Apr 30, 2020

Lyrics to songs for times like these...although may be written at another timeline

I—I'm a one-way motorway
I'm the road that drives away
Follows you back home

I—I'm a street light shining
I'm a white light blinding bright
Burning off and on

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

I—I'm a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight

But I—I'm a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

Apr 29, 2020

views recent life

Church is capable of creating belonging communities

Still hearing about support for vulnerable groups...
The low pay are at risk losing employment . . 
Disabled will find services are going to be much less!
That not possible___
Young have to struggle for longer..
Again further cuts affected these groups during ressision 
Resulting in changes.. after this pandemic,should target rich first.
That change we need.
Here where correct 'system error' needs to be programmed. so poor do not loose ,
Witnessed today few Church's beginning discussions ,around getting rid of staff.
Challange ahead.
Listen more.
Do not move ahead with harsh decisions.
Change is gonna come.......protect the poorest.
Whoever they may be...
Create better belonging for all.
Church is good at this...we had to cross cultural,gender,
generation,social barriers.
Keep on in these areas

Apr 27, 2020

My Plans for this day

My plan for today start of new week:
 - solve climate change 
 - develop renewable fuel
 - prepare talk on the meaning of life
-  Issue time table for speech on Church responses to C19
 - Heart issue fell sleep napped 4 hours
 - find lyrics to some Dylan songs
-  Send text msg so
 - Prepare chapters for curried meal l cooked yesterday
- Discover cure for men of my age "staring into distance..."

Apr 26, 2020

This lack of real stuff gets me..

Some music listening to again...

Beach boys.....pet sounds 
Bod Dylan...at the budokan 
Dire straits....lot of mixed albums 
Joni Mitchell two tracks ...'a case of you,...'big yellow cad.'. ..
Santana..... Marie Marie.....

Reading interviews from old melody maker,new musical express.
Hearing stuff differently 
Same with people....desire to understand more...
Death never worried me,living as best has can always concerned me more
This lack of real....
That got to me ,
Being alone
Being detached
Being separate 
That not an issue 
But not connecting nor struggling with way we built community's....that's my DNA
Missing that
Like also just getting in my car....driving...with music loud
Well that
Missing that normal stuff
Feel rodded like same feeling  
when my health rodds me of days that disappear 

Apr 25, 2020

We re not in same boat during C19 Storm

We Are not in same boat, that a stupid comment.
We are still on titanic,
Allowed on upper decks.
Waving goodbye as band plays,
The last life boat goes onto the horizon.
We re not in same boat,
Not really same storm. . . .

Apr 24, 2020

Let's get together and do it again......

 The lockdown is causing economic mayhem, 
mass unemployment and the end of liberty. 
Let’s now be courageous and go back to normal life
.............think go back soonish to how it was....
Just not convinced many have emotional literacy to change
For me internally found few that have processed very much about how pace of life brought us here
Listening to ,,,naked scientist ...agree that we got into this mess by our own greed.
.l...feel need to have emergance test...how will you function differently..
Trust me know comfortable few who worked this and more out..but lot really will not fathom beyond the lockdown
There a certain self centeredness ,that needs Spiritual transformation 
See few looking there

Apr 22, 2020

“If we come out of this crisis with the rickety, fly-blown, worm-eaten old structures still intact,the same vain and indolent public schoolboys in charge, the same hedge fund managers stuffing their overloaded pockets, our descendants will not forgive us.” Phillip Pullman

What l am doing presently

Reading more,
listen to varied music..
Watching less TV then imagined ..
Walking further..
Witnessing community breakdown..
See privaleged supporting privaleged ..
Spending less money..
Wanting to be more involved..
Getting less social communication ..
Missing talking to real people,
Finding out who friends are ,
Sleeping less.
Missing special moments ..
 more Reflecting stranger ways.
Cooking weird foods . .
More desire for community.
Realised 'church as church'--not functioned way it should have for two decades.
I was right there!
Getting wiser in my mind. . 
Worried that above nots true 

That's it really.....

Apr 21, 2020

C19 return to old ways rich still get richer

Gaps so evident in our society still no optermisum that change will occur 
Hope changes in lifestyle will happen 
Own pray would be for that
But many struggling already so this presently not such big deal
Not having enough
Coping with limited resources
Many here well versed in doing
C19 will not bring changes
The privileged ...still be privileged.. still be supported by privaleged ..
That much feel will be proven
You see that how it's been
Anyone really think rich gonna step up and give up
Ha ha ha ha
Now whose being naive....Godfather quote slipped in...hello FA

Apr 20, 2020

hold up mirror

C19 holds up a mirror to society
Showing us we are
care less
Celebrity centered
Wealth gathering
Wrong values
Pay wrong people wrong money
Self interested
TV sourcered
Rrsults in communitys being
Damaged and broken
God has a plan 
Different kingdom values..
New way..old ways

Apr 18, 2020

Currant 5 words........what's yours

5 words descride my feelings at present

Oddest it been so long in this long silence
Prayers appeared to be unanswered
Limited contact........
Used to this...
Really l am

Apr 16, 2020

Spike in some things....

There been truly spike in antisocial behaviour.
Local to myself
This is not place monetary richLack of social cohesion,
People feel imprisoned.
Witness 'rich', playing games in homes they cannot imagine.
Full fridges.
Luxury fitness APS.
Full bellys,
Giving to charity,
While they worry about this period, to his is OK for some... But for poorest they get up wondering how to meet extra that lockdown incurring.
Again gaps occurred.

Many can enjoy fact they are rich isolation, a welcome ....
Some isolation, being without, and uncertainty is the only life they known.

Apr 15, 2020

Church must U turn C19 return to marginalised

Expecting any C19 budget to justify increase that give pain to poorest our society failed vulnerable
Time after time
Which suggest we got the society we deserve
The most vulnerable where always on t the margins
Austrity pushed them further away
The edges where the poorest experience life
Youth services
Community development
Ended workers support in these areas till we had no relevance to issues
People like me ostracise felt to be embarrassment
We no longer required

We Christian must reengage edges
Discover our voice
Exist again on margins
There God will amaze with his presence
More important then reopening building's

Apr 14, 2020

Fearful for young in C19 plight

Already witnessing some disturbing behaviour
In this rural community on north east coast 
Lockdown in blighted low income enviroment
Huge challenge. 
Gatherings taking place odd times
Loudness also young people sat alone hidden on seafront
Spoke to one know yesterday.......getting to me....
Brothers got issues
Relationships and anger violence clearly undercurrent .
No new initiates for young
They are suffering with such uncertainty.
Become reliant on drugs still being distributed .
Lots of vital stuff already closed while ago 
Sorry to stae this expect essential ,already limited 
Services will be cut further very soon.

Apr 13, 2020

sorry have not got answer

Just walked theologicaly don't have to give answers
Just cannot explain now or why find it all
Nasty further unplacesent creul
Sorry if desire more not got anything more
...pray..be kind..connect..be fearless...walk

Few facts

  • Forty per cent of those who were killed by COVID-19 were in their 60s and 70s
  • More than half - 52 per cent - were 80 years old or over, NHS England data shows
  • Of the 7,097 deaths in the UK, almost 6,500 have been in England  
  • Anyone can catch the virus, but its severity depends on your age 
  • 190 people die each day of heart issues....530 month...2200 present lockdown 
  • So Plato in Deaths each month ......l get issues breathing plus 29 episodes hour
  • Lot people LIFES daily struggle 
  • Poverty still there with them when this is over

Apr 12, 2020

church....We ran from this too easily

Silent...empty... Still...closed
...mothballed... Remote...
Are Church buildings needed?
Nothing to say
No contributions to the debate
Out of touch
Irrelevant and quiet
There was a time when we spoke into situation
Brought hope to all
Issues where something we knew about
Words were vital relevant brought life
Uncomfortable writing this...but its true
Not involved in this issue
Our message found to be unrequired
All the stuff we know about
But this...we ran away too quickly

Apr 11, 2020

Feels Churlish...but honesty required

Time really going-slow not enjoy life at present
Happiness not here
Many just getting by
Know sounds churlish
Got to be honest....
Overall quiet streets...still danger
Going to be a struggle for the poor, already seeing huge gaps between the
haves and those without
homes not good enough feel worse
Missing gardens........not enough food......energy costs too high
 isolation bringing bigger concerns
Lost...lost...so much
Time is slow
Lack of community
Lack of communication
Lack of people
Sadly lot more lacking
Buying daft CD's

Apr 10, 2020

This2will pass.......not soon enough

This 2 will

......please Lord soon....

poorest suffering most during lockdown

It me l just miss talking to others
Meeting for a cuppa...
.nowhere real special..
Like listening to music in my car. . . . Loud...freedom...people...daft stuff
Poorest people suffer most during lockdown

Apr 9, 2020

Struggling being locked down

. I think we’ve been truly blessed to live in a time when the internet sort of alleviates the feeling of isolation, but certainly doesn’t replace in-person conversation —that what fuels me...gives me energy...let's me understand l am not alone...it what struggling with People nods silences seeing them...Humansreally special unigue and wonderful...even beautiful... especially now....With that being case struggling with lockdown.  .... Given that we are approaching Easter weekend miss long walks plus visits to Churches...

Apr 8, 2020

As fast as zimmer frames would move

I am honestly finding this time not belonging really confusing.
Chose that word because time on hold.
Community not evident.
Friends are distant.
Periods very long more frustration are occuring.
Sad to say some people not been in touch.
Most biggest surprise was when faith community.... so quickly hung up shop.
That l was not expecting.
Better reflection...think Age play big part.
The older ones ran for hills as fast as modile scooters and zimmer frames could move.
some disappointed me as they made no plans to remain connected.
They are isolated.
Away from the game.
Do they think this will not teach a lesson?
Wonder what plans can be made to return to previous state of play?

Apr 4, 2020

suffering.......part of life

Suffering is a difficult issue
It improves character
Think deeper
Now you and l been touched
Together it hit us
Whole communities need fundamental change

Apr 3, 2020

Stuck here now

Just checking on foodbank in our rural community
They are doing mission essentially to these times
The numbers changed
great need has risen
Felt humbling witness ongoing kindness of others
Despite harshness of this moment
we carry on with the provisions
The desire to be elsewhere
 Time,need to be elsewhere.
In the future
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on dateline???
Well . . . perhaps you could tell me
Just stuck in this moment that we can't get'out of .Nor away from


Apr 2, 2020

We all need to adapt

We will need to adapt.
Protect not just those close to you.
Respond also reflect deeper.
Lead yes spiritual leadership?
Thats because thats made this worse......
naive reactions

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"