Apr 30, 2021

In France politician said WOKENISUM could lead to civil War...same is true in UK

Debate,discussion , vital to opening up views and judgement around differences 
But there is an aggressive stance by the new Wokeniusm Warriors 
Very evident in faith and Christian opposition.

I know who l am.....fairly clear about what l believe but found there are some who
Well to quote a Dwight Yokum song....
               YOU DONT KNOW ME
                BUT YOU DONT LIKE ME...

That true sentiment around Woke people...they don't like Jesus,they don't like faith people.
They sure don't like a debate.
There is an attitude which involves 'direct action'by this group.
Where it happens....been true in Universty they do not allow someone to speak in debates
even if they are Learned, got some Credabiltie ,not allowed to attend and speak at educational establishments.
It really .......way off the pale.
Happens and it's simple horrible.
I want to listen...
I want you to talk...
I will perhaps disagree...
But never prevent another view...
Shown that my in my life journey has altered!
With thought  . . .
With discussion . . .
With debate . .
With reflection . .
With pain  . .honesty  . . ? further lot of soul searching!
WOKENISUM.....well they just cancel people...
Personally feel it's got lot to do with struggle around there 'Emotional Literacy'.....

Here an example from the Christian Policy.....

From a average mum who on social media suggested it was wrong
 to challange your sexuality in a discussion forum
She lost her job along with vile attacks upon her person 
further her husband and children...

She said: “It’s only the most egregious, violent, dangerous beliefs that are not protected, such as saying you are a Nazi or you are wanting to overthrow government by violent revolution or that you are a Holocaust denier.

“Ultimately, what it comes down to is an attack on my right to free speech. Can you really compare what I believe in – that sex is a biological reality – to the truly evil beliefs of the Nazis?”


Time to truly wake up and stand up to this group or they will truly be trouble a plenty!

Apr 29, 2021

Did you get Covid 19 and that other memo.....?

 Lady took her two children swimming

Told me it was ecelarting

But 8 year old said it was freezing

Took 15 minutes to watch the Egrit fish for food

Saw biker's turn up for Thursday gathering

Sheltered with friends from coldest winds

Got decent score at Squash

Observed that DWPCutting people's benefits

Pitbull owner swore and lashed out at his partner

Don't think got memo...you know where all learnt such lot we are going to be kinda

Try communication better....trust more...love neighbours..be more grateful recognise blessings

Appreciate the small but powerful stuff

But you got the memo

Plus l got the memo

Others got the memo

So looks likely really try to follow through!

Last time a person called for us to be 

More neighbourly

It cost

It was a rebellion

Different way of being

Kingdom way of being

The memo still gets sent

Some don't ever receive it or if they do get one......well it doesn't get acted upon...so again it falls to you...to l...to the others

Let keep trying to follow through.

Apr 28, 2021

What they fail to tell you about faith

That it is a pilgrimage.
Long journey with some uncertainty...
Not about having a 'set of cards' with simple answers.
Not a commitment prayer then free pass to Heaven...more much more!
Today it's inspirational and spring like....
Your buzzing,energised...Superman with large F on blue T shirt.
Next day wrestling with things you once we're sure and confident about,
Dark periods.
Share these things with others....but that's risky!
Atheists have lot of faith.
Can have faith in things that are not religious
Can be Religious and not faithful.
There a group called faithless great dance tracks ...like 'God is a DJ'.
That oddity included in DJ sets 
Jesus journeyed with many who would class as unbelievers .....so there must be plenty of faith there.
Also among unchosen...rejected...poor... giver ups...let down..those who sing the Blues.
Faith can be found in Bible!
Can be found in community
Can be found in music,,drama,comics,sport...
But best of all ...never forget...it's a journey
So pilgrimage onwards... may not have all the answers.... but journey on.

Apr 27, 2021

Religious thoughts of Hull city supporter

As team Hull city  football club are returning to Championship ...but without too much excitement from many quarters,like them personally still think way we treated some players,the fans was unethical and unprofessional last season
Few wins in minor league DO NOT correct last season record defeats.
The community are not bags of cash,nor should the cluds assets be stripped to pay of chairmanship loan with unknown interest.
Supporters like congregations are essential to how community's develop.
Yes ones a 'faith community' on a journey
The others a 'community on journey in sporting' context.
But both invest time
Follow closely
Hugely committed
There alongside place in challanges 
Rejoice in good times
Put arms out and around each other in more sorrowful periods
Sometimes it's deep ...sometimes it just laughter and merriment.
..always it's the journey further togetherness.
Supporters don't just come along,they invest.Loyal true faithful.
Hope same applies to congregations...locality ...faithfulness ...seeking truth.
Add wrestling with hard questions being neighbourly 
Witnessed that also am g supporters and way treated foodbanks also often generous to causes
........both groups Pray a lot as well...Hull city fans perhaps more then the average congregations.

Apr 26, 2021

The sandbox of childhood feels empty night is returning


Yes l did met nephews we went to park

Saw Emu have a poo

Hopped around like with a kangaroo


Fell down

Spun on rides

Came down slides

Brother was not well

Son had cuppa and chat with him

You see life sometimes in whole the stuff there is struggle 

Deep joy.... conversation....cups of tea and ice creams

Children make you laugh

All his life is ahead..... Autumn came quickly l feel

Was it so long ago when Matty

Spent all day rock pooling

I went for chips and pushed his pram

Along Scarborough prom

The sandbox feels quite

I ache a little

But today l laughed a far bit

With Liam as Emu had a poo

We hopped along the fence with the kangaroo

Now late in the day l ponder anew at the past...kinda miss you to.

Apr 25, 2021

When will justice flow.......kinda getting fed up Lord

 If Good news only about ...

"perhaps for a few in Heaven in future...."


Real sorry but

Me outa here.....

Got to make sense to the lost here and present

Not a faith crisis

It's a burning question 

One l want to be finding answer too.

Wrestling with this at the moment

Shake a fist and argue with God moment.....that fine it's part of spiritual DNA

Apr 24, 2021

Hull city Yorkshire capital....

 In God's county there is a northern fishing port one letter from Hell

The king's town of Hull

Newly promoted to a championship league

Celebration taking place

Beers flowing

Grown man hugging

Women laughing

Children playing

Money men rubbing hands with glee!

Many rejoice

Good news after last season's sadness humiliation and utter despair

What a difference a year makes

Nail biting

Curlings defeat...narrow decisions all in the game

A funny old game...our game...our hometown fans game

It's good for economic well-being...for the spirit..for esteem

Never more then a game...but today feel like winner's

Apr 23, 2021

East Yorkshire memory from then and now....God's holiday place

 The county of East Yorkshire and the coastal area presented me with such memory

Walking along Clifftops...although limited pleasent wildlife....

Views across sea and river Life.

Unknown holidays ...campsite....... resident's stays.... BnB...

Days out,days away

Nurtured my spirit

Cleansed my soul

All seasons bring views .... special happening..events...sights.

Friendships formed as walked cliff and dale

Cups of tea...mountains of cake...marmalade sandwiches..warm flat tangos

Whelks and muscles... vinegar on chips.

Awaiting bus bring family and friends

Talking about 'Vincent Van Gogh's', life as we looked at stars on Ravenscar...

Market place buttie..second hand shop

Mug of tea as we arrived at camp sight

Quite cool mornings

Sharing snaps and postcards

Listening to soul music as sat near a tent in a feild...

Caves and puffins...seals and Whale

Sandcastles and paddling....

Yorkshire beaches ...cliffs and hills...blessings a plenty.

Apr 22, 2021

Really need to leave this place before l grow to small

 It's emotional literacy concerning me.

Know that if I stay longer experiance more isolation in my life

Struggling to get stuff my mind can harvest

Health services poor

Practices of social interactions limited

Whole area of understructure closed down while ago

Feel old here

Comprising my attitude

Spiritual feel bankruptcy

Economic well-being is affected

Housing very Dickinson 

Family friends faith not part of the connection can activate daily


Got to keep moving forward so therefore got to keep moving on....

Away from here......

Life lived enabled in me requirements for larger conversation

Rural development lacking in mind and emotional areas

Faith communities to myself not evident.

I grieve

Depth of pain internally

Lack of community

Require something that's within me......not found here.

Level of honestly here that opening myself to others.

Journey with pack on your back of skills that are worthwhile

Here they just gather rust

Not being added to. . . .

Apr 21, 2021

Just ordinary people day

Spending time with friends...we had cuppa.. realised the struggles, observed `everyday wonderful` parenting.

Not viewed by all.

Collected to deliver a foodbag completed with love by older couple from our collective of Churches...much needed..valued by recipient...

Saw meaningless act of damage plus suttle warning by drug dealer towards innocent person seeks to simply be left alone...

Walked through poverished town …saw beggars becoming active again!

Shops cheap product's!

Aliases bargains no one buying.

Rows of tomatoes over priced ,

more costly this week then last week.

Roads still empty.

Connecting `nowhere to anywhere`, away from here.

Sought return home, walking on chilly beachfront.

Wonder is it OK to plead with God because you see!

I believe in the Kingdom come...but can't understand why got so little of it here in these places...

Are my prayers so meaningless...do l count for so little ?

"You got to tell me how do the Angels sleep when the Devil leaves his light on..."

I don't feel like a winner!

Apr 20, 2021

Hull one letter from Hell....produces people like myself.

Hull one letter from Hell...... feels like the end of the earth.

End of the river,

End of the pier,

Last place to nowhere,

Get off gone all there is to go... now quickly board the next train out of town.

But some, well we grew up believing

Still reach...try harder. Cope





But may not get out alive!

Learning a trade,

Knew little violence in schools

Street grew up on little confrontation.

Church we discovered 

Community where we furthered Faith.

Girls we loved.

Then moving away...many, many, my peer's never come back.

Don't see this place as found memory.

Understand that.

It appears to drag out in others something not nice.

Prejudiced about others remains big issue.

When your from a northern town, 

Ethnic ratio changed, but more rural surrounding it not benefitted from mixed values, nor delights of diversity.

My little town is now a big bitter City...still impoverished.

Still poorly educated... isolation end of track feelings.

Still people striving.... struggling...faith developing.

The past

Lost industry's,

Fishing heritage

War damages,


Spiritual Angel still may be wrestling in deep secular roots, in a arm trading town that bore me, like many call home.

Hull my home town....one letter from Hell.

So many life's given ...many young

 I drove out to Bridlington on way home back with son Matthew

We explored the memories designed to honour crews of bomber's of 158 squadron RAF

So much sacrifice to fight Fascist..that's how memorial begins

But need to be careful.....just a wee line of caution placed here alone ..it's a view present

Not my mantra......

"We glorify the past when the future Dead ahead"

Please don't take offence but there lot of remembering to moments well gone 
Must strive forward clear not allowing past mistakes to rise again....be more kinder
The Russian love their children too.....so l heard

Apr 18, 2021

My main concern......

 In our community there is hidden

Anger.. drunken behaviour..drug misused... decite

Underemployment....slothness... violence

It raised its head.

Need some authority to intervene

But there is mistrust

People reluctant still to engage with correct Thinking.

It's these tough silly behaviour that ruin

Nuclear family does not excist

Struggling with poverty

Low self worth

Lot of I'll health

In this space....in this place...at this moment

Concern how do we 'good news'.. all this stuff about faith.

Mercyful behaviour means letting go of troubles

Not rely on soft escape like drug's

Putting the bottle back on the shelf

Forging new relationships

Looking into God's word....

But again same mistrust,rises reluctant to engage with that other way.




Remain only swear words on persons lips.

Remain concerned about how to 'goodnews' in this environment.

Apr 17, 2021

Settings of boundaries


He set the earth on its foundations;

    it can never be moved.
You covered it with the watery depths as with a garment;
    the waters stood above the mountains.
But at your rebuke the waters fled,
    at the sound of your thunder they took to flight;
they flowed over the mountains,
    they went down into the valleys,
    to the place you assigned for them.
You set a boundary they cannot cross;
    never again will they cover 

Sometimes you point a person to meaningful view
But they're not going to accept
Found this-'singlemindness'- change part of human experience
They not going to listen
Children especially
But oddly same person find the except point later themselves
Even if they take a difficult journey to discover what they have been told.

Family it's true
Community it's true
Wider society
Recent se exposure in schools
If keep sudjecting youths to sextext....sexual storyline in soaps.
Over sexual exposure in own cultures
They going to abuse each other not treat each other with respect
Even sad little programme like COACH TRIP..presently channel 4
Over relays on inundio.... gossip... sexual chemistry..rudeness..
People mistreat each other ...mock those who not playing the game.
These formats flavour wrong behaviours
But will not accept role nor responsible attitude 
Love not part of relationships minefield
Been shouting this since the 80's.....hell wot do l know

Apr 16, 2021

Simple things can be your blessings

Got my washing done at launderette
Clothes are clean.

Walked but today feel ill...`not healthy` ...slept a lot mid afternoon this week.
Been assigned a physiotherapists she says `l am fit may not benefit from her intervention`.
Exercises include 45 minutes squash all went really well.
Sending issues back to Cardio unit.

Not got long life ahead.
but been prepared, Seen young people's 
life's end far too soon ...so in Faith accept this event.

The sun is shining, Been warmer
Ate sensibly...listen to some Motown on Vinyl  
Still missed someone....
Home is safe,
Enough with good stock of food
I am grateful
Life sometimes ,it's simple everyday getting through miniature, small happenings
Try not to fret if `nothingness around`, real purpose will return fuller 
Perhaps soon, till then be blessed.

Apr 15, 2021

Faithful thought while l tidied my clean washing up...

There are some Rules ,guideposts around faith and my beliefs , that as grow older

things I take as sacred ,vital,correct,important.

Questioned further valued but keep returning to this....

If they didn't make sense in someone else's culture.

The youth culture

Northern working class culture

Poverished mining or fishing community 

Then it not making sense 

So I had to often strip back all those values,virtues,guidelines ,rituals ,keep adjusting my faith .

Asking myself in prayer and with others ,just what what is required of my beliefs to account for all young people,unchurched folk, poor suffering,stressed people , not just in those cultures community but others everywhere.

It has to work under a tree in Yorkshire, on beach, in rain and cold on a street corner in bleak northern town.

That's always the working out l process.

Apr 14, 2021

Further along that road.....

Someone suggested that we don't grow up more along the road less travelled , see that...trust very important as we get older. Faith is child like.?. require simple acceptances. Faith it grows creates within us deeper understanding, Still have so much to further grasp....big issues do not just disappear they remain asking more.... wrestling further when issues overcome... answers we have found seam slight. But that's faith... not always getting the fact.. faith not being able to communicate but knowing just as the sun rises.. just as the tide flows.. Moon settings. Our beliefs remain.....but like that U2 mantra/song you still... " may not always find what you are looking for."

Apr 11, 2021

Church and funding a Kevin Waller ramble....

​​From the earliest days of the Christian Church, there have been many who Pastoraly focused ,tried earn a living ,explored own ministry through supporting themselves. It hard and reflecting from own experience....not an option.....Sadly as the Church moved to fresh initiatives in mission, the emerging Church in a fast-changing world,is more and more favoring this style of funding.

Not easy seeking funding (effectively asking others for money,) takes lot of time does not work.feel like spiritually robbing people.Huge guilt felt, Individuals can become disillusioned quickly.

Know of cases where led to finical fraud, ethically it's a mind field.

Further some renewed interest in vocations that unite a sacramental ministry with daily life and work—the funding for this approach or method not securing funding.

Of course many argue that funding element demonstrates unspiritual person.

Not true, such ministry is characterized by creativity and improvisations.

Hardworking and risk taking.

Damaging that young , often encourage follow this method, this path.Witnessed many burn out some,good few lose faith.

Ministry must be resourced that includes housing, decent wage, resources of support enough reliable practical support. pastoral,emotional,compassion needs to be offered, to do this ministry.

Another factor is that such ministry takes place in the toughest areas, with increasing hard to reach client base.

It's Biblical to support the workers in the fields ........

Well it's Sunday need to preach a little.

Apr 9, 2021

Rebuilding each other

 The coast erodes great deal in these areas....sea comes over none existing cliff's

Which leads to threat of pollution in water drains therefore into the system that feeds normal water

Not climate simply life.......

Walks feel desolate dark..... even when sun arises.....been long this period of a winter

Maybe not everyone gets to shop again

Some died in the Pandamic that's been present.


Been lived we need to build in dark places where human spirit feel like it too been eroded.

Like a huge difference between you and your family members our friends we must no allow times we have been in toeto our humanity.

Seek each other offers care... love ... journey with each other.

Give God chance to lead..read Psalms... Ancient Story.

Apr 8, 2021

Everyday cannot be peanut butter and jelly days...

 Life wrestles person,feel struggling this day.but that fine....yes it is...everyday cannot be 'peanut butter and jelly'. . . some days it's 'Pork dripping with salt' on your bread.

Life at present espically feels long, nothingness blend's into more nothingness...

then tomorrow brings wee bit more of that nothingness.

Honestly l had to go through periods like that....Sun returns...find some new music.

Old friends chatter....walk someplace nice...eat well... thoughts turn to fact.

Simple fact...got past that 'sense of nothingness'.. to appreciate life you are living.

Reach safe harbour views look different....even stand on one leg for 30 second's

Life it's rich....even when it's slow and lacks purpose.

You want more.....sorry some days are like diamonds 

Some days are like Rust.

Apr 7, 2021

Sometimes we have to keep asking..........are you really OK?

You may need to keep asking......  what's going on ...but we should ask...are you really fine?

                                                 LIFE IS HARD !

Thatt great book recommended in my student days from Universty in Hull,'the road less travelled.

Starts with those three words...life is hard.But is it meant to be,why is it so hard for some?

How come we speak about mental health so easily,yet l suspect even those using this expression have limited knowledge about its true meaning...how you doing..well,the person posing the questions moved on ...you see seldom do they expect either an answer...less ready are they for an honest one.

So think before you ask.............how you doing?...........


Apr 6, 2021

What are you rooted in culturally

In What ways did my roots shape the person l became

Loved my upbringing

Large family

Poverish town

Northern area of the UK

Church traditional and local

Professional training

Apprenticeship learned a trade


Loved ones ❤️❤️❤️


What will become......

What am l ready to still become...

All people who Hung around with me... helping to shape me.
Thanks to you All 😊😊😊

Apr 5, 2021

Society that moved on from last week tragedy

 Six people tried to kill themselves in last month alone by jumping of Humber bridge

We discovered that those services offering informally resilience education

had been designated not required.

Society's do not work on achievements when most vulnerable not included.

Success is not measured by what you`ve got?

Nor by what you're doing educational

Or how much society thinks you're momentary value is!

The relationship not being formed, process of caring is lacking.

They have closed the bridge to pedestrians.....will that help?


Active listening

Walk with each other on life's journeys.

We live in a Society moved on from this week's tragedy....

Society that faithless

Society that in poor health

Society not interested

Society with out Leaders

Happy now........

Apr 4, 2021

My Easter story 2021

It's simply ....
Found this -'singlemindness'-  to journey with God.
Understanding more,perhaps knowledgeable about less
Also get up each day with this need,follow Jesus his teachings
'Got no use for broken heart',
let that pass by, l've got no need for Riches,no use for power
Quite simply want to further the working out, Faith.
Part of the process,keeps me asking is this following Jesus 
..being a Christian?
Well it's just better...better way of being...better in LIFES struggle...
wrestling with issues....being some kinda solution,it works.
Simply better when focus on Jesus.
Jesus example,words,further teaching..
That for me ...it's a 'better way of being.'

If nothing else
Stops me 
To Society's norms.

......that there, that's me.....

Apr 3, 2021

Somethings in society just gonna remain . . . .well oppressive

DWP staff and managers admit deliberately inflicting psychological harm on benefit claimants, engaging in unofficial sanctioning targets, and pushing disabled people into work despite the risk to their health, shocking new testimony has revealed.

A Yorkshire-based charity which works with mothers across the county to prevent extremism among children has been classed as the key to tackling radicalisation

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said vaccine passports will “definitely” play a role in international travel

An armed Humberside Police officer was caught peering over a wall during an alleged campaign of "stalking" against another officer.......

--sometimes l try just see if society is getting along OK without me--

Apr 2, 2021

Society and Bad Friday 2021


We left behind ritual grasp plus the need to examine Easter story
That what we have become ...... irrelevant to each other journey

Society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
Society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me

Society, have mercy on me
Kinda acceptable you're angry if 
I appear not as woke as you want me to be......
Shouldn't we be interested
In each other journey
Society, crash and burn
If pain and loss it not understood
I hope you're not lonely without me

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"