Apr 29, 2023

My Holding Forever experiences

Finding some are in a struggle.

We are failing at basics.

I would suggest lack of thankfulness.

Don't show each other Grace, forgiveness. Lack patience with each other.

Should we read more?

Definitely spending too much time heads down on Modile provision.

Not listening to Vinyl enough nor each other.

My Faith heritage identified purpose and nature around the value of being with Others. (Plus lot more)!

My Faith heritage introduced me to variety of gatherings.

Period serving in apprenticeship gave me quality time, learning trade from older, wiser people.

My 'Innercitie' ,upbringing shaped the road that took me onwards in the Journey.

These values l will. Hold as Kevin ends this Sojourner.

Apr 28, 2023

Community's that value individual growth, empowering member's is radical.

 Anti-social behaviour is a nuisance in its mildest pattern ,nothing short of a criminal act at its worst. Very destructive hurtful and oppressive. That is to say Cruel harsh and damaging.

hate the misuse of the word, But Respect is missing. self esteem, concern for others good stewardship.

It affects society, community's, also has impact upon individual who experiences.

Not going to engage very much with the provider of Anti Social behaviour, found that they get enough attention ,support, and Love.

Train stations have begun to pipe in classical music as a way help combat antisocial behaviour, Beverley and Cottingham in my locality are among those that will play Beethoven and Mozart

We need to return to teaching informally perhaps, how individual development ,can fold into gracious community advancement , examining how l behave effects how group develops, understands, and encounters each others values, life styles and Varity

Some things are just so NICE

Community's that value individual growth and empowers member's with concern for others is radical.

Wider society is improved with first two steps.

Apr 27, 2023

Even as a senior youth community worker, cannot justify some youngsters behaviour.

I witnessed younger element addressing older person with rudeness not often observed. Told that person at sporting venue to go elsewhere they using that space to smoke.
Sat on bench nearby, watched as older person collected his equipment walked away.
the three youngsters 2 female,1 male started smoking. YES, `dope fiends` with mobiles..

Later l was at bus stop, (Use my car, but rest of time walk or bus).
When the queue was joined by 3 girls, Primax finest on display,1 of them chatting with 2 girls on mobile.
Bus arrives they boarded first, never looked around them, made no effort to explore whether or not older folk, lady with a pram and child, not even older lady with walker, should be allowed on before them.

Another time recently young mum came into our centre, wanted the council to remove some property, she claimed had been fly tipped onto a closed community garden.
It was not but she had dumped her own no longer required, still pretty decent Sofa and large TV screen.

Such actions cost the LEA Home maintenance budget £70 - £700 per year.

                                       Sometimes ponder is it me just getting older.?

Moral decline it do cost, ethical conduct it do cost
Value platform that is based on lies ,deceit, behaviour that does not take on board `Love for neighbour`, will not take on board, respect for others.
These in essence are small things. but they are a containment, constant method of behaving like you are more important than others, also effects economic well being of wider society, community cohesion, affects Individual.

MAYBE it is time for angry people to lift up their voices in protest. Is it time for those who are micro aggressive, to stand up and be counted.
MAYBE we just we need to return to Individual development, reteach community cohesion values, Engage again with how Society is modelled. As subjects that need rebooting.

Jesus came , among other reasons, to empower us to deconstruct social roles, question community norms so that justice and equity might finally prevail. Equity being equality observed and respected. Each Individual has a role to act out.

Apr 25, 2023

Cultural values get missplaced

The secondary discourse is

Not your primary 

Hence get side tracked with things you don't need to deal with, addressing others roles, then wrong values brought in to the mix.

Witnessed this day some `EGO  massaged` ,role playing person highlighted own importance, above role and task required.

Apr 24, 2023

This building, Like a Church needs love.


 This building, like Churches needs love. So showing Love to this building, which has a need to be modified.
To love building requires laws, agreements, debate, discussion, focus on plans, previous way in which the building purpose was understood.
 How it was used for..and much more.

When we deconstruct we should ,(if that your own description) take time and plan with concern for Future. Always think of your heritage what has value, also the other issues in your growth, development, how you change is a sojourner.

The Church and folk who keep the faith are entitled to be treated with kindness and Love.

Apr 23, 2023

Visiting heritage.

Children, son, family, friends,

Take away food.

Simple  pleasures, enjoyment laughter.

We dodged the showers while visiting culture, enjoying customs, visiting heritage.

Samperled LIFE.

Apr 22, 2023

Some stuff is for next week. Those issues still be here next week.

 I too am lost

I feel double crossed

I don't know what's right

Or what's wrong.

Museums day, Bus day, hospital day.

Dealing with old folks experiencing

Anti Social behaviour

LIFE in a moment, that's gone. Roman Villa period. Simply switched off.

Letting stuff disappear, all that other stuff is for next week. Those issues still be here next week.

Those concerns still be here next week.

My response will still be here next week.

Today simply switched off. 

Worth trying. God Bless 

Apr 21, 2023

after deconstructing, . . .community reboot.

So after deconstructing, restructuring, relationships improved all community reboot.

Perhaps start to establish sense of mission.

Here where Nomad deconstructing fails.

Because only attracting 'like minded',

Group are all white, struggling with own cognitive disfunction. Failed individual, attacked community where developed faith .

Wider society is place of Chao's , the backward wearing baseball cap are fearful.

Not able to understand how individual develops, affects Church/ Community/ agencies. If remain in that place no longer impact wider society.

My biggest concern is they now reside in a place called comfortable. Safe distance away from fearful outside.

They take great comfort in each others awkwardness. Little in common with those more extraversion.

Meet together mostly at a distance.

Aware use modern technology. to remain apart  No growth. If examine deeper certain cultist behaviour is evident.

Gatherings they no longer attend, Reboot. Become aware seek more variety. 

Food banks, Charity ventures, connecting with those excluded.

Embrace new methods, value inheritance. Be different, become better.

Repeat the message of following Jesus 

Apr 20, 2023

Church as community can deconstruct, and reconstruct without toxicity.

What is guiding me? Affecting some of my deepest intentions.

Perhaps, (Actually confident), we fail to discuss at length, or chat informally, about GOD stuff, much preferring to talk about sport,music, last nights TV.

Deeper stuff l have found is good to disagree about, Church is place where we should disagree. Not talking about hostile debates but how often do we say..

I did not like that Hymn..

The sermon went on too long...

It was slow and boring today..

This evening was so encourging...

Enjoyed the children's input...

Glad the youth led, gives me hope..

Seagulls used to sit on cliff face with nestlings going out to sea for catch of Fish etc... 

Though still popularly regarded as seagulls, many have moved inland, far from the seaside or saltwater. They have adapted to life in many places we have made, and they have thrived.

All change, its form of reconstruction from what we feel it was, often its slow ,unnoticed. But change happens.
Faith is like that too.
Sometimes, when looking at `life of the Deconstruction Christian`, movement, it appear there are two factors.
Relationships are damaged and LIFE appears to be challenging.
Then a Faith or Church relationship falters.
The rules, Boundaries alter. 

So must we, allow change. Allow new experiences. Allow others to not understand. That`s deconstruction.
But there is a privilege that states `the Church nor Church folk`can fit into an environment where mistakes happen.
When it does it becomes a `get out of Church and following Jesus ` card. Like some kind of game.
the faith heritage becomes no longer valuable and new fit is required.
New spirituality, modern one.
If faith is a steadfast part of your upbringing, here for me is the rub.
Why does deconstructing mean throwing everything out, then toxicity follows.
Always been radical ways to share Faith during dark times. Following Jesus, Church can become regenerative space of creation, questioning, growth ,development even some renewal.

Apr 19, 2023

working on relationship often hard to measure.

 All the rides are over and done

It's late and no prizes are left to be won

The rides are closed, it's the end of the day

The horses are moving away

Yes the fair's moving on

The music has ended, the carousel's still

The horses in boxes with the big Ferris wheel

The canvass and glitter are safely on board

The trailers will soon hit the road

The fairs moving on, Reconstruction take place
Elsewhere. Although old rides are old
New ways of people paying.Parents may have ridden similar
rides. New ways, new world reconstruction.

It's normal for some kind of 'Deconstruction`, in many aspects of Life.
A key to Churches,other agencies voluntary sector maintenance is relationships.
Life is often more simple than we make it,encounters with each other are vital to how we grow, develop. But always we change.

Not same person internally as we was five (5) years ago. Comfortable is not where we develop. Friendships change.

So do Churches, slowly. As should our understanding. Faith grows. Even things that firmly believe may believe stronger. Or not accept same old way.

That too is change. Some values feel less important. But working on relationship often hard to measure.

Apr 17, 2023

Deconstructing . . .,.its a subject along with community outreach that l speak to church's about considerably.

 “Deconstruction” is a term that has increasingly been used in evangelical circles, especially over the past decade. But it is a confusing term, because there’s no single or simple definition for “deconstruction.” It has different meanings in different contexts.

Christian deconstruction challenges the truth of God, the Bible, and the moral value system that God institutes through the scriptures that has resulted in thousands leaving their Christian faith.

going to be exploring this subject as we progress through next week .its a subject along with community outreach that l speak to church's about considerably.

Relationship's, Programmes, reviewing and rejection. . .Rebooting.
Sorry If l was more brighter would come up with 4 `R`s.

Really feel we allow world to create in us chaos ,further hassle, simply because we don't firstly accept that we change as we grow older.

Plus we should always be communicating, arguing, chatting ,perhaps agreeing, allowing disagreement. writing, sharing about Theology...How we make sense of God.

Instead we put up walls and breakdown.

Apr 15, 2023

churches at times can be dark places.

Churches indeed can be difficult places, not talking or hinting at the building.
Its not my experience, but Church folk gang can be difficult, because lets start with this ..got people like myself.
I can be awkward
when younger really a mischief.
Expelled from school
booted out with no Qualifications,
rebellious which can be an instrument of reward, but can be a nuisance.

Worked in and among Churches all of my life, that's around 50 years. Mostly met  people who are on a journey with Faith, more especially following the Faith of Jesus calling them selves Christian or lately Followers of Jesus.

Well meaning folk, kind folk, generous folk, sometimes misguided. (Occasionally very occasionally bit mean).

When community of followers of Jesus began to recognise that they were losing power, A good thing, we witnessed a new movement springing from the established Government favoured COE ,Church of England.

Emergence, from that sprang a counter more rejection, movement which sided with many aspects of Cancel and WOKE cultures.

Movement calling itself Deconstruction.

But they wanted to reframe old understanding of following Jesus, `no longer using term Christian` by highlighting what new deconstructionist's saw as radical nature ,but already evident in example,plus teaching of`house church`  movement of Jesus.

 What from PODCASTS and discussion. l began to see was a desire to blame the Church , often for damaged relationships formed in younger life,

In their Churches , been a place where all sorts of analytical psychotic problems, the `emerging Jesus 2000` babies had experienced in life, was direct result of Church folk relationships.

So they formed own vile toxic group. Throwing out all Biblical and ,scriptural teaching.

boasting about not reading the Bible. Not attending Church.

Directing own funding to choices only they made, regrouping. Part of the reimaging also got hooked into new spiritual type teachings.

Strong alignment to Vegan ,new earth, contradiction, allowed whole choosing own sexuality.

...l see, saw, no hope of any bright new tomorrow, nor different ,better way of being. Yet oddly still preaching words of Jesus.

Blindness to all sorts of Biblical narrative they suggest the Scripture not written for now, nor recent periods.

“Thus, deconstruction wants no master beyond itself, creating a colossal arrangement of near-impenetrable hyperindividualism."

We aren't perfect in the Church but we are still called to be the best example of a group of people following Jesus, the risen Lord.

Apr 14, 2023



GREENBELT 23 ...wants to go meat-free or even vegan this year, to mark our 50th.

GB23 , all our caterers will only be offering food and drink that the gospel accounts indicate Jesus ate – having held a three-month theological consultation, able to declare that that’s basically bread, wine, fish, figs ,olives.

GB23 are very excited about the difference that ‘Choose Loaf’ initiative will make to our environmental impact and also to how truly committed we are to an authentically biblical outworking of our faith.

How do these nutters work this stuff out, what kind of  LIFE do they imagine others live.The Israelite's usually ate meat from domesticated goats and sheep. Goat's meat, (Mutton, Love it), was the most common. Fat-tailed sheep were the predominant variety of sheep in ancient Israel,

So is what they claim, that Jesus never ate Lamb?

Apr 13, 2023

Back to life, one that bothers myself and many others.

 “Nobody should live in fear in their own homes. Hard working families are being threatened, harassed and their property vandalised or stolen."

Story and concerns like this are daily occarance in most city center , towns, rural communities bit less, also in coastal towns.
it is certainly more evident impoverished areas.
whats missing?
whats the home education values, who presents them. What being taught in schools.
Have these value platforms emerged in a period of religious deconstruction, 
what paradigm fits the issues.?
how and in what ways can we improve.?
(well there is too little opportunity in Hull as an example.)
That leads to boredom.
The guidance is not happening among informal settings like Church or Secular youth work. At least Its not evident.
Voluntarily sector and sports centres are not visible, certainly not open when Youths are around.
Family structure not embraced values of Respect, service, concern for elders.
Stewardship of property, and love for parks and recreation.

We are in a crisis , one we must face head on.

Watching people complain and do nothing, when they are in superior numbers, is getting to be about as tiring as reading the stories of these feral running riot every single day.

 I've done deliveries around Hull area before today  seen feral come out of houses, don their balaclavas. They live among you. I know what they are, their neighbours surely do. Time for residents to stop making excuses and start knocking their lights out.

This problem is not unique to Hull.it's replicated around the nation.

Whilst nothing is done to address the problems, they will only increase. Maybe it's too late to put the plug back in.

Now we have more idiots than ever trying our house and car doors every night, stealing anything that isn't bolted down.

Wouldn't count on humberside police there totally useless now a days according to some sources humberside police are the worst police force in UK it will never change bring bk old fashioned boot camps teach the kids a lesson

Maybe if the police got out of the cars and actually did foot patrols around the estate and actually spoke with residents maybe that could help. In 20 years of living on north Hull only once has a PO been to my door .


Apr 12, 2023

Took my illness for Bus ride

Feeling very ill

There is a Doctor's strike, like many

Industrial actions lately.

So took my pain out of town.

Till the pain slowly receded.

Till l was feeling better.

Till time passed got bit healthier, Till next lot of pain relief arrived.

The long journey helped, stress levels lowered, medication began its healing.

Went to familiar, went to what l knew.

Went to yesterday's memory. Thought it'd help. But l used to run in that place.

Walked all day in those days. It was me,

who was different in this period.

That old familiar forgotten place had left me behind.

Okay may never return to visit again, but we have parted.

Health is one aspect of troubles that comes to stay l feel.

Apr 11, 2023

There's better days ahead for You. P.S. thought you'd be in touch.

There's better days to come

There's end to drizzle, rain further storm's.

Today's just a bad day, not whole story of your life,each journey has these periods.

There are better days to arrive for you and all your Loved.

There's better moments than one currently experiencing.

There's better days to come.

Soon, better is on its way.

Kingdom way, different way, less apathetic way ahead. Soon no more hurting.

You will.turn your music up Louder and dance.

Till then believe in U, Me l already do!

Apr 9, 2023

An old tramp said these words... "Jesus blood never failed me yet.. Never failed me yet.. There's one thing I know, cause he loved me so"

Blood of Christ, poured out on the Cross, save us. Blood of Christ, price of our salvation, save us. Blood of Christ, without which there is no forgiveness, save us.

I feel at Peace...I feel joyful, hopeful.Jesus did come back from the dead.He is Risen, we can be different, We can be better. We Must, we should build his Kingdom here on earth. Now. An old tramp said these words...
"Jesus blood never failed me yet..
Never failed me yet..
There's one thing I know, cause he loved me so"

Apr 8, 2023

Jesus chose to stay up there, to suffer unjustly for the very people who put him there. . .Easter Saturday.

 He came to teach , encourage practice of, create a kingdom way, ultimately die for the sins of the world because he was the only perfect sacrifice for the sins of mankind. 

It may be hard to understand the concept but the crucifixion had to happen in order for mankind to have forgiveness and to be able to follow the teachings of Christ and hopefully find eternity in heaven. 

Humanity could not enter into the House of God had Jesus not died for our sins.

looks pretty bare, the church view above , as we settle into quiet Easter Saturday. 

Empty and furlone.

Have we so `deconstructed from meaning`, that the cruxcfiction holds little meaning to modern society.

Jesus faced the jeers and scoffs of a crowd baying for his blood. This crowd knew nothing about just how precious that man's blood was, how much it cost to shed it, and how much it would mean for the rest of human history and all eternity. That man could have chosen to come down from where he hung, could have shut up every scoffer in an instant. But he chose to stay up there, to suffer unjustly for the very people who put him there.

He did so in order to bring about a more profound justice than any human will or political system could ever imagine. 

Hull City head coach Liam Rosenior hailed the fighting spirit of his players after Ozan Tufan scored a 95th-minute penalty to earn a sensational 4-4 draw at Sunderland on Good Friday evening.
l was thrilled and being Easter slightly embarrassed till released its about Joy and humanity sharing. A spiritual beautiful warm experience.

Apr 7, 2023

 Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” Luke 22:7, 14-16

Apr 6, 2023

can we create a spiritual paradigm as example to show how we are developing or growing.

 can we create a spiritual paradigm as example to show how we are developing or growing.

so first chamber would be awareness

...then development...then growth..further deconstructing/new emergence..

Next chamber would be producing more spiritual connection..Also spiritual awareness in Art Music, Film, media etc...

Movement would take place in each chamber or in variety of a few or even in just one chamber.

So as an example you may be focused more in growth , just testing , understanding theology. With no interest in other areas.

OR you may be concerned about spirituality in music lyrics and films, while also developing own growth spirituality, and working out own emergence into membership of Church or belonging to one gathering.

Its all pioneering stuff, but its also ancient and disciplined.

Apr 4, 2023

l know about some stuff, rest is simply a view l have gained . . . nothing else.

l know about some stuff, 

rest is simply  a view l have gained 

nothing else.

There is an art to taking another's money, spending large amounts unwisely., me l could never sleep if didn't do a good job.

Liam Rosenior, not like many others like myself.

The Tigers have won just two in their last 10 matches in the league, and after climbing up to 11th at one point earlier in the season under Rosenior, they've been sliding down the table with recent results.

Hull my home town, has a `Born Loser` attitude, don't expect very much from life, and settle for the less that is offered. Its a spiritual attitude, dominates the economy, culture, work ethic, customs, family life, education.

It is that deep. Sat over the city is an attitude of we don't deserve what the rest have gained.

we exist in isolation, geographically we are cut off.

At the end of the line.

we are at the end of the River.

You go in, but you have to leave, there is nothing.


`What could have been.

Lack of inspiration,

lack of Aspirations.

Hull one letter from Hell.

Apr 3, 2023

Looking for ways,

"Looking for ways, ways to invite all excluded, whether by class,gender,background or housing sector,

 Looking for ways,ways to be part of a bigger table,better menu. more cups of tea.

 Looking for ways, pioneer more room while asking engaging questions.

and bringing down the walls."

But most of all enjoying discovering better questions while enjoying deeper discussions.

Apr 2, 2023

But Dogs still sht on the promenade

The pirates ship at last set sail,

Hot-dog sellers loving the trade

Ice-cream venders making 99`s.

Speedboat crews crashing the waves

YET dog walkers let scene be spoilt

Sunrise early, touched us all

Smiles returned on many faces.

Young children nattered

older folk remember.

Bucket and spades got dirty,

Seagulls hunted `hands that held` burgers.

YET dog walkers let scene be spoilt

Cups of poor quality tea sold out.

Bins are over flowing,

Tempers are frayed,

Traffic out of town moves slowly.

YET Promenade remains stinking.

We didn't become better community's.

During infection outbreak that we called COVID C19. We had to isolate, be apart, stopped gathering  We had space, we some for first time we ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"