Single Issue along with deceit, become for some a reality.
Very little attention give to the complete narrative. So proper purpose, reason for something happening, not understood.
Hence a 'Linekar' occurs, (wrong information is presented).
Outreach worker going out with Pizza to the kids, so they behave, really about Ego of worker getting massaged.
Not about challenges youth are facing.
Not about issues want to discuss.
Not about advice they require.
When we reached out as Detached model, Its was about purpose. relationships, development. discussion,active listening. @SPIRITOFTHESTREETS58Police inform outreach worker, suggesting that social control agency is facing.
Marginalised facts, not complete narrative, with nature and purpose no longer part of the process.
No Plan in place. Ideas not developed, thought about, plans are irrelevant.
`Measure of how low we sunk.
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