Mar 31, 2022

We are missing out by not valuing Old folk

 Chatting with all its values to some old friends and they so wish to apply knowledge with younger.

They thrilled me talking about gatherings,belonging.

Excited about young and opportunities to share.

But not being given chance would enjoy Listening to others.

Often laughing, always smiling,pretty lonely.

Still got so much giving.

Yet society placed them ..outside..excluded..pasted over.

Wrong value in relation to our aged person's.

Missing something very precious!

Missing something we should treasure.

They're sit chatting
Want engagement
Scripture places great value on wisdom of age

Mar 30, 2022

Spring in the air

I am sometimes afraid of fact that

I am getting older,my reflection informs myself.

Energy level agrees.. frustrating but it's Life.

It's Autumn of the journey.

However spring arrived.

Still like you, unigue, beautiful, Human person.


Mar 29, 2022

Taking you on a ritual, walking, praying, thinking, reflecting...

Well it's about 8 miles across rough terrain,

So first port of call,

cuppa at my favourite place.

Wee bit of Chocolate cake.

T_shirt crappy trainers.

Piece of fruit.

Pass old ferry terminal.

Also gun emplacement 

For two centuries.

From Pirates to Luftwaffe pilot

All raiding and bringing hatred.

Now standing deserted.

In the distance is final destination, white tower ,alongside the best Fish Restaurant.

But that still miles away.

Ready for a cheese sandwich and that drink.

Had few conversations.

Chatted about nothingness.

Got real sense of both peace, furthermore achievement.

Before departing on way back we 

stop at place been too often.

It's become part of who l am.

This here in these moments

am trying to share.

Well this here!

This is me.

It's a small precious part of Kevin W.

Walks,talks,cups of tea.. mindfulness in walk and few pictures.

Miss you let me know something of You.

Your Rituals..treasure them as you should treasure YOU.

Music. Memories ,giving God more than a second thought!


Never really been one for writing,

Much prefer conversations.

Trying hard to not reflect on my own past

But when rest up 

Scared some things come to mind.

Was it always Rainbows. Sunshine and warmth?

Light up the road to where!

Song on playlist takes us God knows how to that place, long ago..WHEN.

NOSTALGIA makes me anyway,unsure of how others feel.

Kinda angry because NOW and HERE  not so bad. It's fine.

But heck. Health bit of a worry,tablets,pain, sprays. 

Slight concern might get too ill.

Sometimes l look at news feel even more powerless,

Examine conversations with younger folk. Despite own wisdom, they are more worried than l felt at their age.

My hope for youth is that, they will be able to listen to music. Engage across aged in good conversations,

Read books.. . Give God more than second thought.

Not sure if that is enough, but worked for little old me.

Mar 27, 2022

 Still stunned by awful events in eastern block sometimes known on maps as ,,'White Russia'.

Perhaps visciol reaction makes me feel fearful.

Remember periods in recent times,like attacks in Afghanistan, Middle East, home attacks in London. Always it appears to myself, that we want Peace but we don't want dialogue.

The apparatus of state shares to much idealogy , religious leaders gone mute.

The sense. The soil of argument is  mixed up. Real hatred is being demonstrated to another country. While some hide in shelters with Warplanes dropping bomds, killings taking place, whole towns Been raised to the ground.

But no reaction at present from Spiritual leadership.

Gone quiet.

Secular leader is driven by methophysics outlook. Non religious KGB trained carer person

Adopted superstitious approach to warfare, clearly crazy.

So Christian theology should more easily speak out against this madness.

Part of the war against the west, is just proxy campaign to ensure his world view is promoted.

Why is Church in this place acting so unholy.?

This leads me to question

Myself,  would l follow

Teachings of sermon on the mount.

Or would l choose to be silent.

Because it hits me there.

Do I engage with this mad thinking?

Have l courage?

Have l the strength
Speak out?

It may be recent history is one of the church compromised to states message.
Economic wealth, cooperation with secular states, driven by things not
Of the spirit, not teachings of Jesus Christ.

Secular journey became inspired by Church Not the other way around.

We want different.
How can this happen when it appears the Faith journey leadership's
Become muted.

There is hope because anylisis

Showing that a religious split is occurring?

Many spoken out, facing huge challenge.

Silence. Is no longer accepted,

Like People , Priest's discouraged from doing 

Relationships with Authorities.

Some statements been made.

We must pray ,hope, they split and refuse to pay homages to the Russian federation.

Mar 25, 2022

Importance of Rituals and apparent nothingness.

Part of my present ritual is to walk to Dock , watch the ferry leave ,arrive.

Drink a café, eat local snack then walk to pier entrance, up onto rocks examine the Rock pools.

Saw swallows arrive. Fish in large schools swimming.

Pure sense of nothingness and precious moment of thinking about life.

Listen later some Soul music.

 Struggle to share our rituals.

Such is part of life, something do each day. part of your processing the day.

Also searching for soul music on Radio and this APP called Spotify.

Another Ritual creating a playlist to share.

We are allowed such moments, the are part of our humanity.

Not spiritual to place these moments in another box ,to be ignored or hidden away.

Rituals like our daily narrative are part of being you.


Matthew getting better support

The areas l cannot perform, are now being tasked

by those in authorities to act.

Answer to prayers.

Hard to get this essential support.

Life is not like a movie..ITS MUCH HARDER.


Mar 23, 2022

Lot more of what we without Others.

 Sat in restaurant with friends.

People adults from all over Europe are evident.

Some Germanic tribes sat in group food on plates..looking down at screen.

Do Not communicate to each other.

Made to be in relationships

Made to Be better than this..

Made for something different to this.

Made to communicate together.

A member of our group, sat talking on their phone..missed out on better, missed 

out on the different way of being. Missed out on Listening. They talked .

We are in multitude of relationship's.

They require nurturing

Relationships require effort.

Relationships been remoulded by technology, but not advanced.

Technology is wonderful. But it is for Us to master.

Technology creates in us ,some of us slave approach. 

We are their for media relationship.

Relationship that does not work. If we do not work at understanding it's limitations.

Mar 22, 2022

Messy way of being


As sense of belonging to each other has altered

Our understanding around, 

what's community also become altered

Older folk taken more voluntary roles.fulfilled some parental responsibility

Community are less connected with people, more concerned about tasks, then people in local places.

Relationships are lot more messy. Appears less desire to understand in educationally settings what might constitute community.

Families become isolated, although functional can excised without wider gatherings.

Many don't vote.only 1\3 vote, they excersie control not just over others who voted. But over those who did not take part in process.

Not involved local dynamics.

Authorities connexion is further slight, so much of what we without the other.

Mar 21, 2022

Life appears to be happening at such fast pace, trying to equate nuensces is hard!

We are detached from each other, more isolated, less a sense of belonging.
Older people not invested in for their quality of what can still contribute.
Some who have lived life's where alcohol misuse,drug dependant, never reached potential.
Many simply excist.
Dwellings we call homes can be splendid. But for many streets are Dickensian fairytale.
Hard to be comfortable, with over occupation.High energy bills affect quality of life experienced. Other factors also.

Once people knew people in own  streets, most folk.
 Young knew older folk, had honourable acknowledgement of their journey.

Trips to towns become less frequent, social cohesion stumped, no longer are we expected to
know lot of local residents.

Churches ,Social cluds, youth centre,old skool pubs,trade union halls, were gatherings (not exclusive), where,young, family,older, plus very young , crossed age cultures ,
would meet together.

Lack of present authoritive service's in Rural,seaside community's
Never been well resourced. Now further leads to poorer quality of life.

Remoulding community and deeper awareness of issue's affecting individual development been known long time.
Reluctances to support poorest among ourselves. Increases poverty.
That increased both strain on society,strain on remodelled new families.
We are media and internet linked, but not connecting. 
Those already without,  further disadvantaged when not technology resourced.

Community now confusing.Its happening less in reality.
Sadly happening more in media links ,
That's if they work.

Those services that should outreach to vulnerable and powerless.
Sit waiting concerned,
But not grasping that face to face contact.
Conversations around issues,
Society disjionted.

Unskilled workers,not pastorale 
use keyboards to make decisions around provision.
Such decisions are life altering cannot be
done away from actual involvement, with individuals and communities.

Mar 20, 2022

Happy Birthday 66.sorry today your stars suggest,not Reaching true potential!. l am bit ill.

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Mar 19, 2022

The journey of another person's worth pain.

 We all need to feel others are listening

But we don't do that often nor as deeply

As we should.

Too often noise drowning out what being said, 

before a word has been spoken.

Some people are difficult to listen to,l am for sure sometimes,

Personal stories are worth investing proper time.

Buddest teach, that we should focus on one thing only.

So do that when privileged to be hearing narrative.

Listen well, if get chance, Listen actively.


Mar 18, 2022

Somewhere tonight people grief is being enjoyed by Russian leaders.





Aged disabled

Poor and weak

Unable to flee 


Not wanting to harm Others

With no desire to harm you brave Russian leaders?

You killed children,old people, tell lies at gathering of a United Nations, where escrimant and vile vomit,filled lies pour out of you like toxin's, from sulpher filled hell.

Masters of nothing but senseless War.

One-- you will be held accountable!

Two--Then Real United Nations will decide your fate.

My only hope is that it concludes, you are no longer allowed to know true peace.

Mar 17, 2022

My illness is winning at present,very sorry appear quite.

 The View is great, but health took biggest stumble in few year's.. slightly better today

Concern for justice, Society not so flawed nor damaged remains.

Underemployment has been rising
Low wages flattened
Part time roles risen
Inflation skyrocketed
Energy prices soured
MP got wage increase
Poverty truly surged
Effects upon most vulnerable still getting worse

Mar 15, 2022

To brave Russian peacekeeper

 Only someone who finds the courage to be different from others can ultimately exist for 'others'.

Mar 14, 2022

Russian orthodox Christian theology confusing, it's stance showing support War criminals Putin Violence against innocent people shoud end.

The Russian orthodox Christian theology is confusing,but it's stance showing support of the oppressive nature of Putin Violence against innocent people should not just stop.

It should never been evident.

I understand today that some distance between the power and those who should shine the light.

Despite or rather as a consequence of speaking truth into this situation,can the followers of eastern branch of the Church reclaim credibility.

Vulnerable,poorest, women and children,old folk, all victims.

Poorest among the hardest effected by other aspects of this violent indiscriminate invasion.

Food prices rose, those already in a survival of pandamic,battles with more poverty.

Well again they're being hurt.

Death,destruction ,killing ,with no principal odjective.

War that had no winners.

Idealogy routed in belief that the past should be retrieved.

Idealogy routed in 'we are your masters.'

Further with some reading, idealogy that wants old power battles, 

boundaries established that no one still recognises as viable.

Mar 12, 2022

It sounds weak saying.. This will pass

It sounds like a coward words..may sound callous to others.

If you are caught up in War across own country, but this guy from northern town,faith based, Community and youth worker.

What do l know about the situation?

But my life ,at times feels not easy either.

 Feels  like struggle.

Today stress of life caused me to sit, cried a little.

This too will now it all have got for me, further all here and now,

I have got for you.

Stay in touch.

Stay closer. That's my 'me Prayer.'

Love is in need of Love again today.

Compassion, kindness, hope , shalom, community.

Grace, music, dance rhymes, reading materials. Vinyls. Each other, time together, less stress.

We come in groups,exploring community                      we argue , disagree, talk loud. don`t accept another view, fixated on our own thought.

we sneak around...move in cars..walk at on the beach.                       All of us must accept at times can be passionate about what we believe..feel..accept..reject.. agreements and disagreements. 

love is in need of love, love each other, like we did before.

Now l am here, you are there ,not very much has changed in me.

 But t can’t stand to be in the same room,or like now on another continent without you, despite,all the time that passed. 

l struggle with the fact..its been all these years. 

We do things like forget! Not sure even that's true.


Mar 10, 2022

Hope will return and dark days will disappear.

Cost of energy is increasing,
making other stuff difficult.
Level of increases, is a great concern
But as always Poorest struggling most.
simple ways of hurting vulnerable, in a divided society lack of concern for those weakest at the bottom.

Some interesting theology escapes into mainstream.

Not always possible deal with arc of  discussion 

but l try, had my construction around faith journey

informed by others sharing, listening often via

PODCASTS to debate, arguments.

Than followed up with more reading, However

not accepting of ZOOM as an alternative to face to face growth in Christianity.

Had my firsts pint of beer on this ferry Also traveled to fight in my first  Boxing show across the River, wide muddy. For a long time we never had a Humber Bridge.
This period is odd and the world seams strange,
but hope will return and dark days will disappear.


Mar 9, 2022

What belongs in your tapestry of Faith


We excerise Faith in others, in our relationship

In trust we place in others

When lend someone something special

Others breaking that trust or promise does not mean we should not trust but in Faith we start anew.

We place trust again

Feelings are part of that narrative of Faith

Do you have a tapestry like this, had it experienced brokeness.

Yet your Faith also experienced return.

Faith does not stay still, It transform into the people and relationships that enable growth.

Faith in God is part of that tapestry also.

Mar 7, 2022

So sad the song that celebrates War.


Ukraine claims to have blown up a whopping 285 tanks as they keep Putin's henchmen at bay while they try and capture major cities.

And one extraordinary clip painting a picture of Putins failures appears to show a Russian Su-25 fighter jet being destroyed as it soared over Kharkiv.

The plane transforms into a fireball as it plummets to the ground, much to the delight of Ukrainians watching below.

We keep having Wars, knowing War only brings grief,distress,death, and refugees.

Ed Sheeran has denied he "borrows" ideas from unknown songwriters without acknowledgement, the High Court has heard.

How was I to know? It's a crazy thing I showed you my hand And you still let me win And who was I to say That this was meant to be? The road that was broken Brought us together And I know you could fall for a thousand kings And hearts that would give you a diamond ring When I fold, you see the best in me The joker and the queen I was upside down From the outside in You came to the table And you went all in With a single word And a gentle touch You turned a moment Into forever

loved last week when we traveled in my car ,with me supplying the listening playlists, One Album was `Lego` by Ed Shearen, also listen to the Princess and the often l could see the influences upon Ed Sheerans music..others journeying could not recognise that trend. But l am schooled in Music and older.Two key factors.

Ed Sheeran has denied he "borrows" ideas from unknown songwriters without acknowledgement, the High Court has heard.

He told the court: "As I hear a beat, I hear a song and melody comes out."

Cross - examining, Mr Sutcliffe argued: "The evidence is overwhelming that at the time of writing Shape of You, your songwriting process involved collecting ideas."

Mr Sheeran replied: "You say it's overwhelming, I don't agree with that."

He later said: "I write a lot of songs and if I haven't written a song within two hours, I see it as a failure."

Perhaps it's just age.

Getting older not for sissy's  Forget things, names, People. Drop stuff Yougart, milk, cups. Struggling to adjust to limited or fixed in...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"