Jan 31, 2021

Responce to huge fire at immigration camp in Kent

The cause of a huge fire at the ex-military facility accommodating illegal migrants has yet to be confirmed, but the Home Secretary has reportedly called the destruction "appalling" and "deeply offensive to the taxpayers of this country who are providing this accommodation." 

Fancy some facebooked me asking to sign a petion to get this closed down!
I have been to these places .Let me be clear here 'better place then my own'.
Bills paid 
Getting fed
Claims being processed
Friends close by and not in danger
In the piece (of not surprising news) !Police confirmed ......
it is treating the fire at the Napier Barracks yesterday as suspected arson.

Migrants kicked off as some got the hotel treatment following a Covid outbreak ,
and some didn't, so they trashed the canteen and started a fire.
Unhappy being told to stay in the barrecks ......want freedom
Well so do we
I want to be able to move around freely
But we cannot 
Do not appreciate some people suggesting we British holding people came here illegally in prison
Preventing them moving around.
I cannot drive where l wish
People been fined going more then 7 miles from thier home
Family's been fined for meeting up 
Shopping for non essentials.
Return to that non essential later.
It's called a pandamic,liberal views are Irrelevent ..unhelpful ...hurt staff trying hard to allow them access to situation they chose to enter.
Not I fear nor in danger ....life is tough but they are actuly free...or where they living about circumstances and situations they fled from?
Non essential
S my desire to watch a DVD or buy some vinyl essential ...l did not expect to be in this kind of society
We are becoming very harsh in our treatment of each other.
So this is freedom
You must be joking

Jan 29, 2021

Still here in January 2021 where days fall not one,months don't change and years stalled

Often in past l would be preparing to escape
For health reasons
Getting ready to depart
Talking more...engage others more ..eat better...see old friends same old tried tested vacancies 
Now everything rolls along weather cold
Hate social media connections
Hate espically poor bullying journalisum so evident on news channels along with news stands
Dislike this moment 
Where we are truly stuck in a moment we can't get away from.
Still stood in a moment we ,you and l,can't get away from
Health issue...places where light still is alongside me
Got food
Got warmth
Will get by....just don't like being here...cannot see reason nor rhythm of life
Mentally safe
Money's ways safe
Miss that sense of belonging of preparing,departing,going somewhere
Stuck here in this place we can't get away from.......
You and l ....
Been long time since heard from a Forever Angel ....kinda hard too

Jan 27, 2021

Life is just too tough.....










Jan 25, 2021

Poor journalism coming under scrutiny ......been a while but turning,it's turning.

The TV news and radio coverage been challanged few ways this day
Surprised that BBC led. Twice.
Yeah shocked me...
Radio 4 ran informative hour at one o clock looking at ways in which children suffered during this lockdown
Many schools been hit and miss...in and out.
Homes not really suitable for learning
Socail media fails a fair few
Teachers not been committed ,that sounds mean but matter of fact.
Not able to assist each pupil by remote learning
Simple fact.Children trying hard,working with them

 l expect that resilance from them
Further commitment also present
But remote learning often choas and limited.
Real community required in developing socail skills .
Teachers cannot keep adjusting to changing situation.
Scientist also featured suggested no evidence that it was helping in controlling even more distructive virus.
Journalist also come under attack BBC for promoting great lockdown.
An MP spoke at length about difficulties being experianced it was last week was not covered until today.
Lockdown great if you got wage
Great if you can work from home
OK if secure with money.
IF not,then really difficult place to be imprisoned.
Rich are getting richer
Poor as always well....you can fill in the quote yourself.
C19 highlights further equality so evidnt in our country.

Jan 24, 2021

Radio BBC Radio 2..we have Jeremy Vine ...money bags and greed...also TV piers Morgan...bully and simpleton.

Poor journalisum in Hull newspaper suggests that those on UC ESA Other Benefits would revive £1000.... No story just fake news .

Immediately those are attacked for wanting 'Smart Phones etc...

Article states...

A Government source reportedly said: "One of the motivations of the Treasury is they think people will go out and spend it and help stimulate the economy."

The paper says the Treasury confirmed a one-off payment was on the table for discussion.

Promotes a question... Do you think this is a good idea?

 Looking after the poor is a choice making them victims of poor biased reporting an act of injustice,shameful also.

The newspaper industry and crop of present journalists peddle bad feeling,fear and promote low cultures.

Values many have little time for....sign of the times pandamic or no pandamic poor storytelling.

Radio BBC Radio 2..we have Vine ...money bags and greed...also TV piers Morgan...bully and simpleton..

We deserve much better.

Jan 23, 2021

Did a song say something like.. "there comes a time when we heed a certain call,we all come together as one..."

The past
Echoes into this moment..on the coast bitterly cold,struggling to stay warm day.
Perhaps hope finds the conditions difficult,wonder about future.
Psalm ,a song ,a echo from past ....hear it sonic ,reaches your heart.
Begin to sing internally.
Know own voice is aged and not finest,
 but heart is racing with emotions,the operatic underscore of where you find yourself with others.

....There comes a time when we hear a certain call...
And the world comes together as one...
...there are people dying ...its time to lend a hand...

We got together addressed issues fought in team,all united for common good of others.
Lessons learnt a better way of being.
A better way of doing emerged.
Needed again.

Jan 22, 2021

Suzanne reids breast ,well nothing to local Robin...yeah but he not readingnews!


Really to read the news dress like that
Maybe the simpleton who bullies the guest need her alongside him
but really very Woman...not very empowering

Well went out came across this lovely local bird
She got quite impressive breast
Really proud and brown, not so reddish

Along mud path near lakes.

Giving pleasure,
Nature reminds us hope is closer...

In these times of underachievement

Nature whispers

Jan 21, 2021

Just wisdom and advice for each of you

Many need us to help support offer a smile

Invest in your walking



Less TV

More vinyl

 Stay warm

Stay healthy

Look out to others

Examine self

Encourage those struggle

Jan 20, 2021

Good news again this time on footie field....plus in wet fields

Hull City my home town team,produced ,so are saying,arguably their most complete performance of the season so far to beat  Accrington Stanley 3-0, courtesy of goals  Wilks, Whyte plus a Josh Magennis penalty.Taking over from Lincoln City at top.

Felt good listening enjoye d. Commentary on local radio.Not complete Te but heard enough

Ha d great day with. Matthew my son,rained but went out around muddy lakes. Orthanoligy watching ducks ,geese,magpies,starlings...sound of pipins also Robins.

Screates of seagulls,carrion crows loudness.

Rains came.

Had fun food and burgers....life at present but simple nature God given.

Jan 19, 2021

Asking myself what does the gospel the good news of Jesus really mean for myself.....

Gave me sense of being important to creator God
Felt that followed teachings of Jesus those Kingdom values
Well they made common sense 
It best way sense of being in this community of others trying to do the same thing
In regards to justice 
Better way of getting society where more are invited less were excluded
That was something l belong too
This faith in Jesus better for community for larger for myself as well
Got feeling that know was spirit of God...that sounds vain ..unlikely ...hard to accept
Enough for me to go on
That's me now still going on in that was
Following teachings ..actions ..words ...of Jesus
That and more is my good news!

Jan 18, 2021

Police have been fining people for going on socially distanced walks and legally visiting relatives in care home. Well hard

Police are not social workers
Not pastoral
Not health workers
They are protectors 
Act against crime not be social engineering agents

Police have been fining people for going on socially distanced walks and legally visiting relatives in care homes. 
Where laws haven’t been broken, police have said such actions break the ‘spirit’ of lockdown. This is alarming, 
Watched with distress the local East Yorkshire police act brutal way against young teen watching Whale carcass on beach.
Not helpful only led to anger further future hostility .
Bullies acting well hard 
Not required........

Jan 17, 2021

My own search for wisdom.......like under cushions with remotes

  The mouthis a true index of character. It is through the mouth and eyes that all emotions are expressed. I did read once of a man whose nose quivered with rage, but it is not usual; I never heard of anyone whose chin did anything. It would be absurd to expect it to

.........A A Milne author of 'Winnie the pooh'....

Get lot of my wisdom from such source's...also

,Boy..the Mole,horse and the fox...






Odd TV programs may Question the truths

Faith is about wrestling with doudt overcoming fears

Here the day begin with weak sunset

 Here's to the babies in mothers arm's

Here's to the loved one's in another's care

Here to the street workers also youthies bit detached...

Here to you

Here to you my love

Let the day begin

Jan 15, 2021

Emotional literacy of precious beautiful song lyrics...haunting at times

But darling there you go, slipping away into a state of grace
Granted, this world is not a perfect place
Still it's the world that I'm in
Here I am talking while 
You don't hear a word I say
Knowing you're watching me from far away
Somewhere that I've never been
Don't you see, you lived a different life than me
It don't mean you have to be afraid of how
We're not the same, don't leave me now
Love lyrics to songs ...pass open doorway..cafe front...car audio..friend says listen
Rare sometimes on the radio...hear something a simple but beautiful meaningful thing
 Becomes more buy song on album or cd ..listen further
Resonate deeper,share with another.. Still fond decades later.
Forget the song
Passing another place you reminded hear it like its new
More precious
More beautiful
More depth
More meaningful
Lyrics to a song..precious..beautiful..sad even..emotional literacy of a forgotten melody

Jan 14, 2021

Not so idealistic living rural and on North coastal

Guess when in 1978l was told you won't like rurul my older friend was correct

Guess l thought being young that not connected was the way to be

I dreamed that rural was calm perhaps idiotic. Like l was confused

But that being young

Now l know

Limited services

Poorer connections

Views are narrow of  cohesion


Jan 13, 2021

I am a poet and l didn't know it....

Slow stop..take a deep breathe
Stand stock still
Take a reset
Here the day cherish the sight
Notice your life as its passing you by
If Done that.........now what
Start again
Begin to breathe
Enjoyed the moment
Plus the relief.

Jan 12, 2021

When they attacked the exampt l did not speak up...my trolley full so why should l care

When they came for those without masks l did not speak up 

I wear a mask so why should l care

No l did not speak up

I chose to live in fear

My trolley full so why should l care

Jan 11, 2021

We seam tobe moving against those who are wearing exemption orders Another example of attacking vulnerable seeking to justify a police state...it's shameful

We have become oppressive in our approach to those at risk in this crisis
Asking unlawful questions
Not following ethical conduct nor behaving with symphysis towards those who are ill
Poor health is not a choice
Discrimination allows others to be bully's
I fear those who make statements about others health conditions
Victims of ill health suffer already 
Why does our society have so little compassion
Oh yeah society is sick....

Jan 10, 2021

Swim deep you majastic creature in heavens Ocean

GOODBYE majestic awesome creature.silently disappear..

Not supposed to be this way

However for moment we experience

Something of your valuable life

Touched many 

Have whale of a time away from this place

Swim deep


Cannot always sail away on a ship called Dignity

I know we want dignify but sometimes we well 
Just do not get it
Been said that it's a ship we can sale away to the new shore
But it's not
It's hard journey undignified
Endings...story not what l would write for you

Someone began a book informative book..with these words....LIFE IS TOUGH
TRUTH is dignity
Often absent
Even in death


Jan 8, 2021

To much standing in line...to much power to Authority...too much yes you must

Need more why
More no l won't 
More lets try other path one not trodden so much
To much surrender to those who abused 
Lost community
Lost freedoms
Losing dignity
Lack cohesion 
Community which was undervalued
Look sure better way
Sure if consulted many like me would contribute much more
But this waiting in line for abusers and power moguls to act for vulnerable ...that unsure of with complete certainty.

Jan 7, 2021

Sometimes song or Dylan states in lyrics what going on in the world....

Feel like my soul has turned into steel
I've still got the scars that the sun didn't heal

There's not even room enough to be anywhere
It's not dark yet, but it's getting there."

From later day album....the journey carries on...from a 'pawn in the game' to 'forever young'..
To even this year...False prophet had line something like...
" not having time for people whose life's are Irrelevent " lyrics.
Speak the operatic drama of day to day life
Bee Gees love so right...the emotional literacy...capture heart,mind,feelings
Today these lines show up as observe America ...protest..pandamic..Whale dead on our beach..lack f community.
Feel like my soul has turned into steel
"There's not even room enough to be anywhere
It's not dark yet, but it's getting there."
God allows us to psalm these moments...Bible of today there gospel truth being shared.

Jan 6, 2021

Hell on earth

Walked local streets looked up at curtains not reach
Overcrowded homes...
Heard children crying
Man swearing using C... And F...in word
Smell dope flooded prom where l sat
Began in my heart to grieve
Poorly heated houses
Poverty visible
Friend who got urines running down inside of his lower ground flat
10 months awaiting repair
Threats on the council estates where l visited
Dirty estate called Bransholme...felt like movie prison scene
Grieving...wrestled with worry plus concerns
Old person asked me for help...local services shut
Pandamic nothing hell people are living ....l grieve
Visit food bank soon check on volts further catch up.
Hell got a name it's called ...this locality.....its nearby another version
Something went wrong long before this pandamic.
BBC ..local media...newspaper ...journalisum ...Hell ain't even on the agenda
Professional poverty talkers all tooled up in bed.

Jan 5, 2021

Reaching for the top yeah reaching for the very top....all my life keep reaching up

"There's lots of hierarchies to attempt to climb & if you fail in one go try in another.. the point is, you're still trying to aim for the top & what the hell are you going to do if you don't try to aim for the top?

 Flap about uselessly & whine about your life? It's not helpful"

Jan 3, 2021

You'll catch me in 2021 still following Jesus,trying to be a kingdom person.

Watching old films on TV
Reading old books
Got new cloths
Money in bank
Enough worries
Still getting up at stupid o clock 
Feel bit poorly
Read old Diaries 
It's normal feel poorly this time of year
Normal and new year ....pretty OK
Praying a lot
Still following Jesus......
On the last year politics can l suggest ,'stop judgeing a book by its cover.' It seems no one told the identitarians. Weird cult of so last year 2020,They have spent much that period,judging and condemning people for their skin colour ,religion,networks,place f birth,imagined class ,also their sex. It's time to leave this skin-deep politics behind.
More individuality,more community,more dialogue.

Jan 1, 2021

Welcome 2021.....hope ..faith... conversations simple stuff required.

 Hope ... community...travel... conversation

Faith to grow..... vocational rehabilitation and

Tonnes of Love.


Oh yeah soon trip to Maltese Islands

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"