Oct 15, 2024


That DVD you picked up in the shop today couldn't decide to buy or not. Thought yesterday that tomorrow you'd stop prostrating. 

Well this day someone went in to obtain same copy old film you desired. Today, which was tomorrow, yesterday. Anyway in last few hours, this day,  someone decided that they would purchase this DVD. Sadly while you went home yesterday to come in today and purchase it.

No they didn't I got it......

Oct 13, 2024

Another Sunday sermon from "Spiritdelarue".

 “Trigger warnings for Christian themes in literature are demeaning to the Christian faith and stifle the academic progress of our students. To censor expressions of the Christian faith is to erase our literary heritage. True education engages and fosters understanding, not avoidance"!

NO COUNTRY can be a Christian country..you can be influenced by it's traditions,values,policy. But a COUNTRY can't practice following Jesus. Only individuals can make that choice.

Make this argument often, the response to follow Jesus is based on individuals acceptance. Not a community response it's me or you deciding that walk is now your journey.

We gather in community as followers of Jesus, many call this Church. Try to influence society. But society nor country can claim to be Christian without each individuals making own decision.

It cannot be a collective it's your door that gets knocked upon. You open the door or refuse.

Oct 12, 2024

Asking you how are you Co Growing today?


Myself been thinking really its about good networking practices, especially in rural coastal Faith communities. Certain it's like the 25+ age range discovered something few have ever experienced. Accept its not that at all.

Networking, plus including, working together, is essential (however again co growing) perhaps the activity got lost as groups became bigger, programmes got invested in, successful practice was measured by those attending,  forgot to take account of the process of holistic development.

Development of groups and leaders takes time, vocation about `sense of being called along with individual seeking accreditation .

Variety with loud big events is vital, but not at the expense of being together as groups engaged in wider community more often.

Anyway its been done before, however perhaps after C19, lack of social cohesion we found still needs to be achieved at present.

Asking you how are you Co Growing today? 

No its not got that ring about it has it, Whose supporting you in your efforts to understand happenings ?

You see ask these questions, but for the most part get very few direct answers.

Sometimes Co Growing exist in world where YOU have to find YOUR own support.

Taking time to listen to each other, engaging with silence, sharing food, trying new ideas, being with those not normally invited to the table.  Its all Co Growing.

Healthy individuals grow in the above settings, where communities gather often talking, sharing, listening. Society is affected. that's not a little thing but grand process that is costly, needs fresh ideas, expressions, not always valued by whole . But its essential, beautiful missionary.

Oct 11, 2024

LIFE is not a cartoon you laugh at and switch off from.

 The Talmud, Jewish Torra, which form part of our old testament. tells a story of a rabbi who wanted to repent, he puts his head between his knees and bursts into tears. He cries until he dies. With his tears, he finally achieved teshuva

So you are here, then perhaps many includes myself wondering `how to go on`. It is tempting to cut off the feelings, or cut off the process of great grief, to simply not engage. Some chosen this path. Indeed felt like taking that road for a while. 

This guy cried recently thinking about own personal family loss of Matthew. Aggravated by events of October the 7th. Along with retiring and Authority adding difficulties. 

Does this feel emotionally same for you? All appears to too much.

LIFE is not a cartoon you laugh at and switch off from.

Its much more challenging then that.

At present, life must feel like a huge struggle. Which is the place where we are staying. One day it will get better need improvement for better to be in place. 
Other ways it just LIFE,  happening at the CROSSROADS.

Oct 10, 2024

On TV Tonight anyways again political view.

This time chatting little about exploitation of workforce, zero hour contracts plus oppressive practice.

Got very cold here, clear not talking about weather, nor glancing into harsh even cruel way society has become. Placed something in local community that's about being self centered.
Witness this on public transport young feet on seats while old folk stand in aisles. Listening to own media ,while intrude others vocal space. Tattooed women in comic book drabe large 'F#uck of world' headphones.

Unconcerned and unable to face a world looking away from righteous behaviour. Unconcerned about neighbour. Only able to function on Tix Tox, Myspace, Facebook etc. ..  .

World looking away from gathering to talk about large, deep concerns. Frightened to face the fear, unable to grasp  even seek "where might there be hope?".

Oct 8, 2024

Some poetry from 2000 years ago to help me correct myself.

Since your mind will become a temple,
do not leave any filth in it;
do not leave in God’s house
anything hateful to God.
Let us be adorned as God’s house,
with what is attractive to God.
If anger is there,
lewdness abides there too;
if rage is there,
fumes will rise up from there.
Expel grudges from there,
and jealousy, whose reek is abhorrent.

St. Ephren wrote approximately 1,000 poems. Like someone here writes in unorthodox style, 
his works are difficult to translate because of their complex structures, images, wordplays, and parallels. But really worth some persistence, effort.  But Poetry lot to do with own interpretation view, plus reflection.

Looking for Hope in A hopeless world.

Oh by the way health wise, its been awful today worse days health wise of the year.

Oct 7, 2024

On this day can there is still absence of Hope?


Today marks one year since Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, in which about 1,200 people were killed, mostly while they Danced and held a festival around issues of Love and peace. for the last 365 days all of us world wide witness activities, lead by Israel to retaliate, seek revenge, establish another the war in Gaza. Nearly 42,000 Palestinians have been killed in the conflict. this neighbour hood dispute almost a pattern for how not to live . But not just in the modern world its centuries old conflict. I am no expert but see no hope of a brand new tomorrow.
Were told espically in Old testament that God is a creator who wants peace between those not invited to the table along with all outsiders. Wether they wish to be part of happenings, or belong to the gathering.

But when only the dark Has come to night Tell me who's to blame And what's his name You can point your finger But you gotta remember What was done Was done by a man So we gotta tell 'em


That DVD you picked up in the shop today couldn't decide to buy or not. Thought yesterday that tomorrow you'd stop prostrating.  Wel...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"