Mar 30, 2021

Sometimes we spend too much time retreating into Desert

Often gone on a retreat, then find ,perhaps running away, even just for short while , from here and now
We arrive back to that 'ole place' feeling refreshed.
Learn lot about ourselves in a place called 'uncomfortable'.
Luv the questioning on away periods
Like pace when we retreat
Try to keep learning
Write up, further reflect deeper
Our emotions ...hang ups...joys...fears...growing.. established borders put up...
learning we discover.
Equip's us for returning.
Sometimes only escaping ourselves.
As l grow old....question more...perhaps have l become comfortable 
keeping others distant  . . .
That's new plus tough one?
Keeping people out of our closed life....areas only few know.. .(Jarios window)...
Perhaps habit of roles played...person being V professionally persona that wall put up...
Emotional barrier built to protect oneself.
Even holiday choose to go ....its for me same places,same hotel,same time of year.
Pilgrim journeys often been to same place.
Perhaps need discover a wilderness experience

can become comfortable being the outsider. . . .

What about you...where's your comfortable
Should you seek a ’wilderness experiance'?

Mar 29, 2021

To all the losers in the game's to us

Conversion Lucci Shaw

He was a born loser,
accident-prone too;
never won the lottery,
married a girl who
couldn’t cook, broke
his leg the day before
the wedding
and forgot the ring.
He was the kind
who ended up behind a post
in almost any
auditorium. Planes
he was booked to fly on
were delayed
by engine trouble
with sickening regularity.
His holidays at the beach
were almost always
ruined by rain. All
his apples turned out
wormy. His letters
came back marked
‘Moved, left no
address.’ And it was
his car that was cited
for speeding
from among a flock of others
going 60 in a
55 mile zone.
So it was a real shocker
when he found himself
elected, chosen by Grace
for Salvation, felt
the exhilaration of
an undeserved and wholly
unexpected Joy
and tasted, for the
first time, the Glory
of being on
the winning side.

Mar 28, 2021

Feel old, powerless....just my age...(INTO THE WILD ,)PT2

 Watching someone

Someone close family member

They not well,health.. not easy....

They told me that _"l can not help as I am to close"_

But talked

I have listened deeply to another.

They shared with me..... that honestly felt Okay

We worry... feel sorry... emotional literacy and intelligence come to surface.

It's a journey.when one tries  reaching others......

In the Film....INTO THE WILD.... Chris,main young character won't listen,

Beautiful thing ..Humans came across his journey tried to communicate.


New knowledge.

Different view.

The main Character ... experienced unfortunate events.

He wrote...._"If this journey is ending ,Lord done all l can God bless"_

But he had not,kept others at distence,thought he knew better,would not take advice.

I too was like that...maybe you recognise yourself.

But there but for fortune go you and l.....

Keep on reaching...

 INTO THE WILD: I will miss you too, but you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships. God's place is all around us, it is in everything and in anything we can experience. People just need to change the way they look at things.

Mar 27, 2021

The sea’s only gifts are harsh blows, and ccasionally the chance to feel strong. Now, I don’t know much aboutthe sea, but I do know that that’s the way it is here. And I also knowhow important it is in life not necessarily to be strong but to feelstrong

Ideally we would engage better than have done previously... see little evidence of improvement....Nature like our lives can be cruel.


Film really about being ideal......but circumstances further desire to ignore well intended advice along with wrong knowledge lead to unfortunate demise.

Returning to the Film later.

Listen to others.

Mar 26, 2021

Deep inside it's true l am a home loving Man

 Think l am

Just homelovin..

Kinda guy

Time passed

No regrets

Still on this faith journey

Love playing music

When we gig

Developing talkshops


Watching movies looking for inferred values..... reflection... listening.....

Level five wrestling... Not having the answers...

Well that here.....that's me.

So this lockdown...kinda suited me...BUT some parts not been fun.

Travel ... missing friends... conversation.

Hope....sailing back to port...soon.

Mar 25, 2021 each other.

Lot of our feelings aren’t facts. Like information, sometimes despite appearance, not always true. They are however, very useful. Often can show us what’s really going on beneath the surface .At level one if we’re willing to investigate them. 

  • Perhaps emotion of anger or bitterness you feel – do  you wonder why? Is that feeling growing
  • What specifically is triggering that feeling? Who or what comes to mind?
  • Why doe you feel that way? How long have you been feeling that way?
  • Has that reaction or feeling become your go-to responce

Been returning to emotional literacy as we prepare to engage longer,move away from safety of homes spent too much time in....feelings....emotions...behaviour...relationships.
Prepared get ready to return ,well things that are no longer normal.
How are you feeling about engaging more with lots of others.

You can get ready
I am going to try two things ......nothing unigue ..sure talked about this approach here before.

1-- going to actively listen to others,more deeper.
2--not going to jump in with answers, or statements 

We should begin to grow into emotions....feelings...relationships...engaging slowly l think.
So take your time....Could try getting ready in your heart and mind.
God bless

Mar 24, 2021

Walking away from the Darkness

 Most of the poets I talk to knew there was a risk of death, imprisonment or exile if you write the truth. And even if they flee, they can also be killed abroad.


That's the Dignity i claim for us as we gather bringing hope away from this long period of isolation....calm dignified walking away from the and

We are walking away from this darkness........ little hope in your heart

Mar 23, 2021

What been happening as the ground beneath your feet felt hallowed


Did you walk further,

Have you listened deeply to others,

Did you get more information about nothingness,

Have you invested in others given time to those knew little about?

Did you switch off TV sooner,

Have you watched the ground around your feet more often,

Did you think you get this far?

Have you felt more humble!

Did you recognise that things are not as valuable as people.

Well are you better person? Well......?

Happy Birthday to don't look that old

Mar 22, 2021

Sail the ship called Dignity

Life cannot always go the way we asked.... our end may not be so dignified

Another sad ending to life that arrived at shores localy....four months 's ago

We watched

Took shots with various digital instruments

Some reflection took place

Then on the back of a trailer to be put some useful end.

But difference between you,me, further that Whale.


We're meant to live life's that are worthwhile......

But encountered today some who don't want to live in communities.

They are causing Hurt

Committed to living meaningless moments.

The drug's ..... Violence... threats.... meaningless gestures.

Please live a good life

Contribute to others... wrestling big issues... developing into wholesome person.

Make that one of your goals.....

Sail the ship called Dignity


Mar 21, 2021

Returning to each other.. . .taking place soon




Nature is sometimes cruel,

Nature can be difficult to fathom,

Nature can be pleasant,

Great place to spend time,

Also be place of unpleasant experience.

Life sometimes the same.

Had couple of family  days.... walking.. watching rubbish TV... cooking

Odd ,Missing Just `being with myself`

In Reality got used to `me`.

Glad to report....Need others as much as I need being alone.

Like this place we are in now..this long moment....needs to end...

Then we can all examine returning to each other.

Mar 20, 2021

Early morning thought as l walk along the coast

Wondering if we lost during these lockdowns
Opportunity to become more reflective.which is strange as we had the chance to think anew!

Is that just because we no longer have good leadership in community ,Churches, politics and wider.

....(think return to ponder anew later)..........
It's later..took son to witness death of a whale

On local beach

Nature is cruel

Sadness is present

Life ended

Whale moorened

But we got the same issue...this lockdown it's it still required that you and l should remain indoor for vast amount of time!

Criminal anti social behaviour blighted some life's.

Finding hard to offer support , when services not interested,not acting for those who
So often failed by system.
Find myself low in spirit, feelings hard because feel powerless to help.

Local services been cut those at end of queue going to suffer more.

Family friends taken up care
 But finding this challenge.

Many own resilience is further tested

Charge via council tax, social services increased

But quality of staff training, knowledge

Is ineffective.

But wage structure not going to contract 

The best staff.

Life hard and not getting easier.

Faith communities have opportunities here to emerge as capable leader's.....

But they espically in the youth community field not recruited with a visionary approach.

There mission field here that hurting,people crying communities following Jesus need to engage and lead people into better place....create better communities.

But must also support those who can challenge unjust system that erodes people's well being.
Have to stand alongside and enable people to experience standard of living ,higher and better then most experience at present.

Mar 19, 2021

This too is urgent

Perhaps this feels more urgent than ever before,after a year ago being expelled from Malta.
Like many, been home too much!
Seen to many people vegate into 'comfortable being inactive.'
Not just because of the news issues,but also due to the virus, C 19, a pandemic. 
The last year has seen many of us recognise ,feel more vulnerabie .
Discovered perhaps for first time,the precious precariousness of our life.
Life we not living in community,nor together on this precious little ball of rock we call home.
However humble home, should always be that safe place,where you can fast,follow TV ,read book,listen to your music.
Have mates stay for chat,meal,longer.
But that place we all spent to long too long.
The music....TV...same people ...all become frustrating for myself.
Lack of belonging.
Allowed too many to use this Virus, an attack.
Those not like us....step forward the non - bindery come to the front. . .pour your vile statements on those us who are differant and see only two genders.
The odd ones.
Step forward because' Black lifes matter ...'more then any other.
The precious comment...All life's  matter....NOT welcome
WOKE community attack those who are differant.
Always look to reflect.....research...revaluation ...pray.
Don't speak ....
That's my urgent.
Just a normal male guy,from the north.That here ....that's me.

Mar 18, 2021

Stay in touch with the issue of those around you


Try stay current with the news 

Try to stay current with the issue that neighbours facing

Have large ears on global business development

What's happening with others life's

Be ready to listen to the experience they could share

Work hard to communicate teachings may have

Do you have relevent understanding

Listening hard to what others may tell you.

Faith communities can sometimes appears not to be supportive of others

But Jesus only interested in the living others are experiencing.

If Church can concern ourselves with others journey...

We then still find core values are relevant

Mar 17, 2021

Don't get fooled today by those whose parting on the left Will tomorrow be a parting on the right... Obediah 16 v 11...l lied no such verse its pop song

Let our words be few but true

setting silence over speech,

being still to listen well,

opt to learn and not to teach,

but when prompted from within

speak the Word that’s meant for each. . . . ...

Yeah some deep stuff it enable you to grow better...develop sense f the others.
Today n radio 4....PM slot heard a scientist refuse to condem or critic Euro sector for the view they hold on Vaccines......came across as learned compassionate,skilful and pastoral.
Atridutes personally want to hold better.Can always learn.
Increased my confidence in his skill in the scientific field he works further.
Reminded me to pray for these folk...those engaging daily to make our lives safer.
Join me
Join me in praying with thanks for their gifts to be embracesed by the many.

Mar 15, 2021

I'm free.........( join me)

Been told ....lose weight to help the NHS. 
Also been told to pay the sugar tax to improve everyones health.
Further been told to cycle rather than drive to save this planet.
Been told take lower rates of pay...
Told downsize....told don't need all that medication ...
Something happened to letting you and l make  own decisions.
Not trusted to make correct decisions.
Threat of punishment evident if we do not go along with VIEWS often of the elite.

I am slightly....ever so slight.. Maverick.
Free thinker.
Make choices l feel comfortable with....
Sure get it wrong....but that's beauty of being individual.
Allowed to be yourself.
Here......sitting here....listening to some vinyl...eating meat....supping a Larger....Here
When you want to join us.

Mar 14, 2021

Fresh soup and Faith


I like soup..much prefare fresh good ingredients wholesome and tasty.

Dried soup like to add to slow cooker  herds and spices.

Luv come in bit tired... open can of soup get filled up quickly.

Does the Job...

But best of all is fresh soup...if got time like to add stuff ,differant fresh vegetables.

Try recipe books but comfortable...cook for others.

Tinned tomatoes soup with spoonful of rice pudding . ..there is my secret!

But best for me is fresh. 

We returned culturally to fresh soup but still enjoy the other varieties.


gone ...perhaps fast going out of favour.?

tried lots of various styles.

Catholic..protestant...Methodist Anglican..United Reformed . . .free..etc.

The Church emerging as simple like Desert father's is again returning to the front.


based on teachings of Jesus Christ.

Example of first disciplines...

Sharing ,caring , conversation rich in meaningful topic's.

Issue's relevant to Believers

Something to add debates.

That's emergence..vital.

What you and l require.

That's the faith communities l want to be a part l want to belong in.

Fresh really old... Ancient.. relevent...desired...Join now.

Be part of that Spiritual demension'.

Mar 13, 2021

Saturday in lockdown...?

 It's a Saturday .... Hull city football team are winning.

Top of the league

Cold winter's still present.

Good win like love it _'changes everything'_ cue for a song'

We no longer do Saturdays night in the UNITED KINGDOM.

music still teases.. . Robert Plant to The Cure...

TV bores me once calls from old friend's...know l no longer know it all

Guess like you ... sometimes best it gets... well feels like a pinball.

Mar 12, 2021

Reality's not someone in a cape

Flying in to save us,

When life is just too tough 

Mar 11, 2021

When its best to shut it.....

 So got attention seeking young woman.... little bit of fame such as it was
.. attacking 94 year old Lady and her family members.

Mistruth inundio gossip..?

Leads to Chaos. . . hurts.?

Society gathered wanting more of the same

Outpouring vile comments

Time reflection not  given........

Oddly Church folk this can be common also... family it happens.....relationships.

Level out...breathe.

Don't have to respond.

Appear as Society do invest in youth... forgetting older people.

.often own experience rejected.

Sit in the way. Seldom listened to. 

In Churches up down country and further in my life....old folks encouraged me hugely.

Only issue l have with Megan that someone listened to her...when been better to tell her to _'listen to others_'


Mar 10, 2021

Life not mean't to be lived in Isolation.

Life is not mean't to be lived in Isolation!

Relationships Intergral to our growth
Community meaning worked out theory ...belonging ..supposed to be part of togetherness. Solitary life even when presented in Biblical sense is not about Isolation.
Jesus was not married...neither was Paul..John the Baptist ...
But all them lived with community ties,had friends followers,had cohort connections.

Second or is it third lockdown ? Become More difficult for for me.
There l said it so 'woke community'can hear me...little self exposure presented.
Really struggle for many...even those in the new version of marrige known 'combinationmarrige'.
God help us!
Battle of wits going on, tensions boil over, feels it just few weeks away till more shops open.
Then we can travell from our locality. Practical stuff can happen.
Spirits will be uplifted,some joy may poke through...engage with more perhaps deeper conversations.

Few ideas to help till then.
Engage with books perhaps few need to reread.
Watch old movie.
Is there an Album have not spent enough time listening to
Art work ..lyrics ..gatefold sleeve.

Ring around contacts...
be the brave person who engages first.
Ask questions and be prepared before that
Phone or call,preparetprepare listen actively.
Could you examine someone whose view find uncomfortable.

Travel outwardly ...needs balance.
 All had internal journeys.
Recognise that it has been tough

Mar 8, 2021

You and l experience hardships ,emotional upset,end of relationships,being disconnected,even climate change, this pandemic, may have personal struggles with mental health, job loss. we have to find reasons to keep moving forward. We must all converse help each move through dark places ,toward the light of hope.

You and l experience hardships ,emotional upset,end of relationships,being disconnected,even climate change, this pandemic, may have personal struggles with mental health, job loss.
Family even it's always a CHALLENGE,
Mostly can be great source of comfort.
But that not where growth is placed.
Me and you, have to find reasons to keep moving forward.
 We must all converse help each move through dark places ,toward the light of hope.
Lean on each other .... sometimes I can only add the simple 
Advice further the odvious.

Mar 7, 2021

Joy and dances


Joy .... Spirituality

often not even thought of in same sentence

Add. . . !



Complete happyness

Loud music can be joyful...happy..


There snobbery with some around music

Church folk can be pinincitkity around music

Some can be complete awkward

Few members can  be polirised on sudject 

Various styles not acceptable

So we don't dance often in Churches...miss out...even known some leave Churches

 if style not acceptable to them.

Like conveyer belt of Worship don't want this.. choose ..

Witnessed this with large screen movie choice.

Dance music ... disco beat is frowned upon.

So likes of groups including...'Black eyed chip...'

Rave culture...'unknown remain out of spiritual demension' of Church folk.

Those using this medium to access Spiritual feelings tryout outside.

Become more outsiders...mission moves..often completely moves away.

Some loose faith.

Because simply spirituality does not embrace joyful noise.

Sometimes spirituality s just joyous happy expression...its dancing long linto night

Like no one is watching

Mar 5, 2021

Saving soul without traditional methods

Find inspiration in lyrics of song
Investigate journey songwriters made
Emotional focus of words
Shared experiance
More to life then 'broken hearts cars...trainers you you follow'
Narrative of how you live life...experianced by another singing a great song.....
That's you...same emotions
That's you....same life been lived by another
That you...feel better
Find others connected in same way.
Soul sings out in Union .
That process of discovery is huge......
Focus can alter....another understands the battles you are facing...
Maybe they singing about...waking up but just wanting to pull the covers ver your head...
That's you....
Shout to the top...shake angry fist...roll up and protest...
That's you.
Marvel at flow of a river...Walk in rain deep I a promised land..
That's you.
Maybe another wants to get out of this place
Or even...
See their baby jive!
That's you as well
Lyrics enables us to live better, simply knowing that somebody else wrote down,sings about ..
What you are going through.
In that life....the life you and they live...there is a rhyme plus reason knowing God making sense this life.

Mar 4, 2021

Label lost and found

This Art work ...came across Mehillia ridge street outside a Mediterranean church last Easter 

Says clearly what l feel 'image of God ' should be. 

Lost son has returned.

Only person unhappy if read the parable.......eldest son.

But lost is home welcomed by Father.

Who spent years crying... looking out on the horizon for the lost!

Tear stained eyes caught in the distance returning son

Rushed to meet him ... embrace the wayward child...Now party time.

Sadly another .....'not to pleased he back...'  this time ,fatted calf gets upset.

This is the theology present ..lost ...excluded... rejected..

are welcomed back home.

Celebration can begin.

Simply love wins..... So much more you can see.

Love a song from way back then ,.....the harmony's .. emotions....sonic.

-"Labelled lost and found"-

By jigsaw

First heard it early 70's played on radio Caroline... across the waves.

...."You will find a heart that missing ,Found it yesterday". . .

The story of the prodigal son one of those 'lost and found' songs...

Story of God's love for us.

Mar 3, 2021

Wellbeing became buzzword

Well being ....had become something of interest
Hear lot talk about mental health
Perhaps its just way society and life operates ,how many live 
but concern for self is vital to the way you function.
Should l suggest be part of theology
God l feel cares about you
Simple words to write but large truth!
Before you were born 
before knitted together in your mother womb
God Psalm says...l knew you ......knew plans l had for you...

We often need to return to the garden... beginning.. process different views
Start of this theology according to You and I
Pause ........lwe now know how to be at that place,
What's substantial effected your development in own faith journey
Which piece of Art?
What film struck you personally with a message?
In what way has lyrical from a song,other content enables hope or has lifted you up?
Maybe just let you be aware that others also been in that place found yourself.

Where you thought noone else had been?

Awareness of the above aids your well being.

Mar 2, 2021

So what films music and Art enable in you,better understanding of God ...your theology ..Kevin Waller series starting soon

Yeah already had few over the years gonna go bit deeper over next few weeks.
Kinda thing done in Church ."God on the decks,Church in a niteclub sessions".
Further on share how this is type of worship. Blogged about issue as you may know.
All coming into new book . . .so read deeper when that's out.
Please use email for feedback, or phone.
The awkward me never happy without 'face to face'.
Have always stayed away from ..'Zoom' thingiemyjig.
Been mentioned ..not good when get testing day health ways ..presenting myself via this medium.
So films and 'saving your soul'.
Music and 'uplifting or lyrics that explore your faith'.
Art .......not so gifted nor knowledgeable here, so let others lead us,please do share!

Now ...couple of guidance notes...there no wrong statements ...
but for myself avoid Horror.
:- Exorcist......not horror but challenging film. . ?that  ones coming very soon.
No sexy little numbers that's a challenge on blog!

Loads of lyrical happenings ...some coulers..hope disagreement..beautiful sharing.
Boy oh boy...may introduce you to some ace music...


I like it, hope you will.

Bloody miserable same tone of grey all day DO SOMETHING WEATHER PEOPLE B4 l lose it

Home is a wounded heart.

 When l was younger around 18 years old although was resident DJ several nights a week lot of weekends. Playing latest sounds. Dance tracks ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"