Oct 5, 2021


 “When you are young , Don`t recognize due to some elements of fearlessness own vulnerabilities, The world you feels is either for or against you,because  inexperienced ,tend to enforce this opinion. As we get older , gaining broader understanding, we reexamine , reflect,discuss,share contemplate own foundational views of the world. Most times 
re-contextualize what happened to us with experience ,understanding,knowledge gained ,hopefully become more objective, sadly
a less impulse-driven philosophical position."

Life happens we develop, but never in a place called comfortable.

Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between femininity and masculinity.

There’s no doubt traditional male-female gender roles are common in the Bible. After all, this is an ancient text that reflects the values of the societies from which it emerged. But interesting also place for some who gender is not clear,or is clear and presents issues, take as best example l can find . . .

God being pleased with eunuchs who come to the temple and in Acts 8, a Eunuch is fully included in the new Christian community through baptism. In neither case is change required of them before they can join the community in worship.

Took me personally longtime to understand what a Eunuch is, Indeed l had a doctor from Heart clinic whose Surname was this actual word, pleasant incredible person, I once asked him about his name..he replied only heard it like me in the Bible.

But my problem arrives when the many different names for genders trying to take over traditional understanding, Government promoted BBC suggest there are 100 genders.

Many youths get confused change Genders later in LIFE 75% desire to change back to Gender born into.

Church and One Organisation OASIS yes delightful (Rev Chalkie Stevens mob) guilty of promoting some of the new WOKE religions teaching.

Maybe cool.

Maybe attracts type of follower...

Defiantly good funding stream to access.

But its hurtful ..wrong...destroys `message of community and Faith belief`Christian systems goes into argument mode.

Then we also get some damage done by taking a text out of context..


1 Timothy 2:11-12 it states, Women should learn in silence and all humility. I do not allow them to teach or to have authority over men; they must keep quiet

This is often the go to verse of bad theologians...taken out of true context, becomes a pretext for causing hurt and putting weaker sex into role they are not created for ..that is to be submissive. True meaning been on this Blog previous...find a tonne better stuff then my ramblings all over the WWW.

The Bible does not provide the answer to a whole number of issues to do with many topics which Christians have subsequently wrestled.But very much one voice around gender , male and female.So why are some hell bent on creating many genders for few.

That got myself concerned after lot of chatting some reflection l conclude it a fad..it makes you sound cool...Modern...forward thinking/seeking.

Sometimes we have to stand upon a rock,make a firm practice state one view.

Recognition and work with an approach recognizes we are long term people passing through this place offering a different and better way of being. 

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ASKING for us to consider, call to right relationships with others.

Seen so many small birds in our locality at present. Include redshanks, pippins, thrush various sorts. The pest that steal chips Seagulls ha...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"