Oct 8, 2019

A trailer by the sea. . . .. from a phone box at Sefton Rosie calls...

Yes it really is this close and precarious for those living here
it become something that `ole Crusty ` do as they retire,

 move to a trailer by the sea.
Tried it.. Done that.. Got T-Shirt ..and the memory of cold.

Today went out the early morning. 

Simple intention of prayer walking .But slipped into just walk.
That not good nor how want it to be..as become normal when can walk long time slipped into sleep later on in afternoon.
Got to work out this heart issue .Heart stopping 29 time each hour.Know how feel but unsure what further impact will take on my health,    
But also my resources. 
 If honest not best period.

Expect on a hot summer day ,still pretty ace place to sit and drink cup Tea, or glass of whatever . .last week when wind, along rain belted down.Well was a grey depressing experience to visit  friend ..you forget the noise of the rain on the tin roof..along with long period of cold..warmth disappears along with own fuel occasional payment..sitting with several layers of clothing keeping you slightly warm.

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My faith means get back up. That thing found still believe in that stuff. Maybe because come from large working

Move out or grow in any dimension and pain as well as joy will be your reward. A full life will be full of pain. I come from large working c...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"