Aug 30, 2024

Some different opinions enveloped knowledge.

Just few thoughts as many times from just one direction, little ole me, as been called heretical.  Our faith, followers of Jesus, those Christians. ( This was first used as name to mock followers), those early days of the developing Christian church. Viewpoints started to arise about just who the person, nature, purpose, identity of Jesus Christ was being understood. Some different opinions enveloped knowledge. these discussions became ideas that secreted, challenged, apostolic orthodox tradition. 

Who was Jesus the Christ ? What would be purpose of the emerging Church? Further it really was emerging, but the Acts further the letters in New testament identify some issues. 

Really important` thinking, plus actions`, about the Churches motivation. Jesus  had truly lived among us in human form. That he had been with the father Jehovah God since the formation of the Earth. Luckily at these times still evident where some who had known Jesus personally. `Knew he had cooked fish on the beach', spoke to the woman at the well...Cried when his friend died. Suffered pain on the cross. Resurrected back to life from empty tomb. Appeared to his mates Disciples`.

These are not questions to debate. But questions around the stories Ark ,Noah, women wearing hats in Church, Worship, music taste's, Bible reading, evidence and relationships, role of interfaith working, what is mission?

All these are up for debate plus discussion. Are we relevant to issues others are facing? How is justice dealt to the poor? Do we care about those who have not heard? Is Hell a Biblical concept?


Aug 29, 2024

In Todays take on's Kevin..."Put me please, put me on"


Someone's playing with topical political issue.
Plus the reforming of `OASIS` .who hit gold in music charts with CIGARETTES AND ALCOHOL, as indeed did Dr Feelgood.
I know my stuff. Banning smoking in pub gardens please what next from the communist Stalinist government.?

Hull city my home town team also known as, `The Tigers` have brought in the likes of Liam Millar, Charlie Hughes, Anthony Racioppi and Mason Burstow, with a clear emphasis on bringing players in on permanent deals. Not Bad dealings so far.

Poor journalism, controlled by adverts lacking informative stories or impartial views.
Lacking impartiality. but RIDDLE me this? Have the people jailed been allowed legal aid. Why where so many young girls aged 13 -17 running to create chaos at the mosque. What was there experience of Islamic manhood to warrant such involvement?
Question warrants some thought without in any way accepting the foolishness of the actions. Additionally why where so many men at this Mosque armed? The evidence can be gained from EYMS buses cameras as they where diverted from normal routes. Why did the police not ask 100s of Islamist gathered to disarm ?

All these people looking at ME.

 Today 917  Yesterday 1272 This month 68811 Last month 1120226......No Comments. is it the Police.

Aug 28, 2024

Waiting for still small voice of reason.

Like comfortable slipper, like bookends in wooden case of reading journals. Happy with chill wind, bit of rain. It's like a promise ..Time is travelling..WOW.

It's gone quick 'that journey least travelled'. But for all there is Drama, chaos, trouble, and strife. 

One thing believe witnessing is breakdown of communication. Lack of response between individuals,hence the community don't communicate. Society led by 'political elite liberal lefties',don't even wish to communicate. Nore do the 'liberal leftie elite', feel desire to communicate to individuals. Happens in minor transgressions between people at local level. But act is deliberate. Society how LIFE without my input.

Witnessed the viterol between the journalist. So disturb that no longer enjoy watching. Neither do we methodical explore social media for news information. Wait for still small voice of reason.

Aug 27, 2024

Milestone personally happening soon .

Making plans to retreat someplace else. Spending time away from the place that not really home. It's just a place drop my head. Been the same for a while. Unsure why no longer feel belong here,  first place where not done any face to face encounters. That's one reflection. Always travelling from here to another place. So planning to depart for quiet a while. There a milestone happening at end of the month.

Aug 26, 2024

Your efforts are worthwhile.

Last bank holiday of a hot summer, long summer, Without my ‘Dear son Matthew’ Summer.
It’s been strange going places we used to go suddenly no wheel chair to push. No hills to climb with Matthew having upper body workout. Not keen on cafes without you son. Time there is sweet but sad. Although moments are longer.

There is the Bird life visiting my focal reminding me of your time with God. Comfortable and at peace in his creation. Few notes to log all findings.

The kindness offered each day his my commitment as an individual, commitment to larger community. Which if accepted impacts plus effects large even cosmic Society. As ordinary people we can simple aspire to do little things, even if others think they are caring making moments. There all kinds of social situations where a kind effort will either fall flat or be accepted. It will either be a social no show in the communities mishap, or be  inspired gathering, has hinted at yesterday Society may not value your gatherings action. It may be excruciating event. Or it may be where few outsiders are valued, where old folk gets warm meal, maybe the outcast sits around the table feeling invited. The rewards are witnessed in a cosmos called paradise.
Perhaps…or perhaps not…still worthwhile.

Aug 25, 2024

Sorry too shock you.

Sometimes when this northern soul, exploring what's worth discussing or blogging about. Well also looking for those singing from same song sheet.

It doesn't take a great deal of searching to find surprisingly some people of influence thinking like myself.

You may have just dropped a hot drink down your lap reading that. Sorry it shocked myself also.

"Find surprisingly some people of influence thinking like myself" .

Sorry again, enjoy the rest of your day. 

Aug 24, 2024

Have l always been this placid....Answers please.

By remaining detached from present situation politically, the riots, immigration discussion, Situation in middle East. It's my own view Kevin's can offer little. Emotionally not responsive. Prayfully awaiting.

Being pretty blunt. No one too bothered by my expression so float along. Till can work out honest practical view. No present platform whose sonic makes me feel comfortable to join in among. 

After reflected, will discuss, will listen, will share my thoughts, will try to respond in kindest most informed manner.

Perhaps it's age thing....yeah sure with myself it's age. Or have l always been this placid ?

Answers by well used methods.

Aug 23, 2024

Quote of the Day...Digestion brings appropriate reflection.

Encounters with others can be magic sense of spending time with family plus friends. Also making new relationships. Even with people who are intolerant of you, further your tribe. The magic comes when meet up again plus getting to know the others views. How they arrived at different to You.

Listening is the key. Listening with more then your ears. Listening actively.  Eventually know the non verbals. Making your few...stress that few... questions open.

Communication is a place. Place with skills we never stop developing. Curiosity leads us further on in getting to know others.

Meals plus food shared are next steps in encounter's. Again that magic. Magic develops as you share common area of sitting enjoyment eating. Sharing a meal allows questions to be paced with silences. Digestion brings appropriate reflection.

Quote of the day indeed. Even conflicts end when we discuss events. Peace gets brought about. But we appear to not value the magic l have alluded too.

Listening, getting to know other. Dialogue, debating, reflection. All going out of Vogue. Bit like me even. But insist practice these values as often as you can as sojourner the,'Road even less travelled'.  

Aug 22, 2024

perhaps the Christian message is going in that direction?

The knights templers knew about discipline. Hard plight and serving others. Knew about call to pray, Rituals, steadfastness, stewardship. But they got mislead into a plight to recover relics. Also had riches they were guilty of plundering.

Knew about need for networking, developing communities . In the search for the  Holy Grail, alongside Jews plus Saracen fighters. Had common role.

They succeeded eventually in restoring Jersulam. Although eventually retreated historically ended up in Valletta where the Auberge remained rich.

The biggest failure was in not being able to disconnect from Teachings of valour and majesty. Verses the principals of Kingdom building as taught on the sermon on the mount.

They are mislead into Battles, plenty of them. Costly wars many riches spent. Poor preparation. Plus willingness to follow weak biblical teachings. Leadership that was about power further domain.

Not Humble example of a risen Lord.

Mostly now they are unknown hidden mythical stories. But somewhere there is a kernel of truth still evident that something was vital. But this remains Lost perhaps the Christian message is going in that direction.

Aug 20, 2024

Got great idea to clear prisons. Death penalty for any who have killed in name of terror or claimed mental illness after killing.

 A Labour spokesman boasts that he will empty the prisons of real criminals & replace them with protestors. this is tyrannical govt  are oppressing the working-class. 
Labour government that blatantly boast, because Labour knows that the judges are in their side. Where is the separation of power? Principalities are at work here. If the judges are acting in the best interest of the dictator! Keir Starmer, due to his previous practice neither naïve nor constitutionally illiterate. Confident precisely critical to democracy is separation of powers. He knows essential for courts to check on executive overreach. A government calling concerned citizens Racist , far right, criminals, is weak attack. The Home Office calls citizens, further those challenging them criminals. At this point in 2024 nothing, further no indigenous person is safe under Starmer. he sees everything has threat to him, even within himself. Same can be said about foreign policy. Others like Israel do not trust this,` Thesis of Evil`, present principality of Labour government in UK 2024.


Death penalty for any who have killed in name of terror or claimed mental illness after killing.
mental illness after killing others, lets start with Lee Rigby's killers and Southport killer.

Aug 19, 2024


There was a time we shared a meal cost less then the bum on the corner held.

Holidayed for a day on lake. Water lapped our feet. We are moving to no longer connected, or were we learning to be alone, disconnected, unsure of personal devastation ahead.
Dusted off few bottles of wine, cans of larger. Happy times.
Perhaps heads hearts got turned became soured.

Work slow, poorly paid. Hard, youth setting, poorly funded. But Vision was held so felt rich. Streets were like the toughest areas. Youth were the nicest. Rewards came as experience got valued. Practice got measured the qualifications arrived. Many around us shared the little resources they held. Older folk who been placed in tough communities for decades. Pleased others had chosen to Stay. 

Stayed because it got under their skin. Hoped for better. Stayed. Even though better never came the client base needed that resilience. Technologies never as fasts like others held . 
Stayed born near by. Stayed invested in home, kids at school.

We had Love that was enough. Look back at emotional Hell relation as it became. Do people Wish they had stayed. Hungry years where tough learning platform. But worth repeating?


Aug 18, 2024

Kingdom values and lost courses.

You see the Kingdom way is different. The Kingdom values are better.

The Kingdom way is simple, Love God, Love others, follow Jesus. So much better that Zacchius climbed a tree, to see what was different. He got curiousity.

Jesus called him down invited himself to tea at 'crooked gezzas' home. This encounter led to Zacchius moving from conviction to Commitment.

Simply the Kingdom way. Zacchius gave up so much as recalled in Luke 16. When he discovered a different, a better way. The Kingdom way. Simple encounter..may all your encounters this day, this week, this journey be a blessing, may they be simple.

Encounters are Kingdom methods being displayed.

Aug 17, 2024

The place we can call Church.

This thesis of Evil is corrupting the Church.

At period when Evil one is on a rampage supported by Atheist Labour government.

Churches want to be known a community gatherings.

Displaying flags further images of WOKE communist supporters.

We gather as followers of Jesus. That place is where our worshipful presence can be identified as Church. Such places should not compromise.

Everyone is welcome. But not welcome to replace our values. Our purpose, our mission, our nature, these shouldn't be compromised by Authority nor Power. 
Principles of spiritual dimension are at work. So asking, are we awake to the compromising forces at work within. Are we?

Aug 16, 2024

Just me wondering about Kingdom stuff.

So getting ready for sea trip just a few hours away in reality. Period of fun plenty sunshine the season is ending.

Moments of hot air. Will in time arrive as political classes gather.

In time around Mid 1260s efforts to establish the 'kingdom' existed in the world of 'Templar knights'. Misunderstood period. Hijacked group. Events lifestyle and movement that was about -theological attempts to establish- Kingdom here on Earth.
Confusing slightly misguided. Power hungry. But efforts where simple.
Provide hospitality. Protect all on a journey. Present Kingdom values. They had lot of success in this area. 
Why was it not successful?
Authority, plus power took advantage. Privilege got a hold, people compromised. Values became distorted.
Knights fell. Values got lost. Powerlessness and humility should have been virtues they embrassed but why. Was it simple because of what was handed down wrongly.(Scripture).
Hope died. Bigger thesis of evils crept in destroy such noble standard? How did monk Knights loose sight of call to "worship Jesus by establishing Kingdom values", fade. Many years later this is presently craved for.
How did they loose the vision?. Why can we not achieve this even today?  Because these values are fundamental to Faith of followers of Jesus  
Why are we so much short of establishing very much close to what our vision is about?
Get back to you about this while you ponder.

Aug 14, 2024

There always a better tomorrow just hours away.

The road is long with many a turning off, it leads to who knows where, or who knows when it ends?

Six months since Matty left our sides. Few tears still fell today. Harbour lights coming on earlier. This day felt longer.

Breeze bringing promise of Autumn. Cup of tea warms hand's. It's one of those days which arrived at odd stage.

It's a get through this to 'better tomorrow kind of day'.  Also known as LIFE.

… If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another.

Aug 13, 2024

That Hot long summer day. Not such bad journey is it?


This journey gets interrupted by health. Eat fresh fruit from Barrow Boys in town.

Bought enough to keep two homes going for wee while. Heading home after lots of testing got prescription Enough fruit to share with others.

Spoke to local street singer, paid my dues plus offered kind best wishes. 

Her journey includes home soon,  heading soon to begin regional university.

How's your journey going?

What does normal look like?

What new encounters await?

Mines pretty Nomadic, reflections, isolated, long sully walks. Staying in forest plus the shades.

Sometimes enjoy long hot summer. When Autumn arrives the chill will be welcomed. But enjoy your journey.

We getting lot of expert reasons as to why the UK is so violent. So divided, so damaged. Even cartoonist normally associated with Church publications express biased view.

You see it's not that simple. Nor will present bunch of Stalinist regulations improve the division.
Presently locking up arresting and detained very young People.
The youngest charged are two 12 year old kids.

Reread that. Poor indictment on our unhinged leaders.
Already presented the Questions. Not getting any answers.
Some journeys lacking reflection. Lacking purpose some journeys are uncomfortable.

That Hot long summer day. Not such bad journey is it?

Aug 12, 2024

Suns not the only demon out today.!

The sun today's been a demon. As far as l know it's a demon in name only. 

Summer not been sensational, not comfortable. Considerably expensive for family's on odd days away. But lack of concern further vision from organisers.

Treats like iced cream , cold drink, not like Mediterranean affordable. Everything wired up for profit plenty of that 

Jested recently About the price of lamb's. Fields are full of sheep. But not within price range of many. Hence it's not stocked local.

Live in a Fishing port yet there no wet fish shops selling the catch. Rather export to foreign shores more money for efforts.

That's a scandalous attitude. Further unjust. You have harbour but can only watch the fish being landed.

That witnessed by those not provided for, issue not discussed. It's about greed. It's about those who have, those who can't,those who get left behind.

Yes it's slight but it's evidence of a society that's switched it's values 

Suns not the only demon out today.! 

 "Israel does not mean those who “believe in God”; it means those who “wrestle with God".

Aug 11, 2024

Summer 2024…….and then some.

Noise appears to always be a measure of seaside events.

Expensive cheap plastic toys, for snotty nosed kids. Overweight old men showing own saggy skin.

Girls with cellulite on display.

Toothless middle aged tattooed women holding cans of cheap cider.

Artificial leg of the amusement arcades. Greedy seagulls swoop down shite everywhere.

Sand got into the carefully wrapped sandwiches.

Sound of they jolly fat laughing police man echo's all day.

Seafret arriving and night is cooling. Suns been ablaze 27% in the shade.

Crazy golf was pretty tame, rolled down my trousers legs, brushed sand from beneath my feet. With my fudge, plus can of tango waiting for late bus.

Then time to retire at home, and watch a movie.

Aug 10, 2024

Summer 2024 they say is one of significant change !

It may have been a summer of significant change at Hull City with a flurry of players leaving along with manager Rosenior, but owner Acun Ilicali remains bullish about the club's prospects for the upcoming campaign suggesting they can go one better. 

Positive update from Hull chairman earlier in the week, then two signings many felt are positive, feels better supporting Hull City this morning. Boss man other staff have admitted that he had not had the input into City and the transfers due to Fenerbahce involvement over the past month, however this was going to change over the coming weeks.

There is a lot to be done and I think he will really realise that at 5pm on Saturday. Unsure what team additions will play but last few weeks teams not ;looked like a soccer team more of a non league gathering.

But great to hear from everyone about football today many are looking forward to more exciting players coming through the door over the next few weeks.

Also good to belong to something gaining a sense of community.

Aug 9, 2024

Mess will still be here.

There lots of exercises to enable better development of self. Ways to tune out, drugs if want to drop out. Escapes if want to be out! 
Coaches to teach you those ways. 

Books you can read, tapes you can listen too. Residentials will take your money. But the world, plus all the mess still here In the morning. or when you return.
So simply invest in You. Read a while. Watch a film. Or don't.

 Connect with others. Take a walk. Close the curtains. Or don't.

Watch the TV ..Or don't. Then face the day and all it's messiness.
That's all can offer, always have to face the mess.


Aug 8, 2024

Normal can be a Social Audio.

Today been stretched, computer froze. Lost work further time spent on this project. Authority claim not to have report into condemned roof.

Buses didn't connect,  later this day was brought into conversation didn't want to be part of...

Not good at cutting people out. But got to improve fearful my silence is interpreted as acceptances.

Uncomfortable with biased views that witnessing from Christian Cartoonist ,such views inform the debate. Churches are putting the image into own Social Audio. Not good sonic. 

Money too tight to mention. Time passed very quick.

He left her, she can't communicate that to myself. Far too many hospital visits plus prescription cant be filled . Food prices going through the roof.!

Aug 7, 2024

Still a pilgrim on the platform of faith

Not long ago battling illness, driving long distances into range of mountains. Unable to secure lodgings sometimes sleeping in car. Life was challenging it was not quite enough. My love of my vocation drove me to attempt. Praying for some practical support, unanswered. Onwards.

Time passed illness got worse, personal direction changed. Work felt able to complete was not possible. Regrets haunted myself .

Nights in a sleeping bag were uncomfortable. Tents was it better, poverty shared lodgings not always easy. Cardiac issue triumphed Still remorseful about incompleted task.

Life not like a mountain range, you don't always reach the fulfilment of tasks.

However what a gass, what a delight to have tried. What blessing that still here aware of the mountain, still climbing difficult moments. Still wanting to reach for the best. Still a pilgrim on the platform of faith.

Your travels are valuable. Enjoy the challenge. Keep on reaching.

Oh yeah unanswered prayers. Suppose you just gotta thank God for them. 

Aug 6, 2024

We theological equipped, ponder on the silence of the prophet?

Apparently look like a pirate. Let you work out which is myself, which is someone on my charge.

Living in a society with too few 'Robin Hoods'. Far to few Pirate's. Gotta be a song or two there.

Like the picture above got 'two tier system. Political and Law' is bringing bigger problems then it should.

Interesting someone called the political party's 'Puppertiars', with us below them on strings. Power is protecting the elite who are presently threatened by behaviour around them. Elite appears to be losing control. Social media is power elite looking to control.

Question's around who is controlling the bedate?

How is the alternative view projecting its voice?

For myself as Pastor, theological equipped, ponder on the silence of the prophet?

Why are the people of God not performing not evident in these discussions. Not that there's much valuable discussion.

Aug 5, 2024

Paddling again.

We paddled, sat on the sea as pirate boat sailed away earlier we had been in the Sea. At Noodles, we drank had bite to eat.

Not missed by town we departed, as we built sand castles. Developed a moat. Filled it with water. Walked along Sandy beach through the seaweed.

There was laughter. Time passed slow.

Mind switched but had to switch black.

Conscious choice to move away from the evidence of hatred. Perhaps it age, or maybe the synergy around disturbance in City is why head to coast or countryside.

Struggle with events, but playing on the sand, is not burying your head in the sand. 

I saw you Matty, in my mind blue wellington boots on, toothbrush in mouth. Walking towards me. This time of year. This time of the day. Summer 80's we growing me as Father, you ready soon for school.

Stood oldman trapped in a memory 33 years ago. Then recognised LA young nephew was heading into the sea. It was time to concentrate on him, his day, his moment. Build happy days memories for us to enjoy.

Aug 4, 2024

society that's switched the pricetags. kicked Jesus out of the sandbox.

Some images from Hull 'riots'.  This was perfume and bath salts shop.

We used to get loads of stuff from this branch when taking Youth group on residentials.

Allow them to use gifts for free. Create own pampering sessions.

Not sure know why you would loot than target a sausage roll, cheap cup of tea shop to promote your cause.

In Hull,( one letter from Hell), in 2024 apparently they do.

Police say they are expecting further disturbance. It's strange because no one wants to discuss the causes.

We don't (nor really does any city), we don't have lot of economic tolerances. 

So hardships will grow. It's ugly, inconvenience, worrying, but predictable. Lost so much Now living In a society that's switched the pricetags. And kicked Jesus out of the sandbox.

Aug 3, 2024

Lamb chops 2 for £6-99

Apparent there's rioting going on in Hull.

Lamb chops 2 for £6-99 that's got me angry. 

All need to be extremely careful. Lot of young kids going along to events for the crack. Surprised at girls 11 aged to 17 can't be seriously involved in actions based on conversations or dialogue. Questions.

Why are they motivated to join in these protests.? What values have influenced this practice? Have they  experienced something from others so they show solidarity with this protest?

Feel, like as older male, among the very disconnected. Feel wary, isolated.

These are vital questions.

Aug 1, 2024

Price of cup of tea keeps rising.

Price of cup of tea keeps rising. To many 'Robin hoods' but modern day ones take from the poor. Spending my Sabbath moments (Self imposed retreat), playing Slade, Guns and roses, Oasis.

Less walking, lot Less TV. Think l would suggest as way of not becoming to Polirised simple removed yourself.

Not cowardly, but helps myself focus differently while not becoming depressed by upsetting moments.

Kevin, author of much placed here,had rough year.Sad moments so think ok to excuse myself. Also feel it's decent advice.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"