Dec 30, 2020

I live this joke called 2020

Can't touch
Cannot go out
Stay close
Keep apart
Dead whales
Daily excersise 
No Church
No pub 
Banned from travel
Stay away from coast
Don't meet up
Got no job
Got fewer friends
Apart at Christmass
Lot more deaths
Lot more sucides
Increased domestic violence 
Hull city relegated
Season ended
No live shows
Theatre's closed
Very few healed
Friends apart
People died
Pandamic arrived
Pandamic stayed
Pandamic stayed came back again
Brexit selected
Lords remained
Vote to leave settled 
I missed you more
I don't know why
I loved this joke called 2020

Dec 29, 2020

Are you awoke yet

300 years ago, slavery was acceptable. 40 years ago, gay marriage was unthinkable. 40 years from now, transgender re-alignment for kids might be a crime. Morality changes and one generation damns the other. Say how history works..
Sunday school and Christian ideals old hat
Racing at home could be a crime
Lockdown enters forth decade
Hey l?

Dec 28, 2020

Whale pod deaths East Riding 07-18 morning update

UPDATE 7-18 council and (CISK )Marine specialist, going to perform otopsie ...they said in chat earlier simply looks like took wrong turn near Scotland food supply,(of squid )and low waters ,meant they could not survive.
Sad life simply hangs on a decision like that.
Nature call s all sorts of signals.
Allows us to ponder on life....l have been impressed by outpouring of sadness.
Sad but true this is rare Sight of such splendid hidden creature.
Many been touched by this image...despite how tuff it all appears.

Dec 26, 2020

The event of Yeshua’s birth took place on a warm night in central Israel, likely in the autumn. Miram, a young Jewish girl named Miriam gave birth to a son and the hope our people had carried for thousands of years was born. This Shabbat, we want to share that hope with you.

.. . .Whales pod died on our beach
Ice on ungritted roads
Honey Buzzerd flying low
No sun ....05 in car temperate
Delivering Christmass hampers on the actual day
Collected from our Church friends
People who received ......they shared wonderful present with two other homes
Day ended on dark county roads 
It had begun when day awoke
I stopped to walk on Seaside promenade before callin it a day...
Cleaner had opened the toilet so those out for a walk could use
So much kindness
Many of my family working today
On the docks
In social care
Making PPE
True meaning of Christmass.........
Luv it.....

Dec 25, 2020

Too you at Christmas

Dead whales on the beach
Blizzard snow cold winds
Shelves scares enough..communication rare
Friendship still evident...luv absent...pandamic still on patrol 

Dec 21, 2020

Well it's the shortest day of the longest most awful year we had experienced together

Community it's about belonging
On this the shortest day it been dark a while the mood of winter has captured my feelings.
Appear not tobe offering much grace
Nor do we l feel learning to be better as humans
We lost very things that make us human ..communication...touch..chats ...dialogue
What are we preparing for in the longest year end to this awfully long year
Long now...residing in this long winter
Even up on the snow drifts of Yorkshire at top peak it not as bitter as local community
Perhaps just in a 'too white undiverse community'...
But long now brings little evidence of hope.
Hope l give to mine drifts through this...felt prepared 
When possible engaged 
Met others
Witnessed kindness
Shared with others
Felt comfortable with being me...
Family and friends been close...nired me with own acts of concern and kindness.
Remain open.....God is close 

Dec 19, 2020

Can you prepare for this period

 Time coming to end for

The year of challenge

Perhaps this was period

We should been prepared Faith found wanting

Or we knew that our faith develop in this period..have values we hold firmly to been relevent. How resilient 

Has our character proven? 

What am l holding dear and precious?

I salute youths......wonder how myself at young age would


Hope had enough during this period.... unsure.

Dec 18, 2020

The day given to us.....a gift....

 The day given to us nearly over

What value did we take with us

How can we share that with others

In what ways can l develop further

Shared some movie ideas

Looked at books

Got out old Film to watch

Understood others fears

Chatted with good folk

Inspired by individuals who have  given to others

Not a bad Day

Dec 15, 2020

In nature hear this voice it a reason for this belief l carry

only things l have ever known
I was lost and all alone but heard you callin me home.....callin me home...l hear you callin me home...the peace in my it's grown... still l hear you callin me home..

She sits knitting a jumper

Waitin for the home loving man

To return to port

Tomorrow become today

I once knew someone who waited

They we even me mocked

In a port city we never knew

That love was everlasting

Love everlasting went out of fashion you see....during my time in this place..

Dec 13, 2020

Simple steps....get us through long Winter of now

Spent lot of time thinking here about advice  present... for two reasons
I - do not have IT at home address 
2- want to be accessible with comments


Listening to music yesterday early in the morning as often do these days. No longer watch much TV.

Simply listened to Deborah's theme from...Once upon a time in America ...
Several times allowed this to flood over a little.
Odd had best nights sleeps in a while found real focus.
Like l say that's ODD bit.
Simple music

Dec 12, 2020

Please know that it's not a sin to experience depression and anxiety. They are illnesses that can be treated. They are also liars that tell you you're not worthy of feeling better. But you are worthy. You are loved. You matter

Psalm 139 goes very deep into how unigue
How special
How beautiful we are
Even when being formed
Enjoy being U
Return to this theme a great deal..something the society obsessed with Identy Culture ignores
Trans community shout loud righting the beauty of a creator forming us
Do not know what it feels like to be born confused and l have symphony 
But do not agree with vast distorted numbers promoted by others.
What could be better then to recognise hand of creator in your life.

Dec 11, 2020

The journey that is U may it remain open and creative,full funny with friends a plenty

Let TV Entertain.
Allow music to Heal.
Comfort the memories
Settle down read a little.
Treat yourself to quiet period.
Reward yourself withChocolate. 
Hold loved ones in your mindl....even those gone beforehand..forgive first in your heart.
Carry no shame.
Steward own resources.
Draw a picture...on paper...let moment doing that enable you to drift away.
Walk keep healthy and fit.
Wrap up against The cold but still traverse out.
Remain in communication...get to the coast ,spend some time with others chatting.
Keep off social media as a routine, have days when not present there.
Value U.

Dec 9, 2020

Long winters journey takes me to the coast

2020 in pictures and word's

End of journey takes place at the coast

Perhaps it's true for people

Kinds feels like that

In this long winter of now

 A Year what a year challenge

Health.... communities... Jesus....lost through Death family...young and l still not communicate as we know should... forgiveness...Life.

Dec 7, 2020

Was Gil Scott heron a racist because he used term Whitey....

Again no
He knew poverty...hard hard times...being from ghetto battled life troubles.
Drugs oppression...society..even own folks.
He had real issue with BLM mainly due to their racist views and the harsh treatment offered to those who did not agree with Marxist beliefs.
We miss arguments and essence if we dismiss others.
Check out poetry of Gil Scott heron...the revolution will not be televised...Winter in America.
Neither are those who booed the kneeling by football players racist.
They are allowed to boo
Choose not like or go along with the BLM gestures
They know poverty
They know innercitie
They do not agre with some issues.
5% V 95%
Loud actions are not reason enough to get many complying 

Dec 6, 2020

Even in winter sun shines...views are brilliant...Faith journey in cold,dark still evident

Winter a mood
Winter is cold
Winter is dark
Winter is more Lonlie 
Winter season...winter mood...winter place
We all my journey into ....even remain in for a while...
But Sunday coming in a hopeful way.
God bless you in winter of the long now

Dec 5, 2020

The winter mood in a winter seasons

 Was l only person on the seafront yesterday

Well it's bitter weather ways at present

No shops nor cafe open

No opportunity for dialogue

Seagulls left

I wondered in winter mood

Wrapped up...

But solitary fine... occasionally

Part of spiritual package we should all embrace

Part of the cognatic scaffolding put up to develop character.....

Dec 3, 2020

Every road try to take....

He  God can take your hand and prayed with me, then sometimes in an instant, a crowded train or your car becomes sacred space.

The seafront walk, stroll in the woods. Moment chatting with friend who shares this faith.

It is really a unigue thing that is for everyone.

The wrestling part of the journey, hands clenched in Anger, quiet deep reflections.

Listening ...watching nature.

Not knowing...waiting.

The notion that any place we occupy can become a sacred space feels rebellious.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"