Mar 31, 2023

But asking what message are others more especially our youngsters receiving?

 Lets be honest as we get older, sometimes we hanker back to the good old days..

Crime appears to be a subject that is getting at least a lot of attention, Actions by courts and Police form heated debates on social media.

Woman as` young mum` get a lot of words targeted towards them.


but nothing really changed, lack of youth resources, poor education, not stiff enough sentences.

But return to Relationships, programme, good parenting, values, Love of others, Putting others first and yourself second.

Respect for others equipment,space, life another is living.Not stealing.Fear of the Law.

Service to another. Love for environment .

Steward of own further shared resources.


But asking what message are others more especially our youngsters receiving?

Who is transmitting message to these people.

Its got to be coming from somewhere?

Mar 30, 2023

Losing you, (Own vocation) was easy, finding yourself again is harder

That sense of l am ....

I perform In these arenas..

My plan is to...

Experience has taught me the following...

Therefore sharing this discovery.

LIFE taught me this much so let's gather together.

ME went missing in supporting Others.

Now want to adventure into finding who l am again.

Caring for another is thankless task.

Losing yourself too easy when lost in another's survival.

Losing you, (Own vocation) was easy,

 finding yourself again is harder

adminstration placed you at bottom of the pool there for concluded here !.

If l , a so titled educated Male, is finding dealing with administration difficult.

Then he is forced to ask...`what about others?

Perhaps those not good at Face to Face, holding on the telephone!

Nor those not good with internet, those lacking dexterity or fingers, brains, mind, body, can't do that stuff administrator asking.

If  those same persons ,not got 4-30 minutes, then administrator requires.

So because administrator placed you at bottom of the pool there for 

`The concluded here`, you will remain.

Godless society presently swimming at tides end. 

Like so many others.


Not valued.



Disregarding you, Disregarding me.

Mar 28, 2023

If you didn't know your birthday, how old would you say you are?

 "A prison can be the prison of self and a person can become insecure and paranoid if he doesn't have a direction in own personal life."

Well getting deep on some things as try to challenge `ejeets in power`..damn sure is difficult dealing with modern day administrators running/ruining the place.

Think l went to be educated, to deal with modern day nonsense.

Mar 27, 2023

Marginalised facts, not complete narrative, with nature and purpose processed

Dealing with lack of processing information. So marginalised facts about

Single Issue along with deceit, become for some a reality.
Very little attention give to the complete narrative. So proper purpose, reason for something happening, not understood.
Hence a 'Linekar' occurs,                                     
(wrong information is presented).

Outreach worker going out with Pizza to the kids, so they behave, really about Ego of worker getting massaged.

Not about challenges youth are facing.
Not about issues want to discuss.
Not about advice they require.

When we reached out as Detached model, Its was about purpose. relationships, development. discussion,active listening. @SPIRITOFTHESTREETS58

Police inform outreach worker, suggesting that social control agency is facing.
Marginalised facts, not complete narrative, with nature and purpose no longer part of the process.
No Plan in place. Ideas not developed, thought about, plans are irrelevant.

`Measure of how low  we sunk.


Mar 26, 2023

Gospel at the movies..Again

Like Columbus on the road ahead, (addressing the kind of courage it takes us to go out at a time when others feel we are wrong). LIFE keeps on twisting, never straight or smooth. Always turning.

Just watched again 'Sleepers' ..Lanrzo Carcotera...(spelt it wrong). .

Life is a Risk..Now go.

There are so many issues.But justice, abuse, community, confessions...among ones that bite after watching  today.

If left to developing pioneering, Church.  Sunday *once a month* would be Gospel at the movies. popcorn, hot-dogs,cuppa or beer, and exploring,sharing, discussion around,inferred messages.

Dreams, so they say, are for the fools

And they let 'em drift away

Peace, like the silent dove

Should be flying' but it's only just begun

Mar 24, 2023

Life, so they say is a game and we let it slip away!


                  "We may never pass this way again, nor meet again, nor                        talk, we may never pass this way again .. "

Mar 23, 2023

was that only yesterday. But seams so far away.

The eggs are not frying, Alarm sounded out,

but was already awake. The generous gathering stood awkwardly saying goodbye. Excited about home, some displayed other emotions. This Sojourner felt short for some for them ended too soon' All mixed up gladness, comfort, agreement to meet again.

 That was only yesterday. But seams so far away. The very early morning, sullen miserable transfer driver.

Aggressive border control.

"Take your belt off"

'l'm not wearing one'

"Take your belt off"

I started to lower my trousers, he got the messages. First time witnessed opening hold bags at security.

One Lady adamant.. 'you can Not touch my bag it full of personal belongings'..

Then the tired journeyed away from Island basking in the hot sun.

slept a Little... switched off.

The planes, tude, train's. Tiredness all nescesory part of process. 

Mar 22, 2023

Ethics like these, never leave.

 Promise is something you keep.

Love is a place, you never leave.

Pray regular, study good book.

Looks not something value above character.

Others including children are listened too.

TV is not worshipped but watched.

Give God more then a second glance.

Tend to Feel small against the northern sea.

Parenting ,practiced till you die.

Social media cannot compete against the gatherings you attend.

Whoever we follow always choose the  Son first.

Remain unfinished because a creator's still journeying alongside me.

Mar 21, 2023

Happy birthday to you

Someone missed, BHP. 

-------------++++++++  -------- --------

Deep inside it's true
I'm a home loving man.
Not best traveling person
hate put so much trust in others.
Leads me to a place,not keen on being housed.
Powerlessness is being dependent
Upon agencies, their staff, agendas and actions.

Mar 20, 2023

Reflection from a couch with feet on a stool.

Worldview theology is something worth sharing,centres on generic grasping of the concept .

'There something bigger worth thinking about'.

Would hope if get to know me never 

Pretend to have the answers.

All got is this understanding, that the following Jesus way is ..differant

Better..improved..makes sense..than what else is offered.

I know some people are struggling with

Poor health,limited


Nothing may not change immediately.

But hope  you find whatever it is your looking for.

Hope love you find, is the kind that makes you a cup of tea.

Mar 19, 2023

Going home,like a track star.

Home is calling,to a sofa by window

To look anew at familiar views.

Home is calling to read lyrics, share in emotions of our songs. Sit with memories.

Sleeping in own unkept bed.

Play Vinyl, watch TV, with curtains closed all-day long.

Home is calling, cook in own kitchen look at that tree ,where a Bluetit makes morning sound.

Home is calling please come back ,
travel is fun, but been long enough.

Airport lounges,Train stations,

Crowded tudes, plus long waiting  gaps. Threat of delays,hassle,stress tension.

Home to nearly empty coastal bus. ride is leaving with me aboard tomorrow.

Home, where loved ones are waiting.

Home,that placed left,guickly in early morning exit, is where now want to be.

Home with renewed gratitude.

Island hopping

 Silema ferry from Valetta

Cost €1-50

This was the Katermaren from the Island of Gozo

Costs €3-

Early start to hop on hop off, from Malta.

Health in body, further mindset been excerised differently. Giving me better well being internally.

As Sojourner concluding, thinking about whole range of issues, concerns better.

Being around 'culture' removed from rural coastal community. Identification of why, where, how, differently.

Paused my thinking, confirmation not been clear, but journey goes on.

Treat yourself to time away

Treat yourself to time out.

Investment in your own being is what l attempt once a year, practice would encourage.

Daily take period each day quietly begin.

Further period end day's final moments.

Practices l would encourage.

Mar 18, 2023

Are not Arad family important to West

We all know coward Putin is a War criminal.

What concerns this humble guy from Northern seaside town in UK.

Why Putin and his donkey dollop cleaner up Assad from beloved Syria.

Why they not been indicted before.

Atrociousness in Syria been known about over a decade.

Are not Arad family important to West?

Mar 17, 2023

Conversation with others is part of our humanity.

Conversation with others is part of our humanity.

Listening is a very healing process. Also to be listened to by another or group of Others simply wonderful for health.

Disagreements between each person are part of complexity of being human

Indeed from my experiance it's very uncharacteristic further damages person when lack of disagreement.

Further add vital part of maturity in child,when they are handling disagreement.

Agreement with out debate keeps us comfortable.

As often stated on this blog"Growth doe's not reside in comfortable"!

The lack of Community can be soul destroying for an individual.

Soceity functions better when we grasp value 'coffee time' culture.

What most of us need, even the detached among us, Is a good listening too.

Hope you find someone to chat with, Enjoy  plenty of Cups of tea.

Yes cakes allowed.

Get practising.

What kind of love is this..?


Happy saints

Patrick day

To all you

Irish by family's.

Or even by Loving Guinness.

Stay safe.

Mine, still be having cup of tea.

Mar 16, 2023

And there is love that makes a cup of tea... listens quietly

There is love that moves a mountain
There is love that beats a drum
There is love that fights for justice
Knowing justice won’t be done

There is love that goes to prison
Love that goes to war
There is love that rows a lifeboat
Towards some shining golden shore

There is love that makes a cup of tea
Ask 'how you’re doing' and listens quietly.
Slips you twenty dollars when your rent’s behind.
That’s the kind of love I hope you found

There is love that kneels down to change, Your embarrassment from medical bag that leak's.
That sits beside a hospital bed, while in pain you try to sleep
There is love that grads your wheelchair placing it outside, Gets you to the café buys a drink, then laughs. There is love that makes a cup of tea
Asks you how you’re doing, listens quietly.
Found that Love.?

Mar 15, 2023

Likes thousand times before..

Rainbow valley laughter ,sunshine luck

Long walks, hot bovril drinks.

Cold wind never bothered.

Always believing that grow old together..

What do you say to a dream that's dieing

Laughter was always on late night agenda.

Became old man, still see you in my mind.

 When l rest,hurt .. wonder will ever see you again. 

Songs remind you so.much in feelings, emotions, life experiences.

Lyrics alive inside at most stupid times.

The past creeps into this

Moment affects the day.

Glad, perhaps 'last person Centered counseling delivered'.

Lady had issues relating to a breakdown.

Had to sharply cut through some old ways she still had recalled.

Need sometimes strong approach if they are going to heal.

Suppose the harsh advice gave, was equally relevent to myself.

Also perhaps need some active listening, which is healing!

So it goes, on the other hand l doubt it, yes love, like thousand times before 

'One of those nights.'

Mar 14, 2023

Broken journey


New appointments

New piece group work

Old adverserie to challenge myself

Late ferry...missed the Katermaren..ended up on wrong bus.




Interrupted meal.

Retreated to explore these events.

Ended the process to begin again at another time.

Not often this happen, recognise lucky could cancel the process.

Mar 13, 2023

We have such limits.

We came into this life naked and we leave the same.

Someone on day you were born, bathed you.

On your leavings other shall bath your body

You came defenceless and weak.

Vulnerable  is the star when you leave.

You came without money and material things.

You leave with no money 

That's how LIFE is,

So asking why so much hatred jealousy, dislike, resentment and selfishness.

We have such limited time

It passes so quickly

This earthly journey try not to waste LIFE

A mother wrote this upon sad lose of her daughter, in grief shares deep thought process.

But heartfelt. Limited time and being bathed. At LIFE start and ending.

Life in all its fullness, feels at least better when appreciate your blessings.

The old Motown song encouraged us to, Stop look listen to your heart.

Mar 12, 2023

On the residing journey we chat,meet, share.

Someone said we need bigger tables

Not bigger wall's.

That is mega, gets my juices going, inspires me.

It's within our grasp, we have the being ,to do this. Very possible.

Some best parts of meeting for worship is sitting around having cup of tea, before departing forward. Into the week ahead.

Imagine place with enough so we can engage in fellowship move around taking period of active listening.

Which of course is a healing we should offer to help each other.

Imagine place where move through levels of communication. Becoming more 'open and Honest' with each other.

             We the People have the power.

Mar 10, 2023

Life can be Rocky path.

 If the road you are traveling appears Rocky!

Welcome the wilderness is place,has to be got through.

Know you told me 'your life is a mess'... Guess my silence could be misunderstood.

Welcome to a place many reside.

Mar 9, 2023

sometimes if the image that we project is distorted , it may still be the one that gets communicated forward.

                   sometimes if the image that we project is distorted 

                it may still be the one that gets communicated forward.

Boxing has an image of being a glorified sport full of men being  brave courageous even when defeated.Its not accurate.
At school the image of manilness and informal education was damaged distorted by poor teachers ,who were really nothing short of bullies.
How we present God especially self promotional 'Street preachers' can damage the image of a Loving God.
Can't believe that this damage will get corrected, so the image is broken often by person carrying unconditional sufferings.
failed relationships, broken marriage,deep trauma,pain and hurts of LIFE.
We all have these Shadows.
Finding salvation is  a thing, It's stuff that is good news.
Must be shared, but ranting ,using text out of context.
Shouting abuse, arguing further cause distortion.

How we present healing,promise of 'better' is important.
But l suggest that it needs to be sought, not argued into the intersections where we gather.
God is Love.
That love is patient

That love is Kind,

Love that does not

Delight in wrong,
Not proud nor boastful.

Love in need of Love today.

Love never ends.

Love never forgets that you are stil everything me!

Mar 8, 2023

 I like Art wanted to be inspired.

Want to see life through art and feel Wow.

Stuff that makes me feel simply unable to achieve but delight in experience what Artists as done.

Been to this place 100 time's always feel inspired comfortable and joyful.

The churches here where am residing.
Also understand 
place of Art in 
Religious gathering.
Stuff full of richness. demonstrating odd but beautiful pieces of sculpture and painting.

Lot of art done as expression of worship to God.

Mar 7, 2023

Early Human nature

Is being shy one of earliest examples of humanity?

The creation myths, recall discussed not true events but creation stories are just that with meanings.

Eve along Adam gain consionse...

"we are butt naked"

They now have a shadow,secret, awareness. Guilt.

Refusing to engage
With our hidden stuff.
Can lead to Rocky
I am guilty of not being able to handle uncomfortable challenges.
I shy away.
Not as assertive
As some others.
Like pilgrim in dessert.
I'd rather dig hole and hide.
Not wanting to confront.

Some people walkaway from marriage rather than confront failings.
Some find love not all love they felt it could walk away.
Sometimes shadows, what we want to hide.
Perhaps if you knew my shadow that leave hidden away. Fear..fact my life is messy.
If they knew real You. 

You Feel.


Mar 5, 2023

Value platform to enhance!

As journey to the place residing for short while..Ask is this experience going to enhance myself, or hinder how l develop?

Recently on this Sojourner asked to take part in something simply felt uncomfortable about.

Resulted in an offence being received when none was intended.

That experience not for me to suffer with, no intention was meant to cause offence.

Several times come across males who taken offences, when rejected what l perceive as unnatural.

The suffering they feel is not yours.

Be true to you and your values as you journey.

Wee bit along ...

 Some In the sojourner don't like conditions, or simply home is calling.

Their journey ends,without reflection.

Dialogue attempted didn't change that view. Upsetting.

Mar 3, 2023

To journey or Sojourner

 The road is rocky, no simple paths at times it feels complex.


Early start

Interrupted sleep

Poor diet, lack of fresh food and supplies. Do adjust, reality's, it not good nutritionly.

Meet other travelers.

Gathering in a moment

Seek solice share.

Freshen update.

Stages discussed.

Experimental data.


Got through rocky bit,wilderness fears. Always aware of this Greater power power l call Creator God. But some closely related to, they do not see things this way.

These make up multi dimensional paradoxical experience of LIFE.

This Sojourner enabled me to appreciate fact LIFE, like present travelling mercy's is complex.

I am ready, feel in my heart to bring Good news about LIFE and it's journey.

Do we recognise traveling through this... brings challenges, Pain, truths?

How do we share truths, Pain, good news with each other including those who not recognising.. Greater power?

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"