Jun 30, 2021

Forget England football team...real drama was judge Judy


The most significant culturally event in recent years is NOT England beating the Germans at a football game.

Sorry for not being excited about this........

Entertainment and misused propaganda become unsettled part of news.

This football game the major event.

What about more suicides and how we can support each other better?

The rise in very recent poverty

Yet more figures risen in Food bank use...

Mobile phones in schools..

11 year old girl youngest to have child in school.?....

We glorify soccer players and life's they lead.

culturally l accept need  fun...its got wee importance

But whole news agenda for several days.


The real drama was on Judge Judy.

Jun 29, 2021

I am old enough to know things don`t quite go way l want them to.

 in  Church in SEE 
Maybe you haven't noticed it yet. in CHURCH,
I didn't for a long time, either. There's a term that people like to throw around at church in regard to worship. 
Regarding `God and the Holy Spirit` turning up....
But fact is, already there, been there waiting.

Jun 28, 2021

When music hits you

 You are anywhere!

The music gets you

Stop, listen, it stays..either get the track or better play track when you next can from own collection

It that transfixing

Like magic

Beautiful thing happens to me and you...asking

Maybe at the fairgrounds.....some Tamla Motown

Or Springsteen track........perhaps ,,,l drive all nite .......

Odd times have to inquire ..what that track?...

Or simply remember the words...the tune.....worse

The very worse..is when cant recall the song.....

Music opens so much in emotional.... memory...places... times...person.

Jun 26, 2021

The whole NHS system in UK suffered a great deal in UK but before C19...like teaching sector they been found short and not fit for present.


WOW...Doctors this week...but getting this one incorrect 

The warped document included a whole litany of anti-white concepts including ‘white saviourism’, ‘white centering’, ‘white exceptionalism’, ‘white fragility, and ‘white privilege’, as well as niche ideas from the very fringes of the modern loony left like “misogynoir” – which specifically speaks about misogyny directed at black women.

Kevin Waller ,senior youth worker also criticized the document, "Suggesting such words to young people is moving them towards a hurting agenda,concerning that they may see this as Authoritative way to behave.Prevents discussion further open debate".

Stephen Pollard, editor of 'Jewish Chronicle', laid into it. Stating  “chilling in what it reveals about the mindset within an important part of the NHS” added: “In some ways, it’s even worse that it’s an internal document. At least with a public document, people would have been able to criticize it.

“It poses the question: what kind of other documents are circulating in the NHS that we don’t get to see and which accepts all these arguments as a given?”


NHS has a WOKE Alphabet....really it now only for select few,you and l are unable to access.

The whole NHS system in UK suffered a great deal in UK but before C19...like teaching sector they been found short and not fit for present.

Jun 24, 2021

today might wanna bring your umbrella!

 Wish you were here, wish you could see this place.
Wish you were......

But today might wanna bring your umbrella!


You’ve got one card to play,one life to live, and you’re dying to play it each night

who would have thought that life would fly by so quick

that there is still so much to learn.

plus heck this Virus thing....are we gonna be kinda.the show must go on

You’ve got one card to play,one life to live.

Do you ever `get hit`with a song, some words ,your thoughts ,and you just sit on the beach.....well sitting.

How much is your current value.....

In an old book sometimes used, a Prophet...well he was much more than that,said this..

"You are worth much more then the sparrow to your heavenly father.. don't worry....."

So today be concerned about trouble, plus issues next doors concerns, the community affairs, further Worldwide news.

Think that's what the good Lord was on about!

However Lord, world first,community and neighbour...then little for self.


Jun 22, 2021

not forgotten and no one is kneeling either.

  "The forgotten: how White working-class pupils have been let down, and how to change it"
Among the many factors that may combine to put White working-class pupils at a disadvantage are:

  1. Persistent and multi generational disadvantage
  2. Placed-based factors, including regional economics and under-investment
  3. Family experience of education
  4. A lack of social capital (for example the absence of community organisations and youth groups)
  5. Disengagement from the curriculum
  6. A failure to address low participation in higher education

OK so lets admit, it you all heard this and much more from myself ...
Now turns out l was telling you the truth.
We grew up in northern town badly damaged and not repaired during WW2.
Fishing industry disseminated ...underemployment very low wages.
Touched recently on poor schooling so revisit previous.
Experienced violence from awful teachers at Hull grammar mid 70`s.
Its not that no one took interest too busy surviving to concern with how we doing in a wicked school.
But here l did better it appears a good Church at Cott rd,Good Church folk who attended took wide interest in all of the children and young people's development.
Access to secular youth provision, which informally lead to professional career.

The educational leanings were known as the three main English ,maths, etc. But like myself many were excluded in days when exclusion was more permanent.
we wanted to achieve but that was not always pointed out as options we could take up.


Jun 21, 2021

As we come into new era let's dialogue with the other. . .

We must challenge the doctrines of our social practices
Is allowed some of our Wokiesm travellers
Cannot grasp that 'other words'create a way of being which includes open discussion
Others,'we can feel dislike, but can still engage around that piece uncomfortable dialogue.
 well it's  needed...if we are to grow...

Take issue with what l compose...then we learn, experiences are shared.
Perhaps new better discoveries around literacy, our emotional areas happen.

That 'other' person has unique perspective, your capacity for empathy could change.
Opportunity not to be missed.....part of personal growth.

Disagreement between you and your team is vital
We grow often in places where we find that we are uncomfortable dialogue with others
Ensuring we actively listen
Not acceptance of another discourse is beneficial to how we get to know the others.


Jun 20, 2021

It's still only June you know

     Don't dream the dream be the dream

Witness two images today in a park firstly.....with a mic a woman was talking to few children who running around...there was a sign saying Gospel Church outreach.
Talked about difficulty in child birth 
Absent father,Parents second marriage....on and on...gave much time as l should
Then l departed.
Here a thought if gonna testify..take three minutes this is ...

moment my life changed.
This direction l am going in..      
here the difference.

If want to know further connect with me after the service.
Because often it becomes a tick box of damage encountered...that's not the place.
Second image 
A old historical buildings that held Worship close to 600 years..empty no one attending.
Church warden invited me to view.
We don't get anyone attending . .."unsure if we hold this year's Carol service at Christmas".
Covid hit many Churches hard.

"Maybe we all need to examine what's emerging"...l commented.

Jun 19, 2021


 “Getting to where we need to go often means finding a new language for where we’ve been".

How the journey and is your faith developing

Your love for others is it growing

My concerns for justice are they being achieved

This anger at wastefulness of human life is it a passion

The worries over unanswered prayer

lack of time still available 

books need to read

Music must listen too

Groups want to engage better with

McLaren , “Doubt need not be the death of faith. It can be, instead, the birth of a new kind of faith, a faith beyond beliefs, a faith that expresses itself in love, a deepening and expanding faith that can save your life and save the world.”

“I believe but sometimes I don’t.” The woman responds, “That’s weird because I don’t believe but sometimes I do.”

Jun 18, 2021

waxing the car is more important for some then the issue of neighbours poverty

Surprised following discussions, and action today that poverty is not higher on politicians agenda.

Many are in difficult situation and its not getting any easier.

Actions via food-banks is marvelous but struggle should not be carried by us.

Efforts via Marcus Rashford and many others are inspirational.

However sadly these are seen as a arm of the government.

What's wrong is that we have the will to tackle poverty, but not the desire.

We could address the issue with more actions,More concern.Commitment to justice

Act more full of mercy. Explore wage structures, pay some in more humble way  We could act change the way view impoverished.

We can do something....if we wanted. But poverty is way of controlling others!

We don`t do what we should...really it is that simple...for many until the moment arrives for them, poverty is not the issue.

Waxing the car for many has more importance.

The system error continues ...

“We Used To Make S*** In This Country, Build S***. Now We Just Put Our Hand In The Next Guy’s Pocket.

Come the end of the WIRE season 2, Frank is beaten down by the system with no real hope or help. He laments on how the country has changed– how the culture has changed. There’s no longer a sense of solidarity within communities, with people instead operating for their own self gain.

Pretty much what I been saying.

Jun 17, 2021

Live your faith in your way....

So if person simple faith is enough for them.

They are happy in life they live

Understand enough about Scripture and the Bible...not to seek deeper

Basically comfortable with faith journey...

Why must others not accept this outworkings.

Some do not....

Want others to be in their tride...do faith the way they do. .. .

Why can we not see Lord working with that person or that group...just as he works with others include those no faith evident. 

Yes for myself it's part of my nature to go deeper

But for others performance of Faith is not the be all.

I consider myself

Religious. .

But also spiritual

Others feel they are
But not religious......

Everyone is spiritual...but not everyone knows this basic fact.

Jun 16, 2021

A simple Faith....Nomads listen up!


The Bible talks about child like


So simply witness process of  'welcoming stewards' on Sunday morning.

Welcomes others espically new attending.

As couple these simple faith people often invite others for Chicken dinner on a Sunday.

It's so welcome...becomes three hour feast.

They have done this whole adult lifes.. Christian beliefs mean they are open to the stranger.

Attend lots of Church stuff....always have done.

Don't engage in social media nor debate deeply.

We search our life's for what they hold precious.

yet in 'Nomad faith circle'...in pioneering Church movement,they have not grown,they not tackling issues.

This hurts me the most.

From NOMADIC community get this interpretation that such Church folk are block to Faith growth.

A Simple Faith is larger more relevent then emerging Church can grasp.

Perhaps this is one reason why such pioneers and fellowships often implode in bitterness.

Give me a Chicken dinner with such good people most days.

Jun 15, 2021


I spend each day here waiting for a miracle
But it's just you and me going through the mill
Climbing up a hill
Sometimes I ask my heart did we really give our love a chance . . . 
I know without a doubt
That we turned it inside out
How long must we keep riding on this carousel
Going round and round and never getting anywhere
On a wing and prayer...

– tell us something of the faith you inherited-
-Spirituality and faith were just not part of my general thoughts or experience-
- Deconstruction story…-
-church on Sunday involved singing, clapping, dancing, watching the power men-







The comments I hear appear harsh and mean so l struggle with being part of emergent Church or pioneering movement....

  1. Simplicity You’re either for us or against us.  It’s all or nothing.
  2. Complexity — There’s more than one way to do things.
  3. Perplexity — Everyone has an opinion.  Who knows who is right?
  4. Harmony/Humility Seek first God’s Kingdom… love God, love neighbors… in essentials unity… focus on a few grand essentials.

Journey and process are part of our human development,l had poor experience of manliness in School poor educational attainment was result.
however in Church and Boxing gyms  true male humanity demonstrated including listening,teaching me skills,increasing my own confidence ,clear interest was taken in myself.
Later l returned to education and progressed to degree Level.
don`t judge every school by poor standerd of care ,education,but allow grace.
accept this was difficult awkward and a challenge.
see little grace in` Nomad`,` emerging` brotherhood.
Challenge is offer to others in faith journey, compassion,sharing of concepts.
Ask ..where was Holy Spirit in some peoples experience...was is it absence  apparently in others previous?

Jun 14, 2021

When even experts not helping.....feel like screaming


In the night disturbed

Pain was uncomfortable.

Reached for specialist medication

With difficulty.

Took the pills, plus spray

Arteries opened.

Headache arrived


Spoke to my Doctor about increasing pain....long days unable to attend anything.

Feeling discouraged not connected.

He typed..,(it was over the phone consultation)...

He concluded...."l don't know what to say"....

Feel like, this the long goodbye.

Two people with different experience.

 Different knowledge Base. Unable to sail the ship to Port. This feels like a long goodbye....

Maybe when get past this healthy place...when more normal...just put it down to life's rich tapestry....until then...take the pills...

This is the long goodbye...somebody tell me why...been here before.

Jun 12, 2021

.Must control the abuse by social media giants or norm will be emotional literacy plus harsh society's

 What makes me the person l am

Is the experience along this journey!

Believe me not everything been 'learnt'

Nor has it been easy.

Guess too many times 

Some people's experiences in life...

Is being built upon the experience of trying 

to be in image culture presenting...

Trying hard not make this generational observation.....although lot of Society's chaos coming from cultural norms along with missing ingredients of Community... dialogue...poor leadership.

Sharing narrative of our life's listening to conversation

Should return as we talk about opening up...

Risky we need to be honest

Sharing hopes and discouragements so we enhance each others development.

There is a fear that emotional literacy opening up could be exploited.

Hence we don't trust enough.

.Must find way to control the abuse by social media giants or worse emotional literacy and less trusted society

Understand better the experiance of female gender...they are exploited the most also most fearful,due to unusual activity on this medium.

Need for spiritual leadership in this area.

Jun 10, 2021


 It's been tuff .. Doctors unhelpful around health issues

Losing several days week with lethargy and pain....

My life involves some health issues with Cardiac...

Good. Understand that many worse off then myself..

So rested up away from home.......

Love ...life...friendships even Vocation,appear on hold when poor health becomes big concern.

Jun 8, 2021


 Life is definitely not fair,

 but it’s well worth

doing the hard work of living.



Do not want to dwell on the issue that brought here to prominence...but she must be one of Earths greatest living young women..its that simple.

if l dare to feel as bit low reach for this book..simple then l do not feel so low.

Britain's most inspiring young woman helps give others the courage to cope with life's challenges, through personal anecdotes and expert advice..

whatever you are going through,confident  you`ll  find help in this place....

Things will never get better if you believe they won't”

Jun 7, 2021

Fishing in low culture can also be very spiritual.....

 Wrestling with questions about your faith is not doudts.

Not agreeing with all that others agree is not disconnecting from your Faith.

Unable to fathom Struggling often....not a Faith crisis.

Walking alone in prayer...deep thought returning to unanswered questions is part of the tapestry of faith.

Staying among your heritage community does not mean you have not taken a risk for God

The Father's nature and purpose for you will not be the same as another on same journey.

God speaks to each perhaps differently.

Be cautious about who guides you on this journey....that includes my ramblings...

Learnt a great deal from fishing in low culture

Being among meek in spirit

Spending time with people who suggest they hold no faith...

Like them

Like you

Like myself

                 The journeys taking place differently sometimes....

I cry out to comfort, competence, and culture all the time. The sacrifices offered include time, money, brain space to them.

 It's OK waste time in odd ways

But don't guilt trip it's allowed

Unless becomes huge amount of time

Fishing in low culture can be Spiritual

Jun 4, 2021

Rambling about theology again

 Faith is it simple?

Does it grow and change?

Are not doudts part of the process?

My faith also feeling.....feeling leave that when everything else stripped away

What l have come to accept about Jesus ...life...words..call to action...Death...ressurection

.Kingdom values.

Well simply where faith journey begins remains and carrots me home...

Faith like spiritual 

Like Church....

Kingdom values

It's messy......

Like a warm fuzzy feeling....but can be a battle ground....arguments wrong views

But it should always be something a person owns develops and grows with.

Faith real precious........Hold onto this like Truth plus Love....required part of LIFE.

Jun 3, 2021

Hope can die .....when social abuse mocks those living for better



Whatever coming next....all forms of hidden social abuse platforms.
Just seen a post linking Nazi Germany with the NHS
 pointing us to take a vaccine...
Had young client who harmed themselves
 following lot of Facebook abuse

Calling out and platforming people
All part of a self Centered narrative ....result is close down dialogue,
discussion,social cohesion,conversation

That all closed down. . . . . .MAYBE THAT IS THE TRUE AIM
Growth...better understanding...Prevents increasing empathy . . . .stops us seeing another's Soul.
Fearful of sharing own vulnerabilities because it may be mocked by others
So we retreat
Close down
Even hide away


Facebook comments ..social media comments
are like the SUN
      DO not stare at them for to long....

          Keep trying to find HOPE in a hopeless world.

Jun 2, 2021

I live in times where hope is returning

 However for myself kinda always been optimiseic about next steps

Eternal flame of hope been kept alive .

The conversation plus dialogue with others kept me flame grilled...

Witnessed others deep concern 

Social practices working out through care ..displays of love

Simple practices which go unnoticed......

So it's good group to be part of...belong with.

Recognise as you read this you...yourself display such ethics.

Is it in built?

Do we discover such outworkings?

Are they rooted in Biblical understanding?

Political thoughts...other Religious knowledge?

Can it be just way we are programmed as humans...whatever it is ...correct.

Sometimes we just got to kick the Darkness till it bleeds the light....

Wait for love to conquers the great Divide......

Till then walk in Nature...converse with others.....listen actively

Jun 1, 2021

Tomorrow's fish and chips paper. Headlines

World become each day more violent troublesome place. More divide from corner shop politics, illegal immigration, false religion, bullying a...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"