Sep 30, 2024

Montalbano, “investigations are not what they used to be, uncertain, vague, contradictory, and scatter brained,”


Pretty disappointed in last Montalbano.

Beautiful, engaging, draws me in,  stories with such interesting crimes, romance, topics, political observance, some dodgy catholic theology, deep plots . Such colourful characters, Catteralla bungling admin copper, womanising deputy Angelo, Fazio dedicated. Took me back to the `med`, not Malta but Sicily, however Livia is played by several women on TV so this frustrated myself.

The authors recollections of his birthplace, Criminology, love of culinary meals,  further pulled many into the place. Loved the fact this literacy not theology nor music, had me hooked. often read the novels in 2 days. Quite a feat for me.

These not just books or TV for myself but a place to spend time, whether watching or reading.

I was pretty excited to pick the book up having enjoyed so much the book plus last TV programme, `the Sicilian method`. 
Where Montalbano leaves Livia and the job for a new Love. Yeah that was hard cruel and difficult to watch/read.

That felt like an ending. But this last book took on different stroke with the Author playing a part where he appeared on the lines and in the story. References that where about Ego?, or vanity on part of the 91 year old Author Camilleri. who we found out was also now Blind.

This only brought confusion to this reader.

Wont spoil the story which is classic Camilleri , but warn you perhaps the whole series should have stopped at last episode.

Anyway persisted and still got one book to catch up on.

“Your investigations are not what they used to be. You’re too often uncertain, vague, contradictory, and even scatter-brained,” 

Sep 29, 2024

Flying through Gods Cathedral.

 Alongside the car as we drove over the Moors. It appeared so witchy, so off another world. Together in silence Matty and his Dad...We observed. Silent small Owl, whose to say or knows if this Owl was aware of us.

Like a movie in slow motion. Had the creator decided speaking in a mysterious way. The darkness still arriving. Time rested. With gratitude observed all movement, the graceful turning as it went over the car appearing slightly to drivers side then going away.

Often we had natural wildlife encounters. All filled with wonder, so many recalled from the video vaults in our shared memory.

May you have LIFE moments to wonder at, share, reflect at creators evidence.

Smile on Matty's face at these times.
Cuppa in hand, later as we

Sep 28, 2024

Life going so fast,nephews even got homework.

What can l say Hull City had a good win. 4_1 against Cardiff.

Nephew got me spending on him, every penny was worthwhile, we talked laughed , listened again to 'Lord of the rings' soundtrack. He's got homework plus staying at his Auntie's.

Life going so fast, nephews even got homework.

Talks in words l have no idea how of meaning. When we go to shops he asked for stuff as l don't have a clue about his wants. 

" Oh your just old uncle Kevin, no really old" .

Who knows where the times goes as another chilly Saturday in autumn ends. How lucky am l. May you be blessed also with wonders, joy, thoughts. Love of not knowing. Plus hot soup, warm jackets spuds or maybe a curry.

Hope your day is as joyful as mine 

'Hey ,hey, Matthew' my son, your not forgotten by me and nephew Lain.

Sep 27, 2024

Entertainment fixes for wet windy day.

What you're getting on this shadow album,' says The Edge, 'Is that raw energy of discovery, the visceral impact of the music, a sonic narrative, a moment in time, the exploration and interaction of four musicians playing together in a room… this is the pure U2 drop.

'How to dismantle atom Bomb'...Album title.

ITS an Album not listened too nor conversed about great deal. Not my favorite in back catalogue. But on windy wet day should revisit this.

Meanwhile revisiting for myself first DVD, bought for me 25 years ago, Traffic...its proving worth rewatching. Held my interest,  however very convoluted story. Drugs relationships, crime and justice.

Better then Bambi. Also listening too music group,WAR, so underrated, one of best funk outfits from 70`s and 80`s.

Stay warm, stay dry, stay in touch.

God Bless.

Sep 26, 2024

Still the UK roll's from crisis to chaos to more crisis, yet the church is silent.

Yet the church is silent.  Still the UK roll's from crisis to chaos to more crisis, yet the church is silent. Silent, Silent.

Wrapped up in keeping buildings open, warmth, structures faculties, words. but Silent when we have so much to offer.

Some of what we have to offer is deeply spiritual very relevant plus pretty Rock N roll.

Bonhoeffer was known for his staunch resistance to Nazi dictatorship, including vocal opposition to Hitler's euthanasia program and genocidal persecution of the Jews. He was arrested in April 1943 by the Gestapo and imprisoned at Tegel prison and later Flossenbürg concentration camp. After being accused of being associated with the July 20th plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler, he was quickly tried and then hanged on April 9, 1945.

We can look outwards to modern saints some lived within my life time. BONHOFFER, OSCAR ROMERO, CHE GUAVARA.

Also explore modern prophets, ethical conduct in, COE report `Bias to the poor`. Frontline writings, Biblical exploration a plenty. There is no excuse for followers of Jesus to be silent about injustice, poverty, poor education, lack of housing, miseducation of young, lack of resources.

We got something different.
We`ve got something better.
We`ve got a servient King to share as an example.

Why are we some embarrassed even ashamed to point others to our heritage?

We have so much to say that will by our words, bring us into encounters, relationships, where we bring hope. Standing alongside the outsiders forge relationships with dialogue, where our policies in biblical context can bring renewal, hope, and promote harmony. Yes we can shout at the chaos. Bring power to the down trodden. Yet we remain silent.

“Middle class Christians enjoy helping the poor much more than the poor enjoy being helped. 'Charity' is a dirty word in working class culture."
Equal relationships should be established to talk, refresh, discover, listen and work out best way to combat issues many face.. Kevin Waller Church Pastor.

Sep 25, 2024

Yours is yours.

Talking about own Money is a slippery slope.
Quickest way to create jealousy , opens you to others misunderstanding . 

Don't Share with any, how you are doing with money, cash flows, stewardship, l suggest details about your `Economic well being`, or not so well being. Simply your business.

Always, repeat Always, leads

to unrequited judgments.

See that lot on current batch of government ministers, whether it's 10 ministers using tax money for vanity photography.
Pensioners that been robbed. Etc... Stewardship of own resources should not require a person to share intimate details of outgoings or income streams .
That's my detailed thought for the day.

 Seriously this is great bit of advice. Probably been stolen or borrowed from elsewhere. However still worth following.

Sep 24, 2024

“That’s a fugazy.”

That's a fugazy?
How do you know it's a fugazy?

- You looked at it for two seconds.
- These are fake.

I know what a fugazy is.

Hey, pal...

You want to see something?

I'm gonna show you something.

There you go. Nice stones.
That's a beautiful thing.

Yeah, that's a beautiful thing, but it's not my thing.
What about this?

You wanna be a dumbskie. Give it a shot.

Dumbskie? You're calling me a dumbskie?

 teachers, and those who attempt to leads cults are not just evident in outside world but exist in Church of the followers of Jesus.

 (Matthew 7:15) In this case, Jesus is suggesting that there is intent in the wicked works of these bogus prophets. They come from among the flock, meaning they profess to be believers.

Jesus indicates that these false teachers are persons who seek and to gain from their evil acts, (some of this is directed again in James 3.)  Faith in God always leads to a believer participating in good works. Add kind words, actions that assist others, strong commitment to battle Injustice, engaging against oppression, maybe LIFE long challenge to behave anti- oppressive manner. If possible.

As James notes in this very chapter, this does not mean perfection (James 3:2), but it does mean our deeds and words should reflect our faith in God.

Experience in my own work practice is that false teaching such as,` Praying for Israel`, but not supporting Others in middle east is false teaching based on first temple Judaism. False prophets quote often out of context the Bible. 

False prophets do not like engagement, nor open honest level five conversation. surround themselves with weak people who are pretty submissive.

Communication l find is good way to source out a persons theology, along with the relationships they are forming. Discord can easily come about when we debate. The test is how quickly we accept then resolve differences. But disharmony does raise up in Church.

Sep 23, 2024

Great British Life 24/09/2024.

The rain came to soak this guy at the bus stop, when bus arrived all steamed with up water trickling down inside flooring.

His main meal was last nites pasta with odd slice of ham added. Drizzled over with anchovies and capers.
As he sat reflecting on grey 24 hours asked himself, Did the news carry details of another Gun slaughter in America? Was there more bombings, killings in middle East?
Church bells echoed through the grey damp `sea fret` that enveloped the area since dawn. This day ended, very simply another new day arrived. Before retiring he sipped a lemon puff into warm Horlicks.
Next morning all around the vulnerable, got up early, `care in the community` never sought it's client. A slightly challenged young women remained in debt. No facilitator arriving to be alongside her.
Bones of Homeless ex soldier creaked in `wet tent`, in bushes in town hall gardens. Echo's in his mind, faded slightly as morning began.
A pan handler asked for more loose change to fund a habit. Habit they get no help to change.
Transport that was expected to take some to hospital appointments never arrived.
Deputy Prime Minister with her thousands of pounds of free clothes, her luxury free holiday,  her publicly paid photographer? Lecture us at Labor conference Liverpool.
England in Great Britain on 24th 09 in the year 2024.

Sep 21, 2024

slight recap....

 Most my life been outside of the fence

Faith been lived on the edge.

Journey been along the cliff tops,

Often also best views.

Not the wide sun blessed sandy beaches

Avoided the rule keepers. 

Well truth is they avoided me equally. 

Held tight to the lawbreakers...only people really encountered professionally.

Embraced a theology entitled, `being different `.

It got to stay that way, odd little guy overweight bit unlucky chose only way he could, the road very less journeyed along.

Not easier route

But for myself it the only route l could follow.

Still its me, nomadic Kevin.

Sep 20, 2024

Inside this older, aged, unhealthy, slightly cranky, body...remember there still me here, trying to be better.

 PLEASE. Don`t forget that.

Still trying just not always got the energy  required. Nor the patience. Sometimes the sense of who you are is damaged, slightly broken not working so well not much HOPE of that changing.

Loved the fact that tried this morning to watch a film, happy to reject this movie. It was not working for myself. Just to be clear still use DVD`s as method of watching films. Or stuff recorded from the box. (TV).

Plus wake up at `Stupid o Clock` each day. Worn out by mid day bed for few hours. Its just the me that l became.

Try hard to stretch myself each day. Walk further, sleep less, read more, Converse deeper. just not possible.

Read about stuff don`t know stuff about.

Loving the feedback.

Sep 19, 2024

LIFE shared joy Experienced.

Got so much joy from music, it enables cultural exchange without any deep reflection. You like this track …just Listen. Can you grasp the emotional trail, have you protested with those word's. This may be a Bagra mix...It's pure romance...proper classical Gaz ..WoW...Then we engage further.

Talking today with some of our students, about a Film ..Bollywood film 'Devdas...'epic ..yes one girl said to the other, "That's your homework watch that before tomorrow".

Actually a massive task it's over three hours. Part parable, part cartoon, part music video, part well lots. Joy. 

"Try Cinema paradiseo...." Added me.

Several cultures talking ,sharing, gathering, exchanging. LIFE.

Joy, laughter ,education, etc...

 All very 'level 5' communication, disclosure, open, honest, valuable.

Sep 18, 2024

Wooden puppets still alive in 2024.

You learn something new often. People are still warring in middle east. Rich still getting richer. Prices still rising. Colds returning, nights drawing in. Oh plus, 'Love's still in need of Love today'.

Puppets correct me if wrong, image in Godfather francize.

Nature where this Dad still goes to talk with loved and missed my son Matthew. Music can heal. Get lost in films. Putting weight on. Growth still doesn't grow in comfortable.

You, well still missed.....Sign off for today.

Sep 17, 2024

Its not a good witness. Not a good look.

Read some stuff on twitter platform Also seen harsh comments on Face book. Heard stuff on other modern social media platforms. Christians warring over keyboards.

Its not a good witness. Not a good look. Bad.

We are not called to be "herd of online bullies", using social media like a thug talks to vulnerable in the playground.

Then follows is rush to judgment. Hurting those who not in same thought process nor 'having our understanding'!

End up hurting those in our tribe, have experienced this, results hurtful, very difficult to accept. (Who knows my discipline, you base that on a view Kevin holds. Or theory about political statement. The music may like, or spending time watching football). We judge others for trivial stuff, actually when they may be more faithful, more honorable in God’s sight than we are.

Can put forward that both you and myself in relation to social media especially ,`face book, Twitter, watts up,` etc... need to ask God, the Lord to do  transforming work in our hearts, Minds and rest of our lives. 

Its God’s glory, my own good, and the Yourself that needs to exercise great control. Can it be that because its not always in front of us, that we allow unkind, harsh words to be placed onto this mediums? 

Words hurt. Words are easier to place into the cosmos. Harder to get cancelled.

 Time to engage more with our minds, rapidly grasp hurt we are causing. Stop it. let’s stop relentlessly sniping at each other. Laughing putting each other down.

With myself ,encourage us to remember that those in our tribe are allowed different view, they are part of the Bride of Christ. The Church, our brothers and sisters.

Sep 16, 2024

The won't change...They got something better then loving others that works for them.


Sun been so warm today, jobs been done as expected. NHS lets me others down again. Smile while they do this.

Government bang on form targeting the sick. Poverty increasing, Rich getting Richer. Gaps between those who are Rich against those excluded and outside remains huge gulf 

Then again 'Whose keeping the record of the weakest plus the plight they face?

 Can't be the only one, switching off the TV much more, concentrated on old Programmes, well 'Enemy at the door ', Classic Emmerdale.

Enemy at the door about, invasion of the Channel Islands between 1940 and 1943. It was hastily labelled by some as ITV's answer to Secret Army (BBC, 1977-79), as both looked at Nazi occupation from the twin perspective of the invaders and the civilian population and shared many of the same writers.

Listened to music on Vinyl. Frustration that not beaten poverty. In Late sixties Henry Kissinger stated..." We can end poverty in this lifetime". Pointed to end of that decade.

Someone else must been keeping records of the weak. Stupid to believe political classes further their master's would want to address this issue.

Greed is the river running through their veins of the Political class. They won't change...They got something better then loving others that works for them. Two things. Firstly not the property of Jesus. Secondly they got hearts of stone.

Sep 15, 2024

Describe today in 10 words. I go first....











I am one of many guy's who was brought up using Jumpers for goal post. Fatty went in Goal. If got picked last still picked last next game. Played even when street lights came on. Bought stale pastry from baker, then you went camping for the day. Bought huge bottles of Dandelion and Burdock, burped all way home. Also knew fortnight was 24 days in total. 

Plus fiddling with your tranny under the sheets late at night, well we all did it. Trying to listen to Radio Caroline...While Jigsaw sang...Label Lost and Found ..Across the Airwaves.

Tell anyone in Communist Starmer Britain...' you've fiddling with your tranny under the sheets late at night'...Get arrested and jailed for 4 years.

Sep 13, 2024

Lets be inspired again....

 I was truly totally burnt out, having spent 5 years fighting on my own to highlight the many injustices that I saw every day. Many desperate people approached me daily who felt they had nowhere else to turn, having heard of me through my work on many documentaries such as The Betrayed Girls, Panorama, File on Four etc etc as well as from bringing the story of The Rochdale Grooming scandal to our screens as Programme Consultant on the drama ‘Three Girls’ with

And so in my naivety I decided to start my own charity, little knowing the stress, the graft, the challenges and the hurdles that needed to be overcome. I just didn’t have a clue. And the challenges and stresses are still a feature of my daily life, and I’ll be honest and say sometimes I wonder whether it’s worth it, and whether I just want my own life back….
I couldn’t let today pass without marking our 5th Birthday!

Grateful for the honesty often portrayed by this Lady, feel we men don't always get this honesty in our reflections. (After about 9 thousand years we are still a work in progress us males.) Talking about sharing the high ands lows.
yesterday was difficult conversation about mistrust, also ignoring warnings.
  •  Felt the manager simply did not grasp truthfully word, that l as lead professional, was saying. 
  • No recognition of previous sign posting along with clear written comments on recording sheets.
  • Informed observations which also high lighted in email communication.
 Not that people don't bother, confident they only do what is required.
Yet safe guarding always aligns what you must do!
What you should do!
@MaggieOliverUK was in a position where she was not listened too.
 Eventfully found another way of bringing issue to the forefront
This can be discovered by watching some of the above 
also read the following...

When detective Maggie Oliver first discovered that children as young as 10 were being groomed, abused and trafficked for sex by gangs of men in the Rochdale area, she felt like a lonely voice calling for people to act. Banging on closed doors, it seemed that nobody was able or willing to help her save these vulnerable girls, but she couldn't just sit back while countless lives were being destroyed forever in plain sight. Instead, she launched a one-woman campaign to bring down these sickening gangs. 
Just A Child tells the heartbreaking story of how a young girl from Rotherham was abused by her drug-dealing 'boyfriend', eventually giving birth to his baby, right under the nose of the very authorities who were meant to protect her. When reality dawned and Sammy realised she was one of countless vulnerable child victims - many of whom were trafficked around the north of England - she took it upon herself to blow the whistle and save others from a similar fate.
These are both difficult issues in a world, a society, communities who exist alongside the promenade walks, the sea breeze blowing in our faces, the big footed clown with the coulerful balloons. Its a dark world. Its a world where abuse is part of life for too many. We need to look up look  around us. But also need to listen.
Not forget those who are telling us about LIFE we wish to turn away from. They will encounter difficult , Dark individuals. 
Try make sure that's not us men, Not me, Not you.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"