Oct 18, 2022

one moment I will be here,the next gone, left, away with the fairies, living in the new Jerusalem..rotting in the ground.

 I come to this moment when recognise that its difficult subject,

When last experienced near death was in Hospital.

Writing this, well (vulnerabilities here),

it may put me,among cuckoo brigade.

But this l felt was real, aware after three days in ICU WARD , coming around from `open heart surgery`.

others where in the area, Dead.

Heard weeping as younger male come into see

 plus say goodbye to his Father. 

The other was female, she had no relatives she departed alone.

l was so aware that felt something leaving the arena.

Prayed..odd heard a strange song for no reason..

`l`ii paint a patch of Blue on your weather beaten face`.

you see somethings make sense.

Become aware of nurses talking to myself, 

asking about walks l liked ,the beach, my DJ work, family .

Given drink .

Days passed in out ..in out..in out gradually become more aware.Checked the people had died facts gathered where true.

    But all efforts focused on myself, recovery, return to better health.

Soon l will be returning to difficult journey, more Heart operations,procedure,interruption, 

More aware.


Been again into difficult operation once since that day nearly a decade ago.But got real poorly by lot more recently. Try hard to keep fit ,active, mindful, serving, addressing Faith,music, local small P politics.

Invested in friendships,family,community, returned to work last time. Afterwards for years traveled mainly UK, Northern Europe working.

Last few years, became aware that l was failing, the frustrations became real.Feeling worthless, bit useless.

This here is honest level five sharing. Hope more emotionally open, less insecure so this is communication and interaction. 

l write this at this moment for you when it becomes a moment you face. Thought that  I’m leaving you all keeps me awake some nights.

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Let's indulgence with each other.

Perhaps it's my age, or part of the process of grieving,could simple be the time of year. But today well indeed this whole weekend. Feel...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"