divinity can’t ever be pinned down by us mere mortals. In every verse, the narrator describes his efforts, taking him through all manner of obstacles. And every time that refrain (But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for) returns, a fresh pang of anguish hits once again.

Memories Don't leave like people do, they stay in your video vaults.

B uckler was born in Woking in Surrey and attended Sheerwater Secondary School, where he met Weller and Foxton, according to multiple report...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"