Jul 5, 2022

 It was Willie Nelson who suggested we need a different Jesus.
 Tougher `kick arse` style Saviour.

The world's done gone crazy, And it seems to get worse everyday
So come on back Jesus, And pick up John Wayne on the way
Time to take off the gloves
They just don't respect peace anymore
But if we have old John Wayne, We know he can swing from the floor
While he kicks their butts, We'll just stand there and watch him and pray

Others are sat at home being attacked by war criminal,
City`s Towns, homes are destroyed.
life ended. 

More death is evident in America where can get `shot killed for just being sat on street corner`.
So often it feels to myself ,ask a question recall first asking when l was younger..
when it was put succinctly in a song..(well this me blogging).
That Question is this, and returned to ask often.
Is this the world we created..

If there's a God in the sky, looking down
What can he think of what we've done
To the world that He created?


we think things are so difficult turns out. Allegation. John Peel was another child abuser some want his memory taken away from event`s at Glastonbury.

Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis described Peel as a 'master at choosing the bands that were going to make it', and following the DJ's death Eavis, renamed the New Bands Stage in his honour.
So we all involved in being `fallen, being members of a `fallen` community.
But where is the grace, where now is the forgiveness, to who can we bear fruit allow others to develop from youthful mistakes.
We had our Jesus moment, he came, he did what he said, he left us example, we choose to follow that.
we cannot ask him to return and remodels the plan.
So sorry Willie Nelson. Good song concept though.

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Let's indulgence with each other.

Perhaps it's my age, or part of the process of grieving,could simple be the time of year. But today well indeed this whole weekend. Feel...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"