Apr 13, 2023

Back to life, one that bothers myself and many others.

 “Nobody should live in fear in their own homes. Hard working families are being threatened, harassed and their property vandalised or stolen."

Story and concerns like this are daily occarance in most city center , towns, rural communities bit less, also in coastal towns.
it is certainly more evident impoverished areas.
whats missing?
whats the home education values, who presents them. What being taught in schools.
Have these value platforms emerged in a period of religious deconstruction, 
what paradigm fits the issues.?
how and in what ways can we improve.?
(well there is too little opportunity in Hull as an example.)
That leads to boredom.
The guidance is not happening among informal settings like Church or Secular youth work. At least Its not evident.
Voluntarily sector and sports centres are not visible, certainly not open when Youths are around.
Family structure not embraced values of Respect, service, concern for elders.
Stewardship of property, and love for parks and recreation.

We are in a crisis , one we must face head on.

Watching people complain and do nothing, when they are in superior numbers, is getting to be about as tiring as reading the stories of these feral running riot every single day.

 I've done deliveries around Hull area before today  seen feral come out of houses, don their balaclavas. They live among you. I know what they are, their neighbours surely do. Time for residents to stop making excuses and start knocking their lights out.

This problem is not unique to Hull.it's replicated around the nation.

Whilst nothing is done to address the problems, they will only increase. Maybe it's too late to put the plug back in.

Now we have more idiots than ever trying our house and car doors every night, stealing anything that isn't bolted down.

Wouldn't count on humberside police there totally useless now a days according to some sources humberside police are the worst police force in UK it will never change bring bk old fashioned boot camps teach the kids a lesson

Maybe if the police got out of the cars and actually did foot patrols around the estate and actually spoke with residents maybe that could help. In 20 years of living on north Hull only once has a PO been to my door .


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Let's indulgence with each other.

Perhaps it's my age, or part of the process of grieving,could simple be the time of year. But today well indeed this whole weekend. Feel...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"